def setupMelioDisk(self): # Setup a melio disk on the scsi device disk = self.hosts[0].execdom0("realpath %s" % self.device).strip()[5:] with self.getMelioClient(self.hosts[0]) as melioClient: deadline = xenrt.timenow() + 600 while True: data = melioClient.get_all() unmanaged = data.get('unmanaged_disk') xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Unmanaged disks: %s" % json.dumps(unmanaged, indent=2)) if unmanaged: disksToManage = [x for x in unmanaged if x['system_name'] == disk] else: disksToManage = [] if disksToManage: diskToManage = disksToManage[0] break if xenrt.timenow() > deadline: raise xenrt.XRTError("Timed out waiting for disk to appear") xenrt.sleep(10) melioClient.manage_disk(diskToManage['system_name']) deadline = xenrt.timenow() + 600 while True: managedDisks = melioClient.get_all()['managed_disk'] guid = [x for x in managedDisks.keys() if managedDisks[x]['system_name'] == disk][0] if int(managedDisks[guid]['state']) == 2: break if xenrt.timenow() > deadline: raise xenrt.XRTError("Timed out waiting for disk to get to state 2") xenrt.sleep(10) self.guid = melioClient.create_volume(guid.lstrip("_"), managedDisks[guid]['free_space']) self.getSanDeviceForHost(self.hosts[0]) tasks = [xenrt.PTask(self.rebootAndWait, x) for x in self.hosts[1:]] xenrt.pfarm(tasks)
def prepareIteration(self): """Prepare each iterations. All VDIs will be created in this process.""" step("Creating VDIs and attaching them") count = self.vdicount / self.numWorker if self.runOnGuest: tasks = [] for i in xrange(self.numWorker): tasks.append( xenrt.PTask(self.prepareVDIsOnGuest, self.guests[i * count:(i + 1) * count])) xenrt.pfarm(tasks) # Just in case. if self.vdicount % self.numWorker: self.prepareVDIsOnGuest( self.guests[-(self.vdicount % self.numWorker):]) log("Created %d VDIs on guests" % (self.vdicount)) else: xenrt.pfarm([ xenrt.PTask(self.prepareVDIsOnHost, count) for i in xrange(self.numWorker) ]) # Just in case. if self.vdicount % self.numWorker: self.prepareVDIsOnHost(self.vdicount % self.numWorker) log("Created %d VDIs: %s" % (self.vdicount, self.vdis)) log("After creating %d VDIs: %d" % (self.vdicount, self.getPhysicalUtil())) libsynexec.initialise_master_in_dom0(
def prepare(self, arglist=[]): args = self.parseArgsKeyValue(arglist) = self.getDefaultHost() self.guests = [] if "masters" in args: log("%s guests are declared." % args["masters"]) if self.USE_TARGET > 0: log("Using %d guests for this TC." % self.USE_TARGET) targets = sample(args["masters"].split(","), self.USE_TARGET) else: targets = args["masters"].split(",") self.guests = [ for name in targets] log("Seleted Guests: %s" % targets) else: num = len(self.TARGET) targets = self.TARGET if self.USE_TARGET > 0: log("Using %d guests for this TC." % num) num = self.USE_TARGET targets = sample(self.TARGET, num) log("Seleted Distros: %s" % targets) log("Creating %d guests of %s distros." % (num, targets)) tasks = [xenrt.PTask(self.createGuest, distro) for distro in targets] xenrt.pfarm(tasks) log("Created %s guests." % ([ for g in self.guests],)) for g in self.guests: self.uninstallOnCleanup(g) g.setState("DOWN") g.setHost(choice(self.getDefaultPool().getHosts())) g.start() if not self.LEAVE_DEFAULT: self.enableRemoteExecAPI()
def run(self, arglist=None): # Install the VMs on the two hosts in parallel xenrt.pfarm ([ xenrt.PTask(self.createServers, self.serverHost), xenrt.PTask(self.createClients, self.clientHost) ]) self.invokeClients(self.clientHost)
def prepare(self, arglist=[]): winguests = [] linguests = [] self.workloads = [] i = 0 while True: g = self.getGuest("winclone-%d" % i) if not g: break winguests.append(g) i += 1 i = 0 while True: g = self.getGuest("linclone-%d" % i) if not g: break linguests.append(g) i += 1 pWindows = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.startWindowsWorkload, x), winguests) pLinux = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.startLinuxWorkload, x), linguests) xenrt.pfarm(pWindows, interval=10) xenrt.pfarm(pLinux, interval=10)
def prepareIteration(self): """Prepare each iterations. All VDIs will be created in this process.""" step("Creating VDIs and attaching them") count = self.vdicount / self.numWorker if self.runOnGuest: tasks = [] for i in xrange(self.numWorker): tasks.append(xenrt.PTask(self.prepareVDIsOnGuest, self.guests[i * count:(i + 1) * count])) xenrt.pfarm(tasks) # Just in case. if self.vdicount % self.numWorker: self.prepareVDIsOnGuest(self.guests[-(self.vdicount % self.numWorker):]) log("Created %d VDIs on guests" % (self.vdicount)) else: xenrt.pfarm([xenrt.PTask(self.prepareVDIsOnHost, count) for i in xrange(self.numWorker)]) # Just in case. if self.vdicount % self.numWorker: self.prepareVDIsOnHost(self.vdicount % self.numWorker) log("Created %d VDIs: %s" % (self.vdicount, self.vdis)) log("After creating %d VDIs: %d" % (self.vdicount, self.getPhysicalUtil())) libsynexec.initialise_master_in_dom0(
def setup(self, reinstall=False, formatDisk=True): # Do a full setup of the melio tools tasks = [xenrt.PTask(self.installMelio, reinstall=reinstall)] if self.iscsiHost not in self.hosts: tasks.append(xenrt.PTask(self.createLun)) xenrt.pfarm(tasks) self.setupISCSITarget() if formatDisk: self.setupMelioDisk()
def doInstanceOperations(self, instances, threads, iterations=1, func=None, timestamps=True): """This is a separate function so that a derived class can override self.instances""" if func is None: func = self.doOperation self.instances = instances # We'll store failed instances here so we don't just bail out at the first failure self.failedInstances = [] # Each iteration will wait for the completion of the previous iteration before going again for i in range(iterations): # The Instance operation may want to complete asynchronously (e.g. finish booting). # It can append a completion thread here, and at the end we'll wait for them all to complete before finishing self.completionThreads = [] # Create a list which is the indexes (in self.instances) of the instances to perform operations on. self.instancesToOp = range(len(self.instances)) # Shuffle the instances for a more realistic workload random.shuffle(self.instancesToOp) if timestamps is True: self.addTiming("TIME_ITERATION%d_START:%.3f" % (i, xenrt.util.timenow(float=True))) # Start the worker threads pOp = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.doInstanceWorker, func), range(threads)) # Wait for them to complete. The worker threads will wait for the completion threads. xenrt.pfarm(pOp) if timestamps is True: self.addTiming("TIME_ITERATION%d_COMPLETE:%.3f" % (i, xenrt.util.timenow(float=True))) try: if len(self.failedInstances) > 0: raise xenrt.XRTFailure( "Failed to perform operation on %d/%d instances - %s" % (len(self.failedInstances), len(self.instances), ", ".join( self.failedInstances))) finally: # Verify that all of the hosts and instances are still functional. Required??? pass
def doVMOperations(self, vms, threads, iterations=1, func=None, timestamps=True): if func is None: func = self.doOperation # We'll store failed VMs here so we don't just bail out at the first failure self.vms = vms self.failedVMs = [] self.removedVMs = [] # Each iteration will wait for the completion of the previous iteration before going again for i in range(iterations): # The VM operation may want to complete asynchronously (e.g. finish booting). # It can append a completion thread here, and at the end we'll wait for them all to complete before finishing self.completionThreads = [] # Create a list which is the indexes (in self.vms) of the vms to perform operations on. self.vmsToOp = range(len(self.vms)) # Shuffle the VMs for a more realistic workload random.shuffle(self.vmsToOp) if timestamps is True: self.addTiming("TIME_ITERATION%d_START:%.3f" % (i, xenrt.util.timenow(float=True))) # Start the worker threads pOp = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.doVMWorker, func), range(threads)) # Wait for them to complete. The worker threads will wait for the completion threads. xenrt.pfarm(pOp) if timestamps is True: self.addTiming("TIME_ITERATION%d_COMPLETE:%.3f" % (i, xenrt.util.timenow(float=True))) # Do any post-iteration cleanup (e.g. deleting old base disks) self.postIterationCleanup() if timestamps is True: self.addTiming("TIME_ITERATION%d_CLEANUPCOMPLETE:%.3f" % (i, xenrt.util.timenow(float=True))) try: if len(self.failedVMs) > 0: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Failed to perform operation on %d/%d VMs - %s" % (len(self.failedVMs), len(self.vms), ", ".join(self.failedVMs))) finally: # Verify that all of the guests are still functional if not xenrt.TEC().lookup("NO_HOST_VERIFY", False, boolean=True): for i in self.removedVMs: self.vms.remove(i) self.vmsToOp = range(len(self.vms)) pVerify = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.doVMWorker, self.verifyVM), range(threads)) xenrt.pfarm(pVerify) if len(self.failedVMs) > 0: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Failed to verify VMs %s" % ", ".join(self.failedVMs))
def vmInstall(self, lvmoFCSRuuid): """Installs guests in parallel using XenRT pfarm.""" xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Installing %d guests in parallel." % (self.NO_OF_VMS)) rootDiskSRUUIDs = lvmoFCSRuuid[:self.NO_OF_VMS] xenrt.TEC().logverbose("rootDiskSRUUIDs: %s" % rootDiskSRUUIDs) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("length of rootDiskSRUUIDs: %s" % len(rootDiskSRUUIDs)) timeNow = xenrt.util.timenow() hostIndexDevider = (self.NO_OF_VMS / self.NO_OF_HOSTS) pTasks = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.hosts[x/hostIndexDevider].createBasicGuest, distro=self.DISTRO, memory=self.VMMEMORY, sr=rootDiskSRUUIDs[x]), range(self.NO_OF_VMS)) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Guest installation pTasks are %s" % pTasks) self.guests = xenrt.pfarm(pTasks) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Time taken to install %d guests in parallel on %d hosts with %d LUNs mapped: %s seconds." % (self.NO_OF_VMS, self.NO_OF_HOSTS, self.NO_OF_VDIS, (xenrt.util.timenow() - timeNow))) if (len(self.guests) != self.NO_OF_VMS): raise xenrt.XRTFailure("The requisite of the test demands %d guests." % (self.NO_OF_VMS)) else: xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Number of guests installed for the test: %d" % len(self.guests))
def runCase(self, func): """ Utility function to run jobs simutanously. @param func: a refrence to member function that accept a guest as a param """ # Use sub case to run command on all guest simultanously. tasks = [] for guest in self.guests: tasks.append(xenrt.PTask(func, guest)) xenrt.pfarm(tasks) for task in tasks: if task.exception: log("Sub task (%s with %s) has exception: %s" % \ (task.func.__name__, task.args[0].getName(), task.exception))
def prepare(self, arglist=[]): = self.getDefaultHost() self.pool = if self.pool: = self.pool.master = self.timeout = 180 * 60 # timeout of 3 hours per iteration. self.__obtainTestVars(arglist, printAfterObtain = True) self.guests = [] if self.runOnGuest: xenrt.pfarm([xenrt.PTask(self.prepareGuests, host) for host in self.pool.getHosts()]) else: log("Test are running on the host.")
def run(self, arglist): # Run a single guest Point to Point Network test vs. a single guest Private Network test # The Point to Point should be at least 30% faster than the Privaet Network p2p_rate = self._runNetperf(self.ddkNetfront[0], "") xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Point To Point Network throughput is %0.2f" % p2p_rate) private_rate = self._runNetperf(self.ddkNetfront[0], "") xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Private Network throughput is %0.2f" % private_rate) if(p2p_rate < private_rate): raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Point to Point Network throughput was less than Private Network throughput") diff_percent = (((p2p_rate - private_rate)/private_rate)*100) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("P2P Network is %0.2f %% faster" % diff_percent) if (diff_percent < 30): raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Point to Point Network wasn't 30% faster than Private Network") # Run multiple netperf clients against the Point to Point Network # Make sure that the dom0 CPU usage isn't over 20% during these tests self.netperfRates = [] pTasks = map(lambda x:xenrt.PTask(self._runNetperfThread, x, ""), self.ddkNetfront) pTasks.append(xenrt.PTask(self._dom0PerfTest, 20)) xenrt.pfarm(pTasks) p2p_avg_rate = 0 for p2p_rate in self.netperfRates: p2p_avg_rate += p2p_rate xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Point to Point Network throughput is %0.2f" % p2p_rate) p2p_avg_rate = p2p_avg_rate / len(self.netperfRates) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Average Point to Point Network throughput is %0.2f" % p2p_avg_rate) # Run multiple netperf clients against the Private Network self.netperfRates = [] pTasks = map(lambda x:xenrt.PTask(self._runNetperfThread, x, ""), self.ddkNetfront) pTasks.append(xenrt.PTask(self._dom0PerfTest, 200)) xenrt.pfarm(pTasks) priv_avg_rate = 0 for priv_rate in self.netperfRates: priv_avg_rate += priv_rate xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Private Network throughput is %0.2f" % priv_rate) priv_avg_rate = priv_avg_rate / len(self.netperfRates) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Average Private throughput is %0.2f" % priv_avg_rate) if(p2p_avg_rate < priv_avg_rate): raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Point to Point Network average throughput was less than Private Network average throughput") diff_percent = (((p2p_avg_rate - priv_avg_rate)/priv_avg_rate)*100) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("P2P Network average is %0.2f %% faster" % diff_percent) if (diff_percent < 30): raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Point to Point Network average wasn't 30% faster than Private Network average")
def run(self, arglist=None): args = self.parseArgsKeyValue(arglist) self.vendor = args['vendor'] gold = args['gold'] gpucount = int(args['gpucount']) host = self.getDefaultHost() pStart = [ xenrt.PTask( self.startVM, xenrt.TEC().registry.guestGet( "%s-clone%d" % (gold, x))) for x in range(gpucount)] xenrt.pfarm(pStart) # Let the GPU workloads run for a bit xenrt.sleep(5) for i in range(gpucount): vm = xenrt.TEC().registry.guestGet("%s-clone%d" % (gold, i)) vm.shutdown()
def run(self, arglist): threading.stack_size(65536) threads = None args = self.parseArgsKeyValue(arglist) threads = int(args['threads']) instances = int(args['instances']) # Generate the list of VM names, which host they will run on and where they're clones from # The name will be of the format clonex.y: # x = zone the VM will run on # y = index of the VM on the zone self.vmSpecs = [("clone-%s-%d" % (self.zones[x % len(self.zones)], x/len(self.zones)), self.zones[x % len(self.zones)]) for x in range(instances)] # We'll run this with a limited number of workers (threads). # Each worker thread will pull a VM Spec from the list, clone it, then move onto the next one. The threads will complete when all VMs are cloned pClone = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.doClones), range(threads)) xenrt.pfarm(pClone)
def prepare(self, arglist=[]): = self.getDefaultHost() self.pool = if self.pool: = self.pool.master = self.timeout = 180 * 60 # timeout of 3 hours per iteration. self.__obtainTestVars(arglist, printAfterObtain=True) self.guests = [] if self.runOnGuest: xenrt.pfarm([ xenrt.PTask(self.prepareGuests, host) for host in self.pool.getHosts() ]) else: log("Test are running on the host.")
def doInstanceOperations(self, instances, threads, iterations=1, func=None, timestamps=True): """This is a separate function so that a derived class can override self.instances""" if func is None: func = self.doOperation self.instances = instances # We'll store failed instances here so we don't just bail out at the first failure self.failedInstances = [] # Each iteration will wait for the completion of the previous iteration before going again for i in range(iterations): # The Instance operation may want to complete asynchronously (e.g. finish booting). # It can append a completion thread here, and at the end we'll wait for them all to complete before finishing self.completionThreads = [] # Create a list which is the indexes (in self.instances) of the instances to perform operations on. self.instancesToOp = range(len(self.instances)) # Shuffle the instances for a more realistic workload random.shuffle(self.instancesToOp) if timestamps is True: self.addTiming("TIME_ITERATION%d_START:%.3f" % (i, xenrt.util.timenow(float=True))) # Start the worker threads pOp = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.doInstanceWorker, func), range(threads)) # Wait for them to complete. The worker threads will wait for the completion threads. xenrt.pfarm(pOp) if timestamps is True: self.addTiming("TIME_ITERATION%d_COMPLETE:%.3f" % (i, xenrt.util.timenow(float=True))) try: if len(self.failedInstances) > 0: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Failed to perform operation on %d/%d instances - %s" % (len(self.failedInstances), len(self.instances), ", ".join(self.failedInstances))) finally: # Verify that all of the hosts and instances are still functional. Required??? pass
def startIOZoneParallely(self): """Install IOZone in each guests parallelly.""" xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Starting IOZone parallelly in %d guests." % (self.NO_OF_VMS)) timeNow = xenrt.util.timenow() iozoneTasks = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.installIOZoneAndRun, self.guests[x]), range(len(self.guests))) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Guest IOZone Installation pTasks are %s" % iozoneTasks) iozoneFarm = xenrt.pfarm(iozoneTasks) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Time taken to install IOZone tool on %d guests in parallel: %s seconds." % (self.NO_OF_VMS, (xenrt.util.timenow() - timeNow)))
def run(self, arglist): threading.stack_size(65536) threads = 2 instancesCount = 4 # Get the sequence variables. if arglist and len(arglist) > 0: for arg in arglist: l = string.split(arg, "=", 1) if l[0] == "threads": threads = int(l[1]) if l[0] == "instances": instancesCount = int(l[1]) # Generate the list of instance names. self.instanceSpecs = map(lambda x: ("clone-%d" % x, self.goldTemplate), range(instancesCount)) # We'll run this with a limited number of workers (threads). # Each worker thread will pull a instance Spec from the list, create from the template, and # then move onto the next one. The threads will complete when all instances are created from template. pClone = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.createInstancesFromTemplate), range(threads)) xenrt.pfarm(pClone)
def prepare(self, arglist=[]): args = self.parseArgsKeyValue(arglist) = self.getDefaultHost() self.guests = [] if "masters" in args: log("%s guests are declared." % args["masters"]) if self.USE_TARGET > 0: log("Using %d guests for this TC." % self.USE_TARGET) targets = sample(args["masters"].split(","), self.USE_TARGET) else: targets = args["masters"].split(",") self.guests = [ for name in targets ] log("Seleted Guests: %s" % targets) else: num = len(self.TARGET) targets = self.TARGET if self.USE_TARGET > 0: log("Using %d guests for this TC." % num) num = self.USE_TARGET targets = sample(self.TARGET, num) log("Seleted Distros: %s" % targets) log("Creating %d guests of %s distros." % (num, targets)) tasks = [ xenrt.PTask(self.createGuest, distro) for distro in targets ] xenrt.pfarm(tasks) log("Created %s guests." % ([ for g in self.guests], )) for g in self.guests: self.uninstallOnCleanup(g) g.setState("DOWN") g.setHost(choice(self.getDefaultPool().getHosts())) g.start() if not self.LEAVE_DEFAULT: self.enableRemoteExecAPI()
def run(self, arglist): threading.stack_size(65536) threads = None args = self.parseArgsKeyValue(arglist) threads = int(args['threads']) instances = int(args['instances']) # Generate the list of VM names, which host they will run on and where they're clones from # The name will be of the format clonex.y: # x = zone the VM will run on # y = index of the VM on the zone self.vmSpecs = [ ("clone-%s-%d" % (self.zones[x % len(self.zones)], x / len(self.zones)), self.zones[x % len(self.zones)]) for x in range(instances) ] # We'll run this with a limited number of workers (threads). # Each worker thread will pull a VM Spec from the list, clone it, then move onto the next one. The threads will complete when all VMs are cloned pClone = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.doClones), range(threads)) xenrt.pfarm(pClone)
def prepare(self, arglist=[]): winguests = [] linguests = [] self.workloads = [] i = 0 while True: g = self.getGuest("winclone-%d" % i) if not g: break winguests.append(g) i+=1 i = 0 while True: g = self.getGuest("linclone-%d" % i) if not g: break linguests.append(g) i+=1 pWindows = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.startWindowsWorkload, x), winguests) pLinux = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.startLinuxWorkload, x), linguests) xenrt.pfarm(pWindows, interval=10) xenrt.pfarm(pLinux, interval=10)
def prepare(self, arglist): self.ddkNetfront = [] = self.getDefaultHost() # Create the Point to Point network self.p2p_network = self._createP2PNetwork() xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Point to Point Network: %s" % self.p2p_network) # Create a Private Network self.private_network = self._createPrivateNetwork() xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Private Network: %s" % self.private_network) # Create and Setup the NetBack server VM self.ddkNetback = self._setupNetBack() # Create and Setup the NetFront client VMs pTasks = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self._setupNetFront, x + 2), range(self.NUM_CLIENT_VMS)) self.ddkNetfront = xenrt.pfarm(pTasks) # Get the management PIF for collecting logs self.mng_pif_uuid = "pif-list", "management", "true", "host-uuid=%s" %
def prepare(self, arglist): self.ddkNetfront = [] = self.getDefaultHost() # Create the Point to Point network self.p2p_network = self._createP2PNetwork() xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Point to Point Network: %s" % self.p2p_network) # Create a Private Network self.private_network = self._createPrivateNetwork() xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Private Network: %s" % self.private_network) # Create and Setup the NetBack server VM self.ddkNetback = self._setupNetBack() # Create and Setup the NetFront client VMs pTasks = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self._setupNetFront, x+2), range(self.NUM_CLIENT_VMS)) self.ddkNetfront = xenrt.pfarm(pTasks) # Get the management PIF for collecting logs self.mng_pif_uuid ="pif-list", "management", "true", "host-uuid=%s" %
def run(self, arglist=None): step("Initialize and Enrol Phone Home for every pool") [s.initializeService(self.pool) for s in] xenrt.pfarm([ xenrt.PTask([0].activateService, p) for p in self.pools ], wait=True, exception=True) step("Attach all hosts via XenCenter in every guest") for p in self.pools: xenrt.pfarm([ xenrt.PTask(self.attachXenCenterToMulHost, g, p.master) for g in self.guests ], wait=True, exception=True) self.pause("Mayur paused it") step("Set the same upload schedule for every pool") self.triggerTimes = xenrt.pfarm([ xenrt.PTask([0].triggerService, p, self.options) for p in self.pools ], wait=True, exception=True) xenrt.log("Upload Schedule are as follows %s" % self.triggerTimes) step("Verify all the pool uploads") self.uploadResults = xenrt.pfarm([ xenrt.PTask([0].verifyService, self.pools[i], self.triggerTimes[i]) for i in range(0, len(self.pools)) ], wait=True, exception=True) xenrt.log("Upload Results are as follows %s" % self.uploadResults) if False in self.uploadResults: raise xenrt.XRTFailure( "Upload Failure observed for some pools %s" % self.uploadResults) else: xenrt.log("All scheduled uploads were successful")
def run(self,arglist=None): step("Initialize and Enrol Phone Home for every pool") [s.initializeService(self.pool) for s in] xenrt.pfarm([xenrt.PTask([0].activateService,p) for p in self.pools],wait = True,exception= True) step("Attach all hosts via XenCenter in every guest") for p in self.pools : xenrt.pfarm([xenrt.PTask(self.attachXenCenterToMulHost,g,p.master) for g in self.guests],wait = True,exception= True) self.pause("Mayur paused it") step("Set the same upload schedule for every pool") self.triggerTimes=xenrt.pfarm([xenrt.PTask([0].triggerService,p,self.options) for p in self.pools],wait = True,exception= True) xenrt.log("Upload Schedule are as follows %s" %self.triggerTimes) step("Verify all the pool uploads") self.uploadResults=xenrt.pfarm([xenrt.PTask([0].verifyService,self.pools[i],self.triggerTimes[i])for i in range(0,len(self.pools))],wait = True,exception= True) xenrt.log("Upload Results are as follows %s" %self.uploadResults) if False in self.uploadResults: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Upload Failure observed for some pools %s"%self.uploadResults) else: xenrt.log("All scheduled uploads were successful")
def run(self, arglist): # Run a single guest Point to Point Network test vs. a single guest Private Network test # The Point to Point should be at least 30% faster than the Privaet Network p2p_rate = self._runNetperf(self.ddkNetfront[0], "") xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Point To Point Network throughput is %0.2f" % p2p_rate) private_rate = self._runNetperf(self.ddkNetfront[0], "") xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Private Network throughput is %0.2f" % private_rate) if (p2p_rate < private_rate): raise xenrt.XRTFailure( "Point to Point Network throughput was less than Private Network throughput" ) diff_percent = (((p2p_rate - private_rate) / private_rate) * 100) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("P2P Network is %0.2f %% faster" % diff_percent) if (diff_percent < 30): raise xenrt.XRTFailure( "Point to Point Network wasn't 30% faster than Private Network" ) # Run multiple netperf clients against the Point to Point Network # Make sure that the dom0 CPU usage isn't over 20% during these tests self.netperfRates = [] pTasks = map( lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self._runNetperfThread, x, ""), self.ddkNetfront) pTasks.append(xenrt.PTask(self._dom0PerfTest, 20)) xenrt.pfarm(pTasks) p2p_avg_rate = 0 for p2p_rate in self.netperfRates: p2p_avg_rate += p2p_rate xenrt.TEC().logverbose( "Point to Point Network throughput is %0.2f" % p2p_rate) p2p_avg_rate = p2p_avg_rate / len(self.netperfRates) xenrt.TEC().logverbose( "Average Point to Point Network throughput is %0.2f" % p2p_avg_rate) # Run multiple netperf clients against the Private Network self.netperfRates = [] pTasks = map( lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self._runNetperfThread, x, ""), self.ddkNetfront) pTasks.append(xenrt.PTask(self._dom0PerfTest, 200)) xenrt.pfarm(pTasks) priv_avg_rate = 0 for priv_rate in self.netperfRates: priv_avg_rate += priv_rate xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Private Network throughput is %0.2f" % priv_rate) priv_avg_rate = priv_avg_rate / len(self.netperfRates) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Average Private throughput is %0.2f" % priv_avg_rate) if (p2p_avg_rate < priv_avg_rate): raise xenrt.XRTFailure( "Point to Point Network average throughput was less than Private Network average throughput" ) diff_percent = (((p2p_avg_rate - priv_avg_rate) / priv_avg_rate) * 100) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("P2P Network average is %0.2f %% faster" % diff_percent) if (diff_percent < 30): raise xenrt.XRTFailure( "Point to Point Network average wasn't 30% faster than Private Network average" )
def doVMOperations(self, vms, threads, iterations=1, func=None, timestamps=True): if func is None: func = self.doOperation # We'll store failed VMs here so we don't just bail out at the first failure self.vms = vms self.failedVMs = [] self.removedVMs = [] # Each iteration will wait for the completion of the previous iteration before going again for i in range(iterations): # The VM operation may want to complete asynchronously (e.g. finish booting). # It can append a completion thread here, and at the end we'll wait for them all to complete before finishing self.completionThreads = [] # Create a list which is the indexes (in self.vms) of the vms to perform operations on. self.vmsToOp = range(len(self.vms)) # Shuffle the VMs for a more realistic workload random.shuffle(self.vmsToOp) if timestamps is True: self.addTiming("TIME_ITERATION%d_START:%.3f" % (i, xenrt.util.timenow(float=True))) # Start the worker threads pOp = map(lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.doVMWorker, func), range(threads)) # Wait for them to complete. The worker threads will wait for the completion threads. xenrt.pfarm(pOp) if timestamps is True: self.addTiming("TIME_ITERATION%d_COMPLETE:%.3f" % (i, xenrt.util.timenow(float=True))) # Do any post-iteration cleanup (e.g. deleting old base disks) self.postIterationCleanup() if timestamps is True: self.addTiming("TIME_ITERATION%d_CLEANUPCOMPLETE:%.3f" % (i, xenrt.util.timenow(float=True))) try: if len(self.failedVMs) > 0: raise xenrt.XRTFailure( "Failed to perform operation on %d/%d VMs - %s" % (len(self.failedVMs), len(self.vms), ", ".join( self.failedVMs))) finally: # Verify that all of the guests are still functional if not xenrt.TEC().lookup("NO_HOST_VERIFY", False, boolean=True): for i in self.removedVMs: self.vms.remove(i) self.vmsToOp = range(len(self.vms)) pVerify = map( lambda x: xenrt.PTask(self.doVMWorker, self.verifyVM), range(threads)) xenrt.pfarm(pVerify) if len(self.failedVMs) > 0: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Failed to verify VMs %s" % ", ".join(self.failedVMs))
raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Cloning one or many VMs failed with error messages %s" % errors) errors = [] for clone in self.clones: xenrt.TEC().progress("Starting VM %s" % clone.getName()) try: clone.start() except Exception, e: errors.append(clone.getName() + ":" + str(e)) if len(errors) > 1: xenrt.TEC().logverbose("One or many guests failed to start with error messages %s" % errors) raise xenrt.XRTFailure("One or many guests failed to start.") # Now collect iolatency metrics for every cloned guests parallely. results = xenrt.pfarm([xenrt.PTask(self.collectMetrics, clone) for clone in self.clones], exception=False) log("Threads returned: %s" % results) exceptions = 0 for result in results: if result: exceptions += 1 warning("Found exception: %s" % result) if exceptions: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Failed to run %d / %d io latency tests." % (exceptions, len(results))) def postRun(self, arglist=None): # Do not remove VMs after the test or otherwise we will not be able to collect the logs in it if False: #TODO: perhaps, in the future, add option to remove the vms # Removing all cloned VMs after the test run.
def installMelio(self, reinstall=False): # Install melio on the cluster (do each host in parallel) self.configureClusterFirewall() tasks = [xenrt.PTask(self.installMelioOnHost, x, reinstall) for x in self.hosts] xenrt.pfarm(tasks) self.checkCluster()