def display_banner(term): """ Display on-connect banner and set a few sequences. """ # reset existing SGR attributes echo(term.normal) # set syncterm font, if any if syncterm_font and term.kind.startswith('ansi'): echo(syncterm_setfont(syncterm_font)) # # disable line-wrapping (SyncTerm does not honor, careful!) echo(u'\x1b[7l') if term.kind.startswith('xterm'): # # Save xterm icon and window title on stack. echo(u'\x1b[22;0t') # move to beginning of line and clear, in case syncterm_setfont # has been mis-interpreted, as it follows CSI with space, which # causes most terminal emulators to receive literally after CSI. echo(term.move_x(0) + term.clear_eol) # display name of bbs and url to sourcecode. highlight = getattr(term, color_primary) sep = getattr(term, color_secondary)(u'::') echo(term.clear) # clear the screen... # display on-connect banner (`art_file`) map(echo, showart(art_file, encoding=art_encoding, center=True)) map(echo, showart("./art/login.ans", encoding=art_encoding, center=True)) # display various ini-configured login username aliases. if new_allowed: echo("\r\nLogin as '{0}' to create an account.".format( highlight(new_usernames[0])))) if anonymous_allowed: echo(u"\r\nLogin as '{0}' is allowed.".format( highlight(anonymous_names[0]))) if reset_allowed: echo("\r\nForgot password? Login as '{0}'.".format( highlight('reset'))))
def display_banner(filepattern, vertical_padding=0, **kwargs): """ Start new screen and show artwork, centered. :param str filepattern: file to display :param int vertical_padding: number of blank lines to prefix art :return: number of lines displayed :rtype: int Remaining parameters are inherited from :func:`showart`, such as ``center`` and ``encoding``. By default, ``center`` is True. """ # This is unfortunate, we should use 'term' as first argument term = getterminal() kwargs['center'] = kwargs.get('center', True) # move to bottom of screen, reset attribute echo(term.move(term.height, 0) + term.normal) # create a new, empty screen echo(u'\r\n' * (term.height + 1)) # move to home, insert vertical padding echo(term.home + (u'\r\n' * vertical_padding)) art_generator = showart(filepattern, **kwargs) line_no = 0 for line_no, txt in enumerate(art_generator): echo(txt) # return line number return line_no + vertical_padding
def display_banner(filepattern, encoding=None, vertical_padding=0): """ Start new screen and show artwork, centered. :param filepattern: file to display :type filepattern: str :param encoding: encoding of art file(s). :type encoding: str or None :param vertical_padding: number of blank lines to prefix art :type vertical_padding: int :returns: number of lines displayed :rtype: int """ term = getterminal() # move to bottom of screen, reset attribute echo(term.pos(term.height) + term.normal) # create a new, empty screen echo(u'\r\n' * (term.height + 1)) # move to home, insert vertical padding echo(term.home + (u'\r\n' * vertical_padding)) # show art art_generator = showart(filepattern, encoding=encoding, auto_mode=False, center=True) line_no = 0 for line_no, txt in enumerate(art_generator): echo(txt) # return line number return line_no + vertical_padding
def banner(): term = getterminal() banner = '' artfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'bulletins.ans') for line in showart(artfile, 'topaz'): banner = banner + line return banner
def banner(): term = getterminal() banner = '' artfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'bulletins.ans') for line in showart(artfile,'topaz'): banner = banner + line return banner
def displayfile(filename): term = getterminal() echo(term.clear + term.move(0, 0) + term.normal) text = {} counter = 0 offset = 0 keypressed = '' # the string array named text will be zerobased for line in showart(filename): text[counter] = line counter = counter + 1 while True: echo(term.move(0, 0) + term.normal) # -2 om man vill spara en rad i botten for i in range(0, term.height - 1): if len(text) > i + offset: echo(term.clear_eol + u'\r' + text[i + offset]) keypressed = getch() echo(term.hide_cursor) if keypressed == 'q' or keypressed == 'Q' or keypressed == term.KEY_ESCAPE or keypressed == term.KEY_ENTER: break if keypressed == term.KEY_HOME: offset = 0 if keypressed == term.KEY_END: # if the textline has fewer lines than the screen.. if len(text) < term.height: offset = 0 else: offset = len(text) - term.height + 1 if keypressed == term.KEY_DOWN: # offset < len(text) + term.height: if len(text) > offset + term.height - 1: offset = offset + 1 if keypressed == term.KEY_UP: if offset > 0: offset = offset - 1 if keypressed == term.KEY_LEFT or keypressed == term.KEY_PGUP: if offset > term.height: offset = offset - term.height + 2 else: offset = 0 if keypressed == term.KEY_RIGHT or keypressed == term.KEY_PGDOWN: if (offset + term.height * 2) - 1 < len(text): offset = offset + term.height - 2 else: # if the textline has fewer lines than the screen.. if len(text) < term.height: offset = 0 else: offset = len(text) - term.height + 1
def display_banner(filepattern, vertical_padding=0, **kwargs): """ Start new screen and show artwork, centered. :param str filepattern: file to display :param int vertical_padding: number of blank lines to prefix art :return: number of lines displayed :rtype: int Remaining parameters are inherited from :func:`showart`, such as ``center`` and ``encoding``. By default, ``center`` is True. """ # This is unfortunate, we should use 'term' as first argument term = getterminal() kwargs['center'] = kwargs.get('center', True) # move to bottom of screen, reset attribute echo(term.move(term.height, 0) + term.normal) # create a new, empty screen echo(u'\r\n' * (term.height + 1)) # move to home, insert vertical padding echo(term.home + (u'\r\n' * vertical_padding)) art_generator = showart(filepattern, **kwargs) line_no = 0 for txt in art_generator: line_no += 1 echo(txt) # return line number return line_no + vertical_padding
def show_help(term, center=True): """ Returns help text. """ # clear screen echo(term.normal + ('\r\n' * (term.height + 1)) + term.home) map(echo, showart(os.path.join(here, 'art', 'po-help.ans')))
def main(): session = getsession() session.activity = u'hanging out in voting script' term = getterminal() echo(term.clear()) db = DBProxy(databasename) if not 'questions' in db: generate_database() while True: echo(term.clear()) # clears the screen and displays the vote art header for line in showart(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'art','vote.ans'),'topaz'): echo(term.cyan+term.move_x((term.width/2)-40)+line) if 'sysop' in session.user.groups: spacing = 1 else: spacing = 7 echo(' ') echo(term.magenta+'\n ('+term.cyan+'r'+term.magenta+')'+term.white+'esults'+' '*spacing) echo(term.magenta+'('+term.cyan+'v'+term.magenta+')'+term.white+'ote on a question'+' '*spacing) echo(term.magenta+'('+term.cyan+'a'+term.magenta+')'+term.white+'dd a new question'+' '*spacing) if 'sysop' in session.user.groups: echo(term.magenta+'('+term.cyan+'d'+term.magenta+')'+term.white+'elete a question'+' '*spacing) echo(term.magenta+'('+term.cyan+'q'+term.magenta+')'+term.white+'uit') echo(term.magenta+'\r\n\r\n\r\nx/84 voting booth command: ') le = LineEditor(30) le.colors['highlight'] = term.cyan inp = inp = inp.lower() # makes the input indifferent to wheter you used lower case when typing in a command or not.. if 'sysop' in session.user.groups and inp == 'd': while 1: questionnumber = query_question() if questionnumber == 999: break delete_question(questionnumber) elif inp == 'r': while 1: questionnumber = query_question() if questionnumber == 999: break list_results(questionnumber) elif inp == 'v': while 1: questionnumber = query_question() if questionnumber == 999: break vote(questionnumber) elif inp == 'a': add_question() elif inp == 'q': return else: echo('\r\nNo such command. Try again.\r\n') # if no valid key is pressed then do some ami/x esthetics. waitprompt()
def refresh_all(idx=None): """ refresh screen, database, and return database index """ echo(u''.join((u'\r\n\r\n', term.clear_eol,))) for line in showart(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art','logoff.ans'),'topaz'): echo(line) idx = refresh_automsg(-1 if idx is None else idx) refresh_prompt(prompt_msg) return idx
def show_banner(): """ Display main menu banner """ from x84.bbs import showart, echo, getterminal import os artfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'main.ans') # displays a centered main menu header in topaz encoding for utf8 for line in showart(artfile, 'topaz', center=True): echo(line)
def banner(): """ Returns string suitable for displaying banner """ from x84.bbs import getterminal, showart import os term = getterminal() banner = '\r\n' for line in showart( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'online.ans'), 'cp437'): banner = banner + term.move_x(max(0, (term.width / 2) - 40)) + line return (banner)
def heading(): """ Return string suitable for display heading. """ from x84.bbs import getterminal, showart import os term = getterminal() bar = "" for line in showart(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "art", "onlinebar.ans"), "topaz"): bar = bar + term.move_x(max(0, (term.width / 2) - 40)) + line return u"\r\n".join((u"\r\n".join([, (term.width)) for pline in prompt()]), u"\r\n", bar))
def banner(): """ Returns string suitable for displaying banner """ from x84.bbs import getterminal, showart import os term = getterminal() banner = "\r\n" for line in showart(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "art", "online.ans"), "cp437"): banner = banner + term.move_x(max(0, (term.width / 2) - 40)) + line return banner
def heading(): """ Return string suitable for display heading. """ from x84.bbs import getterminal, showart import os term = getterminal() bar = '' for line in showart( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'onlinebar.ans'), 'topaz'): bar = bar + term.move_x(max(0, (term.width / 2) - 40)) + line return u'\r\n'.join( (u'\r\n'.join([, (term.width)) for pline in prompt()]), u'\r\n', bar))
def heading(): """ Return string suitable for display heading. """ from x84.bbs import getterminal, showart import os term = getterminal() bar = '' for line in showart( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'onlinebar.ans'), 'topaz'): bar = bar + term.move_x(max(0, (term.width / 2) - 40)) + line return u'\r\n'.join(( u'\r\n'.join([, (term.width)) for pline in prompt()]), u'\r\n', bar))
def display_banner(term): """ Display on-connect banner and set a few sequences. """ # reset existing SGR attributes echo(term.normal) # set syncterm font, if any if syncterm_font and term.kind.startswith('ansi'): echo(syncterm_setfont(syncterm_font)) # # disable line-wrapping (SyncTerm does not honor, careful!) echo(u'\x1b[7l') if term.kind.startswith('xterm'): # # Save xterm icon and window title on stack. echo(u'\x1b[22;0t') # move to beginning of line and clear, in case syncterm_setfont # has been mis-interpreted, as it follows CSI with space, which # causes most terminal emulators to receive literally after CSI. echo(term.move_x(0) + term.clear_eol) # display name of bbs and url to sourcecode. highlight = getattr(term, color_primary) sep = getattr(term, color_secondary)(u'::') echo(u'{sep} Connected to {name}.\r\n'.format( sep=sep, name=highlight(system_bbsname))) echo(u'{sep} See {url} for source code.\r\n'.format( sep=sep, url=highlight(__url__))) # display on-connect banner (`art_file`) map(echo, showart(art_file, encoding=art_encoding, center=True)) # display various ini-configured login username aliases. if new_allowed: echo(u" Login as '{0}' to create an account." .format(highlight(new_usernames[0]))) if anonymous_allowed: echo(u"\r\n Login as '{0}' is allowed." .format(highlight(anonymous_names[0]))) if reset_allowed: echo(u"\r\n Forgot password? Login as '{0}'." .format(highlight('reset')))
def banner(): """ Return centered banner """ from x84.bbs import getterminal, showart import os term = getterminal() output = u'' output += u'\r\n\r\n' + term.normal if term.width >= 78: artfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'oneliner.ans') artfilewidth = 80 if term.width >= 100: artfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'oneliner100.ans') artfilewidth = 100 output += term.home + term.normal + term.clear for line in showart(artfile,'topaz'): output = output + term.move_x((term.width/2)-artfilewidth/2)+line return output + term.normal
def refresh_screen(term, who): # create a new, empty screen echo(term.normal) echo(term.move(term.height - 1, 0)) echo(u'\r\n' * (term.height + 1)) ans_height, ans_width = 24, 80 if term.width < ans_width or term.height < ans_height: # screen is too small for ansi file, use ytalk-like format center_line = term.height // 2 echo(term.move(center_line, 0)) echo('= {0}@{1} ='.format(who, system_bbsname), term.width, '-')) top_window = WindowDimension( yloc=-1, xloc=-1, height=center_line + 2, width=term.width + 2) bot_window = WindowDimension( yloc=center_line, xloc=-1, height=term.height - (center_line - 1), width=term.width + 2) else: # center ansi file center_y = (math.floor(term.height / 2 - (ans_height / 2))) center_x = math.floor(term.width / 2 - (ans_width / 2)) ypos, xpos = max(0, int(center_y)), max(0, int(center_x)) art_generator = showart(art_file, encoding=art_encoding) for y_offset, line in enumerate(art_generator): _ypos = ypos + y_offset if _ypos <= term.height: echo(term.move(_ypos, xpos)) echo(line.rstrip()) top_window = WindowDimension( yloc=ypos, xloc=xpos + 1, height=9, width=78) bot_window = WindowDimension( yloc=ypos + 14, xloc=xpos + 1, height=10, width=78) return top_window, bot_window
def main(): """ Main procedure. """ # pylint: disable=R0914,R0912 # Too many local variables # Too many branches from x84.bbs import DBProxy, getsession, getterminal, echo from x84.bbs import ini, LineEditor, timeago, showart from x84.bbs import disconnect, getch import time import os session, term = getsession(), getterminal() session.activity = 'logging off' handle = session.user.handle or 'anonymous' echo(term.clear()) echo(u''.join((u'\r\n\r\n', term.clear_eol,))) for line in showart(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'logoff.ans'), 'cp437'): echo(line) inp = getch(1) echo(unichr(27) + u'[23;0t') echo(u'bye ' + handle + '!\n') disconnect('logoff.')
def banner(): """ Return centered banner """ from x84.bbs import getterminal, showart import os term = getterminal() output = u'' output += u'\r\n\r\n' + term.normal if term.width >= 78: artfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'oneliner.ans') artfilewidth = 80 if term.width >= 100: artfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'oneliner100.ans') artfilewidth = 100 output += term.home + term.normal + term.clear for line in showart(artfile, 'topaz'): output = output + term.move_x((term.width / 2) - artfilewidth / 2) + line return output + term.normal
def refresh_screen(term, again=False): # create a new, empty screen if again: echo(term.home + term.clear_eos) else: echo(term.move(term.height - 1, 0)) echo(u'\r\n' * (term.height + 1)) ans_height = 24 ans_width = 78 ypos, xpos = (max(0, int(math.floor(term.height / 2 - (ans_height / 2)))), max(0, int(math.floor(term.width / 2 - (ans_width / 2))))) for y_offset, line in enumerate(showart(art_file, encoding=art_encoding)): _ypos = ypos + y_offset if _ypos <= term.height: echo(term.move(_ypos, xpos)) echo(line) top_window = WindowDimension( yloc=ypos, xloc=xpos + 1, height=9, width=78) bot_window = WindowDimension( yloc=ypos + 14, xloc=xpos + 1, height=10, width=78) return top_window, bot_window
def banner(): session, term = getsession(), getterminal() art_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'automsg.ans') echo(term.clear) for line in showart(art_file, 'topaz'): echo(line) if not os.path.exists(get_datafile_path()): with, 'w', 'utf-8') as fo: fo.write('big brother\n') fo.write('behave yourselves.\n') fo.write('\n\n') echo(term.move(12, 10) +'Public message from:')) with, 'r', 'utf-8') as fo: handle = fo.readline().strip() echo(term.move(12, 31) + term.bold_white(handle)) for row in range(1, 4): echo(term.move(15 + row, 5) + term.white(fo.readline().strip())) ask(u'do you want to write a new public message? ')
def banner(): session, term = getsession(), getterminal() art_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'automsg.ans') echo(term.clear) for line in showart(art_file,'topaz'): echo(line) if not os.path.exists(get_datafile_path()): with, 'w', 'utf-8') as fo: fo.write('big brother\n') fo.write('behave yourselves.\n') fo.write('\n\n') echo(term.move(12, 10) +'Public message from:')) with, 'r', 'utf-8') as fo: handle = fo.readline().strip() echo(term.move(12, 31) + term.bold_white(handle)) for row in range(1, 4): echo(term.move(15 + row, 5) + term.white(fo.readline().strip())) ask(u'do you want to write a new public message? ')
def showansi(filename): for line in showart( os.path.dirname(__file__) + '../art/' + filename, 'topaz'): echo(line)
def banner(): artfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'textbrowse.ans') banner = '' for line in showart(artfile, center=True): banner = banner + line return banner
def showansi(filename): for line in showart(os.path.dirname(__file__)+ '/art/'+filename, 'topaz'): echo(line)
def displayfile(filename): term = getterminal() session = getsession() asciitext = [] text = [] offset = 0 quit = False istext = False dirty = True echo(term.clear) if os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:].lower() == 'txt': # text files are opened with codecs file =,encoding='cp437') for line in file: text.append(line.rstrip()) istext = True else: for line in showart(filename): # ansi / ascii files are opened with showart text.append(line) while not quit: if dirty: echo(term.move(0,0)+term.normal) for i in range (0, term.height-1): if len(text) > i+offset: if istext == True: # atleast we can prevent text files from wrapping.. echo(term.clear_eol+term.move_x(max(0,(term.width/2)-40))+text[i+offset][:term.width]+'\r\n') else: echo(term.clear_eol+term.move_x(max(0,(term.width/2)-40))+text[i+offset]) event, data = session.read_events(('input', 'refresh')) if event == 'refresh': echo(term.clear()) # to ensure there are no leftovers when resizing the window dirty = True if event == 'input': dirty = True session.buffer_input(data, pushback=True) inp = term.inkey(0) while inp: if inp.lower() == u'q' or inp.code == term.KEY_ESCAPE or inp.code == term.KEY_ENTER: quit = True break elif inp.code == term.KEY_HOME and offset > 0: offset = 0 elif inp.code == term.KEY_END and len(text) > term.height: offset = len(text) - term.height+1 elif inp.code == term.KEY_DOWN and len(text) > offset+term.height-1: offset = offset + 1 elif inp.code == term.KEY_UP and offset > 0: offset = offset -1 elif (inp.code == term.KEY_LEFT or inp.code == term.KEY_PGUP) and offset > 0: if offset > term.height: offset = offset - term.height+2 else: offset = 0 elif (inp.code == term.KEY_RIGHT or inp.code == term.KEY_PGDOWN) and offset+term.height-1 < len(text): if (offset+term.height*2)-1 < len(text): offset = offset + term.height-2 else: offset = max(0, len(text) - term.height+1) else: dirty = False inp = term.inkey(0)
def refresh(): """ 显示主菜单""" logger = logging.getLogger() session, term = getsession(), getterminal() session.activity = u'Main menu' ### 读取的 ascii art 文件 artfile = 'hick.asc' echo(u''.join((u'\r\n','/'.rjust(term.width / 2)), term.bold_black(u'/ '), term.bold('x'), term.bold_blue('/'), term.bold('84'), u' ', u'主菜单', u'\r\n'))) # displays a centered main menu header in topaz encoding for utf8 for line in showart( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', artfile), 'topaz'): echo(term.cyan + term.move_x((term.width / 2) - 40) + line) echo(u'\r\n') ### 下面是主菜单 entries = [ ('$', u'查看公告'), ('b', u'站点穿梭'), # ('l', 'ASt CAllS'), # ('o', 'NE liNERS'), ('w', u"在线用户"), ('n', u'新闻列表'), # ('c', u'聊天室'), # ('i', u'IRC聊天'), ('!', u"编码调整\n"), ('t', u'测试调试'), # ('s', 'YS. iNfO'), # ('u', 'SER LiST'), # ('f', 'ORECASt'), ('e', u'个人资料'), ('p', u'发表文章'), ('r', u'查看消息'), # ('v', 'OTiNG bOOTH'), ('g', u'离开本站'), ] # add LORD to menu only if enabled: dosemu 模块后边了解下, 暂时保留 if ini.CFG.getboolean( 'dosemu', 'enabled') and (ini.CFG.get('dosemu', 'lord_path') != 'no'): entries.insert(0, ('#', 'PlAY lORd!')) # add sesame doors to menu if enabled if ini.CFG.has_section('sesame'): from ConfigParser import NoOptionError for door in ini.CFG.options('sesame'): if '_' in door: continue # .. but only if we have the binary if not os.path.exists(ini.CFG.get('sesame', door)): continue # .. and a key is configured try: key = ini.CFG.get('sesame', '{}_key'.format(door)) except NoOptionError: logger.error("no key configured for sesame door '{}'".format( door, )) else: logger.debug("added sesame door '{}' with key '{}'".format( door, key)) entries.insert(0, (key, 'PlAY {}'.format(door))) ### 渲染输出主菜单 buf_str = u'' for key, name in entries: out_str = u''.join((term.bold(u'('), term.bold_blue_underline(key), term.bold(u')'), term.bold_blue(name.split()[0]), u' ', u' '.join(name.split()[1:]), u' ')) ansilen = term.length(buf_str + out_str) if ansilen >= (term.width * .8): echo( + u'\r\n\r\n') buf_str = out_str else: # 每行换行 echo( + u'\r\n\r\n') buf_str = out_str echo( + u'\r\n\r\n') echo(u' [%s]:' % (term.blue_underline(''.join([key for key, name in entries]))))
def main(): session = getsession() session.activity = u'hanging out in voting script' term = getterminal() echo(term.clear()) db = DBProxy(databasename) if not 'questions' in db: generate_database() while True: echo( term.clear()) # clears the screen and displays the vote art header for line in showart( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'vote.ans'), 'topaz'): echo(term.cyan + term.move_x((term.width / 2) - 40) + line) if 'sysop' in session.user.groups: spacing = 1 else: spacing = 7 echo(' ') echo(term.magenta + '\n (' + term.cyan + 'r' + term.magenta + ')' + term.white + 'esults' + ' ' * spacing) echo(term.magenta + '(' + term.cyan + 'v' + term.magenta + ')' + term.white + 'ote on a question' + ' ' * spacing) echo(term.magenta + '(' + term.cyan + 'a' + term.magenta + ')' + term.white + 'dd a new question' + ' ' * spacing) if 'sysop' in session.user.groups: echo(term.magenta + '(' + term.cyan + 'd' + term.magenta + ')' + term.white + 'elete a question' + ' ' * spacing) echo(term.magenta + '(' + term.cyan + 'q' + term.magenta + ')' + term.white + 'uit') echo(term.magenta + '\r\n\r\n\r\nx/84 voting booth command: ') le = LineEditor(30) le.colors['highlight'] = term.cyan inp = inp = inp.lower( ) # makes the input indifferent to wheter you used lower case when typing in a command or not.. if 'sysop' in session.user.groups and inp == 'd': while 1: questionnumber = query_question() if questionnumber == 999: break delete_question(questionnumber) elif inp == 'r': while 1: questionnumber = query_question() if questionnumber == 999: break list_results(questionnumber) elif inp == 'v': while 1: questionnumber = query_question() if questionnumber == 999: break vote(questionnumber) elif inp == 'a': add_question() elif inp == 'q': return else: echo( + '\r\nNo such command. Try again.\r\n' ) # if no valid key is pressed then do some ami/x esthetics. waitprompt()
def main(): session = getsession() session.activity = u'hanging out in voting script' term = getterminal() echo(syncterm_setfont('topaz')) db = DBProxy(databasename) if 'questions' not in db: generate_database() while True: # clears the screen and displays the vote art header echo(term.clear()) for line in showart( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'vote.ans'), 'cp437'): echo(term.cyan + term.move_x(max(0, (term.width / 2) - 40)) + line) if 'sysop' in session.user.groups: spacing = 1 else: spacing = 7 echo(' ') echo(term.magenta(u'\n (') + term.cyan(u'r') + term.magenta(u')') + term.white(u'esults') + ' ' * spacing + term.magenta(u'(') + term.cyan(u'v') + term.magenta(u')') + term.white(u'ote on a question') + u' ' * spacing + term.magenta(u'(') + term.cyan(u'a') + term.magenta(u')') + term.white(u'dd a new question') + u' ' * spacing) if 'sysop' in session.user.groups: echo(term.magenta(u'(') + term.cyan(u'd') + term.magenta(u')') + term.white(u'elete a question') + u' ' * spacing) echo(term.magenta(u'(') + term.cyan(u'q') + term.magenta(u')') + term.white(u'uit') + term.magenta(u'\r\n\r\nx/84 voting booth command: ')) le = LineEditor(10) le.colors['highlight'] = term.cyan inp = # makes the input indifferent to wheter you used lower case when typing # in a command or not.. inp = (inp or u'').lower() if 'sysop' in session.user.groups and inp == u'd': while True: questionnumber = query_question() if questionnumber == -1: break delete_question(questionnumber) elif inp == u'r': while True: questionnumber = query_question() if questionnumber == -1: break list_results(questionnumber) elif inp == u'v': while True: questionnumber = query_question() if questionnumber == -1: break vote(questionnumber) elif inp == u'a': add_question() elif inp == u'q': return else: # if no valid key is pressed then do some ami/x esthetics. echo('\r\nNo such command. Try again.\r\n')) waitprompt(term)
def renderscreen(menudraw=True, artdraw=True, bgdraw=True, tall=False, wide=False, widgets=['clock',],): global menutoggle global arttoggle global bgtoggle global walltime """ Rendering routine for the current screen. """ # This is where we depart. We want a clean windowing scheme # with a background layer, modular construction and incremental update ability. # In theory we should have separate content-generating and screen-rendering subs # to provide for fast refreshes without stutters, but that will have to come later. from x84.bbs import AnsiWindow, getsession, getterminal, echo, ini, showart import os, time, random, glob session, term = getsession(), getterminal() colors = {} colors['border'] = #lets start with the bg frame headers = glob.glob(os.path.join(here,"art","top","*.*")) background = AnsiWindow(term.height - 1, term.width, 0, 0) background.init_theme(colors, None, 'block') echo(term.clear()) ypos = 1 art_file = session.user['bg'] linelist = [] for line in showart(art_file, encoding=art_encoding,): if ypos >= term.height - 2: break linelist.append(line) ypos += 1 #echo(background.pos(ypos, 1)+line) if len(linelist) < background.height - 1: ypos = int(((background.height - len(linelist)) / 2) + 1) else: ypos = 1 for i in linelist: echo(background.pos(ypos, 1)) echo(i) ypos += 1 echo(background.border()) # fillwindow(background, chr(176).decode('cp437'), True) #now on to the top art if artdraw: toparty = 3 topartx = 3 topartheight = 9 topartwidth = 37 topart = AnsiWindow(topartheight, topartwidth, toparty, topartx) topart.init_theme(colors, None, 'block') echo (topart.clear()) ypos = 1 bannername = "yos.asc" #bannername = "YOSBBS"+str(random.randrange(1,35)).zfill(2)+".ANS" art_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', bannername) for line in showart(art_file, encoding=art_encoding): echo(topart.pos(ypos, 2)+line) ypos += 1 colors['border'] = topart.init_theme(colors, None, 'shadow') echo(topart.border() + topart.title(str(time.time()))) if menudraw: rendermenuwin() return art_file
def refresh(): """ Refresh main menu. """ # pylint: disable=R0914 # Too many local variables from x84.bbs import getsession, getterminal, echo, showart, ini import os import logging logger = logging.getLogger() session, term = getsession(), getterminal() session.activity = u'Main menu' artfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', 'main.asc') echo(u''.join(( u'\r\n\r\n','/'.rjust(term.width / 2)), term.bold_black(u'/ '), term.bold('x'), term.bold_blue('/'), term.bold('84'), u' ', 'MAiN MENU', u'\r\n'))) # displays a centered main menu header in topaz encoding for utf8 for line in showart(artfile,'topaz'): echo(term.cyan+term.move_x((term.width/2)-40)+line) echo(u'\r\n\r\n') entries = [ ('$', 'rEAD bUllETiNS'), ('b', 'bS NEXUS'), ('l', 'ASt CAllS'), ('o', 'NE liNERS'), ('w', "hO'S ONliNE"), ('n', 'EWS'), ('c', 'hAt'), ('i', 'RC chAt'), ('!', 'ENCOdiNG'), ('t', 'EtRiS'), ('s', 'YS. iNfO'), ('u', 'SER LiST'), ('f', 'ORECASt'), ('e', 'dit PROfilE'), ('p', 'OSt A MSG'), ('r', 'EAd All MSGS'), ('g', 'OOdbYE /lOGOff'),] # add LORD to menu only if enabled, if ini.CFG.getboolean('dosemu', 'enabled') and ( ini.CFG.get('dosemu', 'lord_path') != 'no'): entries.insert(0, ('#', 'PlAY lORd!')) # add sesame doors to menu if enabled if ini.CFG.has_section('sesame'): from ConfigParser import NoOptionError for door in ini.CFG.options('sesame'): if '_' in door: continue # .. but only if we have the binary if not os.path.exists(ini.CFG.get('sesame', door)): continue # .. and a key is configured try: key = ini.CFG.get('sesame', '{}_key'.format(door)) except NoOptionError: logger.error("no key configured for sesame door '{}'".format( door, )) else: logger.debug("added sesame door '{}' with key '{}'".format( door, key )) entries.insert(0, (key, 'PlAY {}'.format(door))) buf_str = u'' for key, name in entries: out_str = u''.join(( term.bold(u'('), term.bold_blue_underline(key), term.bold(u')'), term.bold_blue(name.split()[0]), u' ', u' '.join(name.split()[1:]), u' ')) ansilen = term.length(buf_str + out_str) if ansilen >= (term.width * .8): echo( + u'\r\n\r\n') buf_str = out_str else: buf_str += out_str echo( + u'\r\n\r\n') echo(u' [%s]:' % ( term.blue_underline(''.join([key for key, name in entries]))))
def refresh(): """ Refresh main menu. """ # pylint: disable=R0914 # Too many local variables from x84.bbs import getsession, getterminal, echo, showart, ini import os import logging logger = logging.getLogger() session, term = getsession(), getterminal() session.activity = u'Main menu' artfile = 'main*.asc' echo(u''.join((u'\r\n\r\n','/'.rjust(term.width / 2)), term.bold_black(u'/ '), term.bold('x'), term.bold_blue('/'), term.bold('84'), u' ', 'MAiN MENU', u'\r\n'))) # displays a centered main menu header in topaz encoding for utf8 for line in showart( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'art', artfile), 'topaz'): echo(term.cyan + term.move_x((term.width / 2) - 40) + line) echo(u'\r\n\r\n') entries = [ ('$', 'rEAD bUllETiNS'), ('b', 'bS NEXUS'), ('l', 'ASt CAllS'), ('o', 'NE liNERS'), ('w', "hO'S ONliNE"), ('n', 'EWS'), ('c', 'hAt'), ('i', 'RC chAt'), ('!', 'ENCOdiNG'), ('t', 'EtRiS'), ('s', 'YS. iNfO'), ('u', 'SER LiST'), ('f', 'ORECASt'), ('e', 'dit PROfilE'), ('p', 'OSt A MSG'), ('r', 'EAd All MSGS'), ('v', 'OTiNG bOOTH'), ('g', 'OOdbYE /lOGOff'), ] # add LORD to menu only if enabled, if ini.CFG.getboolean( 'dosemu', 'enabled') and (ini.CFG.get('dosemu', 'lord_path') != 'no'): entries.insert(0, ('#', 'PlAY lORd!')) # add sesame doors to menu if enabled if ini.CFG.has_section('sesame'): from ConfigParser import NoOptionError for door in ini.CFG.options('sesame'): if '_' in door: continue # .. but only if we have the binary if not os.path.exists(ini.CFG.get('sesame', door)): continue # .. and a key is configured try: key = ini.CFG.get('sesame', '{}_key'.format(door)) except NoOptionError: logger.error("no key configured for sesame door '{}'".format( door, )) else: logger.debug("added sesame door '{}' with key '{}'".format( door, key)) entries.insert(0, (key, 'PlAY {}'.format(door))) buf_str = u'' for key, name in entries: out_str = u''.join((term.bold(u'('), term.bold_blue_underline(key), term.bold(u')'), term.bold_blue(name.split()[0]), u' ', u' '.join(name.split()[1:]), u' ')) ansilen = term.length(buf_str + out_str) if ansilen >= (term.width * .8): echo( + u'\r\n\r\n') buf_str = out_str else: buf_str += out_str echo( + u'\r\n\r\n') echo(u' [%s]:' % (term.blue_underline(''.join([key for key, name in entries]))))