Пример #1
def ice_days(
    tasmax: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0 degC", freq: str = "YS"
) -> xarray.DataArray:  # noqa: D401
    r"""Number of ice/freezing days.

    Number of days where daily maximum temperatures are below a threshold.

    tasmax : xarray.DataArray
      Maximum daily temperature.
    thresh : str
      Freezing temperature.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency.

    xarray.DataArray, [time]
      Number of ice/freezing days.

    Let :math:`TX_{ij}` be the daily maximum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`,
    and :math`TT` the threshold. Then counted is the number of days where:

    .. math::

        TX_{ij} < TT
    frz = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmax)
    out = threshold_count(tasmax, "<", frz, freq)
    return to_agg_units(out, tasmax, "count")
Пример #2
def tn_days_below(
    tasmin: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "-10.0 degC", freq: str = "YS"
):  # noqa: D401
    r"""Number of days with tmin below a threshold.

    Number of days where daily minimum temperature is below a threshold.

    tasmin : xarray.DataArray
      Minimum daily temperature [℃] or [K]
    thresh : str
      Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation [℃] or [K] . Default: '-10 degC'.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency; Defaults to "YS".

      Number of days Tmin < threshold.

    Let :math:`TN_{ij}` be the daily minimum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then
    counted is the number of days where:

    .. math::

        TX_{ij} < Threshold [℃]
    thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin)
    f1 = threshold_count(tasmin, "<", thresh, freq)
    return f1
Пример #3
def tx_days_above(
    tasmax: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "25.0 degC", freq: str = "YS"
):  # noqa: D401
    r"""Number of summer days.

    Number of days where daily maximum temperature exceed a threshold.

    tasmax : xarray.DataArray
      Maximum daily temperature [℃] or [K]
    thresh : str
      Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation [℃] or [K]. Default: '25 degC'.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency; Defaults to "YS".

      Number of summer days.

    Let :math:`TX_{ij}` be the daily maximum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then
    counted is the number of days where:

    .. math::

        TX_{ij} > Threshold [℃]
    thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmax)
    f = (tasmax > thresh) * 1
    return f.resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time")
Пример #4
def heat_wave_index(
    tasmax: xarray.DataArray,
    thresh: str = "25.0 degC",
    window: int = 5,
    freq: str = "YS",
    r"""Heat wave index.

    Number of days that are part of a heatwave, defined as five or more consecutive days over 25℃.

    tasmax : xarray.DataArray
      Maximum daily temperature [℃] or [K]
    thresh : str
      Threshold temperature on which to designate a heatwave [℃] or [K]. Default: '25.0 degC'.
    window : int
      Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to qualify as a heatwave.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency; Defaults to "YS".

      Heat wave index.
    thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmax)
    over = tasmax > thresh
    group = over.resample(time=freq)

    return group.map(rl.windowed_run_count, window=window, dim="time")
Пример #5
def heating_degree_days(
    tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "17.0 degC", freq: str = "YS"
    r"""Heating degree days.

    Sum of degree days below the temperature threshold at which spaces are heated.

    tas : xarray.DataArray
      Mean daily temperature [℃] or [K]
    thresh : str
      Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation [℃] or [K]. Default: '17.0 degC'.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency; Defaults to "YS".

      Heating degree days index.

    Let :math:`TG_{ij}` be the daily mean temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then the
    heating degree days are:

    .. math::

        HD17_j = \sum_{i=1}^{I} (17℃ - TG_{ij})
    thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tas)

    return tas.pipe(lambda x: thresh - x).clip(0).resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time")
Пример #6
def dry_days(pr: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0.2 mm/d", freq: str = "YS"):
    r"""Dry days.

    The number of days with daily precipitation below threshold.

    pr : xarray.DataArray
      Daily precipitation [mm/d or kg/m²/s]
    thresh : str
      Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. Default: '0.2 mm/d'.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency; Defaults to "YS".

      Number of days with daily precipitation below threshold.

    Let :math:`PR_{ij}` be the daily precipitation at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then
    counted is the number of days where:

    .. math::

        \sum PR_{ij} < Threshold [mm/day]
    thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, pr)
    return pr.pipe(lambda x: (pr < thresh) * 1).resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time")
Пример #7
def growing_degree_days(
    tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "4.0 degC", freq: str = "YS"
    r"""Growing degree-days over threshold temperature value [℃].

    The sum of degree-days over the threshold temperature.

    tas : xarray.DataArray
      Mean daily temperature [℃] or [K].
    thresh : str
      Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation [℃] or [K]. Default: '4.0 degC'.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency. Default: "YS".

      The sum of growing degree-days above a given threshold.

    Let :math:`TG_{ij}` be the daily mean temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then the
    growing degree days are:

    .. math::

        GD4_j = \sum_{i=1}^I (TG_{ij}-{4} | TG_{ij} > {4}℃)
    thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tas)
    return (
        tas.pipe(lambda x: x - thresh).clip(min=0).resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time")
Пример #8
def sea_ice_extent(sic, area, thresh: str = "15 pct"):
    """Return the total sea ice extent.

    Sea ice extent measures the *ice-covered* area, where a region is considered ice-covered if its sea ice
    concentration is above a threshold usually set to 15%.

    sic : xarray.DataArray
      Sea ice concentration [0,1].
    area : xarray.DataArray
      Grid cell area [m²]
    thresh : str
      Minimum sea ice concentration for a grid cell to contribute to the sea ice extent.

    Sea ice extent [m²].

    To compute sea ice area over a subregion, first mask or subset the input sea ice concentration data.

    `What is the difference between sea ice area and extent
    t = convert_units_to(thresh, sic)
    out = xarray.dot(sic >= t, area)
    out.attrs["units"] = area.units
    return out
Пример #9
def tropical_nights(
    tasmin: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "20.0 degC", freq: str = "YS",
    r"""Tropical nights.

    The number of days with minimum daily temperature above threshold.

    tasmin : xarray.DataArray
      Minimum daily temperature [℃] or [K]
    thresh : str
      Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation [℃] or [K]. Default: '20 degC'.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency; Defaults to "YS".

      Number of days with minimum daily temperature above threshold.

    Let :math:`TN_{ij}` be the daily minimum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then
    counted is the number of days where:

    .. math::

        TN_{ij} > Threshold [℃]
    thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin)
    return (
        tasmin.pipe(lambda x: (tasmin > thresh) * 1).resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time")
Пример #10
def last_snowfall(
    prsn: xarray.DataArray,
    thresh: str = "0.5 mm/day",
    freq: str = "AS-JUL",
    r"""Last day with solid precipitation above a threshold.

    Returns the last day of a period where the solid precipitation exceeds a threshold.

    WARNING: The default freq is valid for the northern hemisphere.

    prsn : xarray.DataArray
      Solid precipitation flux.
    thresh : str
      Threshold precipitation flux on which to base evaluation. Default '0.5 mm/day'.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency; Defaults to "AS-JUL".

      Last day of the year when the solid precipitation is superior to a threshold,
      If there is no such day, return np.nan.
    thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, prsn)
    cond = prsn >= thresh

    return cond.resample(time=freq).map(
Пример #11
def wetdays(pr: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "1.0 mm/day", freq: str = "YS"):
    r"""Wet days.

    Return the total number of days during period with precipitation over threshold.

    pr : xarray.DataArray
      Daily precipitation [mm]
    thresh : str
      Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet. Default: '1 mm/day'.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency defining the periods defined in
      http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/timeseries.html#resampling; Defaults to "YS".

      The number of wet days for each period [day]

    The following would compute for each grid cell of file `pr.day.nc` the number days
    with precipitation over 5 mm at the seasonal frequency, ie DJF, MAM, JJA, SON, DJF, etc.:

    >>> from xclim.indices import wetdays
    >>> pr = xr.open_dataset(path_to_pr_file).pr
    >>> wd = wetdays(pr, thresh="5 mm/day", freq="QS-DEC")
    thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, pr, "hydro")

    wd = (pr >= thresh) * 1
    return wd.resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time")
Пример #12
def warm_day_frequency(
    tasmax: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "30 degC", freq: str = "YS"
    r"""Frequency of extreme warm days.

    Return the number of days with tasmax > thresh per period

    tasmax : xarray.DataArray
      Mean daily temperature [℃] or [K]
    thresh : str
      Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation [℃] or [K]. Default : '30 degC'
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency; Defaults to "YS".

      Number of days exceeding threshold.

    Let :math:`TX_{ij}` be the daily maximum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then
    counted is the number of days where:

    .. math::

        TN_{ij} > Threshold [℃]

    thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmax)
    events = (tasmax > thresh) * 1
    return events.resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time")
Пример #13
def cold_spell_frequency(
    tas: xarray.DataArray,
    thresh: str = "-10 degC",
    window: int = 5,
    freq: str = "AS-JUL",
    r"""Cold spell frequency.

    The number of cold spell events, defined as a sequence of consecutive days with mean daily
    temperature below a threshold in °C.

    tas : xarray.DataArray
      Mean daily temperature [℃] or [K]
    thresh : str
      Threshold temperature below which a cold spell begins [℃] or [K]. Default: '-10 degC'
    window : int
      Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to qualify as a cold spell.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency; Defaults to "AS-JUL".

      Cold spell frequency.

    t = convert_units_to(thresh, tas)
    over = tas < t
    group = over.resample(time=freq)

    return group.map(rl.windowed_run_events, window=window, dim="time")
Пример #14
def frost_days(
    tasmin: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0 degC", freq: str = "YS"
) -> xarray.DataArray:
    r"""Frost days index.

    Number of days where daily minimum temperatures are below a threshold temperature.

    tasmin : xarray.DataArray
      Minimum daily temperature.
    thresh : str
      Freezing temperature.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency.

    xarray.DataArray, [time]
      Frost days index.

    Let :math:`TN_{ij}` be the daily minimum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`
    and :math`TT` the threshold. Then counted is the number of days where:

    .. math::

        TN_{ij} < TT
    frz = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin)
    out = threshold_count(tasmin, "<", frz, freq)
    return to_agg_units(out, tasmin, "count")
Пример #15
def daily_freezethaw_cycles(
    tasmin: xarray.DataArray,
    tasmax: xarray.DataArray,
    thresh_tasmax: str = "0 degC",
    thresh_tasmin: str = "0 degC",
    freq: str = "YS",
) -> xarray.DataArray:  # noqa: D401
    r"""Number of days with a diurnal freeze-thaw cycle.

    The number of days where Tmax > thresh_tasmax and Tmin <= thresh_tasmin.

    tasmin : xarray.DataArray
      Minimum daily temperature.
    tasmax : xarray.DataArray
      Maximum daily temperature.
    thresh_tasmax : str
      The temperature threshold needed to trigger a thaw event.
    thresh_tasmin : str
      The temperature threshold needed to trigger a freeze event.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency.

    xarray.DataArray, [time]
      Number of days with a diurnal freeze-thaw cycle

    Let :math:`TX_{i}` be the maximum temperature at day :math:`i` and :math:`TN_{i}` be
    the daily minimum temperature at day :math:`i`. Then the number of freeze thaw cycles
    during period :math:`\phi` is given by :

    .. math::

        \sum_{i \in \phi} [ TX_{i} > 0℃ ] [ TN_{i} <  0℃ ]

    where :math:`[P]` is 1 if :math:`P` is true, and 0 if false.
    thaw_threshold = convert_units_to(thresh_tasmax, tasmax)
    freeze_threshold = convert_units_to(thresh_tasmin, tasmin)

    ft = (tasmin <= freeze_threshold) * (tasmax > thaw_threshold) * 1
    out = ft.resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time")
    return to_agg_units(out, tasmin, "count")
Пример #16
def days_over_precip_thresh(
    pr: xarray.DataArray,
    per: xarray.DataArray,
    thresh: str = "1 mm/day",
    freq: str = "YS",
) -> xarray.DataArray:
    r"""Number of wet days with daily precipitation over a given percentile.

    Number of days over period where the precipitation is above a threshold defining wet days and above a given
    percentile for that day.

    pr : xarray.DataArray
      Mean daily precipitation flux [Kg m-2 s-1] or [mm/day]
    per : xarray.DataArray
      Daily percentile of wet day precipitation flux [Kg m-2 s-1] or [mm/day].
    thresh : str
       Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet [Kg m-2 s-1] or [mm/day].
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency; Defaults to "YS".

      Count of days with daily precipitation above the given percentile [days]

    >>> import xarray as xr
    >>> import xclim
    >>> pr = xr.open_dataset("precipitation_data.nc").pr
    >>> p75 = pr.quantile(.75, dim="time", keep_attrs=True)
    >>> r75p = xclim.indices.days_over_precip_thresh(pr, p75)
    per = convert_units_to(per, pr)
    thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, pr)

    tp = np.maximum(per, thresh)
    if "dayofyear" in per.coords:
        # Create time series out of doy values.
        tp = resample_doy(tp, pr)

    # Compute the days where precip is both over the wet day threshold and the percentile threshold.
    over = pr > tp

    return over.resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time")
Пример #17
def latitude_temperature_index(
    tas: xarray.DataArray,
    lat: xarray.DataArray,
    lat_factor: float = 75,
    freq: str = "YS",
) -> xarray.DataArray:
    """Latitude-Temperature Index.

    Mean temperature of the warmest month with a latitude-based scaling factor.
    Used for categorizing winegrowing regions.

    tas: xarray.DataArray
      Mean daily temperature.
    lat: xarray.DataArray
      Latitude coordinate.
    lat_factor: float
      Latitude factor. Maximum poleward latitude. Default: 75.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency.

    xarray.DataArray, [unitless]
      Latitude Temperature Index.

    The latitude factor of `75` is provided for examining the poleward expansion of winegrowing climates under scenarios
    of climate change. For comparing 20th century/observed historical records, the original scale factor of `60` is more

    Let :math:`Tn_{j}` be the average temperature for a given month :math:`j`, :math:`lat_{f}` be the latitude factor,
    and :math:`lat` be the latitude of the area of interest. Then the Latitude-Temperature Index (:math:`LTI`) is:

    .. math::
        LTI = max(TN_{j}: j = 1..12)(lat_f - |lat|)

    Indice originally published in Jackson, D. I., & Cherry, N. J. (1988). Prediction of a District’s Grape-Ripening
    Capacity Using a Latitude-Temperature Index (LTI). American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 39(1), 19‑28.

    Modified latitude factor from Kenny, G. J., & Shao, J. (1992). An assessment of a latitude-temperature index for
    predicting climate suitability for grapes in Europe. Journal of Horticultural Science, 67(2), 239‑246.
    tas = convert_units_to(tas, "degC")

    tas = tas.resample(time="MS").mean(dim="time")
    mtwm = tas.resample(time=freq).max(dim="time")

    lat_mask = (abs(lat) >= 0) & (abs(lat) <= lat_factor)
    lat_coeff = xarray.where(lat_mask, lat_factor - abs(lat), 0)

    lti = mtwm * lat_coeff
    lti.attrs["units"] = ""
    return lti
Пример #18
def precip_accumulation(
    pr: xarray.DataArray,
    tas: xarray.DataArray = None,
    phase: Optional[str] = None,
    freq: str = "YS",
) -> xarray.DataArray:
    r"""Accumulated total (liquid and/or solid) precipitation.

    Resample the original daily mean precipitation flux and accumulate over each period.
    If the daily mean temperature is provided, the phase keyword can be used to only sum precipitation of a certain phase.
    When the mean temperature is over 0 degC, precipitation is assumed to be liquid rain and snow otherwise.

    pr : xarray.DataArray
      Mean daily precipitation flux [Kg m-2 s-1] or [mm].
    tas : xarray.DataArray, optional
      Mean daily temperature [℃] or [K]
    phase : str, optional,
      Which phase to consider, "liquid" or "solid", if None (default), both are considered.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency as defined in
      http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/timeseries.html#resampling. Defaults to "YS"

      The total daily precipitation at the given time frequency for the given phase.

    Let :math:`PR_i` be the mean daily precipitation of day :math:`i`, then for a period :math:`j` starting at
    day :math:`a` and finishing on day :math:`b`:

    .. math::

       PR_{ij} = \sum_{i=a}^{b} PR_i

    If `phase` is "liquid", only times where the daily mean temperature :math:`T_i` is above or equal to 0 °C are considered, inversely for "solid".

    The following would compute for each grid cell of file `pr_day.nc` the total
    precipitation at the seasonal frequency, ie DJF, MAM, JJA, SON, DJF, etc.:

    >>> from xclim.indices import precip_accumulation
    >>> pr_day = xr.open_dataset(path_to_pr_file).pr
    >>> prcp_tot_seasonal = precip_accumulation(pr_day, freq="QS-DEC")
    if phase in ["liquid", "solid"]:
        frz = convert_units_to("0 degC", tas)

        if phase == "liquid":
            pr = pr.where(tas >= frz, 0)
        elif phase == "solid":
            pr = pr.where(tas < frz, 0)

    out = pr.resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time", keep_attrs=True)
    return pint_multiply(out, 1 * units.day, "mm")
Пример #19
def uniindtemp_compute(da: xr.DataArray,
                       thresh: str = "0.0 degC",
                       freq: str = "YS"):
    out = da - convert_units_to(thresh, da)
    out = out.resample(time=freq).mean()
    out.attrs["units"] = da.units
    return out
Пример #20
 def retrend(self, da: xr.DataArray):
     """Put the previously fitted trend back on a DataArray."""
     if not self.fitted:
         raise ValueError("You must call fit() before retrending")
     trend = self.ds.trend
     if "units" in da.attrs:
         trend = convert_units_to(self.ds.trend, da)
     return self._retrend(da, trend)
Пример #21
 def detrend(self, da: xr.DataArray):
     """Remove the previously fitted trend from a DataArray."""
     if not self.fitted:
         raise ValueError("You must call fit() before detrending.")
     trend = self.ds.trend
     if "units" in da.attrs:
         trend = convert_units_to(self.ds.trend, da)
     return self._detrend(da, trend)
Пример #22
def cold_spell_duration_index(tasmin: xarray.DataArray,
                              tn10: xarray.DataArray,
                              window: int = 6,
                              freq: str = "YS") -> xarray.DataArray:
    r"""Cold spell duration index

    Number of days with at least six consecutive days where the daily minimum temperature is below the 10th

    tasmin : xarray.DataArray
      Minimum daily temperature.
    tn10 : xarray.DataArray
      10th percentile of daily minimum temperature with `dayofyear` coordinate.
    window : int
      Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to qualify as a cold spell. Default: 6.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency; Defaults to "YS".

      Count of days with at least six consecutive days where the daily minimum temperature is below the 10th
      percentile [days].

    Let :math:`TN_i` be the minimum daily temperature for the day of the year :math:`i` and :math:`TN10_i` the 10th
    percentile of the minimum daily temperature over the 1961-1990 period for day of the year :math:`i`, the cold spell
    duration index over period :math:`\phi` is defined as:

    .. math::

       \sum_{i \in \phi} \prod_{j=i}^{i+6} \left[ TN_j < TN10_j \right]

    where :math:`[P]` is 1 if :math:`P` is true, and 0 if false.

    From the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection, Monitoring and Indices (ETCCDMI).

    >>> import xclim.utils as xcu
    >>> tn10 = xcu.percentile_doy(historical_tasmin, per=.1)
    >>> cold_spell_duration_index(reference_tasmin, tn10)
    tn10 = convert_units_to(tn10, tasmin)

    # Create time series out of doy values.
    thresh = resample_doy(tn10, tasmin)

    below = tasmin < thresh

    return below.resample(time=freq).map(rl.windowed_run_count,
Пример #23
def fraction_over_precip_thresh(
    pr: xarray.DataArray,
    per: xarray.DataArray,
    thresh: str = "1 mm/day",
    freq: str = "YS",
) -> xarray.DataArray:
    r"""Fraction of precipitation due to wet days with daily precipitation over a given percentile.

    Percentage of the total precipitation over period occurring in days where the precipitation is above a threshold
    defining wet days and above a given percentile for that day.

    pr : xarray.DataArray
      Mean daily precipitation flux.
    per : xarray.DataArray
      Daily percentile of wet day precipitation flux.
    thresh : str
       Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency.

    xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless]
      Fraction of precipitation over threshold during wet days days.

    per = convert_units_to(per, pr)
    thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, pr)

    tp = np.maximum(per, thresh)
    if "dayofyear" in per.coords:
        # Create time series out of doy values.
        tp = resample_doy(tp, pr)

    # Total precip during wet days over period
    total = pr.where(pr > thresh).resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time")

    # Compute the days where precip is both over the wet day threshold and the percentile threshold.
    over = pr.where(pr > tp).resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time")

    out = over / total
    out.attrs["units"] = ""
    return out
Пример #24
def days_over_precip_thresh(
    pr: xarray.DataArray,
    per: xarray.DataArray,
    thresh: str = "1 mm/day",
    freq: str = "YS",
) -> xarray.DataArray:  # noqa: D401
    r"""Number of wet days with daily precipitation over a given percentile.

    Number of days over period where the precipitation is above a threshold defining wet days and above a given
    percentile for that day.

    pr : xarray.DataArray
      Mean daily precipitation flux.
    per : xarray.DataArray
      Daily percentile of wet day precipitation flux.
    thresh : str
       Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency.

    xarray.DataArray, [time]
      Count of days with daily precipitation above the given percentile [days].

    >>> from xclim.indices import days_over_precip_thresh
    >>> pr = xr.open_dataset(path_to_pr_file).pr
    >>> p75 = pr.quantile(.75, dim="time", keep_attrs=True)
    >>> r75p = days_over_precip_thresh(pr, p75)
    per = convert_units_to(per, pr)
    thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, pr)

    tp = np.maximum(per, thresh)
    if "dayofyear" in per.coords:
        # Create time series out of doy values.
        tp = resample_doy(tp, pr)

    # Compute the days where precip is both over the wet day threshold and the percentile threshold.
    out = threshold_count(pr, ">", tp, freq)
    return to_agg_units(out, pr, "count")
Пример #25
def blowing_snow(
    snd: xarray.DataArray,
    sfcWind: xarray.DataArray,  # noqa
    snd_thresh: str = "5 cm",
    sfcWind_thresh: str = "15 km/h",  # noqa
    window: int = 3,
    freq: str = "AS-JUL",
) -> xarray.DataArray:
    Days with blowing snow events

    Number of days where both snowfall over the last days and daily wind speeds are above respective thresholds.

    snd : xarray.DataArray
      Surface snow depth.
    sfcWind : xr.DataArray
      Wind velocity
    snd_thresh : str
      Threshold on net snowfall accumulation over the last `window` days.
    sfcWind_thresh : str
      Wind speed threshold.
    window : int
      Period over which snow is accumulated before comparing against threshold.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency.

      Number of days where snowfall and wind speeds are above respective thresholds.
    snd_thresh = convert_units_to(snd_thresh, snd)
    sfcWind_thresh = convert_units_to(sfcWind_thresh, sfcWind)  # noqa

    # Net snow accumulation over the last `window` days
    snow = snd.diff(dim="time").rolling(time=window, center=False).sum()

    # Blowing snow conditions
    cond = (snow >= snd_thresh) * (sfcWind >= sfcWind_thresh) * 1

    out = cond.resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time")
    out.attrs["units"] = to_agg_units(out, snd, "count")
    return out
Пример #26
def heat_wave_total_length(
    tasmin: xarray.DataArray,
    tasmax: xarray.DataArray,
    thresh_tasmin: str = "22.0 degC",
    thresh_tasmax: str = "30 degC",
    window: int = 3,
    freq: str = "YS",
) -> xarray.DataArray:
    # Dev note : we should decide if it is deg K or C
    r"""Heat wave total length.

    Total length of heat waves over a given period. A heat wave is defined as an event
    where the minimum and maximum daily temperature both exceeds specific thresholds
    over a minimum number of days. This the sum of all days in such events.

    tasmin : xarray.DataArray
      Minimum daily temperature [℃] or [K]
    tasmax : xarray.DataArray
      Maximum daily temperature [℃] or [K]
    thresh_tasmin : str
      The minimum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event [℃] or [K]. Default : '22 degC'
    thresh_tasmax : str
      The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event [℃] or [K]. Default : '30 degC'
    window : int
      Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency; Defaults to "YS".

      Total length of heatwave at the wanted frequency

    See notes and references of `heat_wave_max_length`
    thresh_tasmax = convert_units_to(thresh_tasmax, tasmax)
    thresh_tasmin = convert_units_to(thresh_tasmin, tasmin)

    cond = (tasmin > thresh_tasmin) & (tasmax > thresh_tasmax)
    group = cond.resample(time=freq)
    return group.map(rl.windowed_run_count, args=(window, ), dim="time")
Пример #27
    def test_deprecation(self, tas_series):
        with pytest.warns(FutureWarning):
            out = convert_units_to(0, units.K)
            assert out == 273.15

        with pytest.warns(FutureWarning):
            out = convert_units_to(10, units.mm / units.day, context="hydro")
            assert out == 10

        with pytest.warns(FutureWarning):
            tas = tas_series(np.arange(365), start="1/1/2001")
            out = indices.tx_days_above(tas, 30)

        out1 = indices.tx_days_above(tas, "30 degC")
        out2 = indices.tx_days_above(tas, "303.15 K")
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(out, out1)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(out, out2)
        assert out1.name == tas.name
Пример #28
def heat_wave_total_length(
    tasmin: xarray.DataArray,
    tasmax: xarray.DataArray,
    thresh_tasmin: str = "22.0 degC",
    thresh_tasmax: str = "30 degC",
    window: int = 3,
    freq: str = "YS",
) -> xarray.DataArray:
    r"""Heat wave total length.

    Total length of heat waves over a given period. A heat wave is defined as an event
    where the minimum and maximum daily temperature both exceeds specific thresholds
    over a minimum number of days. This the sum of all days in such events.

    tasmin : xarray.DataArray
      Minimum daily temperature.
    tasmax : xarray.DataArray
      Maximum daily temperature.
    thresh_tasmin : str
      The minimum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.
    thresh_tasmax : str
      The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.
    window : int
      Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency.

    xarray.DataArray, [time]
      Total length of heatwave at the requested frequency.

    See notes and references of `heat_wave_max_length`
    thresh_tasmax = convert_units_to(thresh_tasmax, tasmax)
    thresh_tasmin = convert_units_to(thresh_tasmin, tasmin)

    cond = (tasmin > thresh_tasmin) & (tasmax > thresh_tasmax)
    out = cond.resample(time=freq).map(rl.windowed_run_count, window=window)
    return to_agg_units(out, tasmin, "count")
Пример #29
def dry_spell_total_length(
    pr: xarray.DataArray,
    thresh: str = "1.0 mm",
    window: int = 3,
    op: str = "sum",
    freq: str = "YS",
) -> xarray.DataArray:
    Total length of dry spells

    Total number of days in dry periods of a minimum length, during which the maximum or
    accumulated precipitation within a window of the same length is under a threshold.

    pr : xarray.DataArray
      Daily precipitation.
    thresh : str
      Accumulated precipitation value under which a period is considered dry.
    window : int
      Number of days where the maximum or accumulated precipitation is under threshold.
    op : {"max", "sum"}
      Reduce operation.
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency.
    indexer :
      Indexing parameters to compute the indicator on a temporal subset of the data.
      It accepts the same arguments as :py:func:`xclim.indices.generic.select_time`.
      Indexing is done after finding the dry days, but before finding the spells.

      The {freq} total number of days in dry periods of minimum {window} days.

    The algorithm assumes days before and after the timeseries are "wet", meaning that
    the condition for being considered part of a dry spell is stricter on the edges. For
    example, with `window=3` and `op='sum'`, the first day of the series is considered
    part of a dry spell only if the accumulated precipitation within the first 3 days is
    under the threshold. In comparison, a day in the middle of the series is considered
    part of a dry spell if any of the three 3-day periods of which it is part are
    considered dry (so a total of five days are included in the computation, compared to only 3.)
    pram = rate2amount(pr, out_units="mm")
    thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, pram)

    pram_pad = pram.pad(time=(0, window))
    mask = getattr(pram_pad.rolling(time=window), op)() < thresh
    dry = (mask.rolling(time=window).sum() >= 1).shift(time=-(window - 1))
    dry = dry.isel(time=slice(0, pram.time.size)).astype(float)

    out = select_time(dry, **indexer).resample(time=freq).sum("time")
    return to_agg_units(out, pram, "count")
Пример #30
def daily_pr_intensity(pr: xarray.DataArray,
                       thresh: str = "1 mm/day",
                       freq: str = "YS"):
    r"""Average daily precipitation intensity.

    Return the average precipitation over wet days.

    pr : xarray.DataArray
      Daily precipitation [mm/d or kg/m²/s]
    thresh : str
      precipitation value over which a day is considered wet. Default : '1 mm/day'
    freq : str
      Resampling frequency defining the periods defined in
      http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/timeseries.html#resampling; Defaults to "YS".

      The average precipitation over wet days for each period

    Let :math:`\mathbf{p} = p_0, p_1, \ldots, p_n` be the daily precipitation and :math:`thresh` be the precipitation
    threshold defining wet days. Then the daily precipitation intensity is defined as

    .. math::

       \frac{\sum_{i=0}^n p_i [p_i \leq thresh]}{\sum_{i=0}^n [p_i \leq thresh]}

    where :math:`[P]` is 1 if :math:`P` is true, and 0 if false.

    The following would compute for each grid cell of file `pr.day.nc` the average
    precipitation fallen over days with precipitation >= 5 mm at seasonal
    frequency, ie DJF, MAM, JJA, SON, DJF, etc.:

    >>> from xclim.indices import daily_pr_intensity
    >>> pr = xr.open_dataset(path_to_pr_file).pr
    >>> daily_int = daily_pr_intensity(pr, thresh='5 mm/day', freq="QS-DEC")
    t = convert_units_to(thresh, pr, "hydro")

    # put pr=0 for non wet-days
    pr_wd = xarray.where(pr >= t, pr, 0)
    pr_wd.attrs["units"] = pr.units

    # sum over wanted period
    s = pr_wd.resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time", keep_attrs=True)
    sd = pint_multiply(s, 1 * units.day, "mm")

    # get number of wetdays over period
    wd = wetdays(pr, thresh=thresh, freq=freq)
    return sd / wd