class AddForm(SecureForm): offerer = wtf_fields.StringField( "Offreur", validators=[wtf_validators.DataRequired()], widget=widgets.AutocompleteSelectWidget(endpoint="/pc/back-office/autocomplete/offerers", getter=get_offerers), ) subcategories = fields.SelectMultipleFieldWithOptgroups( "Sous-catégories", description="Laissez vide si toutes les sous-catégories sont concernées ; sélectionnez les sous-catégories souhaitées sinon. Pour sélectionner plusieurs sous-catégories, gardez appuyées les touches <Cmd> et/ou <Majuscule> sur Mac, et les touches <Ctrl> et/ou <majuscule> sur PC.", size=10, choices=SUBCATEGORY_CHOICES, ) rate = wtf_fields.IntegerField( "Taux de remboursement (%)", description='Un taux de remboursement (en pourcentage), compris entre 0 et 100. Par exemple, pour 95%, saisir "95"', validators=[ wtf_validators.DataRequired(), wtf_validators.NumberRange(0, 100, message="Le taux doit être compris entre %(min)s et %(max)s."), ], ) start_date = wtf_html5_fields.DateField( "Date de début d'application", description="Cette date ne peut pas être antérieure à demain.", validators=[wtf_validators.DataRequired()], widget=widgets.DateInputWithConstraint( min_date=lambda _field: + datetime.timedelta(days=1) ), ) end_date = wtf_html5_fields.DateField( "Date de fin d'application (optionnelle)", validators=[wtf_validators.Optional()], widget=widgets.DateInputWithConstraint( min_date=lambda _field: + datetime.timedelta(days=2) ), )
class RequestResetForm(flask_wtf.form.FlaskForm): """Class representing the user password reset request form for the application Parameters ---------- FlaskForm : WTForms Flask wtf class that is extended to create the user login form """ email = wtforms_core.StringField( "Email", validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), wtforms.validators.Email(), ], ) submit = wtforms_simple.SubmitField("Request password reset") def validate_email(self, email): """Validate if the given email is still available against the DB Parameters ---------- email : string email as entered in the form. """ user = flaskblog_user.User.query.filter_by( if user is None: raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError( "There is no account with this email. You must register first." )
class UserForm(Form): # 静态字段,实例化只执行一次 city = core.StringField( label='城市', choices = (), #从数据库取数据 ) name = simple.StringField(label='姓名') def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): super(UserForm,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) = '从数据库取数据'
class PostForm(flask_wtf.FlaskForm): """Class representing the blog post form for the application Parameters ---------- FlaskForm : WTForms Flask wtf class that is extended to create the user login form """ title = wtforms_core.StringField( "Title", validators=[wtforms.validators.DataRequired()] ) content = wtforms_simple.TextAreaField( "Content", validators=[wtforms.validators.DataRequired()] ) submit = wtforms_simple.SubmitField("Post")
class StudentForm(Form): ID = simple.StringField(widget=widgets.HiddenInput), StudentName = simple.StringField( label="姓名", validators=[ validators.data_required(message="学生姓名不能为空!"), validators.Length(min=2, max=20, message="学生姓名长度必须大于2位,小于20位") ]) Age = core.StringField(label="年龄", validators=[ validators.data_required(message="学生年龄不能为空!"), validators.Regexp(regex="^\d+$", message="学生年龄必须为数字") ]) Gender = core.RadioField( label="性别", coerce=int, # 保存到数据中的值为int类型 choices=((0, '女'), (1, '男')), default=1) submit = simple.SubmitField(label="提交")
class LoginForm(flask_wtf.FlaskForm): """Class representing the login form for the application Parameters ---------- FlaskForm : WTForms Flask wtf class that is extended to create the user login form """ email = wtforms_core.StringField( "Email", validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), wtforms.validators.Email(), ], ) password = wtforms_simple.PasswordField( "Password", validators=[wtforms.validators.DataRequired()] ) remember = wtforms_core.BooleanField("Remember Me") submit = wtforms_simple.SubmitField("Login")
class RegistrationForm(flask_wtf.FlaskForm): """Class representing the registration form for the application Parameters ---------- FlaskForm : WTForms Flask wtf class that is extended to create the user login form """ username = wtforms_core.StringField( "Username", validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), wtforms.validators.Length(min=2, max=20), ], ) email = wtforms_core.StringField( "Email", validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), wtforms.validators.Email(), ], ) password = wtforms_simple.PasswordField( "Password", validators=[wtforms.validators.DataRequired()]) confirm_password = wtforms_simple.PasswordField( "Confirm Password", validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), wtforms.validators.EqualTo("password"), ], ) submit = wtforms_simple.SubmitField("Sign Up") def validate_username(self, username): """Validate if the given username is still available against the DB Parameters ---------- username : string Username as entered in the form. """ user = flaskblog_user.User.query.filter_by( if user: raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError( "That username is taken. Please choose a different one") def validate_email(self, email): """Validate if the given email is still available against the DB Parameters ---------- email : string email as entered in the form. """ user = flaskblog_user.User.query.filter_by( if user: raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError( "That email address is taken. Please choose a different one")
class UserForm(Form): name = core.StringField(label='用户名', validators=[validators.DataRequired()]) email = core.StringField(label='邮箱', validators=[validators.DataRequired()])
class UpdateAccountForm(flask_wtf.FlaskForm): """Class representing the account update form for the application Parameters ---------- FlaskForm : WTForms Flask wtf class that is extended to create the user login form """ username = wtforms_core.StringField( "Username", validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), wtforms.validators.Length(min=2, max=20), ], ) email = wtforms_core.StringField( "Email", validators=[ wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), wtforms.validators.Email(), ], ) picture = flask_file.FileField( "Update profile picture", validators=[flask_file.FileAllowed(["jpg", "png"])], ) submit = wtforms_simple.SubmitField("Update") def validate_username(self, username): """Validate if the given username is still available against the DB Parameters ---------- username : string Username as entered in the form. """ if != flask_login.current_user.username: user = flaskblog_user.User.query.filter_by( ).first() if user: raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError( "That username is taken. Please choose a different one" ) def validate_email(self, email): """Validate if the given email is still available against the DB Parameters ---------- email : string email as entered in the form. """ if != user = flaskblog_user.User.query.filter_by( ).first() if user: raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError( "That email address is taken. Please choose a different one" )