class ChartDialog(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, title=""): self.result = title.__getitem__('result') self.objectivenames = title.__getitem__('objectivenames') self.objectivenumber = len(self.objectivenames) self.variablenames = title.__getitem__('variablenames') self.variablenumber = len(self.variablenames) wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title=u'结果', size=(400, 350), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.THICK_FRAME|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL) self.xcb = wx.ComboBox(self, choices=self.objectivenames, style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.ycb = wx.ComboBox(self, choices=self.objectivenames, style=wx.CB_READONLY) drawButton = wx.Button(self, label=u'确定', id=wx.ID_ANY) quitButton = wx.Button(self, label=u'退出', id=wx.ID_CANCEL) xlabel = wx.StaticText(self, label=u'横坐标(x):') ylabel = wx.StaticText(self, label=u'纵坐标(y):') xBoxSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) yBoxSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) buttonSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) xBoxSizer.Add(xlabel, 0, wx.ALL, 8) xBoxSizer.Add(self.xcb, 0, wx.ALL, 8) yBoxSizer.Add(ylabel, 0, wx.ALL, 8) yBoxSizer.Add(self.ycb, 0, wx.ALL, 8) buttonSizer.Add(drawButton, 0, wx.ALL, 8) buttonSizer.Add(quitButton, 0, wx.ALL, 8) MainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) MainSizer.Add(xBoxSizer, 0, wx.ALL, 8) MainSizer.Add(yBoxSizer, 0, wx.ALL, 8) MainSizer.Add(buttonSizer, 0,wx.ALL, 8) self.SetSizer(MainSizer) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.drawAPP, drawButton) def drawAPP(self, e): = PlotApp() try: xlabel = self.xcb.GetValue() xindex = self.objectivenames.index(xlabel) ylabel = self.ycb.GetValue() yindex = self.objectivenames.index(ylabel) except: wx.MessageBox(u'请先选择x,y数据', u'提示', wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) x = [] y = [] for individual in self.result: x.append(individual[xindex]) y.append(individual[yindex]), y, title=xlabel+' - '+ylabel, label=xlabel+' - '+ylabel, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel)
def plot_graph(self, data): x = [i for i in range(0, len(data))] x_data = np.array(x) y_data = np.array(data) app = PlotApp() app.plot(x_data, y_data, title='Compound interest over term', label='Compound interest', ylabel='Funds (£)', xlabel='Time (Months)') app.write_message('Try Help->Quick Reference')
def drawAPP(self, e): = PlotApp() try: xlabel = self.xcb.GetValue() xindex = self.objectivenames.index(xlabel) ylabel = self.ycb.GetValue() yindex = self.objectivenames.index(ylabel) except: wx.MessageBox(u'请先选择x,y数据', u'提示', wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) x = [] y = [] for individual in self.result: x.append(individual[xindex]) y.append(individual[yindex]), y, title=xlabel+' - '+ylabel, label=xlabel+' - '+ylabel, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel)
from ABKSectionPoint import * from DrawSection import DrawGeometry from wxmplot import PlotApp if __name__ == "__main__": Tsec = NshapeSection(30,12,20,80,5,5,5) geo = GeoCalculator(Tsec) geo.Solve() print geo.Area() p = geo.Centroid() alfa = geo.tan_alfa() print p print "a=" + str(alfa) app = PlotApp() Path = DrawGeometry(Tsec) Path.Draw() #newIsec = Isec.moveCoor(-p[0], -p[1]) #origin = Point(0,0) #newIsec = Isec.rotate(pi/4, p) #newIsec = Isec.transform(-p[0],-p[1],-alfa, origin) #geo1 = GeoCalculator(newIsec) #geo1.Solve() #print geo1.Area() #print geo1.Centroid() for i in Path._paths: m,n=zip(*i)
#!/usr/bin/python from wxmplot import PlotApp from datetime import datetime f = open('time.dat', 'r') l = f.readlines() f.close() t = [] x = [] for i in l: j = i[:-1].strip().split() t.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(float(j[0]))) x.append(float(j[1])) app = PlotApp() app.plot(t, x, use_dates=True, drawstyle='steps-post', marker='+') app.set_title('Time series data:')
#!/usr/bin/env python # simple wxmplot example from numpy import linspace, sin, cos, random from wxmplot import PlotApp app = PlotApp() x = linspace(0.0, 10.0, 101) y = 5*sin(4*x)/(x+6) z = cos(0.7*(x+0.3)) + random.normal(size=len(x), scale=0.2) app.plot(x, y, title='WXMPlot Demo', label='decaying sine', ylabel=r'$\chi(x)$', xlabel='$x \ (\AA)$') app.oplot(x, z, label='noisy cosine', marker='+') app.write_message('Try Help->Quick Reference')
#!/usr/bin/python # from wxmplot import PlotApp import numpy as np npts = 41 x = np.linspace(0, 10.0, npts) y = 0.4 * np.cos(x / 2.0) + np.random.normal(scale=0.03, size=npts) dy = 0.03 * np.ones(npts) + 0.01 * np.sqrt(x) app = PlotApp() app.plot(x, y, dy=dy, color='red', linewidth=0, marker='o', xlabel='x', ylabel='y', title='Plot with error bars')
#!/usr/bin/env python # simple wxmplot example from numpy import linspace, sin, cos, random from wxmplot import PlotApp app = PlotApp() random.seed(1) x = linspace(0.0, 15.0, 151) y = 5*sin(4*x)/(x*x+6) z = cos(0.7*(x+0.3)) + random.normal(size=len(x), scale=0.11) app.plot(x, y, title='WXMPlot example', label='decaying sine', ylabel=r'$\phi(x)$', xlabel=r'$x \> \rm (\AA)$') app.oplot(x, z, label='noisy cosine', marker='+', show_legend=True) app.write_message('Try Help->Quick Reference')
#!/usr/bin/python # from wxmplot import PlotApp import numpy as np npts = 41 x = np.linspace(0, 10.0, npts) y = 0.4 * np.cos(x/2.0) + np.random.normal(scale=0.03, size=npts) dy = 0.03 * np.ones(npts) + 0.01 * np.sqrt(x) app = PlotApp() app.plot(x, y, dy=dy, color='red', linewidth=0, marker='o', xlabel='x', ylabel='y', title='Plot with error bars')
#!/usr/bin/env python # simple wxmplot example from numpy import linspace, sin, cos, random from wxmplot import PlotApp app = PlotApp() random.seed(1) x = linspace(0.0, 15.0, 151) y = 5 * sin(4 * x) / (x * x + 6) z = cos(0.7 * (x + 0.3)) + random.normal(size=len(x), scale=0.11) app.plot(x, y, title='WXMPlot example', label='decaying sine', ylabel=r'$\phi(x)$', xlabel=r'$x \> \rm (\AA)$') app.oplot(x, z, label='noisy cosine', marker='+', show_legend=True) app.write_message('Try Help->Quick Reference')
#!/usr/bin/python # # compare, for reference: # # from wxmplot import PlotApp import numpy as np x = 3.6*np.arange(101) y1 = np.cos(np.pi*x/180) y2 = np.sin(np.pi*x/180) app = PlotApp() app.plot(x, y1, color='red', xlabel='x', ylabel='y', title='DISLIN Comparison\nsin(x) and cos(x)', xmin=0, xmax=360.0) app.oplot(x, y2, color='green3', marker='+')
#!/usr/bin/python from wxmplot import PlotApp f = open('xafs.dat','r') x = [] y = [] titles = [] for i in f.readlines(): i = i[:-1].strip() if i.startswith('#'): titles.append(i) else: j = i.split() x.append(float(j[0])) y.append(float(j[1])) f.close() app = PlotApp() app.plot(x,y,xlabel='E (eV)', label='As K', marker='+',linewidth=1) app.set_title('Test Plot') app.write_message('MPlot PlotFrame example: Try Help->Quick Reference')
from wxmplot import PlotApp from numpy import arange, sin, cos, exp, pi xx = arange(0.0,12.0,0.1) y1 = 1*sin(2*pi*xx/3.0) y2 = 4*cos(2*pi*(xx-1)/5.0)/(6+xx) y3 = -pi + 2*(xx/10. + exp(-(xx-3)/5.0)) p = PlotApp() p.plot(xx, y1, color='blue', style='dashed', title='Example PlotApp', label='a', ylabel=r'$k^2\chi(k) $', xlabel=r'$ k \ (\AA^{-1}) $' ) p.oplot(xx, y2, marker='+', linewidth=0, label =r'$ x_1 $') p.oplot(xx, y3, style='solid', label ='x_2') p.write_message('Try Help->Quick Reference')
#!/usr/bin/python from wxmplot import PlotApp f = open('xafs.dat', 'r') x = [] y = [] titles = [] for i in f.readlines(): i = i[:-1].strip() if i.startswith('#'): titles.append(i) else: j = i.split() x.append(float(j[0])) y.append(float(j[1])) f.close() app = PlotApp() app.plot(x, y, xlabel='E (eV)', label='As K', marker='+', linewidth=1) app.set_title('Test Plot') app.write_message('MPlot PlotFrame example: Try Help->Quick Reference')