Пример #1
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        interactive = True

        if len(args) and args[0] == '--no-input':
            interactive = False

        # Ask the user if interactive
        if interactive:
            correct = False
            print "This process will delete the tag indexes directory. Continue: [y/n]"
            while not correct:
                opt = read_from_cmd()
                if opt != 'y' and opt != 'n':
                    print "Please include 'y' or 'n'"
                    correct = True

            if opt == 'n':

        # Remove the index directory
        index_path = os.path.join(settings.BASEDIR, 'wstore')
        index_path = os.path.join(index_path, 'social')
        index_path = os.path.join(index_path, 'indexes')

        rmtree(index_path, True)

        # Generate new search indexes
        tag_manager = TagManager(index_path)
        for o in Offering.objects.all():
            aux_tags = list(o.tags)
            o.tags = []
            tag_manager.update_tags(o, aux_tags)
def _create_tags():
    tm = TagManager()
    offering1 = Offering.objects.get(name='test_offering1')
    offering2 = Offering.objects.get(name='test_offering2')
    offering3 = Offering.objects.get(name='test_offering3')

    tm.update_tags(offering1, ['service', 'tag'])
    tm.update_tags(offering2, ['dataset', 'tag'])
    tm.update_tags(offering3, ['widget'])
Пример #3
    def update(self, request, organization, name, version):

        # Get offering
            org = Organization.objects.get(name=organization)
            offering = Offering.objects.get(owner_organization=org,
            return build_response(request, 404, 'Not found')

        # Check that the user has enough rights
        if request.user.userprofile.current_organization != org\
        or (not offering.is_owner(request.user) and not request.user.pk in org.managers):
            return build_response(request, 403, 'Forbidden')

        # Build tag manager
            data = json.loads(request.raw_post_data)
            manager = TagManager()
            manager.update_tags(offering, data['tags'])
        except Exception, e:
            return build_response(request, 400, e.message)
Пример #4
    def read(self, request, tag):
        # Get query params
        action = request.GET.get('action', None)
        start = request.GET.get('start', None)
        limit = request.GET.get('limit', None)
        sort = request.GET.get('sort', None)
        state = request.GET.get('filter', None)

        # Check action format
        if action and not (isinstance(action, str)
                           or isinstance(action, unicode)):
            return build_response(request, 400, 'Invalid action format')

        # Validate action
        if action and action != 'count':
            return build_response(request, 400, 'Invalid action')

        if action and (start or limit or sort):
            return build_response(
                request, 400, 'Actions cannot be combined with pagination')

        # Validate pagination
        if (start and not limit) or (not start and limit):
            return build_response(request, 400,
                                  'Both pagination params are required')

        if start and limit and (not start.isnumeric()
                                or not limit.isnumeric()):
            return build_response(request, 400,
                                  'Invalid format in pagination parameters')
        elif start and limit:
            start = int(start)
            limit = int(limit)

        if start and limit and (start < 1 or limit < 1):
            return build_response(
                request, 400,
                'Pagination params must be equal or greater that 1')

        # Validate sorting
        allowed_sorting = ['name', 'date', 'popularity']
        if sort and (not isinstance(sort, str)
                     and not isinstance(sort, unicode)):
            return build_response(request, 400, 'Invalid sorting format')

        if sort and not sort in allowed_sorting:
            return build_response(request, 400, 'Invalid sorting value')

        # Validate state
        if state and state != 'published' and state != 'purchased':
            return build_response(request, 400, 'Invalid filter')

            # Build tag manager
            tm = TagManager()

            # Select action
            if action == 'count':
                response = {'number': tm.count_offerings(tag)}
                offerings = tm.search_by_tag(tag)

                response = []
                # Get offering info
                for off in offerings:
                    offering_info = get_offering_info(off, request.user)

                    if not state and offering_info['state'] != 'published'\
                    and offering_info['state'] != 'purchased' and offering_info['state'] != 'rated':


                # Sort offerings if needed
                if sort:
                    rev = True
                    if sort == 'name':
                        rev = False
                    elif sort == 'date':
                        sort = 'publication_date'
                    elif sort == 'popularity':
                        sort = 'rating'

                    response = sorted(response,
                                      key=lambda off: off[sort],

                # If sort was needed pagination must be done after sorting
                if start and limit:
                    response = response[start - 1:(limit + (start - 1))]

        except Exception as e:
            return build_response(request, 400, unicode(e))

        # Create response
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response),
                            mimetype='application/json; charset=utf-8')