def common_make_root_histogram_test(): x_list = list(range(0,10000)) w_list = [] for i in range( len(x_list) ): x_list[i] = float(x_list[i])/10000. w_list.append(x_list[i]) y_list = __sine_list(2., 2.*math.pi, x_list) hist1 = common.make_root_histogram('hist sin(x)', y_list, 'hist of x', 100) hist2 = common.make_root_histogram('hist sin(x)', y_list, 'hist of x', 50, x_list, 'hist of y', 50) hist3 = common.make_root_histogram('hist sin(x)', y_list, 'hist of x', 10, x_list, 'hist of y', 10, w_list) testpass = __test_root_hist(hist3,'hist sin(x)','hist of x','hist of y',common.min_max(y_list, w_list, rg.histo_margin)[0], common.min_max(y_list, w_list, rg.histo_margin)[1], common.min_max(x_list, w_list, rg.histo_margin)[0], common.min_max(x_list, w_list, rg.histo_margin)[1], rg.line_color, rg.line_style, rg.line_width, rg.fill_color, '') hist4 = common.make_root_histogram('hist sin(x)', y_list, 'hist of x', 10, x_list, 'hist of y', 10, w_list, xmin=y_list[7500],xmax=y_list[2500],ymin=x_list[2500],ymax=x_list[7500], line_color=1, line_style=2, line_width=3, fill_color=4, hist_title_string='title_string') testpass = __test_root_hist(hist4,'hist sin(x)', 'hist of x', 'hist of y', y_list[7500], y_list[2500], x_list[2500], x_list[7500], 1, 2, 3, 4, 'title_string') canvas1 = common.make_root_canvas('hist_test1') hist1.Draw() canvas2 = common.make_root_canvas('hist_test2') hist2.Draw('cont1z') canvas3 = common.make_root_canvas('hist_test3') hist3.Draw('lego') canvas4 = common.make_root_canvas('hist_test4') hist4.Draw('lego') if not testpass: return 'fail' return 'pass'
def common_make_root_canvas_test(): testpass = True canvas = common.make_root_canvas('canvas_name') testpass &= canvas.GetName().find('canvas_name') > -1 canvas = common.make_root_canvas('canvas_name_2', 'canvas_title', bg_color=10, highlight_color=12, border_mode=1, frame_fill_color=2) testpass &= __test_root_canvas(canvas, 'canvas_name_2', 'canvas_title', 10, 12, 1, 2) if testpass: return 'pass' return 'fail'
def plot_one_phi(row_data, da_key, axis1, axis2, max_n_points, variables): global ROOT_OBJECTS hit_data = row_data[da_key] name = "phi_" + da_key + "_" + axis1 + " vs " + axis2 title = get_title(variables) name += " " + title canvas = None tune_data = [] area_data = [] da_row = get_da_row(hit_data, max_n_points) print("Plot on phi") cholesky_canvas = common.make_root_canvas(name + "_cholesky") cholesky_canvas.SetCanvasSize(1000, 1000) delta = (da_row + 1) * 0.4 + 1. hist = common.make_root_histogram("", [-100.], "u", 100, [-100.], "u'", 100, xmin=-delta, xmax=+delta, ymin=-delta, ymax=+delta) hist.Draw() for i, hit_list in enumerate(hit_data[:da_row + 1]): hit_list = [Hit.new_from_dict(hit_dict) for hit_dict in hit_list[1]] finder = DPhiTuneFinder() finder.u = [hit[axis1] for hit in hit_list[1:]] finder.up = [hit[axis2] for hit in hit_list[1:]] area_src = numpy.array([[hit[axis1], hit[axis2]] for hit in hit_list]) try: finder.get_tune() an_area = get_area(area_src) except Exception: print("Failed to unpack data for phi da plot") continue cholesky_canvas, hist, graph = finder.plot_cholesky_space( cholesky_canvas, 1. + i * 0.2) if i < da_row: color = ROOT.TColor(10000 + len(ROOT_OBJECTS), 0., 1. - i * 1. / da_row, 0.) ROOT_OBJECTS.append(color) graph.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kGreen) ROOT_OBJECTS += [hist, graph] tune_data += copy.deepcopy(finder.dphi) area_data += [an_area for i in finder.dphi] print(" Area", an_area, end=' ') print(" tune", numpy.mean(tune_data), "+/-", numpy.std(tune_data)) canvas = common.make_root_canvas(name) canvas.Draw() hist, graph = common.make_root_graph(name, area_data, "Amplitude [mm]", tune_data, "Fractional tune") ROOT_OBJECTS += [hist, graph] hist.SetTitle(da_key) hist.Draw() graph.SetMarkerStyle(24) graph.Draw("p same") return canvas, cholesky_canvas
def plot_alignment(data, plot_dir): del data[0] optimisation_set = set([opt_key(item) for item in data]) for opt in optimisation_set: name = opt.replace("Coils", "") results = [item for item in data if opt_key(item) == opt] canvas = common.make_root_canvas("alignment - "+name) n_list = range(len(results)) x_list = [item["axes"][opt]["x"]["value"] for item in results] y_list = [item["axes"][opt]["y"]["value"] for item in results] xp_list = [item["axes"][opt]["xp"]["value"]*1000. for item in results] yp_list = [item["axes"][opt]["yp"]["value"]*1000. for item in results] hist, zero_graph = common.make_root_graph("x residual", [0, len(results)], "Iteration", [0., 0.], "Residual [mm]") hist, x_graph = common.make_root_graph("x alignment", n_list, "iteration", x_list, "misalignment [mm]") hist, y_graph = common.make_root_graph("y alignment", n_list, "iteration", y_list, "misalignment [mm]") hist, all_graph = common.make_root_graph("all alignment", n_list*2, "iteration", x_list+y_list, "misalignment [mm]") hist.SetTitle(name+" alignment") hist.Draw() zero_graph.Draw("SAMEL") x_graph.Draw("SAMEP") x_graph.SetMarkerStyle(24) x_graph.SetMarkerColor(4) y_graph.Draw("SAMEP") y_graph.SetMarkerStyle(24) y_graph.SetMarkerColor(8) canvas.Update() for format in ["pdf", "png", "root"]: canvas.Print(plot_dir+"/alignment_"+name+"."+format) canvas = common.make_root_canvas("tilt - "+name) hist, zero_graph = common.make_root_graph("x residual", [0, len(results)], "Iteration", [0., 0.], "Residual [mm]") hist, xp_graph = common.make_root_graph("x alignment", n_list, "iteration", xp_list, "tilt [mrad]") hist, yp_graph = common.make_root_graph("y alignment", n_list, "iteration", yp_list, "tilt [mrad]") hist, all_graph = common.make_root_graph("all alignment", n_list*2, "iteration", xp_list+yp_list, "titl [mrad]") hist.SetTitle(name+" tilt") hist.Draw() zero_graph.Draw("SAMEL") xp_graph.Draw("SAMEP") xp_graph.SetMarkerStyle(24) xp_graph.SetMarkerColor(4) yp_graph.Draw("SAMEP") yp_graph.SetMarkerStyle(24) yp_graph.SetMarkerColor(8) canvas.Update() for format in ["pdf", "png", "root"]: canvas.Print(plot_dir+"/tilt_"+name+"."+format)
def pdf_ratio_plot(self, suffix): data = self.amp.amplitudes[suffix]["ratio"] name = "pdf_ratio_" + suffix canvas = common.make_root_canvas(name) canvas.SetName(name) pdf_graph_stats = self.get_asymm_error_graph(data["corrected_pdf"], data["pdf_stats_errors"], style=20, name="PDF Ratio stats") pdf_graph_sys = self.get_asymm_error_graph(data["corrected_pdf"], data["pdf_sum_errors"], fill=ROOT.kGray, name="PDF Ratio sys") graph_list = [pdf_graph_stats, pdf_graph_sys] draw_list = ["p", "2"] hist = self.get_hist(graph_list, self.get_suffix_label(suffix) + " Amplitude [mm]", "Number Ratio") hist.Draw() for i, graph in enumerate(graph_list): graph.Draw("SAME " + draw_list[i]) self.text_box(graph_list) print "PDF" print data["corrected_pdf"] print data["pdf_stats_errors"] print data["pdf_sum_errors"] canvas.Update() for a_format in ["eps", "pdf", "root", "png"]: canvas.Print(self.plot_dir + canvas.GetName() + "." + a_format) return canvas
def graph_peak_times(a_data, errors, colour, y_range, canvas=None, title=""): hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("Volts", a_data["time_list"], "Time [ns]", a_data["voltage_list"], "Signal Voltage [V]", ymin=y_range[0], ymax=y_range[1]) peak_time_list = [x["x"] for x in errors] peak_voltage_list = [x["y"] for x in errors] peak_hist, peak_graph = common.make_root_graph("Peaks", peak_time_list, "Time of peak [ns]", peak_voltage_list, "Peak voltage") if canvas == None: canvas = common.make_root_canvas(title + "bpm peaks") canvas.Draw() hist.Draw() peak_graph.SetMarkerColor(colour) peak_graph.SetMarkerStyle(4) peak_graph.Draw("p") graph.SetMarkerColor(colour) graph.Draw("p") canvas.Update() return canvas, hist, graph, peak_hist, peak_graph
def matrix_plot(self, matrix, title, axis_1, axis_2): """ Plot the matrix entries as a TH2D * matrix: matrix data to plot; list n_bins by n_bins * title: the title of the hist (used in the file name also) * axis_1: x axis title * axis_2: y axis title """ bin_centre_list = self.amp.amplitudes["reco"]["all_upstream"][ "bin_centre_list"] xmax = max(self.amp.bin_edge_list) nbins = len(bin_centre_list) matrix_hist = ROOT.TH2D(title, title + ";" + axis_1 + ";" + axis_2, nbins, 0., xmax, nbins, 0., xmax) for i in range(nbins): for j in range(nbins): matrix_hist.Fill(bin_centre_list[i], bin_centre_list[j], matrix[i][j]) self.root_objects.append(matrix_hist) canvas = common.make_root_canvas(title) canvas.SetFrameFillColor(utilities.utilities.get_frame_fill()) matrix_hist.SetTitle(self.config_anal['name']) matrix_hist.SetStats(False) matrix_hist.Draw("COLZ") title = title.replace(" ", "_") for format in ["eps", "png", "root"]: canvas.Print(self.plot_dir + title + "." + format)
def _draw_volumes_2d(self, x_range, z_range): """Make a 2D plot of position vs volume""" canvas = common.make_root_canvas("Volume Name vs position") hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("Volume Name vs position", [1e9], "z [mm]", [1e9], "x [mm]", xmin=z_range[0], xmax=z_range[1], ymin=x_range[0], ymax=x_range[1]) hist.Draw() draw_list = sorted(self.volume_data.keys(), self._sort_cmp) n_colors = 5 for i, vol in enumerate(draw_list): data = self.volume_data[vol] r_list = [data["r_min"], data["r_max"], data["r_max"], data["r_min"], data["r_min"]] z_list = [data["z_min"], data["z_min"], data["z_max"], data["z_max"], data["z_min"]] hist, graph = common.make_root_graph(vol, z_list, "z [mm]", r_list, "r [mm]", sort = False) color = self.color(i % n_colors, n_colors) graph.SetLineColor(color) graph.Draw('l') self._draw_volume_label(data["z_min"], vol, x_range, color) canvas.Update() for _format in self.formats: canvas.Print(self.vol_2d+"."+_format)
def _draw_materials_2d(self, step_data, material_dict, x_range, z_range): """Make a 2D plot of position vs material in r, z""" # we plot G4_AIR first, then G4_GALACTIC? canvas = common.make_root_canvas("Material vs position") hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("Material vs position", [1e9], "z [mm]", [1e9], "r [mm]", xmin=z_range[0], xmax=z_range[1], ymin=x_range[0], ymax=x_range[1]) hist.Draw() draw_list = step_data.keys() draw_list = self.move(draw_list, "G4_AIR", 0) draw_list = self.move(draw_list, "G4_Galactic", 1) graph_list = [] for material in draw_list: x_list = [step["r"] for step in step_data[material]] z_list = [step["z"] for step in step_data[material]] hist, graph = common.make_root_graph(material, z_list, "z [mm]", x_list, "r [mm]") graph.SetMarkerColor(material_dict[material]) graph.SetMarkerStyle(7) graph.SetLineColor(10) graph.Draw('p') graph_list.append(graph) common.make_root_legend(canvas, graph_list) canvas.Update() for _format in self.formats: canvas.Print(self.mat_2d + "." + _format)
def make_plot(self, data_list, da_row, name, x_name, y_name): graph_list = [] for x_data, y_data in data_list: i = len(graph_list) hist, graph = common.make_root_graph(name + str(i), x_data, x_name, y_data, y_name) graph.SetMarkerStyle(7) if i == da_row: canvas = common.make_root_canvas(name) hist.SetTitle(name) hist.Draw() elif i == 0 and i < da_row: graph.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue) elif i < da_row: graph.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kGreen) else: graph.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kGray) graph_list.append(graph) canvas.Update() for graph in graph_list[da_row+1:]+graph_list[1:da_row]+\ graph_list[0:1]+graph_list[da_row:da_row+1]: graph.Draw("SAMEP") name = name.replace(":", "") name = name.replace(" ", "_") for fmt in self.formats: canvas.Print(self.plot_dir + "/" + name + "." + fmt)
def _draw_materials_2d(self, step_data, material_dict, x_range, z_range): """Make a 2D plot of position vs material in r, z""" # we plot G4_AIR first, then G4_GALACTIC? canvas = common.make_root_canvas("Material vs position") hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("Material vs position", [1e9], "z [mm]", [1e9], "r [mm]", xmin=z_range[0], xmax=z_range[1], ymin=x_range[0], ymax=x_range[1]) hist.Draw() draw_list = step_data.keys() draw_list = self.move(draw_list, "G4_AIR", 0) draw_list = self.move(draw_list, "G4_Galactic", 1) graph_list = [] for material in draw_list: x_list = [step["r"] for step in step_data[material]] z_list = [step["z"] for step in step_data[material]] hist, graph = common.make_root_graph(material, z_list, "z [mm]", x_list, "r [mm]") graph.SetMarkerColor(material_dict[material]) graph.SetMarkerStyle(7) graph.SetLineColor(10) graph.Draw('p') graph_list.append(graph) common.make_root_legend(canvas, graph_list) canvas.Update() for _format in self.formats: canvas.Print(self.mat_2d+"."+_format)
def plot_trajectory(item, line_color, canvas = None): z_list = [hit["z"] for hit in item["seed"]] x_list = [hit["x"] for hit in item["seed"]] y_list = [hit["y"] for hit in item["seed"]] r_list = [hit["r"] for hit in item["seed"]] x_min, x_max = common.min_max(x_list+r_list+y_list) title = "x: "+str(item["seed"][0]["x"])+" mm "+\ "p_{x}: "+str(item["seed"][0]["px"])+" MeV/c" hist_r, graph_r = common.make_root_graph(title, z_list, "z [mm]", r_list, "Radius [mm]", ymin=0.0, ymax=250.) hist_x, graph_x = common.make_root_graph("x", z_list, "z [mm]", x_list, "Position [mm]") hist_y, graph_y = common.make_root_graph("y", z_list, "z [mm]", y_list, "Position [mm]") graph_r.SetLineColor(line_color) graph_x.SetLineColor(line_color) graph_x.SetLineStyle(3) graph_y.SetLineColor(line_color) graph_y.SetLineStyle(4) if canvas == None: canvas = common.make_root_canvas("trajectory") #hist_r.SetTitle("x = "+str(x_list[0])+" px = "+str(item["seed"][0]["px"])) hist_r.Draw() graph_r.Draw("SAMEPL") #graph_x.Draw("SAMEPL") #graph_y.Draw("SAMEPL") canvas.Update() return canvas, graph_r
def graph_peak_magnitude(pos_peak_with_errors, neg_peak_with_errors, title): peak_time_list, peak_voltage_list, peak_err_list = [], [], [] for i, v_pos in enumerate(pos_peak_with_errors): di = 0 if i >= len(neg_peak_with_errors): break while neg_peak_with_errors[i+di]["x"] < pos_peak_with_errors[i]["x"]: if i+di+1 >= len(neg_peak_with_errors): break di += 1 v_neg = neg_peak_with_errors[i+di] v_0 = (v_pos["y"]+v_neg["y"])/2. v_err = abs(v_0)*(v_pos["cov(x,y)"][1][1]/v_pos["y"]**2+v_neg["cov(x,y)"][1][1]/v_neg["y"]**2)**0.5 peak_voltage_list.append(v_0) peak_err_list.append(v_err*1e3) peak_time_list.append(v_pos["x"]*DT) print " Peak voltage mean:", numpy.mean(peak_voltage_list[-20:-10]), print "sigma:", numpy.std(peak_voltage_list[-20:-10]) canvas = common.make_root_canvas(title+" rf voltage") canvas.Draw() y_range = common.min_max(peak_voltage_list+peak_err_list) hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("Peaks", peak_time_list, "Time of peak [ns]", peak_voltage_list, "Peak voltage [kV]", ymin = y_range[0], ymax = y_range[1]) hist.Draw() graph.SetMarkerStyle(6) graph.Draw("p") hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("Errors", peak_time_list, "Time of peak [ns]", peak_err_list, "Error [V]", ymin = y_range[0], ymax = y_range[1]) graph.SetMarkerColor(2) graph.SetMarkerStyle(6) graph.Draw("p") canvas.Update() return canvas, hist, graph
def _draw_volumes_1d(self, z_range): """Make a 1D plot of position vs volume along the z axis""" draw_list = sorted(self.volume_data.keys(), self._sort_cmp) x_list = [] canvas = common.make_root_canvas("Volume Name vs z") # set up axis labels print "VOLUME PLOT", z_range hist = ROOT.TH2D("name", "Volume Name vs z", 30000, z_range[0], z_range[1], len(draw_list)+1, -0.5, len(draw_list)+0.5) common._common._hist_persistent.append(hist) #pylint: disable=W0212 for material in draw_list: hist.Fill(z_range[0], material, 1.) hist.SetBit(ROOT.TH1.kCanRebin) hist.SetStats(0) hist.LabelsDeflate("Y") hist.LabelsOption("v") hist.Draw() # now draw graphs for i, volume in enumerate(draw_list): x_list = [self.volume_data[volume]["z_min"], self.volume_data[volume]["z_max"]] y_list = [i+0.1, i+0.1] hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("", x_list, "z [mm]", y_list, "volume index") graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.TColor.GetColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) graph.Draw('l') if self.volume_data[volume]["r_min"] < 1e-9: y_list = [i, i] hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("", x_list, "z [mm]", y_list, "material index") graph.Draw('l') canvas.Update() for _format in self.formats: canvas.Print(self.vol_1d+"."+_format)
def test_binomial(self): """ Check that we can generate a binomial distribution for event number """ # make a dict of bunches of xboa.Hits separated by event (spill) number bunch_dict = Bunch.new_dict_from_read_builtin('maus_json_primary', \ BIN_SIM, 'spill') bunch_weights = [] for bunch in bunch_dict.values(): bunch_weights.append(bunch.bunch_weight()) canvas = common.make_root_canvas("") hist = common.make_root_histogram("generated distribution", \ bunch_weights, "bunch weights", BIN_N+1, xmin=-0.5, xmax=BIN_N+0.5) hist.Fill(0, 1000-hist.GetSumOfWeights()) # xboa ignores empty spills hist.Draw() test_hist = ROOT.TH1D("test_hist", "reference distribution", BIN_N+1, -0.5, BIN_N+0.5) # pylint: disable = E1101, C0301 for i in range(BIN_N+1): test_hist.SetBinContent(i, \ (ROOT.TMath.BinomialI(BIN_P, BIN_N, i-1)- ROOT.TMath.BinomialI(BIN_P, BIN_N, i))*N_SPILLS) # pylint: disable = E1101, C0301 print i, test_hist.GetBinContent(i), hist.GetBinContent(i) test_hist.SetLineStyle(2) test_hist.Draw("SAME") ks_value = test_hist.KolmogorovTest(hist) canvas.Update() canvas.Print(PLOT_DIR+"/binomial_distribution_test.png") print "binomial ks_value", ks_value self.assertGreater(ks_value, 1e-3)
def plot_z(item, line_color, do_square, canvas=None): z_list = [hit["z"] for hit in item["seed"]] if not do_square: #i.e. do triangle area_list = [ abs(area / item["an_area_list"][0] - 1) for area in item["an_area_list"] ] else: area_list = [ abs(sum(area_list) / sum(item["area_list_of_lists"][0]) - 1) for area_list in item["area_list_of_lists"] ] title = "x: "+str(item["seed"][0]["x"])+" mm "+\ "p_{x}: "+str(item["seed"][0]["px"])+" MeV/c" hist, graph = common.make_root_graph( title, z_list, "z [mm]", area_list, "Fractional change in simplex content", ymin=1e-5, ymax=100.) if canvas == None: canvas = common.make_root_canvas("content growth vs z") canvas.SetLogy() hist.Draw() graph.SetLineColor(line_color) graph.Draw("SAMEPL") canvas.Update() return canvas, graph
def test_binomial(self): """ Check that we can generate a binomial distribution for event number """ # make a dict of bunches of xboa.Hits separated by event (spill) number bunch_dict = Bunch.new_dict_from_read_builtin('maus_json_primary', \ BIN_SIM, 'spill') bunch_weights = [] for bunch in bunch_dict.values(): bunch_weights.append(bunch.bunch_weight()) canvas = common.make_root_canvas("") hist = common.make_root_histogram("generated distribution", \ bunch_weights, "bunch weights", BIN_N+1, xmin=-0.5, xmax=BIN_N+0.5) hist.Fill(0, 1000 - hist.GetSumOfWeights()) # xboa ignores empty spills hist.Draw() test_hist = ROOT.TH1D("test_hist", "reference distribution", BIN_N + 1, -0.5, BIN_N + 0.5) # pylint: disable = E1101, C0301 for i in range(BIN_N + 1): test_hist.SetBinContent(i, \ (ROOT.TMath.BinomialI(BIN_P, BIN_N, i-1)- ROOT.TMath.BinomialI(BIN_P, BIN_N, i))*N_SPILLS) # pylint: disable = E1101, C0301 print i, test_hist.GetBinContent(i), hist.GetBinContent(i) test_hist.SetLineStyle(2) test_hist.Draw("SAME") ks_value = test_hist.KolmogorovTest(hist) canvas.Update() canvas.Print(PLOT_DIR + "/binomial_distribution_test.png") print "binomial ks_value", ks_value self.assertGreater(ks_value, 1e-3)
def plot_acceptance(da_list, eigenspace_key): global ERRORS_GRAPH, MIN_N_CELLS plot_dir = "baseline/" acceptance_list_0 = [] acceptance_list_1 = [] pphi_list = [] mean_acceptance_list_0 = [] mean_acceptance_list_1 = [] mean_pphi_list = [] means_0 = ROOT.TGraphErrors(len(da_list)) means_0.SetMarkerStyle(21) means_0.SetMarkerColor(8) means_0.SetLineColor(8) means_1 = ROOT.TGraphErrors(len(da_list)) means_1.SetMarkerStyle(21) means_1.SetMarkerColor(4) means_1.SetLineColor(4) ERRORS_GRAPH.append(means_0) ERRORS_GRAPH.append(means_1) for i, element in enumerate(da_list): ekin = get_ekin(element) acceptance_list = get_acceptance(element, eigenspace_key, 0) if len(acceptance_list) < 5: continue acceptance_list_0 += acceptance_list means_0.SetPoint(i, ekin, numpy.mean(acceptance_list)) means_0.SetPointError(i, 0., 0.) #numpy.std(acceptance_list)) acceptance_list = get_acceptance(element, eigenspace_key, 1) acceptance_list_1 += acceptance_list means_1.SetPoint(i, ekin, numpy.mean(acceptance_list)) means_1.SetPointError(i, 0., 0.) #numpy.std(acceptance_list)) pphi_list += [ekin for item in acceptance_list] canvas = common.make_root_canvas("acceptance " + eigenspace_key) canvas.Draw() axes, graph = common.make_root_graph('axes', pphi_list, "E_{kin} [MeV]", acceptance_list_0, "A_{2D} [mm]", ymin=-0.01, ymax=20.) axes.Draw() da_eigenspace = {'da_1': 0, 'da_2': 1, 'da_3': 2}[eigenspace_key] axes.SetTitle("Acceptance for eigenspace " + str(da_eigenspace) + " requiring " + str(MIN_N_CELLS / CELL_STEP) + " turns") for acceptance_list, color in [(acceptance_list_0, 8), (acceptance_list_1, 4)]: dummy, graph = common.make_root_graph('axes', pphi_list, "P_{phi} [MeV/c]", acceptance_list, "A_{2D} [mm]") graph.SetMarkerStyle(7) graph.SetMarkerColor(color) graph.Draw('pSAME') means_0.Draw('PSAME') means_1.Draw('PSAME') canvas.Update() name = "acceptance_eigenspace_" + str(da_eigenspace) for format in "png", "root", "pdf": canvas.Print(plot_dir + name + "." + format)
def find_peak_errors_derivative(self, data, peak_list, delta_index, draw=False): """ Find the error on the peak estimation based on a linear fit to the derivative """ derivative = self._get_derivative(data) # we want to fit for x = my + c # c is the peak # chi2 gives estimate of fit errors peak_with_errors = [] for peak in peak_list: x_min = max(peak-delta_index, 0) x_max = min(peak+delta_index+1, len(derivative)) x_list = range(x_min, x_max) y_list = derivative[x_min:x_max] graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(x_list)) for i in range(5):, 0.) for i in range(2, 5):, 0.), max(y_list)) for i, x in enumerate(x_list): y = y_list[i] graph.SetPoint(i, y, x) # note this is intentionally backwards graph.Fit(, "NO") if draw: canvas = common.make_root_canvas("derivatives") canvas.Draw() hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("name", x_list, "", y_list, "") hist.Draw() graph.SetMarkerStyle(6) graph.Draw('p') canvas.Update() canvas = common.make_root_canvas("values") canvas.Draw() hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("name", x_list, "", data[x_min:x_max], "") hist.Draw() graph.SetMarkerStyle(6) graph.Draw('p') canvas.Update() peak_with_errors.append([,]) return peak_with_errors
def plot_data_vs_delta(data, title, filter_lambdas, x_axis_lambda, x_axis_name, canvas_square = None, canvas_tri = None, line_color=1): data = filter_data(data, filter_lambdas) if len(data) == 0: return canvas_square, canvas_tri print "plot", title delta_list = [x_axis_lambda(item) for item in data] triangle_list = [abs(item["an_area_list"][-1]/item["an_area_list"][0]-1) for item in data] square_list = [abs(sum(item["area_list_of_lists"][-1])/sum(item["area_list_of_lists"][0])-1) for item in data] print triangle_list, delta_list ymin=min(square_list+triangle_list)*0.1 ymax=max(square_list+triangle_list)*1.1 hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("step size "+str(data[0]['step_size'])+" mm", delta_list, x_axis_name, triangle_list, "Fractional change in simplex content", xmin=min(delta_list)*0.9, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax) if canvas_tri == None: canvas_tri = common.make_root_canvas("delta triangles - "+title) canvas_tri.SetLogy() hist.Draw() hist.SetTitle(title) graph.SetLineColor(line_color) graph.SetMarkerStyle(24) graph.Draw("SAMEPL") canvas_tri.Update() hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("step size "+str(data[0]['step_size'])+" mm", delta_list, x_axis_name, square_list, "Fractional change in hypercube content", xmin=min(delta_list)*0.9, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax) hist.SetTitle(title) if canvas_square == None: canvas_square = common.make_root_canvas("delta triangles - "+title) canvas_square.SetLogy() hist.Draw() graph.SetLineColor(line_color) graph.SetMarkerStyle(24) graph.Draw("SAMEPL") canvas_square.Update() return canvas_square, canvas_tri
def plot_fields(data, plot_dir, foil_probe, foil_var, axis_name): bump_fields = {} bump_position = get_bump_position(data, foil_probe, foil_var) for bump in data: for key in bump["bump_fields"]: if key not in bump_fields: bump_fields[key] = [] bump_fields[key].append(bump["bump_fields"][key]) print("bump_fields = {") for key in bump_fields: print(" \"" + key + "\" :", bump_fields[key], ",") print("}") canvas = common.make_root_canvas("fields") all_fields = [] for key in bump_fields: all_fields += bump_fields[key] delta = 0.2 max_pos = (1. + delta) * max(bump_position) - delta * min(bump_position) hist, graph = common.make_root_graph( "fields", bump_position * len(bump_fields) + [max_pos], axis_name, all_fields + [0.], "Dipole field [T]") hist.Draw() color = [ ROOT.kBlue, ROOT.kGreen + 2, ROOT.kRed, ROOT.kYellow + 2, ROOT.kCyan + 1 ] marker = [20, 24, 21, 25] leg_list = [] index = 0 marker_index = 0 for key, field in sorted(bump_fields.items()): name = key.replace("__", "") name = name.replace("_", " ") hist, graph = common.make_root_graph(name, bump_position, axis_name, field, "Dipole field [T]") graph.SetMarkerStyle(marker[marker_index]) graph.SetMarkerColor(color[index]) graph.SetLineColor(color[index]) graph.SetLineStyle(color[index]) graph.Draw("lpsame") leg_list.append(graph) index += 1 if index == len(color): index = 0 marker_index += 1 leg = common.make_root_legend(canvas, leg_list) leg.SetBorderSize(1) leg.SetX1NDC(0.75) leg.SetX2NDC(0.9) leg.SetY1NDC(0.5) leg.SetY2NDC(0.9) leg.Draw() canvas.Update() for format in ["png"]: canvas.Print(plot_dir + "/bump_fields." + format)
def make_global_plot(self, min_n_points, plot_dir): axis_candidates = utilities.get_substitutions_axis(, "substitutions") my_axes_x = dict([(key, []) for key in axis_candidates]) da = {'y_da': [], 'x_da': []} for item in for da_key in da: if da_key not in list(item.keys()): print("Did not find", da_key, "in keys", list(item.keys()), "... skipping") continue da[da_key].append( self.calculate_da(item, da_key, min_n_points) * 1e3) print(da_key, da[da_key][-1]) for ax_key in my_axes_x: my_axes_x[ax_key].append(item['substitutions'][ax_key]) for ax_key in my_axes_x: ordinate = my_axes_x[ax_key] x_name = utilities.sub_to_name(ax_key) canvas_name = x_name + ' vs da' canvas = common.make_root_canvas(canvas_name) canvas.SetLogy() x_range = [min(ordinate), max(ordinate)] y_range = [ min(da['x_da'] + da['y_da']), max(da['x_da'] + da['y_da']) ] y_range[0] = max(y_range[0] / 2, 0.01) hist, graph = common.make_root_graph('axes', x_range, x_name, y_range, "DA [#pi #mum]", ymin=y_range[0], ymax=y_range[1] * 3) hist.Draw() if len(da['x_da']) == len(ordinate): hist_x, graph_x = common.make_root_graph( 'horizontal da', ordinate, "", da['x_da'], "") graph_x.SetMarkerStyle(24) graph_x.SetMarkerColor(2) graph_x.Draw("SAME P") if len(da['y_da']) == len(ordinate): hist_y, graph_y = common.make_root_graph( 'vertical da', ordinate, "", da['y_da'], "") graph_y.SetMarkerStyle(26) graph_y.SetMarkerColor(4) graph_y.Draw("SAME P") #legend = common.make_root_legend(canvas, [graph_x, graph_y]) #legend.Draw() canvas.Update() canvas_name = canvas_name.replace(" ", "_") for format in "eps", "png", "root": canvas.Print(plot_dir + "/" + canvas_name + "." + format) return
def plot_gauss(self, x_list, gauss_list): canvas = common.make_root_canvas("gauss") canvas.Draw() canvas.SetLogy() hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("gauss", x_list, "position", gauss_list, "Gauss") hist.Draw() graph.Draw('l') fit_function = ROOT.TF1("fit", "gaus") graph.Fit(fit_function) canvas.Update() return fit_function
def plot_one_da(self, row_data, da_key, axis1, axis2, max_n_points, variables, acceptance): hit_data = row_data[da_key] name = da_key + "_" + axis1 + " vs " + axis2 title = self.get_title(variables) name += " " + title canvas = None da_row = self.get_da_row(hit_data, max_n_points) graph_list = [] acceptance_graph = None units = { 'x': 'mm', 'y': 'mm', 'px': 'MeV/c', 'py': 'MeV/c', "x'": 'rad', "y'": 'rad' } for i, hit_list in enumerate(hit_data): hit_list = [ Hit.new_from_dict(hit_dict) for hit_dict in hit_list[1] ] x_data = [hit[axis1] for hit in hit_list] y_data = [hit[axis2] for hit in hit_list] axis1_label = axis1 + " [" + units[axis1] + "]" axis2_label = axis2 + " [" + units[axis2] + "]" hist, graph = common.make_root_graph(name + " " + str(i), x_data, axis1_label, y_data, axis2_label) graph.SetMarkerStyle(7) if i == da_row: canvas = common.make_root_canvas(name) hist.SetTitle(title) hist.Draw() elif i < da_row: graph.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kGreen) else: graph.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kGray) graph_list.append(graph) pz = hit_list[0]['pz'] mass = common.pdg_pid_to_mass[2212] if axis2 == "px" or axis2 == "py": geom_acceptance = acceptance * mass #mm mrad normalised -> MeV/c elif axis2 == "x'" or axis2 == "y'": geom_acceptance = acceptance * mass / pz #if i == 3: # acceptance_graph = self.plot_acceptance(geom_acceptance, x_data, y_data, axis2) for graph in graph_list: graph.Draw("SAMEP") if acceptance_graph != None: acceptance_graph.Draw("SAME C") canvas.Update() return canvas
def test_apply_weights_bound(self): test_bunch = Bunch() for i in range(1000): x = random.gauss(0., 10.**0.5) y = random.gauss(0., 20.**0.5) test_hit = Hit.new_from_dict({'x':x, 'y':y}) test_bunch.append(test_hit) limit_ellipse = numpy.zeros([2, 2]) for i in range(2): limit_ellipse[i, i] = 200. bound = BoundingEllipse(limit_ellipse, numpy.zeros([2]), 50) my_weights = VoronoiWeighting(['x', 'y'], numpy.array([[20., 0.],[0., 20.]]), voronoi_bound = bound) print("Plotting weights", canvas, hist = test_bunch.root_histogram('x', 'mm', 'y', 'mm') hist.Draw("COLZ") canvas.Update() print('Covariances ["x", "y"] before\n', test_bunch.covariance_matrix(['x', 'y'])) print("Applying weights", my_weights.apply_weights(test_bunch, False) print("Plotting tesselation", #my_weights.plot_two_d_projection(['x', 'y'], 'weight') my_weights.plot_two_d_projection(['x', 'y'], 'weight') my_weights.plot_two_d_projection(['x', 'y'], 'content') print("Plotting weights", canvas, hist = test_bunch.root_histogram('x', 'mm', 'y', 'mm') hist.Draw("COLZ") canvas.Update() test_bunch.root_histogram('local_weight', nx_bins=100) canvas = common.make_root_canvas('local_weight') hist = common.make_root_histogram('local_weight', test_bunch.list_get_hit_variable(['local_weight'])[0], 'local_weight', 100) hist.Draw() canvas.Update() canvas = common.make_root_canvas('content') hist = common.make_root_histogram('content', my_weights.tile_content_list, 'content', 100) hist.Draw() canvas.Update() print('Covariances ["x", "y"] after\n', test_bunch.covariance_matrix(['x', 'y']))
def plot_heat(data, plane = None, canvas = None): if plane != None: print "Doing plane", plane data = filter_data(data, [lambda item: item["an_area_list"][-1] != None],) data = filter_data(data, [lambda item: item["seed"][-1]["r"] < 1e3],) triangle_list = [] for item in data: if plane == None: triangle_list.append(abs(item["an_area_list"][-1]/item["an_area_list"][0]-1)) else: if plane < len(item["an_area_list"]): triangle_list.append(abs(item["an_area_list"][plane]/item["an_area_list"][0]-1)) else: triangle_list.append(1e9) x_list = [item["seed"][0]["x"] for item in data] px_list = [item["seed"][0]["px"] for item in data] x_min, x_max, n_x_bins = get_axis(x_list) px_min, px_max, n_px_bins = get_axis(px_list) if canvas == None: canvas = common.make_root_canvas("heating map") if plane != None: canvas.SetCanvasSize(700, 1000) canvas.Divide(1, 2) if plane != None: get_b_field(canvas.GetPad(2), z = item["seed"][plane]["z"]) canvas.GetPad(1).SetLogz() hist = ROOT.TH2D("heating map", ";x [mm];p_{x} [MeV/c]", n_x_bins, x_min, x_max, n_px_bins, px_min, px_max) hist.SetStats(False) z_min, z_max = 1e-4, 100. hist.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(z_min, z_max) canvas.Draw() for i, content in enumerate(triangle_list): bin = hist.FindBin(x_list[i], px_list[i]) if content < z_min: content = z_min*1.00001 if content > z_max: content = z_max*0.99999 hist.SetBinContent(bin, content) hist.Draw("COLZ") root_list.append(hist) canvas.SetLogz() canvas.Update() if plane == None: canvas.Print("plots/heat_map.png") else: name = str(plane).rjust(4, '0') canvas.Print("plots/heat_map_"+name+".gif") return canvas
def cdf_plot(self, suffix): us_data = self.amp.amplitudes[suffix]["all_upstream"] ds_data = self.amp.amplitudes[suffix]["all_downstream"] name = "amplitude_cdf_" + suffix canvas = common.make_root_canvas(name) canvas.SetName(name) upstream_graph = self.get_asymm_error_graph( us_data["corrected_cdf"], us_data["cdf_stats_errors"], style=24, color=self.us_color, name="Upstream CDF stats", centred=False) downstream_graph = self.get_asymm_error_graph( ds_data["corrected_cdf"], ds_data["cdf_stats_errors"], style=26, color=self.ds_color, name="Downstream CDF stats", centred=False) upstream_graph_sys = self.get_asymm_error_graph( us_data["corrected_cdf"], us_data["cdf_sum_errors"], fill=self.us_color, name="Upstream CDF sys", centred=False) downstream_graph_sys = self.get_asymm_error_graph( ds_data["corrected_cdf"], ds_data["cdf_sum_errors"], fill=self.ds_color, name="Downstream CDF sys", centred=False) graph_list = [ upstream_graph, downstream_graph, upstream_graph_sys, downstream_graph_sys ] draw_list = ["p", "p", "2", "2"] hist = self.get_hist(graph_list, self.get_suffix_label(suffix) + " Amplitude [mm]", "Cumulative Number") hist.Draw() for i, graph in enumerate(graph_list): graph.Draw("SAME " + draw_list[i]) self.text_box(graph_list) canvas.Update() for a_format in ["eps", "pdf", "root", "png"]: canvas.Print(self.plot_dir + "amplitude_cdf_" + suffix + "." + a_format) return canvas
def graph_peak_errors(error_list, colour, canvas = None, title=""): peak_time_list = [x["x"]*DT for x in error_list] # 0.2 ns per count peak_error_list = [(x["cov(x,y)"][0][0]**0.5)*DT for x in error_list] hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("Peaks", peak_time_list, "Time of peak [ns]", peak_error_list, "Estimated error on peak [ns]") if canvas == None: canvas = common.make_root_canvas(title+" errors") canvas.Draw() hist.Draw() graph.SetMarkerStyle(6) graph.SetMarkerColor(colour) graph.Draw("p") canvas.Update() return canvas, hist, graph
def common_make_root_ellipse_function_test(): testpass = True # worth checking by eye - the ellipse should be tilted forwards (i.e. +ve # correlation); and should roughly fill the canvas. If one sets correlation # to 0., y-intercept at x=0., 200. and x-intercept at y=0., 2. ell_cov = numpy.array([[10000., 0.], [0., 1.]]) ell_mean = [100., 1.] canv = common.make_root_canvas("ellipse_function_test_0") func = common.make_root_ellipse_function(ell_mean, ell_cov, contours=[1.], xmin=-10., xmax=210., ymin=-0.1, ymax=2.1) func.Draw() canv.Update() for value in [(0., 1.), (200., 1.), (100., 0.), (100., 2.)]: testpass = testpass and (func.Eval(*value)-1.) < common.float_tolerance if not testpass: print('FAILED ON ', value, func.Eval(*value)) ell_cov = numpy.array([[3, 1], [1, 2]]) ell_mean = [1, 1] canv = common.make_root_canvas("ellipse_function_test_1") func = common.make_root_ellipse_function(ell_mean, ell_cov) func.Draw() canv.Update() ell_cov = numpy.array([[1, 0.99], [0.99, 1]]) ell_mean = [1, 1] canv = common.make_root_canvas("ellipse_function_test_2") func = common.make_root_ellipse_function(ell_mean, ell_cov, [1., 0.08], 1-3, 1+3, 1-2, 1+2) func.SetLineColor(4) func.Draw() canv.Update() # note this looks grotty - blame ROOT testpass = testpass and (func.GetContourLevel(1)-0.08) < common.float_tolerance \ and (func.GetContourLevel(0)-1.) < common.float_tolerance if testpass: return 'pass' return 'fail'
def graph_delta_times(error_list, colour, canvas = None, title=""): peak_time_list = [x["x"]*DT for x in error_list] # 0.2 ns per count peak_delta_list = [t1-peak_time_list[i] for i, t1 in enumerate(peak_time_list[1:])] hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("Peaks", peak_time_list[0:-1], "Time of peak [ns]", peak_delta_list, "Time between peaks [ns]") mean_sigma_cut(peak_delta_list) if canvas == None: canvas = common.make_root_canvas(title+"bpm signal") canvas.Draw() hist.Draw() graph.SetMarkerStyle(6) graph.SetMarkerColor(colour) graph.Draw("p") canvas.Update() return canvas, hist, graph
def plot_signal(self, title): """ Plot the FFT frequency spectrum - title, string used as a title in FFT plots Returns tuple of TCanvas, TH2, TGraph """ canvas = common.make_root_canvas(title) x_list = range(len(self.u)) hist, graph = common.make_root_graph(title, x_list, 'count', self.u, 'signal') hist.SetTitle(title) hist.Draw() graph.Draw('l') canvas.Update() return canvas, hist, graph
def test_sft_accuracy(self): # test slow fourier transform canvas = common.make_root_canvas("SFT Residuals") hist = common.make_root_histogram('', [], 'Residuals', 1000, [], '', 1000, xmin=1., xmax=1000.0, ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0) hist.Draw() for i in range(3, 4): truth_list, sft_list, fft_list, n_list = [], [], [], [] tune = i * 0.1 for n in [5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000]: co, tracking = matrix(tune * 2. * math.pi, n) fft = FFTTuneFinder() fft.run_tracking('x', 10.0, co, tracking) tune_sft, tune_fft, tune_sft_hanning = 0., 0., 0. try: tune_fft, tune_sft, tune_sft_hanning = self._ft_test(fft) except ValueError: # statistics are low enough that no primary peaks can be # found sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) if tune > 0.5: tune_sft = 1 - tune_sft tune_fft = 1 - tune_fft #print "truth", tune, "sft", tune_sft, #print "fft", tune_fft, "hanning", tune_sft_hanning truth_list.append(tune) sft_list.append(tune_sft) fft_list.append(tune_fft) n_list.append(n) residual_list = [] for i, n in enumerate(n_list): if fft_list[i] - truth_list[i] != 0.: residual_list.append(abs(sft_list[i]-truth_list[i])\ /abs(fft_list[i]-truth_list[i])) hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("SFT residuals", n_list, "Number of points", residual_list, "Residuals") graph.Draw('L') canvas.SetLogx() canvas.Update()
def peak_hist(peak_list): canvas = common.make_root_canvas("projected peaks") hist = common.make_root_histogram("projected peaks", peak_list, "#deltat [ns]", 200, xmin=0, xmax=630.) bins = [] for bin_index in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX() + 1): bins.append(hist.GetBinContent(bin_index)) smoothing = xboa.algorithms.smoothing.GaussianSmoothing(2., 3, True) smoothed = smoothing.smooth(bins) finder = xboa.algorithms.peak_finder.WindowPeakFinder(10, -1, 1) peak_graph_indices, peak_x, peak_y = [], [], [] peaks = [] for peak in finder.find_peaks(smoothed): a_peak = { "peak": hist.GetBinCenter(peak + 1), "magnitude": bins[peak], "err": 0. } if a_peak["magnitude"] < 0.5 * max(smoothed): continue peak_graph_indices.append(peak) for bin in range(peak, 0, -1) + range(len(bins) - 1, peak, -1): if smoothed[bin] < smoothed[peak] / 2.: peak_graph_indices.append(bin) a_peak["lower_bound"] = hist.GetBinCenter(bin + 1) break for bin in range(peak, len(bins), +1) + range(0, peak, 1): if smoothed[bin] < smoothed[peak] / 2.: peak_graph_indices.append(bin) a_peak["upper_bound"] = hist.GetBinCenter(bin + 1) break peaks.append(a_peak) for peak_graph_index in peak_graph_indices: peak_x.append(hist.GetBinCenter(peak_graph_index + 1)) peak_y.append(smoothed[peak_graph_index]) dummy, graph = xboa.common.make_root_graph("peaks", peak_x, "", peak_y, "") graph.SetMarkerStyle(24) graph.SetMarkerColor(2) canvas.Draw() hist.Draw() graph.Draw('p') canvas.Update() return peaks, canvas
def graph_peak_times(a_data, errors, colour, y_range, canvas = None, title=""): hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("Volts", a_data["time_list"], "Time [ns]", a_data["voltage_list"], "Signal Voltage [V]", ymin=y_range[0], ymax=y_range[1]) peak_time_list = [x["x"] for x in errors] peak_voltage_list = [x["y"] for x in errors] peak_hist, peak_graph = common.make_root_graph("Peaks", peak_time_list, "Time of peak [ns]", peak_voltage_list, "Peak voltage") if canvas == None: canvas = common.make_root_canvas(title+"bpm peaks") canvas.Draw() hist.Draw() peak_graph.SetMarkerColor(colour) peak_graph.SetMarkerStyle(4) peak_graph.Draw("p") graph.SetMarkerColor(colour) graph.Draw("p") canvas.Update() return canvas, hist, graph, peak_hist, peak_graph
def plot_phase_space(self, title): """ Plot the phase space for the fourier transform - title, string used as a title in FFT plots Returns tuple of TCanvas, TH2, TGraph """ # NEEDS TEST canvas = common.make_root_canvas(title) print(len(self.u), len(self.up)) hist, graph = common.make_root_graph(title, self.u, 'displacement', self.up, 'divergence') hist.SetTitle(title) hist.Draw() graph.SetMarkerStyle(26) graph.Draw('p') canvas.Update() return canvas, hist, graph
def _draw_materials_1d(self, step_data, z_range): """Make a 1D plot of position vs material along the z axis""" # we plot G4_AIR first, then G4_GALACTIC? draw_list = step_data.keys() draw_list = self.move(draw_list, "G4_AIR", 0) draw_list = self.move(draw_list, "G4_Galactic", 1) black_x_list, black_y_list = [], [] grey_x_list, grey_y_list = [], [] canvas = common.make_root_canvas("Material vs z") hist = ROOT.TH2D("name", "Material vs z", 30000, z_range[0], z_range[1], len(draw_list) + 1, -0.5, len(draw_list) + 0.5) common._common._hist_persistent.append(hist) #pylint: disable=W0212 for material in draw_list: hist.Fill(z_range[0], material, 1.) hist.SetBit(ROOT.TH1.kCanRebin) hist.SetStats(0) hist.LabelsDeflate("Y") hist.LabelsOption("v") hist.Draw() for i, material in enumerate(draw_list): grey_x_list += [i + 0.1 for step in step_data[material]] grey_y_list += [step["z"] for step in step_data[material]] black_x_list += [i for step in step_data[material] \ if step["r"] < 1e-9] black_y_list += [step["z"] for step in step_data[material] \ if step["r"] < 1e-9] if len(grey_x_list) == 0: return hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("", grey_y_list, "z [mm]", grey_x_list, "material index") graph.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.TColor.GetColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) graph.SetMarkerStyle(7) graph.Draw('p') if len(black_x_list) != 0: hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("", black_y_list, "z [mm]", black_x_list, "material index") graph.SetMarkerStyle(7) graph.Draw('p') canvas.Update() for _format in self.formats: canvas.Print(self.mat_1d + "." + _format)
def common_make_root_multigraph_test(): canvas = common.make_root_canvas('multigraph_test') x_list_of_lists = [] y_list_of_lists = [] for i in range(2): x_list_of_lists.append(list(range(0,50))) for i in range( len(x_list_of_lists[-1]) ): x_list_of_lists[-1][i] /= 10. x_list_of_lists.append(list(range(0,100))) for i in range( len(x_list_of_lists[-1]) ): x_list_of_lists[-1][i] /= 20. for i in range( len(x_list_of_lists) ): y_list_of_lists.append(__sine_list(i+1, i+1, x_list_of_lists[i])) (hist,list_of_graphs) = common.make_root_multigraph('test', x_list_of_lists, 'x [rad]', y_list_of_lists, 'a*sin(b*x)') hist.Draw() for graph in list_of_graphs: graph.Draw() return 'pass' # a test that can't fail - excellent!
def get_period(data): rf_peak_indices = data["RF"]["peak_indices"] rf_peak_list = [data["RF"]["time_list"][i] / 1e-9 for i in rf_peak_indices] rf_peak_deltas_list = [None] * (len(rf_peak_list) - 1) for i, rf_time in enumerate(rf_peak_list[0:-1]): rf_next_time = rf_peak_list[i + 1] rf_peak_deltas_list[i] = rf_next_time - rf_time canvas = common.make_root_canvas("rf_period") canvas.Draw() hist = common.make_root_histogram("times", rf_peak_deltas_list, "RF period [ns]", 100) hist.Draw() hist.SetStats(True) canvas.Update() canvas.Draw() return numpy.mean(rf_peak_deltas_list), rf_peak_list[0], canvas
def _draw_materials_1d(self, step_data, z_range): """Make a 1D plot of position vs material along the z axis""" # we plot G4_AIR first, then G4_GALACTIC? draw_list = step_data.keys() draw_list = self.move(draw_list, "G4_AIR", 0) draw_list = self.move(draw_list, "G4_Galactic", 1) black_x_list, black_y_list = [], [] grey_x_list, grey_y_list = [], [] canvas = common.make_root_canvas("Material vs z") hist = ROOT.TH2D("name", "Material vs z", 30000, z_range[0], z_range[1], len(draw_list)+1, -0.5, len(draw_list)+0.5) common._common._hist_persistent.append(hist) #pylint: disable=W0212 for material in draw_list: hist.Fill(z_range[0], material, 1.) hist.SetBit(ROOT.TH1.kCanRebin) hist.SetStats(0) hist.LabelsDeflate("Y") hist.LabelsOption("v") hist.Draw() for i, material in enumerate(draw_list): grey_x_list += [i+0.1 for step in step_data[material]] grey_y_list += [step["z"] for step in step_data[material]] black_x_list += [i for step in step_data[material] \ if step["r"] < 1e-9] black_y_list += [step["z"] for step in step_data[material] \ if step["r"] < 1e-9] if len(grey_x_list) == 0: return hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("", grey_y_list, "z [mm]", grey_x_list, "material index") graph.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.TColor.GetColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) graph.SetMarkerStyle(7) graph.Draw('p') if len(black_x_list) != 0: hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("", black_y_list, "z [mm]", black_x_list, "material index") graph.SetMarkerStyle(7) graph.Draw('p') canvas.Update() for _format in self.formats: canvas.Print(self.mat_1d+"."+_format)
def plot_z(item, line_color, do_square, canvas = None): z_list = [hit["z"] for hit in item["seed"]] if not do_square: #i.e. do triangle area_list = [abs(area/item["an_area_list"][0]-1) for area in item["an_area_list"]] else: area_list = [abs(sum(area_list)/sum(item["area_list_of_lists"][0])-1) for area_list in item["area_list_of_lists"]] title = "x: "+str(item["seed"][0]["x"])+" mm "+\ "p_{x}: "+str(item["seed"][0]["px"])+" MeV/c" hist, graph = common.make_root_graph(title, z_list, "z [mm]", area_list, "Fractional change in simplex content", ymin = 1e-5, ymax=100. ) if canvas == None: canvas = common.make_root_canvas("content growth vs z") canvas.SetLogy() hist.Draw() graph.SetLineColor(line_color) graph.Draw("SAMEPL") canvas.Update() return canvas, graph
def plot_areas(self, areas_us, areas_ds): assert(len(areas_us) == len(areas_ds)) # remove None items from the list (failed to calculate area) areas = zip(areas_us, areas_ds) areas = [item for item in areas if item[0] != None and item[1] != None] areas_us = [item[0] for item in areas] areas_ds = [item[1] for item in areas] # remove residuals areas_res = [item[1]-item[0] for item in areas] for i in range(3):#len(areas_us)): print i, str(round(areas_us[i])).ljust(10), str(round(areas_ds[i])).ljust(10), areas_res[i] # plots canvas = common.make_root_canvas("content") n_bins = 100# max(int((len(bunch_us)/10)**0.5), 10) hist_us = common.make_root_histogram("Upstream", areas_us, "cell content [mm MeV/c]", n_bins, xmin=-5000.0, xmax=5000.0) hist_us.SetLineColor(2) hist_us.Draw() hist_ds = common.make_root_histogram("Downstream", areas_ds, "cell content [mm MeV/c]", n_bins, xmin=-5000.0, xmax=5000.0) hist_ds.SetLineColor(4) hist_ds.Draw("SAME") hist_res = common.make_root_histogram("Residuals", areas_res, "cell content [mm MeV/c]", n_bins) hist_res.Draw("SAME")
def plot(plot_dir, data_list_pairs): tmp_data = [] for i, data in enumerate(data_list_pairs): pos_peak = numpy.mean([x["y"] for x in data["RF"]["pos_peak_with_errors"]]) neg_peak = numpy.mean([-x["y"] for x in data["RF"]["neg_peak_with_errors"]]) voltage = (pos_peak-neg_peak) data["rf_peak_to_peak_voltage"] = voltage rf_list = ["0.2", "0.32", "0.46", "0.62", "0.81", "3.01", "7.18"] if True or str(round(voltage, 2)) in rf_list: print "Using", voltage tmp_data.append(data) else: print "Not using", voltage data_list_pairs = tmp_data peak_delta_canvas = common.make_root_canvas("delta rf vs bpm") peak_delta_canvas.Draw() peak_delta_hist_canvas = common.make_root_canvas("delta rf vs bpm - hist") peak_delta_hist_canvas.Draw() graph_list = [] hist_list = [] dt_mean_list = [] dt_err_list = [] measured_voltage_list = [] max_y = -1e9 min_y = 1e9 delta_hist_min = 1e9 delta_hist_max = -1e9 for i, data in enumerate(data_list_pairs): """ voltage_str = "V="+str(round(data["rf_peak_to_peak_voltage"], 2)) print "Plotting measured "+voltage_str formats = ["png", "root"] times = data["RF"]["time_list"] rf_voltage_list = data["RF"]["voltage_list"] rf_peak_error_list = data["RF"]["pos_peak_with_errors"] rf_peak_list = [x["x"] for x in rf_peak_error_list] rf_period = sum([rf_peak_list[j+1] - rf_peak_list[j] for j, index in enumerate(rf_peak_list[:-1])]) rf_period = DT*rf_period/float(len(rf_peak_list)) rf_frequency = 1./rf_period print " RF Period", rf_period, "Frequency", rf_frequency print " Plotting RF magnitude and error" canvas_rf_v, hist_rf_v, graph_rf_v = graph_peak_magnitude(data["RF"]["pos_peak_with_errors"], data["RF"]["neg_peak_with_errors"], title=voltage_str) for format in formats: canvas_rf_v.Print(plot_dir+voltage_str+"_rf_voltage."+format) print " Plotting peak finding errors" canvas_err, hist_err, graph_err = graph_peak_errors(data["signal"]["peak_with_errors"], 4, title=voltage_str) graph_peak_errors(data["RF"]["pos_peak_with_errors"], 2, canvas_err) for format in formats: canvas_err.Print(plot_dir+voltage_str+"_peak_errors."+format) print " Plotting peak to peak distance" print " signal", canvas_pp, hist_pp, graph_pp = graph_delta_times(data["signal"]["peak_with_errors"], 4, title=voltage_str) print " RF", graph_delta_times(data["RF"]["pos_peak_with_errors"], 2, canvas_pp) for format in formats: canvas_pp.Print(plot_dir+voltage_str+"_peak_deltas."+format) print " Plotting data" y_range = common.min_max(data["RF"]["voltage_list"]+data["signal"]["voltage_list"]+data["dc_signal"]["voltage_list"]) canvas, hist, graph, peak_hist, peak_graph = graph_peak_times(data["RF"], data["RF"]["pos_peak_with_errors"], 2, y_range, title=voltage_str) bpm_peak_indices = data["signal"]["peak_indices"] bpm_voltage_list = data["signal"]["voltage_list"] bpm_peak_list = [index for index in bpm_peak_indices] graph_peak_times(data["signal"], data["signal"]["peak_with_errors"], 4, y_range, canvas) graph_peak_times(data["dc_signal"], [{"x":0, "y":0}], 6, y_range, canvas) canvas.Update() for format in formats: canvas.Print(plot_dir+voltage_str+"_signals."+format) """ print " Plotting distance between bpm and rf peaks" peak_time_list = data["peak_time_list"] peak_delta_list = data["peak_delta_list"] hist, graph = common.make_root_graph(voltage_str, peak_time_list, "time [ns]", peak_delta_list, "dt [ns]") min_y = min([hist.GetYaxis().GetXmin(), min_y]) max_y = max([hist.GetYaxis().GetXmax(), max_y]) if len(data_list_pairs) > 1: hist.Draw() color_fraction = float(i)/float(len(data_list_pairs)-1) else: color_fraction = 1 color = ROOT.TColor.GetColor(color_fraction, 1.-color_fraction, 0) graph.SetMarkerColor(color) graph.SetLineColor(color) graph.SetMarkerStyle(6) graph_list.append(graph) filtered_list = [] for j, peak in enumerate(peak_delta_list): if peak_time_list[j] > 30.e3 and \ peak_time_list[j] < 40.e3: filtered_list.append(peak) if len(filtered_list) > 0: dt_mean_list.append(max(filtered_list)) #dt_err_list.append(numpy.std(filtered_list)/len(filtered_list)**0.5) measured_voltage_list.append(data["rf_peak_to_peak_voltage"]) hist = common.make_root_histogram(voltage_str, filtered_list, "dt [ns]", 4) delta_hist_min = min([hist.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), delta_hist_min]) delta_hist_max = max([hist.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), delta_hist_max]) hist.SetLineColor(color) hist_list.append(hist) hist, graph = common.make_root_graph(voltage_str, peak_time_list, "t [ns]", peak_delta_list, "dt [ns]", ymin=0., ymax=700.) hist.Draw() # redraw hist to get axes right for graph in graph_list: graph.Draw("p") legend = common.make_root_legend(peak_delta_canvas, graph_list) legend.Draw() peak_delta_canvas.Update() for format in formats: peak_delta_canvas.Print(plot_dir+"bpm_to_rf_deltas."+format) print delta_hist_min, delta_hist_max hist = common.make_root_histogram(voltage_str, [-1], "dt [ns]", 1000, [-1], "Counts", 1000, xmin=delta_hist_min, xmax=delta_hist_max, ymin=1e-2, ymax=20.) hist.Draw() # redraw hist to get axes right for a_hist in hist_list: a_hist.Draw("same") legend = common.make_root_legend(peak_delta_hist_canvas, hist_list) legend.Draw() peak_delta_hist_canvas.Update() for format in formats: peak_delta_hist_canvas.Print(plot_dir+"bpm_to_rf_deltas_hist."+format) if len(dt_mean_list) < 2: return phase_mean_list = [2.*math.pi*dt/rf_period for dt in dt_mean_list[1:]] measured_voltage_list = measured_voltage_list[1:] for popper in []: phase_mean_list.pop(popper) phase_err_list.pop(popper) measured_voltage_list.pop(popper) synchronous_phase_canvas = common.make_root_canvas("Synchronous phase vs voltage") hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("Synchronous phase vs voltage", phase_mean_list, "#phi [rad]", measured_voltage_list, "V [au]") graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(phase_mean_list)) graph.SetMarkerStyle(4) for i in range(len(phase_mean_list)): graph.SetPoint(i, phase_mean_list[i], measured_voltage_list[i]) print phase_mean_list print measured_voltage_list hist.Draw() graph.Draw('p') print "Doing unweighted fit" fit_unweighted = ROOT.TF1("fit", "[0]/sin([1]+x)") fit_unweighted.SetParameter(0, 0.1) fit_unweighted.SetParameter(1, 0.) fit_unweighted.SetLineColor(4) graph.Fit(fit_unweighted, "EX0") fit_unweighted.Draw("SAME") synchronous_phase_canvas.Update() for format in formats: synchronous_phase_canvas.Print(plot_dir+"synchronous_phase_vs_voltage_unweighted."+format)