def PreviewLine(self): prt = printout.PrintTable(self.frame) prt.label = ["Header 1", "Header 2", "Header 3"] prt.set_column = [] = [["Row 1", "1", "2"], ["Row 2", "3", "4\nNew Line to see if it also can wrap around the cell region properly\nAnother new line"]] prt.SetFooter() prt.Preview()
def PreviewNarrow(self): self.ReadData() new_data = [] for val in new_data.append([val[0], val[1], val[2], val[4], val[5]]) val = self.header new_header = [val[0], val[1], val[2], val[4], val[5]] prt = printout.PrintTable(self.frame) = new_data prt.set_column = [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2] prt.label = new_header prt.SetColAlignment(1, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE) prt.SetColBackgroundColour(0, wx.NamedColour('RED')) prt.SetColTextColour(0, wx.NamedColour('WHITE')) prt.SetCellColour(4, 0, wx.NamedColour('LIGHT BLUE')) prt.SetCellColour(4, 1, wx.NamedColour('LIGHT BLUE')) prt.SetCellColour(17, 1, wx.NamedColour('LIGHT BLUE')) prt.SetColBackgroundColour(2, wx.NamedColour('LIGHT BLUE')) prt.SetCellText(4, 2, wx.NamedColour('RED')) prt.SetColTextColour(3, wx.NamedColour('RED')) prt.label_font_colour = wx.NamedColour('WHITE') prt.SetHeader("wxWindows Applications", colour = wx.NamedColour('RED')) prt.SetHeader("Printed: ", type = "Date & Time", align=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, indent = -1, colour = wx.NamedColour('BLUE')) prt.SetFooter("Page No", colour = wx.NamedColour('RED'), type ="Num") prt.Preview()
def OnPreviewMatrix(self): total_col = 45 total_row = 10 hsize = 0.2 vsize = 0.2 data = [] startx = 1.0 columns = [] for val in range(total_col): columns.append(hsize) prt = printout.PrintTable(self.frame) for row in range(total_row): value = [] for col in range(total_col): value.append(str(col)) data.append(value) for col in range(total_col): prt.SetColAlignment(col, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE) prt.SetLandscape() prt.text_font_size = 8 prt.cell_left_margin = 0 = data prt.set_column = columns prt.SetHeader("Test of Small Grid Size") prt.Preview()
def PrintWide(self): self.ReadData() prt = printout.PrintTable(self.frame) = prt.left_margin = 0.5 prt.set_columns = [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3 ] prt.label = self.header prt.SetLandscape() prt.Print()
def PreviewText(self): prt = printout.PrintTable(self.frame) prt.SetHeader("PROCLAMATION") file = open('data/proclamation.txt') data = [] for txt in file: data.append(txt.strip()) file.close() = data prt.Preview()
def __init__(self, parent, frame): gridlib.Grid.__init__(self, parent, -1) self.parent = frame self.prt = printout.PrintTable(parent) # self.prt.left_margin = 0.5 # self.prt.right_margin = 0.5 # self.prt.text_font_size = 8 # self.prt.cell_left_margin = 0 self.project_func = None self.scan_func = None self.table = ParameterDataTable(self) self.variable_span = 0.25 #The functions has to begin with the following letters: self.set_func = 'set' self.get_func = 'get' # The second parameter means that the grid is to take ownership of the # table and will destroy it when done. Otherwise you would need to keep # a reference to it and call it's Destroy method later. self.SetTable(self.table, True) self.SetRowLabelSize(50) self.SetMargins(0, 0) # This is the my original column True means set as min... #self.AutoSizeColumns(True) # The new self.AutoSizeColumn(0, False) self.AutoSizeColumn(1, False) self.AutoSizeColumn(2, True) self.AutoSizeColumn(3, False) self.AutoSizeColumn(4, False) self.AutoSizeColumn(5, False) #Test cases for the parameter choosing function of the grid #self.objlist=['t','e'] #self.funclist=[['e','w'],['x','y']] self.par_dict = {} self.Bind(gridlib.EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnLeftDClick) self.Bind(gridlib.EVT_GRID_CMD_CELL_LEFT_CLICK, self.OnLeftClick) self.Bind(gridlib.EVT_GRID_CMD_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK, self.OnRightClick) self.Bind(gridlib.EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK, self.OnLabelRightClick) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnResize)
def PreviewWide(self): self.ReadData() prt = printout.PrintTable(self.frame) = prt.left_margin = 0.5 prt.set_column = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 3.0] prt.label = self.header prt.SetLandscape() prt.SetColumnLineSize(2, 3) prt.SetColumnLineColour(3, wx.NamedColour('RED')) prt.SetRowLineSize(1, 3) prt.SetRowLineColour(5, wx.NamedColour('RED')) prt.SetHeader("wx.Windows Applications") prt.SetFooter() prt.SetFooter("Date: ", type = "Date", align=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, indent = -1, colour = wx.NamedColour('RED')) prt.Preview()
def PreviewText(self): prt = printout.PrintTable(self.frame) prt.SetHeader("PROCLAMATION") with open('data/proclamation.txt') as file_: = [txt.strip() for txt in file_] prt.Preview()
def Crea_Info(padre, fichero, informe, destino=''): import wx.lib.printout as printout formManager = OC.manage.FormsManager() ls_inf = formManager.getFormsForTable(fichero) if not informe in ls_inf.keys(): return -1 # deno, acc_antes, accion, acc_despues, gridc, gridp = ls_inf[informe] #- Contruimos preguntas preguntas = [] for ln in gridp: campo, titu, fmt, lmax, op = ln preguntas.append([titu, op, '', campo, fmt, lmax]) #- Campos a mostrar campos = [] titus = [] formatos = [] anchos = [] for ln in gridc: campos.append(ln[0]) titus.append(ln[1]) formatos.append(ln[2]) anchos.append(ln[3] / 12.0) #- #if acc_antes!='': # pb.Ejecuta_Accion(acc_antes) if accion != '': dl = OC.ui.dl_select(padre, fichero, campos, preguntas) res, prg = dl.res() if res == None: return -1 res = padre.Ejecuta_Accion(accion, args=[res, prg]) else: dl = OC.ui.dl_select(padre, fichero, campos, preguntas) res, prg = dl.res() if res == None: return -1 #if acc_despues!='': # pb.Ejecuta_Accion(acc_despues) if destino == '': for ln in res: for i in range(len(ln)): if formatos[i] == 'd': ln[i] = Num_aFecha(ln[i]) if formatos[i] in ['i', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4']: ln[i] = str(ln[i]) # if not OC.isBaseString(ln[i]): ln[i] = str(ln[i]) if res == []: res = [' '] * len(titus) prt = printout.PrintTable(padre) = res prt.set_column = anchos #[ 1, 3, 1, 1, 2] prt.label = titus for i in range(len(formatos)): fmt = formatos[i] if fmt in ['i', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']: prt.SetColAlignment(i, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) #prt.SetColAlignment(1, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE) #prt.SetColBackgroundColour(0, wx.NamedColour('RED')) #prt.SetColTextColour(0, wx.NamedColour('WHITE')) #prt.SetCellColour(4, 0, wx.NamedColour('LIGHT BLUE')) #prt.SetCellColour(4, 1, wx.NamedColour('LIGHT BLUE')) #prt.SetCellColour(17, 1, wx.NamedColour('LIGHT BLUE')) # #prt.SetColBackgroundColour(2, wx.NamedColour('LIGHT BLUE')) #prt.SetCellText(4, 2, wx.NamedColour('RED')) #prt.SetColTextColour(3, wx.NamedColour('RED')) prt.label_font_colour = wx.Colour('WHITE') prt.SetHeader(deno, colour=wx.Colour('RED')) prt.SetHeader("Impreso: ", type="Date & Time", align=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, indent=-1, colour=wx.Colour('BLUE')) prt.SetFooter("Page No", colour=wx.Colour('RED'), type="Num") prt.Preview() else: padre._ct[destino].SetValue(res)