def test_download_force_flag(tmp_path, mocked_responses, capsys, caplog,
                         body='12345;DEFAULT_LISTFILE_URL DOWNLOAD',

    listfile = tmp_path / "listfile.csv"

    # If it doesn't exist and we've said we don't want to download it,
    # make sure we don't download it
    assert not listfile.exists(), "our fresh tmpdir already has a listfile?!"
    ret = wowdump.main([
        # "--listfile", str(listfile),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    # assert ("csvcache", logging.WARNING,
    #         str(listfile) + " does not exist, not resolving fileids") in caplog.record_tuples
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "WARNING: listfile does not exist, fdid name resolution disabled" in captured.err
    assert not listfile.exists(), "downloaded listfile when we shouldn't have"

    # If it doesn't exist otherwise, we should try to download it
    ret = wowdump.main([
        # "--listfile", str(listfile),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "NOTICE: downloading new listfile" in captured.err
    assert listfile.read_text() == "12345;DEFAULT_LISTFILE_URL DOWNLOAD"

    # it exists now, make sure we don't try to download it again
    # If it doesn't exist otherwise, we should try to download it
    ret = wowdump.main([
        # "--listfile", str(listfile),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "WARNING: listfile does not exist" not in captured.err
    assert "NOTICE: downloading new listfile" not in captured.err

    # it exists, but make sure we _do_ try to download it if we
    # explicitly request it
    ret = wowdump.main([
        # "--listfile", str(listfile),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "NOTICE: downloading new listfile" in captured.err
Пример #2
def test_filter_keep_multi(request, capsys, extra):
    ret = wowdump.main([
        os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, input_model),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    # basically identical to the previous test
    # make sure what we want is there
    assert "/model/version =" in captured.out
    assert "/model/collision_sphere_radius" in captured.out

    # make sure other things aren't
    assert "/model/textures" not in captured.out

    # make sure our elison messages aren't (sloppilly)  (FIXME: do better?)
    assert "elided" not in captured.out

    # check total lines
    assert len(captured.out.rstrip("\n").split("\n")) == 2
Пример #3
def test_simplify(request, capsys, extra):
    ret = wowdump.main([
        "--simplify",  # also the default
        os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, input_model),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    # make sure we got our simplifier output as expected
    assert "/model/bounding_box/max = xyz(8.763622, 2.173703, 9.998041)" in captured.out
Пример #4
def test_simplify_nosimplify(request, capsys, extra):
    ret = wowdump.main([
        os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, input_model),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    # FIXME: can/should we check for -any- simplifier in the output?
    assert " = xyz(" not in captured.out
Пример #5
def test_unneeded_nohide(request, capsys, extra):
    ret = wowdump.main([
        "--no-hide-unneeded",  # the default
        os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, input_model),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    assert "/model/num_bone_lookup" in captured.out
Пример #6
def test_contenthash(request, capsys, extra):
    ret = wowdump.main([
        "--no-simplify",  # don't do more work than needed
        os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, input_model),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    # contenthash should always be the first line, and should always be there
    assert captured.out.split(
        "\n")[0] == "/contenthash = d1b1a625d1396a83b907319265346580"
Пример #7
def t_bulk(request, extra):
    fn = request.param  # type: Path

    if fn == "no_bulk_tests":

    ret = wowdump.main([
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    return fn
def test_download_500(tmp_path, mocked_responses, capsys, extra):
                         body='DEFAULT_LISTFILE_URL ERROR',

    listfile = tmp_path / "listfile.csv"
    ret = wowdump.main([
    assert ret == 69, f"wowdump exited with improper exit code (should be 69 (os.EX_UNAVAILABLE)), was {ret}"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "NOTICE: downloading new listfile" in captured.err
    assert "ERROR: couldn't download listfile: 500 Internal Server Error" in captured.err
Пример #9
def test_resolve(request, capsys, extra):
    ret = wowdump.main([
        os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, "listfile_minimal.csv"),
        os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, input_model),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    # Make sure we actually got fdid resolution
    assert "skin_file_data_ids/0 = 494151  # spells/levelup/" in captured.out
    assert "file_data_ids/0 = 167220  # spells/yellow_glow_dim2.blp" in captured.out

    # Make sure we correctly get 'unresolved' on things that shouldn't exist
    assert "file_data_ids/2 = 166153  # unresolved" in captured.out
Пример #10
def test_download_200(tmp_path, mocked_responses, capsys, extra):
                         body='12345;DEFAULT_LISTFILE_URL DOWNLOAD',

    listfile = tmp_path / "listfile.csv"
    ret = wowdump.main([
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "NOTICE: downloading new listfile" in captured.err
    assert listfile.read_text() == "12345;DEFAULT_LISTFILE_URL DOWNLOAD"
Пример #11
def test_resolve_missing_listfile(request, capsys, caplog, extra):
    ret = wowdump.main([
        os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, input_model),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    # verify we get our warning for the missing listfile
    assert ("csvcache", logging.WARNING, str(Path("/this/does/not/exist")) +
            " does not exist, not resolving fileids") in caplog.record_tuples

    # make sure we're correctly; showing things as "unresolved"
    # FIXME: Do we want 'unresolved', or nothing?
    assert "skin_file_data_ids/0 = 494151  # unresolved" in captured.out
Пример #12
def test_geometry_arraylimit_zero(request, capsys, extra):
    ret = wowdump.main([
        os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, input_model),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    # Make sure we don't get the geometry elision message (might be overkill)
    assert "geometry data elided, use --geometry to include" not in captured.out

    # verify we get all the geometry data (levelup.m2 has 100 verts, 0 - 99)
    assert "/model/vertices/99" in captured.out

    # verify we don't get an elision message at all
    assert "/model/vertices/..." not in captured.out
Пример #13
def test_filter_discard(request, capsys, extra):
    ret = wowdump.main([
        os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, input_model),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    # make sure what we don't want isn't there
    # this will also fail if the geometry elision text for this is there
    assert "/model/vertices" not in captured.out

    # and what we don't don't want is there
    assert "/model/textures" in captured.out

    # our elided text should still be there
    assert "elided" in captured.out
Пример #14
def t_reference_output(request, outputdir):
    test = request.param  # type: t

    outputsubdir = os.path.join(outputdir, test.type)
    if not os.path.exists(outputsubdir):

    inpath = os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, test.infile)
    outpath = os.path.join(outputsubdir, f"{test.infile}.{test.ext}")

    ret = wowdump.main([
    ] + test.dumpflags + [
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    return test
Пример #15
def test_resolve_noresolve(request, capsys, caplog, extra):
    ret = wowdump.main([
        os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, input_model),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    # verify we don't get an error on opening listfile (because we shouldn't
    # be trying to open it at all)
    assert "does not exist, not resolving fileids" not in caplog.text

    # nothing should show 'unresolved' if resolution isn't enabled
    assert "  # unresolved" not in captured.out

    # make sure we didn't somehow resolve anything, too
    assert "  # spells/yellow_glow_dim2.blp" not in captured.out
Пример #16
def test_download_alternate_url(tmp_path, mocked_responses, capsys, extra):
    alternate_url = ""
                         body='12345;ALTERNATE_URL DOWNLOAD',

    listfile = tmp_path / "listfile.csv"
    ret = wowdump.main([
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "NOTICE: downloading new listfile" in captured.err
    assert listfile.read_text() == "12345;ALTERNATE_URL DOWNLOAD"
Пример #17
def test_filter_keep_discard(request, capsys, extra):
    ret = wowdump.main([
        os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, input_model),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    # Make sure we got the part we wanted to keep
    assert "/model/texture_weights/0" in captured.out

    # and that we don't have the part we want filtered
    assert "/model/texture_weights/1" not in captured.out

    # and that other stuff still exists
    assert "/model/textures" in captured.out
Пример #18
def test_geometry_arraylimit(request, capsys, extra):
    ret = wowdump.main([
        os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, input_model),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    # Make sure we don't get the elision message
    assert "geometry data elided, use --geometry to include" not in captured.out

    # verify we get geometry data up to our limit
    assert "/model/vertices/49" in captured.out

    # verify we don't get more than our limit
    assert "/model/vertices/50" not in captured.out

    # verify we get the elision message
    assert "/model/vertices/... = [50 elided of 100 total]" in captured.out
Пример #19
def test_arraylimit_all(request, capsys, extra):
    ret = wowdump.main([
        os.path.join(request.config.rootdir, DATADIR, input_model),
    assert ret == 0, f"wowdump exited with non-zero exit code ({ret})"

    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    # FIXME: should bone_lookup be a geometry thing and normally elided?

    # Check to make sure non-geometry elision happens
    # bone_lookup 24 should exist
    assert "/model/bone_lookup/24 =" in captured.out

    # bone_lookup 25 should not
    assert "/model/bone_lookup/25 =" not in captured.out

    # make sure we get our elision message
    assert "/model/bone_lookup/... = [39 elided of 64 total]" in captured.out