def test_fd_leak(): base_count = count_fds() with pipes(): print('ok') assert count_fds() == base_count for i in range(10): with pipes(): print('ok') assert count_fds() == base_count
async def dispatch(self, request: Request, call_next): """Add VSI stats in headers.""" rio_stream = StringIO() logger = logging.getLogger("rasterio") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.StreamHandler(rio_stream) logger.addHandler(handler) gdal_config = {"CPL_DEBUG": "ON", "CPL_CURL_VERBOSE": "TRUE"} with pipes() as (_, curl_stream): with rasterio.Env(**gdal_config, **self.config): response = await call_next(request) logger.removeHandler(handler) handler.close() if rio_stream or curl_stream: rio_lines = rio_stream.getvalue().splitlines() curl_lines = results = analyse_logs(rio_lines, curl_lines) head_results = "head;count={count}".format(**results["HEAD"]) list_results = "list;count={count}".format(**results["LIST"]) get_results = "get;count={count};size={bytes}".format( **results["GET"]) ranges_results = "ranges; values={}".format("|".join( results["GET"]["ranges"])) response.headers[ "VSI-Stats"] = f"{list_results}, {head_results}, {get_results}, {ranges_results}" return response
def sys_pipes(): ''' We can use the Wurlitzer package to redirect stdout and stderr from the command line into a Jupyter notebook. But if we're not in a notebook, this isn't safe because we can't redirect stdout to itself. This function is a thin wrapper that checks if the stdout/err streams are TTYs and enables output redirection based on that. Basic usage is: >>> with sys_pipes(): # doctest: +SKIP ... call_some_c_function() See the Wurlitzer package for usage of `wurlitzer.pipes()`; see also ''' kwargs = {'stdout':None if sys.stdout.isatty() else sys.stdout, 'stderr':None if sys.stderr.isatty() else sys.stderr } # Redirection might break for any number of reasons, like # stdout/err already being closed/redirected. We probably # prefer not to crash in that case and instead continue # without any redirection. try: with wurlitzer.pipes(**kwargs): yield except: yield
def test_skips_when_reaches_continue(self, evaluator): expr = f""" a_list = [1, 2, 3 ,4, 5] for item in a_list if item == 3 print("skipped") continue print("never here") end print(item) end print("out") """ with pipes() as (out, _): evaluator.evaluate(expr) out = out.should.contain('1') out.should.contain('2') out.should.contain('skipped') out.should.contain('4') out.should.contain('5') out.should.contain('out') out.should_not.contain('never here')
def test_generates_a_function(self, evaluator): expr = f""" class Object end class MyClass def say_42() return 42 end end mc = MyClass() forty_two = mc.say_42() print(forty_two) """ with pipes() as (out, _): evaluator.evaluate(expr) out = out.should.contain('42')
def get_context(): """:class:`contextlib.GeneratorContextManager`: Silence all C-level stdout messages.""" with wurlitzer.pipes() as (stdout, stderr): yield (stdout, stderr) stdout.close() stderr.close()
def _assertAwsCliReturns(args, calls): t_code = None from wurlitzer import pipes try: with pipes() as (out, err): try: with patch('builtins.input', return_value='') as mock: exec_awscli(*args) except SystemExit as e: t_code = e.code else: # This should never happen... raise Exception("exec_awscli: Failed to raise SystemExit!") import sys cmd = ' '.join(sys.argv) t_out = t_err = # Must be closed explicitly otherwise we receive warnings finally: out.close() err.close() if calls: mock.assert_has_calls(calls) assert len(mock.call_args_list) == len(calls) return t_out, t_err, t_code, cmd
def test_pipes(): with pipes(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) as (stdout, stderr): printf(u"Hellø") printf_err(u"Hi, stdérr") assert == u"Hellø\n" assert == u"Hi, stdérr\n"
def test_pipe_bytes(): with pipes(encoding=None) as (stdout, stderr): printf(u"Hellø") printf_err(u"Hi, stdérr") assert == u"Hellø\n".encode('utf8') assert == u"Hi, stdérr\n".encode('utf8')
def _dispatch(self, opcode, index=0, value=0, ptr=None, opt=0.): if ptr is None: ptr = c_void_p() with pipes() if not self.verbose else contextlib.suppress(): output = self._effect.dispatcher(byref(self._effect), c_int32(opcode), c_int32(index), vst_int_ptr(value), ptr, c_float(opt)) return output
async def compile_c(code): string = code.encode('utf-8') with wurlitzer.pipes() as (out, err): result = mcu_fn.mcu_load_c(string) data = if data: await web_console(data)
def instantiate(config, weights, metadata): '''Load darknet Inputs ------ config: str path to config filename weights: str path to weights file metadata: str path to metadata Outputs ------- network: pointer to loaded network metadata: pointer to loaded metadata ''''Loading network and metadata') with pipes() as (out, err): net = load_network(config.encode('ascii'), weights.encode('ascii'), 0) meta = load_metadata(metadata.encode('ascii')) return net, meta
def _cdt_exists(cdt_meta_node, channel_index): import conda_build.api try: f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f), redirect_stderr(f), pipes(stdout=f, stderr=f): metas = conda_build.api.render( cdt_meta_node["recipe_path"], variant_config_files=["conda_build_config.yaml"], bypass_env_check=True, ) except Exception as e: print(f.getvalue()) raise e dist_fnames = [ path for m, _, _ in metas for path in conda_build.api.get_output_file_paths(m) if not m.skip() ] on_channel = True for dist_fname in dist_fnames: fname = os.path.basename(dist_fname) on_channel &= (fname in channel_index) return on_channel
def main(args): device = torch.device(args.device) with pipes(): loaders, in_channels, out_classes = get_dataset( args.dataset, args.data_root, args.batch_size) model_class = get_arch(args.arch) warp_class = get_warp(args.warp) model = model_class(in_channels, out_classes, warp_class) optimizer = Adam(model.parameters()) for epoch in range(args.num_epochs): t_accs = [] v_accs = [] for is_train, (x, y) in each_batch(loaders, device, args.tqdm): if is_train: model.train() optimizer.zero_grad() logits = model(x) loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, y) loss.backward() optimizer.step() else: model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): logits = model(x) acc = (logits.argmax(1) == y).type(torch.float32).mean() accs = t_accs if is_train else v_accs accs.append(acc) train_acc = 100 * sum(t_accs) / len(t_accs) val_acc = 100 * sum(v_accs) / len(v_accs) print('%6d %5.1f %5.1f' % (epoch, train_acc, val_acc))
def _compiles_ok(codestring): from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler from distutils.sysconfig import customize_compiler from distutils.errors import CompileError with TemporaryDirectory() as folder: source_path = os.path.join(folder, 'compiler_test_source.cpp') with open(source_path, 'wt') as ofh: ofh.write(codestring) compiler = new_compiler() customize_compiler(compiler) out = '' try: if pipes is None: compiler.compile([source_path]) else: with pipes() as out_err: compiler.compile([source_path]) out = '\n'.join([ for p in out_err]) except CompileError: _ok = False except Exception: _ok = False _warn("Failed test compilation of '%s':\n %s" % (codestring, out)) else: _ok = True return _ok, out
def _make_temporary_build(package): working_directory = os.path.dirname(package.filepath) system = build_system.create_build_system(working_directory, package=package, verbose=True) # create and execute build process builder = build_process_.create_build_process( "local", # See :func:`rez.build_process_.get_build_process_types` for possible values working_directory, build_system=system, verbose=True, ) install_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="package_{}".format( package=package)) _LOGGER.debug('Building to "%s" path.', install_path) with wurlitzer.pipes() as (stdout, stderr):, install=True, install_path=install_path) stdout.close() stderr.close() return install_path
def test_buffer_full(): with pipes(stdout=None, stderr=io.StringIO()) as (stdout, stderr): long_string = "x" * 1000000 # create a very long string printf_err(long_string) # Test never reaches here as the process hangs. assert stderr.getvalue() == long_string + "\n"
def assertAwsCliReturns(self, *args, stdout='', stderr='', code=0): """Runs awscli and tests the output. This test runs the awscli command with `*args`. It tests that the exit code and stdout and stderr match the given expect values. Example: `self.assertAwsCliReturns('logout')` is equivalent to running: $ aws logout The test in this example will pass if `aws logout` returns exit code 0 and emits no output to stdout or stderr. Otherwise an AssertionError is raised. Args: *args (str): Arguments to be passed to the AWS command line utility. stdout (str): Expected output to stdout. stderr (str): Expected output to stderr. code (int): Expected return code. Raises: AssertionError """ try: with pipes() as (out, err): with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as e: exec_awscli(*args) import sys cmd = ' '.join(sys.argv) mesg = "Error: ran '%s', on %s expected output: %s" test_out = test_err = self.assertEqual( test_out, stdout, mesg % (cmd, 'stdout', stdout) ) self.assertEqual( test_err, stderr, mesg % (cmd, 'stderr', stderr) ) self.assertEqual( e.exception.code, code, "Error: '%s' returned %d, expected: %d" % (cmd, e.exception.code, code) ) # Must be closed explicitly otherwise we receive warnings finally: out.close() err.close()
async def interrupt_mcu(vect): await log('Received interrupt (' + str(vect) + ')\n') with wurlitzer.pipes() as (out, err): mcu_fn.mcu_send_interrupt(vect) data = await log('MCU interrupted\n') if data: await web_console(data)
def _execute_async(self, code): try: with pipes(stdout=_PseudoStream(partial(self.Print, end="")), stderr=_PseudoStream(partial(self.Error, end=""))): future = self._matlab.eval(code, **self._async_kwargs) future.result() except (SyntaxError, MatlabExecutionError, KeyboardInterrupt) as exc: pass
def test_works_with_expressions(self, evaluator): expr = f""" if 1 + 2 * 3 print("seven") end if 1 - 1 print("weird") else print("zero") end if 1.3 + 3.7 print("5.0") end if 2 > 1 print("2 gt 1") end if 3 < 4 print("3 lt 4") end if 3 == 3 print("3 eq 3") end if 4 != 4 print("4 neq 4") else print("4 eq 4") end if 2 + 3 == 5 print("2 + 3 == 5") end if (2 + 3) * 4 - 2 == 9 * 2 print("eighteen") end """ with pipes() as (out, _): evaluator.evaluate(expr) out = out.should.contain('seven') out.should.contain('zero') out.should.contain('5.0') out.should.contain('2 gt 1') out.should.contain('3 lt 4') out.should.contain('3 eq 3') out.should.contain('4 eq 4') out.should.contain('2 + 3 == 5') out.should.contain('eighteen')
def extract(self, sess, filename): symbol = {}; print ('[*] Extracting Feature From Video => {}'.format(filename)) symbol['raw'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = [None, self.height, self.width, 3], name = 'input') stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') #vggnet = vgg16(symbol['raw'], 'vgg16_weights.npz', sess) sys.stdout = stdout capture = cv2.VideoCapture(filename) self.features = None fidx = -1 self.max_nframes = 0 with pipes() as (out, err): while True: ret, frame = fidx += 1 #if fidx % self.skip != 0: # skip #continue if frame is None or ret is None: break resized = cv2.resize(frame, (self.width, self.height)).reshape([1, self.width, self.height, 3]) self.max_nframes += 1 feature =, feed_dict = {symbol['raw'] : resized}) if self.features is None: self.features = feature else: self.features = np.vstack((self.features, feature)) self.features = self.features.reshape([-1, self.max_nframes, 25088]) self.nframes = [self.max_nframes]
def _execute_async(self, code): try: with pipes(stdout=_PseudoStream(partial(self.Print, end="")), stderr=_PseudoStream(partial(self.Error, end=""))): future = self._matlab.eval(code, nargout=0, async=True) future.result() except (SyntaxError, MatlabExecutionError, KeyboardInterrupt) as exc: stdout = exc.args[0] return ExceptionWrapper("Error", -1, stdout)
async def do_test(data): global mcu print('Test data = ', data) string = 'This is a test'.encode('utf-8') with wurlitzer.pipes() as (out, err): mcu_fn.mcu_load_asm(string) data = if data: await web_console(data)
def getCutout( self, data_set='isotropic1024coarse', field='u', time_step=int(0), start=np.array([1, 1, 1],, end=np.array([8, 8, 8],, step=np.array([1, 1, 1],, filter_width=1): if not self.connection_on: print('you didn\'t connect to the database') sys.exit() time_step=int(time_step) if field in ['u', 'a', 'b']: result_dim = 3 elif field in ['p', 'd', 't']: result_dim = 1 else: print(('wrong result type requested in getCutout\n' + 'maybe it\'s just missing from the list?')) sys.exit() return None tempa=np.arange(start[0], end[0]+1, step[0]) tempb=np.arange(start[1], end[1]+1, step[1]) tempc=np.arange(start[2], end[2]+1, step[2]) real_size=np.array([np.size(tempa), np.size(tempb), np.size(tempc)], getFunction = 'getCutout' get_data = getattr(self.lib, getFunction) result_array = np.empty(tuple(list(real_size[::-1]) + [result_dim]), dtype=np.float32) stdout = io.StringIO() stderr = io.StringIO() with pipes(stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr): get_data(self.authToken, ctypes.c_char_p(data_set.encode('ascii')), ctypes.c_char_p(field.encode('ascii')), ctypes.c_int(time_step), ctypes.c_int(start[0]), ctypes.c_int(start[1]), ctypes.c_int(start[2]), ctypes.c_int(end[0]), ctypes.c_int(end[1]), ctypes.c_int(end[2]), ctypes.c_int(step[0]), ctypes.c_int(step[1]), ctypes.c_int(step[2]), ctypes.c_int(filter_width), result_array.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char))) if (len(stderr.getvalue())>0): print(stderr.getvalue(), file=sys.stderr) return None return result_array
def _run_quartus_docker(self, quartus_command):'Running {quartus_command}...') cmd = f"docker run " \ f"-u `id -u` " \ f"-v /sys:/sys:ro " \ f"-v {self.project_path}:/simulation " \ f"gasparka/quartus {quartus_command}" with pipes(stdout=sys.stdout if self.verbose else None, stderr=sys.stderr):, shell=True)
def __init__(self, ids, vectors, post=0, m=16): super().__init__(ids, vectors) with pipes(stdout=None): self.index = nmslib.init(method='hnsw', space='cosinesimil') self.index.addDataPointBatch(vectors) self.index.createIndex({ 'post': post, 'M': m }, print_progress=False)
def test_pipes_stderr(): stdout = io.StringIO() with pipes(stdout=stdout, stderr=STDOUT) as (_stdout, _stderr): printf(u"Hellø") libc.fflush(c_stdout_p) printf_err(u"Hi, stdérr") assert _stdout is stdout assert _stderr is None assert stdout.getvalue() == u"Hellø\nHi, stdérr\n"
def test_forward(): stdout = io.StringIO() stderr = io.StringIO() with pipes(stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) as (_stdout, _stderr): printf(u"Hellø") printf_err(u"Hi, stdérr") assert _stdout is stdout assert _stderr is stderr assert stdout.getvalue() == u"Hellø\n" assert stderr.getvalue() == u"Hi, stdérr\n"
def test_items_can_be_printed(self, evaluator): expr = f""" print([11, 22, 33][1]) """ with pipes() as (out, _): evaluator.evaluate(expr) out = out.should.contain('22')
def test_pipes_stderr(): stdout = io.StringIO() with pipes(stdout=stdout, stderr=STDOUT) as (_stdout, _stderr): printf(u"Hellø") libc.fflush(c_stdout_p) time.sleep(0.1) printf_err(u"Hi, stdérr") assert _stdout is stdout assert _stderr is None assert stdout.getvalue() == u"Hellø\nHi, stdérr\n"
with_strides = ("contiguous" not in form or not form["contiguous"]) array_struct = build_array_struct(prop, value, with_strides) args.append(array_struct) else: args.append(value) simple_result = True if result_schema["type"] == "object": simple_result = False result_arg = build_result_struct(result_schema) args.append(result_arg) elif result_schema["type"] == "array": simple_result = False raise NotImplementedError def run(): if simple_result: return binary_module.lib.transform(*args) else: binary_module.lib.transform(*args) return unpack_result_struct(args[-1], result_schema) if wurlitzer is not None: with wurlitzer.pipes() as (stdout, stderr): translator_result_ = run() sys.stderr.write( sys.stdout.write( else: translator_result_ = run() ARRAYS.clear()