Пример #1
def sell(ticker_symbol, trade_volume, username):
    trade_volume = float(trade_volume)
    user_balance = mapper.select_balance(username)
    ticker_symbols = mapper.select_ticker(ticker_symbol, username)
    brokerage_fee = 6.95
    last_price = wrapper.get_last_price(ticker_symbol)
    transaction_cost = (last_price * trade_volume) - brokerage_fee
    if ticker_symbols != None:  # If the holding exists. Continue...
        x = mapper.select_holding(ticker_symbol, username)
        prev_volume = float(x[0])
        vwap = float(x[1])
        total_vol = prev_volume - trade_volume
        new_balance = user_balance + transaction_cost

        if prev_volume > trade_volume:
            mapper.update_holdings(total_vol, vwap, ticker_symbol, username)
            mrkt_value = market_value(username)
            new_mrkt_val = mrkt_value + new_balance
            mapper.update_balance(new_balance, new_mrkt_val, username)

        elif prev_volume == trade_volume:
            mapper.delete_holding(ticker_symbol, username)
            mrkt_value = market_value(username)
            new_mrkt_val = mrkt_value + new_balance
            mapper.update_balance(new_balance, new_mrkt_val, username)

        elif prev_volume < trade_volume:
            return 'You do not have that many shares!'
        return 'Successful!'
        return 'You do not have that stock!'
Пример #2
def buy(ticker_symbol, trade_volume, username):
    trade_volume = float(trade_volume)
    user_balance = mapper.select_balance(username)
    brokerage_fee = 6.95
    last_price = wrapper.get_last_price(ticker_symbol)
    transaction_cost = (last_price * float(trade_volume)) + brokerage_fee
    if user_balance >= transaction_cost:
        ticker_symbols = mapper.select_ticker(ticker_symbol, username)

        if ticker_symbols == None:  # If the holding exists. Continue...
            mapper.insert_to_holdings(ticker_symbol, trade_volume, last_price,

            x = mapper.select_holding(ticker_symbol, username)
            prev_volume = float(x[0])
            prev_price = float(x[1])
            # Calculating VWAP
            old = prev_volume * prev_price
            new = trade_volume * last_price
            total_vol = prev_volume + trade_volume
            new_vwap = (old + new) / (total_vol)
            mapper.update_holdings(total_vol, new_vwap, ticker_symbol,

        new_balance = user_balance - transaction_cost
        mrkt_value = market_value(username)
        new_mrkt_val = mrkt_value + new_balance
        mapper.update_balance(new_balance, new_mrkt_val, username)
        return 'Successful!'

        return 'Error: You do not have enough money to trade!'
Пример #3
def get_holdings_with_market_value(username):
    brokerage_fee = 6.95
    mkt_holding_list = None
    user_holdings = get_holdings_by_username(username)
    if user_holdings != None:
        mkt_holding_list = []
        # Generates an updated holding list containing market price info
        for item in user_holdings:
            # Gets updated market price
            market_price = wrapper.get_last_price(item['ticker_symbol'])
            # Creates and fills holdings dictionary with updated market info
            mkt_holding = {}
            mkt_holding['pk'] = item['pk']
            mkt_holding['username'] = item['username']
            mkt_holding['ticker_symbol'] = item['ticker_symbol']
            mkt_holding['volume'] = item['volume']
            mkt_holding['avg_buy_price'] = item['average_price']
            mkt_holding['mkt_price'] = market_price
            ###### CALCULATES TOTALS AND DIFFERENCE ######
            # Total based on Buy Prices
            total_buy_price = item['volume'] * item['average_price']
            mkt_holding['total_buy_price'] = total_buy_price
            # Total based on Market Prices. Assumes one brokerage fee per holding.
            total_mkt_price = (item['volume'] * market_price) - brokerage_fee
            mkt_holding['total_mkt_price'] = total_mkt_price
            # Difference between market and buy price
            mkt_holding['difference'] = total_mkt_price - total_buy_price

            # Appends to the market holding list

    return mkt_holding_list
Пример #4
def get_earnings(username):
	user_ticker_symbols = mapper.get_ticker_symbols_from_user(username)
	earnings = 0.0
	for t in user_ticker_symbols:
		last_price = wrapper.get_last_price(t) # Current market price
		user_num_shares = mapper.get_number_of_shares(t, username)
		if last_price == "exit":
			earnings += 0.0
			earnings += float(last_price) * user_num_shares
	return earnings
Пример #5
def holdings_performance(username):
    df1 = mapper.pandas_connect(username)
    df = df1.drop(['pk', 'username'], axis=1)
    df.columns = ['Ticker', 'Shares', '@Price']
    df['Init_Value'] = df['@Price'] * df['Shares']
    last_prices = []
    for tkr in df['Ticker']:
        price = wrapper.get_last_price(tkr)
    df['Mrkt_Price'] = last_prices
    df['Mrkt_Value'] = df['Mrkt_Price'] * df['Shares']
    df['P/L'] = df['Mrkt_Value'] - df['Init_Value']
    return df
Пример #6
def controlla(username):
	while True:
		buy_inputs    = ['buy','b']
		sell_inputs   = ['sell','s']
		lookup_inputs = ['lookup','l']
		quote_inputs  = ['quote','q']
		performance   = ['performance','p']
		holdings      = ['holdings','h']
		exit_inputs   = ['exit','e']
		allowed_inputs = buy_inputs + sell_inputs\
						 + lookup_inputs + quote_inputs\
						 + performance + holdings + exit_inputs
		user_input = view.main_menu_UI().lower()
		if user_input in allowed_inputs:
			if user_input in buy_inputs:
				ticker_symbol,trade_volume = view.buy_UI()
				order_status = model.buy(ticker_symbol,trade_volume,username)
				input("\nPress Enter to continue...")
			elif user_input in sell_inputs:
				ticker_symbol,trade_volume = view.sell_UI()
				order_status = model.sell(ticker_symbol,trade_volume,username)
				input("\nPress Enter to continue...")
			elif user_input in lookup_inputs:
				company_name = view.lookup_UI()
				ticker_symbol = wrapper.get_ticker_symbol(company_name)
				input("\nPress Enter to continue...")
			elif user_input in quote_inputs:
				ticker_symbol = view.quote_UI()
				last_price = wrapper.get_last_price(ticker_symbol)
				input("\nPress Enter to continue...")
			elif user_input in performance:
				perf = model.portfolio_performance(username)
				input("\nPress Enter to continue...")
			elif user_input in holdings:
				df  = model.holdings_performance(username)
				df2 = model.portfolio_performance(username)
				input("\nPress Enter to continue...")
			elif user_input in exit_inputs:
				print('\nYou are about to exit!')
				input("\nPress Enter to continue...")
				return 'exit'
			print('\nNot A Command, Try Again!')
Пример #7
def sell(ticker_symbol, trade_volume, username):
	last_price = wrapper.get_last_price(ticker_symbol)
	# Error handling: if the user enters a ticker symbol that does not exist.
	if last_price == "exit":
		print("The ticker symbol that you entered does not exist.")
		return "exit"
	brokerage_fee = 6.95
	# Error handling: if the user enters a trade volume that is not a number.
		balance_to_add = last_price * float(trade_volume) - brokerage_fee
	except ValueError:
		print("The trade volume you entered is not valid.")
		return "exit"
	# Checks if the user holds any stock from the company with ticker_symbol.
	ticker_symbols = mapper.get_ticker_symbols(ticker_symbol, username)
	if len(ticker_symbols) == 0:
		return "Error: You do not hold any shares from that company."
	# Gets needed values from the user and holdings database tables.
	balance = mapper.get_balance(username)
	number_of_shares = mapper.get_number_of_shares(ticker_symbol, username)
	new_number_of_shares = number_of_shares - int(trade_volume)
	# If the user holds enough shares to complete their trade.
	if int(trade_volume) <= number_of_shares:
		# If the new number of shares would be 0 after the user sells their shares.
		if new_number_of_shares == 0:
			# Deletes the row from holdings database table for company with ticker_symbol.
			# Updates holdings database table with the new number of shares.
			mapper.update_number_of_shares(new_number_of_shares, ticker_symbol, username)
		# Gets the last price stored in the holdings database table for a given ticker_symbol.
		curr_price = mapper.get_last_price(ticker_symbol, username)
		# Gets the number of shares from holdings database table for the company with ticker_symbol.
		curr_number_of_shares = mapper.get_number_of_shares(ticker_symbol, username)
		# Calculates the new VWAP based on old values in the database table.
		new_vwap = calculate_vwap(curr_price, curr_number_of_shares, last_price, trade_volume)
		# Updates the VWAP in the holdings database table with a new value.
		mapper.update_volume_weighted_average_price(new_vwap, ticker_symbol, username)
		# Updates users database table with the new balance after selling the stock.
		new_balance = balance + balance_to_add
		mapper.update_balance(new_balance, username)
		# Inserts a new row to the orders database table after selling the stock.
		mapper.insert_orders_row("sell", ticker_symbol, trade_volume, last_price, username)
		return "Stock sell was successful."
		# Returns error response.
		return "Error: You do not have enough shares to sell to complete that trade."
Пример #8
def buy(ticker_symbol, trade_volume, username):
	last_price = wrapper.get_last_price(ticker_symbol)
	# Error handling: if the user enters a ticker symbol that does not exist.
	if last_price == "exit":
		print("The ticker symbol that you entered does not exist.")
		return "exit"
	balance = mapper.get_balance(username)
	brokerage_fee = 6.95
	# Error handling: if the user enters a trade volume that is not a number.
		transaction_cost = last_price * float(trade_volume) + brokerage_fee
	except ValueError:
		print("The trade volume you entered is not valid.")
		return "exit"
	# If the user has enough money in their account to execute the trade.
	if transaction_cost < balance:
		ticker_symbols = mapper.get_ticker_symbols(ticker_symbol, username)
		# If the user does not hold any stock from company with ticker_symbol.
		if len(ticker_symbols) == 0:
			new_balance = balance - transaction_cost
			# Updates the user's balance in the users database table.
			mapper.update_balance(new_balance, username)
			# Inserts a new row to the holdings database table after buying the stock.
			mapper.insert_holdings_row(ticker_symbol, trade_volume, last_price, username)
			# Inserts a new row to the orders database table after buying the stock.
			mapper.insert_orders_row("buy", ticker_symbol, trade_volume, last_price, username)
			return "Stock purchase was successful."
		# If the user holds some stock from company with ticker_symbol.
			# Gets the number of shares from holdings database table for the company with ticker_symbol.
			curr_number_of_shares = mapper.get_number_of_shares(ticker_symbol, username)
			new_number_of_shares = curr_number_of_shares + int(trade_volume)
			# Gets the last price stored in the holdings database table for a given ticker_symbol.
			curr_price = mapper.get_last_price(ticker_symbol, username)
			# Calculates the new VWAP based on the current values in the database table and the most recent (last) prices.
			new_vwap = calculate_vwap(curr_price, curr_number_of_shares, last_price, trade_volume)
			# Updates the VWAP in the holdings database table with a new value.
			mapper.update_volume_weighted_average_price(new_vwap, ticker_symbol, username)
			# Updates the holdings database table with the new number of shares after buying stock.
			mapper.update_number_of_shares(new_number_of_shares, ticker_symbol, username)
			# Inserts a new row to the orders database table after buying the stock.
			mapper.insert_orders_row("buy", ticker_symbol, trade_volume, last_price, username)
			return "Stock purchase was successful."
		# Returns error response.
		return "Error: You do not have enough money in your balance to execute that trade."
Пример #9
def get_last_price(ticker_symbol):
    return wrapper.get_last_price(ticker_symbol)