def OnInit(self): import wx, sys from import shell wx.InitAllImageHandlers() self.frame = shell.ShellFrame( title="priithon on %s" % wx.GetHostName(), introText=' !!! Welcome to Priithon !!! \n' + '(Python %s on %s)' % (sys.version.replace('\n', ' '), sys.platform), introStatus='Priithon: %s' % sys.argv) self.frame.SetSize((750, 525)) self.frame.Show() self.SetTopWindow(self.frame) return True
def OnInit(self): import wx,sys #from import shell from Priithon import shell introText=' !!! Welcome to Priithon !!! \n' self.frame = shell.PriShellFrame(introText=introText,#ShellFrame( title="priithon on %s" % wx.GetHostName())#, 20141127 intro = 'Priithon: %s' % sys.argv self.frame.SetStatusText(intro.replace('\n', ', ')) from Priithon import fileDropPopup fileDropPopup.FileDropTarget(self.frame, ) self.frame.SetSize((750, 525)) self.frame.Show() self.SetTopWindow(self.frame) return True
def drawFooter(c, page, srcFile, no): #2013.10.10 srcFile = srcFile.decode('utf8') #? line = "Page %d-%d %s : %s %s" % (no, page, wx.GetHostName(), wx.GetUserName(), srcFile) t = time.localtime() ctime = '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d' % (t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec) c.setFont("MyFont", 8) c.line(5, 25, 590, 25) c.drawString(10, 10, line) c.drawRightString(585, 10, ctime) c.line(5, 810, 590, 810) line = u"2014级程序设计原理与C语言" c.drawString(10, 820, line) line = "Principles of Programming for grade 2014" c.drawRightString(585, 820, line)
def OnInit(self): import wx, sys, os #from .py import shell # absolute import # ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package # NOTE: this is where Priithon is beeing started - i.e. we are not yet "inside" the Priithon module from import shell wx.InitAllImageHandlers() title = "priithon on %s (pid: %s)" % (wx.GetHostName(), os.getpid()) print title # to know which terminal window belongs to which Priithon self.frame = shell.ShellFrame( title=title, introText=' !!! Welcome to Priithon !!! \n' + '(Python %s on %s)' % (sys.version.replace('\n', ' '), sys.platform), introStatus='Priithon: %s' % sys.argv) self.frame.SetSize((750, 525)) self.frame.Show() self.SetTopWindow(self.frame) return True
def 程序_取计算机名(): "返回当前应用程序对象" return wx.GetHostName()
from . import all for n in all.__dict__: if not n.startswith('_'): exec "%s = all.%s" % (n,n) del n, all #</hack> def _sebsDisplHook(v): if not v is None: # != None: import __main__ #global _ #_ = v __main__._ = v print U.myStr(v) import sys sys.displayhook = _sebsDisplHook #print "debug: Pr/includeAll" #if sys.argv[1:]: # import string # print "start->eval:", sys.argv[1:] # eval(string.join(sys.argv[1:])) #20051117-TODO: CHECK if good idea U.naSetArrayPrintMode(precision=4, suppress_small=0) import wx if hasattr(sys,'argv') and wx.GetApp() is not None: # CHECK: in embedded wxPython sys,.argv not defined # not defined yet wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().SetTitle("priithon on %s" % wx.GetHostName()) del wx del sys
def test(srcFiles, values={}, passwd='C2014', outfile=None): srcFiles = sorted(srcFiles, key=basename) registerFont(UnicodeCIDFont('STSong-Light')) from reportlab.pdfbase import ttfonts # font = ttfonts.TTFont('MyFont', r'C:\Windows\Fonts\simhei.ttf') font = ttfonts.TTFont('MyFont', r'msyhbd.ttf') # font = ttfonts.TTFont('MyFont', 'msyhbd.ttf') registerFont(font) user = values.get('user', '') if user: user = user.encode('utf8') name = values.get('name', '').encode('utf8') password = values.get('passwd', '') if password.strip(): passwd = password.encode('utf8') #? if values.get('lab', '') != '': labv = int(values.get('lab', '0')) else: labv = 0 if 0 < labv < 20: lab = ('Lab%d' % labv).encode('utf8') else: lab = u'' # if user.startswith('10132130') and 0<labv<20: # 2013.10.10 if user.startswith('101') and len(user) == 11 and 0 < labv < 20: # 2013.10.10 # outfile = (os.getcwd()+'/'+user.encode('utf8')+'_'+'%02d.c'%labv).encode('utf8') #? outfile = (os.getcwdu() + u'/' + user.encode('utf8') + u'_' + u'%02d.PDF' % labv) if outfile == None: # if srcFiles[0].rfind('.')!=-1: # pdffile = srcFiles[0][:srcFiles[0].rfind('.')] # else: pdffile = srcFiles[0] # 2013.10.10 bname = basename(srcFiles[0]) if bname.rfind('.') != -1: pdffile = bname[:bname.rfind('.')] else: pdffile = bname pdffile = os.getcwd() + '/' + pdffile # 2013.10.10 pdffile = unicode(pdffile.decode('utf8')) #? else: if outfile.rfind('.') != -1: pdffile = outfile[:outfile.rfind('.')] else: pdffile = outfile # 2013.10.10 # pdffile --> pdffile.encode('gbk') if passwd == "C2014": c = Canvas(pdffile.encode('utf8') + '.pdf') else: c = Canvas(pdffile.encode('utf8')+'.pdf',\ encrypt=pdfencrypt.StandardEncryption\ (passwd,ownerPassword='******',canPrint=0,canCopy=0)) # c = Canvas(pdffile+'.pdf') c.showOutline() c.setAuthor(u"LU") c.setTitle(u"2014级程序设计原理与C语言作业") c.setSubject(u"作业") c.setCreator(u"C2PDF") c.setKeywords(['C语言', '程序设计', '作业', '2014级']) blank = "", "" line1 = u"课程名", u"2014级程序设计原理与C语言" + ' ' + u"Principles of Programming & C" chost = u"机器名", wx.GetHostName() cuser = u"用户名", wx.GetUserName() ID = u"学号", user USER = u"姓名", name grade = u"成绩", u" " labName = u"作业名", lab lines = (line1, chost, cuser, ID, USER, blank, labName, grade) c.setFont("MyFont", 12) x, y, delta = 50, 800, 20 for line in lines: c.drawString(x, y, line[0]) from reportlab.lib.colors import pink, black, red, blue, green if line[0] == u"成绩": # c.saveState() c.setFillColor(red) c.setFont("MyFont", 20) y -= 15 c.drawString(x + 70, y, line[1]) c.setFont("MyFont", 12) c.setFillColor(black) # c.restoreState() else: c.drawString(x + 70, y, line[1]) y -= delta filelist = srcFiles s0 = "Table of Contents" c.bookmarkPage(s0, 'FitH') c.addOutlineEntry(s0, s0) for no, f in enumerate(filelist): # c.addOutlineEntry(basename(f),f) # 2013.10.10 c.addOutlineEntry(basename(f).decode('utf8'), f) #? y -= delta # c.drawString(x, y, "%2d: %s"%(no+1,f)) # 2013.10.10 c.drawString(x, y, "%2d: %s" % (no + 1, f.decode('utf8'))) #? c.linkRect("", f, (x, y + delta - 5, x + 400, y - 5), Border='[0 0 0]') t = time.localtime() ctime = '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d' % (t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec) c.drawString(x + 70, y - 2 * delta, ctime) c.showPage() for no, f in enumerate(filelist): outOneFile(f, c, no + 1) """ from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Frame styles = getSampleStyleSheet() toc = TableOfContents() PS = ParagraphStyle toc.levelStyles = [ PS(fontName='Times-Bold', fontSize=14, name='TOCHeading1',\ leftIndent=20, firstLineIndent=-20, spaceBefore=5, leading=16), PS(fontSize=12, name='TOCHeading2',\ leftIndent=40, firstLineIndent=-20, spaceBefore=0, leading=12) ] styleN = styles['Normal'] styleH = styles['Heading1'] styleH2 = styles['Heading2'] story = [ ] story.append(Paragraph("This is a Heading<font size=54> abc[α] <greek>e</greek> <greek>p</greek> </font>",styleH)) story.append(Spacer(inch,inch)) story.append(Paragraph("This is a paragraph in <i>Normal</i> style.", styleN)) story.append(Paragraph("This is a Heading2 style.", styleH2)) toc.addEntry(0, 'txt', 1) toc.addEntry(1, 'txt1', 2) story.append(toc) f = Frame(inch, inch, 6*inch, 9*inch, showBoundary=1) f.addFromList(story,c) """ # print 'saved PDF file for '+pdffile return pdffile + u'.pdf'
import wx, os, json, platform import keyring #store passwords safely in the os #see for tips DEFAULT_DEVICE_NAME = "%s (%s %s)" % (wx.GetHostName(), platform.system(), platform.release()) class MenuBarMixin(): """Cannot subclass wx.menu_bar directly, so make it a mixin""" quit_item_id = wx.NewId( ) #wx.ID_EXIT #causes something to appear in statusbar toggle_item_id = wx.NewId() about_item_id = wx.NewId() login_item_id = wx.NewId() def doMenuBar(self): menu_bar = wx.MenuBar() file_menu = wx.Menu() self.toggle_item = file_menu.Append(self.toggle_item_id, 'Pause PasteBeam') quit_item = file_menu.Append(self.quit_item_id, 'Quit') menu_bar.Append(file_menu, '&File') edit_menu = wx.Menu() login_item = edit_menu.Append(self.login_item_id, 'Login') menu_bar.Append(edit_menu, '&Edit')