Пример #1
 def test_select_epochs(self):
     """Selecting Epochs."""
     # normal case
     dat = select_epochs(self.dat, [0])
     self.assertEqual(dat.data.shape[0], 1)
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(dat.data, self.dat.data[[0]])
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(dat.axes[0], self.dat.axes[0][0])
     # normal every second
     dat = select_epochs(self.dat, [0, 2])
     self.assertEqual(dat.data.shape[0], 2)
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(dat.data, self.dat.data[::2])
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(dat.axes[0], self.dat.axes[0][::2])
     # the full epo
     dat = select_epochs(self.dat, list(range(self.dat.data.shape[0])))
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(dat.data, self.dat.data)
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(dat.axes[0], self.dat.axes[0])
     # remove one
     dat = select_epochs(self.dat, [0], invert=True)
     self.assertEqual(dat.data.shape[0], 3)
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(dat.data, self.dat.data[1:])
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(dat.axes[0], self.dat.axes[0][1:])
     # remove every second
     dat = select_epochs(self.dat, [0, 2], invert=True)
     self.assertEqual(dat.data.shape[0], 2)
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(dat.data, self.dat.data[1::2])
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(dat.axes[0], self.dat.axes[0][1::2])
Пример #2
    def run_fold(self, epo, bp_nr, fold_nr):
        train_test = self.folds[fold_nr]
        train_ind = train_test['train']
        test_ind = train_test['test']
        epo_train = select_epochs(epo, train_ind)
        epo_test = select_epochs(epo, test_ind)
        if self.standardize_epo:
            epo_train, epo_test = online_standardize_epo(epo_train, epo_test)
        # TODELAY: also integrate into init and store results
        self.train_labels_full_fold[fold_nr] = epo_train.axes[0]
        self.test_labels_full_fold[fold_nr] = epo_test.axes[0]

        for pair_nr in xrange(len(self.class_pairs)):
            self.run_pair(epo_train, epo_test, bp_nr, fold_nr, pair_nr)
Пример #3
    def run_fold(self, epo, bp_nr, fold_nr):
        train_test = self.folds[fold_nr]
        train_ind = train_test["train"]
        test_ind = train_test["test"]
        epo_train = select_epochs(epo, train_ind)
        epo_test = select_epochs(epo, test_ind)
        if self.standardize_epo:
            epo_train, epo_test = online_standardize_epo(epo_train, epo_test)
        # TODELAY: also integrate into init and store results
        self.train_labels_full_fold[fold_nr] = epo_train.axes[0]
        self.test_labels_full_fold[fold_nr] = epo_test.axes[0]

        for pair_nr in xrange(len(self.class_pairs)):
            self.run_pair(epo_train, epo_test, bp_nr, fold_nr, pair_nr)
Пример #4
 def preproc_and_load_clean_trials(self):
     log.info("Preprocessing set...")
     if len(self.rejected_trials) > 0:
         self.signal_processor.epo = select_epochs(
             self.signal_processor.epo, self.rejected_trials, invert=True)
     # select epochs does not update marker structure...
     clean_markers = [m for i,m in enumerate(self.signal_processor.epo.markers) \
         if i not in self.rejected_trials]
     self.signal_processor.epo.markers = clean_markers
Пример #5
 def fill_filterbank_data(self, full_epo_data):
     for filterband_i in xrange(len(self.filterbands)): 
         low_freq, high_freq= self.filterbands[filterband_i]
         log.info("Filterband {:d} of {:d}, from {:5.2f} to {:5.2f}".format(
             filterband_i + 1, len(self.filterbands), low_freq, high_freq))
         bandpassed_cnt = bandpass_cnt(self.signal_processor.cnt, 
             low_freq, high_freq, filt_order=3)
         epo = segment_dat_fast(bandpassed_cnt, 
                marker_def={'1 - Right Hand': [1], '2 - Left Hand': [2], 
                    '3 - Rest': [3], '4 - Feet': [4]}, 
         epo.data = np.float32(epo.data)
         epo = select_epochs(epo, self.rejected_trials, invert=True)
         full_epo_data[:,:,:,filterband_i] = epo.data
         del epo.data
         del bandpassed_cnt
     self.filterband_axes = epo.axes + [self.filterbands.tolist()]
     self.filterband_names = epo.names + ['filterband']
     self.filterband_units = epo.units + ['Hz']
Пример #6
def calculate_csp(epo, classes=None):
    """Calculate the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) for two classes.
    Now with pattern computation as in matlab bbci toolbox
    This method calculates the CSP and the corresponding filters. Use
    the columns of the patterns and filters.
    Calculate the CSP for the first two classes::
    >>> w, a, d = calculate_csp(epo)
    >>> # Apply the first two and the last two columns of the sorted
    >>> # filter to the data
    >>> filtered = apply_spatial_filter(epo, w[:, [0, 1, -2, -1]])
    >>> # You'll probably want to get the log-variance along the time
    >>> # axis, this should result in four numbers (one for each
    >>> # channel)
    >>> filtered = np.log(np.var(filtered, 0))
    Select two classes manually::
    >>> w, a, d = calculate_csp(epo, [2, 5])
    epo : epoched Data object
        this method relies on the ``epo`` to have three dimensions in
        the following order: class, time, channel
    classes : list of two ints, optional
        If ``None`` the first two different class indices found in
        ``epo.axes[0]`` are chosen automatically otherwise the class
        indices can be manually chosen by setting ``classes``
    v : 2d array
        the sorted spatial filters
    a : 2d array
        the sorted spatial patterns. Column i of a represents the
        pattern of the filter in column i of v.
    d : 1d array
        the variances of the components
    AssertionError :
          * ``classes`` is not ``None`` and has less than two elements
          * ``classes`` is not ``None`` and the first two elements are
            not found in the ``epo``
          * ``classes`` is ``None`` but there are less than two
            different classes in the ``epo``
    See Also
    :func:`apply_spatial_filter`, :func:`apply_csp`, :func:`calculate_spoc`
    n_channels = epo.data.shape[-1]
    if classes is None:
        # automagically find the first two different classidx
        # we don't use uniq, since it sorts the classidx first
        # first check if we have a least two diffeent idxs:
        assert len(np.unique(epo.axes[0])) >= 2
        cidx1 = epo.axes[0][0]
        cidx2 = epo.axes[0][epo.axes[0] != cidx1][0]
        assert (len(classes) >= 2 and
            classes[0] in epo.axes[0] and
            classes[1] in epo.axes[0])
        cidx1 = classes[0]
        cidx2 = classes[1]
    epoc1 = select_epochs(epo, np.nonzero(epo.axes[0] == cidx1)[0], classaxis=0)
    epoc2 = select_epochs(epo, np.nonzero(epo.axes[0] == cidx2)[0], classaxis=0)
    # we need a matrix of the form (observations, channels) so we stack trials
    # and time per channel together
    x1 = epoc1.data.reshape(-1, n_channels)
    x2 = epoc2.data.reshape(-1, n_channels)
    # compute covariance matrices of the two classes
    c1 = np.cov(x1.transpose())
    c2 = np.cov(x2.transpose())
    # solution of csp objective via generalized eigenvalue problem
    # in matlab the signature is v, d = eig(a, b)
    d, v = sp.linalg.eig(c1-c2, c1+c2)
    d = d.real
    # make sure the eigenvalues and -vectors are correctly sorted
    indx = np.argsort(d)
    # reverse
    indx = indx[::-1]
    d = d.take(indx)
    v = v.take(indx, axis=1)
    #old pattern computation
    #a = sp.linalg.inv(v).transpose()
    c_avg = (c1 + c2) / 2.0
    # compare 
    # https://github.com/bbci/bbci_public/blob/c7201e4e42f873cced2e068c6cbb3780a8f8e9ec/processing/proc_csp.m#L112
    # with W := v
    v_with_cov = np.dot(c_avg, v)
    source_cov = np.dot(np.dot(v.T, c_avg), v)
    # matlab-python comparison
    v_with_cov = np.array([[1,2,-2],

    source_cov = np.array([[1,2,0.5],
    sp.linalg.solve(source_cov.T, v_with_cov.T).T
    # for matlab
    v_with_cov = [[1,2,-2],
    source_cov = [[1,2,0.5],
    v_with_cov / source_cov"""

    a = sp.linalg.solve(source_cov.T, v_with_cov.T).T
    return v, a, d
Пример #7
def calculate_csp(epo, classes=None):
    """Calculate the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) for two classes.
    Now with pattern computation as in matlab bbci toolbox
    This method calculates the CSP and the corresponding filters. Use
    the columns of the patterns and filters.
    Calculate the CSP for the first two classes::
    >>> w, a, d = calculate_csp(epo)
    >>> # Apply the first two and the last two columns of the sorted
    >>> # filter to the data
    >>> filtered = apply_spatial_filter(epo, w[:, [0, 1, -2, -1]])
    >>> # You'll probably want to get the log-variance along the time
    >>> # axis, this should result in four numbers (one for each
    >>> # channel)
    >>> filtered = np.log(np.var(filtered, 0))
    Select two classes manually::
    >>> w, a, d = calculate_csp(epo, [2, 5])
    epo : epoched Data object
        this method relies on the ``epo`` to have three dimensions in
        the following order: class, time, channel
    classes : list of two ints, optional
        If ``None`` the first two different class indices found in
        ``epo.axes[0]`` are chosen automatically otherwise the class
        indices can be manually chosen by setting ``classes``
    v : 2d array
        the sorted spatial filters
    a : 2d array
        the sorted spatial patterns. Column i of a represents the
        pattern of the filter in column i of v.
    d : 1d array
        the variances of the components
    AssertionError :
          * ``classes`` is not ``None`` and has less than two elements
          * ``classes`` is not ``None`` and the first two elements are
            not found in the ``epo``
          * ``classes`` is ``None`` but there are less than two
            different classes in the ``epo``
    See Also
    :func:`apply_spatial_filter`, :func:`apply_csp`, :func:`calculate_spoc`
    n_channels = epo.data.shape[-1]
    if classes is None:
        # automagically find the first two different classidx
        # we don't use uniq, since it sorts the classidx first
        # first check if we have a least two diffeent idxs:
        assert len(np.unique(epo.axes[0])) >= 2
        cidx1 = epo.axes[0][0]
        cidx2 = epo.axes[0][epo.axes[0] != cidx1][0]
        assert (len(classes) >= 2 and classes[0] in epo.axes[0]
                and classes[1] in epo.axes[0])
        cidx1 = classes[0]
        cidx2 = classes[1]
    epoc1 = select_epochs(epo,
                          np.nonzero(epo.axes[0] == cidx1)[0],
    epoc2 = select_epochs(epo,
                          np.nonzero(epo.axes[0] == cidx2)[0],
    # we need a matrix of the form (observations, channels) so we stack trials
    # and time per channel together
    x1 = epoc1.data.reshape(-1, n_channels)
    x2 = epoc2.data.reshape(-1, n_channels)
    # compute covariance matrices of the two classes
    c1 = np.cov(x1.transpose())
    c2 = np.cov(x2.transpose())
    # solution of csp objective via generalized eigenvalue problem
    # in matlab the signature is v, d = eig(a, b)
    d, v = sp.linalg.eig(c1 - c2, c1 + c2)
    d = d.real
    # make sure the eigenvalues and -vectors are correctly sorted
    indx = np.argsort(d)
    # reverse
    indx = indx[::-1]
    d = d.take(indx)
    v = v.take(indx, axis=1)

    # Now compute patterns
    #old pattern computation
    #a = sp.linalg.inv(v).transpose()
    c_avg = (c1 + c2) / 2.0

    # compare
    # https://github.com/bbci/bbci_public/blob/c7201e4e42f873cced2e068c6cbb3780a8f8e9ec/processing/proc_csp.m#L112
    # with W := v
    v_with_cov = np.dot(c_avg, v)
    source_cov = np.dot(np.dot(v.T, c_avg), v)
    # matlab-python comparison
    v_with_cov = np.array([[1,2,-2],

    source_cov = np.array([[1,2,0.5],
    sp.linalg.solve(source_cov.T, v_with_cov.T).T
    # for matlab
    v_with_cov = [[1,2,-2],
    source_cov = [[1,2,0.5],
    v_with_cov / source_cov"""

    a = sp.linalg.solve(source_cov.T, v_with_cov.T).T
    return v, a, d
sizes = [20]#np.arange(30, 91, 15) # 4  items

Accuracy = np.zeros((len(sizes), len(starts)))

for i, start in enumerate(starts):
    for j, window_size in enumerate(sizes):
        train_data = load_epo_data('train', start, window_size)

        accuracy = np.zeros(10)

        for state in range(0, len(accuracy)):
            rs = cross_validation.ShuffleSplit(train_data.data.shape[0], n_iter=10, test_size=.15, random_state=state)
            rs = [[train_index, test_index] for train_index, test_index in rs][0]

            test_data_i = proc.select_epochs(train_data, rs[1])
            train_data_i = proc.select_epochs(train_data, rs[0])
            #expected = test_data_i.axes[0]
            expected = train_data_i.axes[0]

            # creating a CSP filter, preprocessing train data
            fv_train, filt = preprocess(train_data_i)

            # training LDA
            cfy = proc.lda_train(fv_train)

            # preprocess test data
            #fv_test, _ = preprocess(test_data_i, filt)

            # predicting result of the test data
            result = proc.lda_apply(fv_train, cfy)
Пример #9
 def test_select_epochs_copy(self):
     """Select Epochs must not modify argument."""
     cpy = self.dat.copy()
     select_epochs(self.dat, [0, 1])
     self.assertEqual(self.dat, cpy)
Пример #10
 def test_select_epochs_swapaxes(self):
     """Select epochs must work with nonstandard classaxis."""
     dat = select_epochs(swapaxes(self.dat, 0, 2), [0, 1], classaxis=2)
     dat = swapaxes(dat, 0, 2)
     dat2 = select_epochs(self.dat, [0, 1])
     self.assertEqual(dat, dat2)
Пример #11
 def test_select_epochs_with_cnt(self):
     """Select epochs must raise an exception if called with cnt argument."""
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
         select_epochs(self.dat, [0, 1])
Пример #12
def subset_data(init_data,
    """Subsets an epoched Data object by BIS value and intra-OP time

    It might be useful to only look at data aligned with critical BIS
    values (e. g., BIS < 60) or only the second half of the OP.

        data : wyrm.types.Data
            epoched data to subset
        bis_crit : int
            critical BIS value, drop all epochs with BIS > `bis_crit`
        drop_perc : float
            percentage of OP to be dropped
        drop_from : str
            if drop_perc is passed, will drop from beginning or end of OP
            * 'beginning': drop from beginning
            * 'end': drop from end
        use_min : tuple of (start, stop)
            only use minutes between use_min[1] and use_min[2],
            if use_from == 'beginning' start must be < stop,
            if use_from == 'end' start must be > stop
        use_from : str
            if use_min is passed, will use minute marks at beginning/end of OP
            * 'beginning': use_min relative to OP start
            * 'end': use_min relative to OP end

        data : wyrm.types.Data
            subsetted data
    # TODO: Handle drop_perc == None
    if subj_ids:
        if (not isinstance(subj_ids, np.ndarray)
                and not isinstance(subj_ids, list)):
            msg = 'When passing `subj_ids`, have to pass list or np.ndarray.'
            raise TypeError(msg)
    if drop_perc and use_min:
        msg = 'Can only use either drop_perc or use_min'
        raise ValueError(msg)

    data = init_data.copy()
    dat = data.data.copy()
    subj_id = data.subj_id.copy()

    if drop_perc:
        if drop_from not in ['beginning', 'end']:
            msg = 'drop_from must be one of \'beginning\', \'end\'.'
            raise ValueError(msg)

        unique_subj_ids = np.unique(subj_id)
        idx_to_keep = []
        for subj in unique_subj_ids:
            idx_subj = np.where(subj_id == subj)[0]
            data_subset = dat[idx_subj, :, :].squeeze()
            n_epochs = data_subset.shape[0]
            n_samples_per_epoch = data_subset.shape[1]
            n_samples = n_epochs * n_samples_per_epoch
            n_samples_to_drop = drop_perc * n_samples
            n_epochs_to_drop = int(
                np.floor(n_samples_to_drop / n_samples_per_epoch))
            if drop_from == 'beginning':

        idx_to_keep = np.concatenate(idx_to_keep).ravel()
        data = select_epochs(data, indices=idx_to_keep)
        data.subj_id = data.subj_id[idx_to_keep]
        data.bis = data.bis[idx_to_keep]

    if use_min:
        if use_from not in ['beginning', 'end']:
            msg = 'use_from must be one of \'beginning\', \'end\'.'
            raise ValueError(msg)

        unique_subj_ids = np.unique(subj_id)
        idx_to_keep = []
        for subj in unique_subj_ids:
            idx_subj = np.where(subj_id == subj)[0]
            data_subset = dat[idx_subj, :, :].squeeze()
            n_samples_per_epoch = data_subset.shape[1]
            n_samples_to_keep = (max(use_min) - min(use_min)) * 60 * data.fs
            n_epochs_to_keep = int(
                np.floor(n_samples_to_keep / n_samples_per_epoch))

            if use_from == 'beginning':
                n_samples_to_drop_before = min(use_min) * 60 * data.fs
                n_epochs_to_drop_before = int(
                    np.floor(n_samples_to_drop_before / n_samples_per_epoch))
                    idx_subj[n_epochs_to_drop_before:n_epochs_to_drop_before +
            elif use_from == 'end':
                n_samples_to_drop_after = min(use_min) * 60 * data.fs
                n_epochs_to_drop_after = int(
                    np.floor(n_samples_to_drop_after / n_samples_per_epoch))
                start = -n_epochs_to_drop_after - n_epochs_to_keep
                stop = -n_epochs_to_drop_after if n_epochs_to_drop_after != 0 else -1

        idx_to_keep = np.concatenate(idx_to_keep).ravel()
        data = select_epochs(data, indices=idx_to_keep)
        data.subj_id = data.subj_id[idx_to_keep]
        data.bis = data.bis[idx_to_keep]

    dat = data.data.copy()
    bis = data.bis.copy()

    axes = data.axes.copy()
    subj_id = data.subj_id.copy()

    # only keep windows where BIS <= bis_crit
    if bis_crit:
        new_idx = np.where(np.all(bis <= bis_crit, axis=1))
        dat = dat[new_idx]
        bis = bis[new_idx]
        axes[0] = axes[0][new_idx]
        subj_id = subj_id[new_idx]

    data.data = dat
    data.bis = bis
    data.axes = axes
    data.subj_id = subj_id

    if subj_ids:
        mask = np.isin(data.subj_id, subj_ids)
        data.subj_id = data.subj_id[mask]
        dat = data.data.compress(mask, 0)  # classaxis is 0
        axes = data.axes[:]
        axes[0] = data.axes[0].compress(mask)
        data = data.copy(data=dat, axes=axes)

    return data
n_epo_per_sub = 5440 / len(train_subs)

def epochs_indices(subj_indices):
    return np.hstack([np.arange(s_ind * n_epo_per_sub, (s_ind + 1) * n_epo_per_sub) for s_ind in subj_indices])

for i, start in enumerate(starts):
    for j, window_size in enumerate(sizes):
        accuracy = np.zeros(20)
        train_data = load_epo_data('train', start, window_size)

        for state in range(0, len(accuracy)):
            rs = cross_validation.ShuffleSplit(len(train_subs), n_iter=10, test_size=.15, random_state=state)
            rs = [[train_index, test_index] for train_index, test_index in rs][0]

            train_data_i = proc.select_epochs(train_data, epochs_indices(rs[0]))
            test_data_i = proc.select_epochs(train_data, epochs_indices(rs[1]))
            expected = test_data_i.axes[0]

            # creating a CSP filter, preprocessing train data
            fv_train, filt = preprocess(train_data_i)

            # training LDA
            cfy = proc.lda_train(fv_train)

            # preprocess test data
            fv_test, _ = preprocess(test_data_i, filt)

            # predicting result of the test data
            result = proc.lda_apply(fv_test, cfy)