def run(argv):
    # pylint: disable=broad-except,ungrouped-imports
    # Initialize globals right away to avoid stale values from the last addon invocation.
    # Otherwise Kodi's reuseLanguageInvoker will cause some really quirky behavior!
    # PR:

    info('Started (Version {})'.format(g.VERSION))
    info('URL is {}'.format(g.URL))
    success = True

    window_cls = Window(10000)  # Kodi home window

    # If you use multiple Kodi profiles you need to distinguish the property of current profile
    prop_nf_service_status = g.py2_encode('nf_service_status_' +
    is_external_call = _check_addon_external_call(window_cls,

    if window_cls.getProperty(prop_nf_service_status) != 'running':
        if not is_external_call:
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_backend_not_ready
        success = False

    if success:
            if _check_valid_credentials():
                if g.IS_ADDON_FIRSTRUN:
                    if check_addon_upgrade():
                        from resources.lib.config_wizard import run_addon_configuration
                if not is_external_call:
                route([part for part in g.PATH.split('/') if part])
                success = False
        except BackendNotReady:
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_backend_not_ready
            success = False
        except Exception as exc:
            import traceback
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_addon_error_info
            success = False

    if not success:

Пример #2
def main():
    Grabs kodi_id and kodi_type and sends a request to our main python instance
    that context menu needs to be displayed
    window = Window(10000)
    kodi_id = listitem.getVideoInfoTag().getDbId()
    if kodi_id == -1:
        # There is no getDbId() method for getMusicInfoTag
        # YET TO BE IMPLEMENTED - lookup ID using path
        kodi_id = listitem.getMusicInfoTag().getURL()
    kodi_type = _get_kodi_type()
    args = {'kodi_id': kodi_id, 'kodi_type': kodi_type}
    while window.getProperty('plex_command'):
    window.setProperty('plex_command', 'CONTEXT_menu?%s' % urlencode(args))
Пример #3
def run(argv):
    # pylint: disable=broad-except,ungrouped-imports
    # Initialize globals right away to avoid stale values from the last addon invocation.
    # Otherwise Kodi's reuseLanguageInvoker will cause some really quirky behavior!
    # PR:

    info('Started (Version {})'.format(g.VERSION))
    info('URL is {}'.format(g.URL))
    success = True

    window_cls = Window(10000)
    is_widget_skin_call = _skin_widget_call(window_cls)

    if window_cls.getProperty('nf_service_status') != 'running':
        if not is_widget_skin_call:
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_backend_not_ready
        success = False

    if success:
            if _check_valid_credentials():
                route([part for part in g.PATH.split('/') if part])
                success = False
        except BackendNotReady:
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_backend_not_ready
            success = False
        except Exception as exc:
            import traceback
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_addon_error_info
            success = False

    if not success:

Пример #4
    _addon_path = _addon.getAddonInfo('path').decode('utf-8')
except TypeError:
    _addon_path = _addon.getAddonInfo('path').decode()
    _base_resource = translatePath(os_path.join(
except TypeError:
    _base_resource = translatePath(os_path.join(

from pickler import unpickle_me, pickl_window


if __name__ == "__main__":
    win = Window(10000)
    while win.getProperty('plex_command'):
    win.setProperty('plex_command', 'CONTEXT_menu')
    while not pickl_window('plex_result'):
    result = unpickle_me()
    if result is None:
        log('PLEX.%s: Error encountered, aborting' % __name__, level=LOGERROR)
Пример #5
from xbmc import translatePath, sleep, log, LOGERROR
from xbmcgui import Window

_ADDON = Addon(id='')
    _ADDON_PATH = _ADDON.getAddonInfo('path').decode('utf-8')
except TypeError:
    _ADDON_PATH = _ADDON.getAddonInfo('path').decode()
    _BASE_RESOURCE = translatePath(
        os_path.join(_ADDON_PATH, 'resources', 'lib')).decode('utf-8')
except TypeError:
    _BASE_RESOURCE = translatePath(
        os_path.join(_ADDON_PATH, 'resources', 'lib')).decode()

from pickler import unpickle_me, pickl_window


if __name__ == "__main__":
    WINDOW = Window(10000)
    while WINDOW.getProperty('plex_command'):
    WINDOW.setProperty('plex_command', 'CONTEXT_menu')
    while not pickl_window('plex_result'):
    RESULT = unpickle_me()
    if RESULT is None:
        log('PLEX.%s: Error encountered, aborting' % __name__, level=LOGERROR)
Пример #6
prefix = ''

for arg in sys.argv:
    param = arg.lower()
    if 'prefix=' in param:
        prefix = param.replace('prefix=', '')
        if not prefix.endswith('.'):
            prefix = prefix + '.'
    elif 'id=' in param:
        RSSid = param.replace('id=', '') 

if RSSid > -1:
    okno = Window(xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId())
    okno.setProperty('RSS.Title', okno.getProperty('%sRSS.%s.Title' % (prefix, RSSid)  ))
    okno.setProperty('RSS.Desc', okno.getProperty('%sRSS.%s.Desc' % (prefix, RSSid)  ))
    okno.setProperty('RSS.Image', okno.getProperty('%sRSS.%s.Image' % (prefix, RSSid)  ))
    okno.setProperty('RSS.Date', okno.getProperty('%sRSS.%s.Date' % (prefix, RSSid)  ))
    okno.setProperty('RSS.Channel', okno.getProperty('%sRSS.%s.Channel' % (prefix, RSSid)))
    okno.setProperty('RSS.Media', okno.getProperty('%sRSS.%s.Media' % (prefix, RSSid)))
    okno.setProperty('RSS.MultiImagePath', okno.getProperty('%sRSS.%s.MultiImagePath' % (prefix, RSSid)))
    okno.setProperty('RSS.SlideShowable', okno.getProperty('%sRSS.%s.SlideShowable' % (prefix, RSSid)))
    okno.setProperty('RSS.ID',  RSSid)
    i_count = okno.getProperty('%sRSS.%s.ImageCount' % (prefix, RSSid))
    okno.setProperty('RSS.ImageCount', i_count)
    for i in range(1, int(i_count)+1):
        okno.setProperty('RSS.Image.%d' % i, okno.getProperty('%sRSS.%s.Image.%d' % (prefix, RSSid, i)))
Пример #7
class SimpleCache():

    Cache version log:
    1: Toonmania2 0.4.0

    2: Toonmania2 0.4.1
        I realized '/GetNew(...)' and '/GetPopular(...)' routes just need the IDs, not the whole JSON data.
        If something is in a '/GetPopular(...)' it will definitely be in the corresponding '/GetAll(...)'.
        So we keep only the IDs and retrieve the full entry from the 'All' routes.
        This change helps use less disk-space and memory.

    3: Toonmania2 0.4.2
        In this cache version we're using separate cache files for each route the user visited.
        This way uses we less memory because we only need to load the routes the user wants to
        go to, not one huge file that has everything, with what the user wants or doesn't want.
    # Cache version, for future extension. Used with properties saved to disk.

    LIFETIME_THREE_DAYS = 72 # 3 days, in hours.
    LIFETIME_FIVE_DAYS = 120 # 5 days.
    LIFETIME_ONE_WEEK = 168 # 7 days.
    LIFETIME_FOREVER = 0 # Never expires.

    # Path to .../kodi/userdata/addons_data/ -> where the JSON cache files will be.
    CACHE_PATH_DIR = xbmc.translatePath(xbmcaddon.Addon().getAddonInfo('profile')).decode('utf-8') + 'cache' + osSeparator

    # Property name pointing to a Python 'set()' of property names.
    # This is used to quickly tell if a property exists or not by checking its name in the set,
    # rather than retrieving a property that could be a huge JSON blob just to see that it exists.
    PROPERTY_DISK_NAMES_SET = 'scache.prop.names'

    # Property name pointing to a comma-separated list of dirty disk-enabled properties that need saving.
    # This list is converted to a set when read and used for quick testing.
    PROPERTY_DIRTY_NAMES_SET = 'scache.prop.dirty'

    def __init__(self):
        Initialised at every directory change in Kodi <= 17.6.
        self.window = Window(getCurrentWindowId())
        self.diskNamesSet = None
        self.dirtyNamesSet = None

    def setCacheProperty(self, propName, data, saveToDisk, lifetime=72):
        Creates a persistent XBMC window memory property.
        :param propName: Name/Identifier the property should have, used to retrieve it later.
        Needs to be file-system friendly, and cannot have commas in the name.
        :param data: Data to store in the property, needs to be JSON-serializable.
        :param saveToDisk: Boolean if this property should be saved to a JSON cache file on
        disk to be loaded on later sessions. Best used for big collections of web-requested data.
        :param lifetime: When saving to disk, 'lifetime' specifies how many hours since its
        creation that the property should have on disk, before being erased. Defaults to 72
        hours (3 days). Setting it as '0' (zero) will make it last forever.
        if saveToDisk:
            # Create the window memory property.
            self._storeCacheProperty(propName, data, lifetime, self._getEpochHours())

            # Store the name of this disk-enabled property in a set to quickly tell
            # that it's already in memory and doesn't need to be loaded from disk.
            self._storeMemorySet(self.PROPERTY_DISK_NAMES_SET, self.diskNamesSet)

            # Add the name of this new property to a set used by saveCacheIfDirty()
            # to tell which disk-enabled properties need saving to disk.
            self._storeMemorySet(self.PROPERTY_DIRTY_NAMES_SET, self.dirtyNamesSet)
            # A memory-only property. Other fields (lifetime, epoch etc.) are not needed.
            self.window.setProperty(propName, json.dumps(data))

    def setCacheProperties(self, properties, saveToDisk):
        Convenience function to create several properties at once.
        :param properties: For disk-enabled properties (saveToDisk=True), it's an iterable where
        each entry should be a tuple, list or other indexable object of this format:
        ((str)PROPERTY_NAME, (anything)PROPERTY_DATA, (int)LIFETIME_HOURS)
        Otherwise (with saveToDisk=False), 'properties' is an iterable of (name, data) pairs.

        The 'PROPERTY_DATA' or 'data' fields should be JSON-serializable.
        if saveToDisk:

            for pEntry in properties:
                propName, data, lifetime = pEntry
                self._storeCacheProperty(propName, data, lifetime, self._getEpochHours())
                self.dirtyNamesSet.add(propName) # These properties are being created \ updated and need saving.

            self._storeMemorySet(self.PROPERTY_DISK_NAMES_SET, self.diskNamesSet)
            self._storeMemorySet(self.PROPERTY_DIRTY_NAMES_SET, self.dirtyNamesSet)
            for propName, data in properties:
                self.window.setProperty(propName, json.dumps(data)) # Memory-only properties.

    def getCacheProperty(self, propName, readFromDisk):
        Tries to return the data from a window memory property.
        For the pure property string use the setRaw(...)\getRaw(...) functions instead.
        :param propName: Name of the property to retrieve.
        :param readFromDisk: Used with properties that might be saved on disk. It tries to load
        from memory first though, then if it's not in memory we load from its file, if it exists.
        :returns: The property data, if it exists, or None.
        if readFromDisk:
            # A disk-enabled property.
            # If it's already in the disk names set then it was either added manually or
            # already loaded from disk into memory.
            if propName in self.diskNamesSet:
                propRaw = self.window.getProperty(propName)
                return json.loads(propRaw)[0] if propRaw else None # Data is always the first JSON field.
                # Disk-enabled property isn't in memory yet, try to read it from its file.
                fileProp = self._tryLoadCacheProperty(propName)
                if fileProp:
                    propName, data, lifetime, epoch = fileProp
                    self._storeCacheProperty(propName, data, lifetime, epoch)
                    self._storeMemorySet(self.PROPERTY_DISK_NAMES_SET, self.diskNamesSet)
                    return data
                    return None
            # A memory-only property, points directly to data.
            propRaw = self.window.getProperty(propName)
            return json.loads(propRaw) if propRaw else None

    def getCacheProperties(self, propNames, readFromDisk):
        Retrieves a **generator** to more than one property data at once.
        The data is guaranteed to come in the same order as the provided names.
        if readFromDisk:
            anyLoadedFromFile = False

            for propName in propNames:
                if propName in self.diskNamesSet:
                    propRaw = self.window.getProperty(propName)
                    yield json.loads(propRaw)[0] if propRaw else None
                    fileProp = self._tryLoadCacheProperty(propName)
                    if fileProp:
                        propName, data, lifetime, epoch = fileProp
                        self._storeCacheProperty(propName, data, lifetime, epoch)
                        anyLoadedFromFile = True
                        yield data

            if anyLoadedFromFile:
                self._storeMemorySet(self.PROPERTY_DISK_NAMES_SET, self.diskNamesSet)
            for propName in propNames:
                propRaw = self.window.getProperty(propName)
                yield json.loads(propRaw) if propRaw else None # Memory-only property, points directly to data.

    def clearCacheProperty(self, propName, readFromDisk):
        Removes a property from memory. The next time the cache is saved, this property
        won't be included and therefore forgotten.
        if readFromDisk:
            # Direct way to remove the property name from the comma-separated property name list.
            diskNamesRaw = self.window.getProperty(self.PROPERTY_DISK_NAMES_SET)
                self.PROPERTY_DISK_NAMES_SET, diskNamesRaw.replace(propName, '').replace(',,', ',').strip(', ')
            dirtyNamesRaw = self.window.getProperty(self.PROPERTY_DIRTY_NAMES_SET)
                self.PROPERTY_DIRTY_NAMES_SET, dirtyNamesRaw.replace(propName, '').replace(',,', ',').strip(', ')

    def setRawProperty(self, propName, data):
        Convenience function to set a window memory property that doesn't
        need JSON serialization or saving to disk.
        Used for unimportant memory-only properties that should persist between add-on
        :param propName: The name of the property used to identify the data, later used
        to retrieve it.
        :param rawData: String data, stored as it is.
        self.window.setProperty(propName, data)

    def getRawProperty(self, propName):
        Retrieves a direct window property by name.
        return self.window.getProperty(propName)

    def clearRawProperty(self, propName):
        Clears a direct window property by name.
        To clear a property that was created with setCacheProperty()
        use clearCacheProperty() instead.
        return self.window.clearProperty(propName)

    def saveCacheIfDirty(self):
        # Optimised way to check if anything needs saving. Most of the time
        # 'dirtyNamesRaw' will be an empty string, easy to check for truthness.
        dirtyNamesRaw = self.window.getProperty(self.PROPERTY_DIRTY_NAMES_SET)
        if dirtyNamesRaw:
            for propName in dirtyNamesRaw.split(','):
            # Reset the dirty names set (and its window property).
            self.dirtyNamesSet = set()
            self.window.setProperty(self.PROPERTY_DIRTY_NAMES_SET, '')            

    def clearCacheFiles(self):
        dirPaths, filePaths = xbmcvfs.listdir(self.CACHE_PATH_DIR)
        for filePath in filePaths:
            self._writeBlankCacheFile(self.CACHE_PATH_DIR + filePath)
        # Clear the disk names set. All disk-enabled properties will be forgotten.
        self.window.setProperty(self.PROPERTY_DISK_NAMES_SET, '')
        self.diskNamesSet = set()
        # 'True' if one or more cache files were cleared / reset.
        return len(filePaths) > 0

    def _writeBlankCacheFile(self, fullPath):
        '''Assumes the directory to the file exists.'''
        file = xbmcvfs.File(fullPath, 'w')
        file.write('null') # JSON equivalent to None.

    def _ensureDiskNamesSet(self):
        For Kodi <= 17.6, used to initialise this class member in case it's invalid.
        But this function is only called when this member is needed.
        if self.diskNamesSet == None:
            self.diskNamesSet = self._stringToSet(self.window.getProperty(self.PROPERTY_DISK_NAMES_SET))

    def _ensureDirtyNamesSet(self):
        if self.dirtyNamesSet == None:
            self.dirtyNamesSet = self._stringToSet(self.window.getProperty(self.PROPERTY_DIRTY_NAMES_SET))

    def _storeMemorySet(self, setPropName, setObject):
        self.window.setProperty(setPropName, self._setToString(setObject))

    def _tryLoadCacheProperty(self, propName):
        Tries to load the cache file for the named property.
        If a cache file doesn't exist for a property, a blank cache file is created.
        :returns: A tuple of property entries, each entry is a tuple of fields
        (propName, data, lifetime, epoch).
        currentEpoch = self._getEpochHours()
        fullPath = self.CACHE_PATH_DIR + propName + '.json'
            if xbmcvfs.exists(fullPath):
                file = xbmcvfs.File(fullPath)
                data =

                if data and data != 'null':
                    fileProp = json.loads(data)

                    # Version restriction.
                    version = fileProp['version']
                    if version >= self.CACHE_VERSION:
                        lifetime = fileProp['lifetime']
                        epoch = fileProp['epoch']
                        # Lifetime restriction. See if the property lasts forever or if
                        # the elapsed time since its creation epoch is bigger than its lifetime.
                        if lifetime == 0 or lifetime >= abs(currentEpoch - epoch):
                           return (fileProp['propName'], fileProp['data'], lifetime, epoch)
                # Initialize a blank cache file.
        return None # Fall-through.

    def _storeCacheProperty(self, propName, data, lifetime, epoch):
        Stores data in a persistent XBMC window memory property.
        self.window.setProperty(propName, json.dumps((data, lifetime, epoch)))

    def _saveCacheProperty(self, propName):
        Saves a specific dirty, disk-enabled property to disk.
        Assumes the destination folder already exists.
        propRaw = self.window.getProperty(propName)
        if propRaw:
            # Base structure as in _storeCacheProperty(), with the cache version added.
            data, lifetime, epoch = json.loads(propRaw)
            file = xbmcvfs.File(self.CACHE_PATH_DIR + propName + '.json', 'w')
                        'version': self.CACHE_VERSION,
                        'propName': propName,
                        'lifetime': lifetime,
                        'epoch': epoch,
                        'data': data

    def _setToString(self, setObject):
        return ','.join(element for element in setObject)

    def _stringToSet(self, text):
        return set(text.split(',')) if text else set() # The IF is to get a truly empty set, else it'd hold an empty string.

    def _getEpochHours(self):
        Internal. Gets the current UNIX epoch time in hours.
        return int(time() // 3600.0)