Пример #1
    def _detector(self, index=None):
        from PSCalib.SegGeometryStore import sgs

        from xfel.cftbx.detector.cspad_cbf_tbx import basis_from_geo

        run = self.get_run_from_index(index)
        if run.run() in self._cached_detector:
            return self._cached_detector[run.run()]

        if index is None:
            index = 0
        self._env = self._ds.env()
        assert len(self.params.detector_address) == 1
        self._det = psana.Detector(self.params.detector_address[0], self._env)
        geom = self._det.pyda.geoaccess(self._get_event(index).run())
        pixel_size = (self._det.pixel_size(self._get_event(index)) / 1000.0
                      )  # convert to mm
        d = Detector()
        pg0 = d.hierarchy()
        # first deal with D0
        det_num = 0
        root = geom.get_top_geo()
        root_basis = basis_from_geo(root)
        while len(root.get_list_of_children()) == 1:
            sub = root.get_list_of_children()[0]
            sub_basis = basis_from_geo(sub)
            root = sub
            root_basis = root_basis * sub_basis
        t = root_basis.translation
        root_basis.translation = col((t[0], t[1], -t[2]))

        origin = col((root_basis * col((0, 0, 0, 1)))[0:3])
        fast = col((root_basis * col((1, 0, 0, 1)))[0:3]) - origin
        slow = col((root_basis * col((0, 1, 0, 1)))[0:3]) - origin
        pg0.set_local_frame(fast.elems, slow.elems, origin.elems)
        pg0.set_name("D%d" % (det_num))

        # Now deal with modules
        for module_num in range(len(root.get_list_of_children())):
            module = root.get_list_of_children()[module_num]
            module_basis = basis_from_geo(module)
            origin = col((module_basis * col((0, 0, 0, 1)))[0:3])
            fast = col((module_basis * col((1, 0, 0, 1)))[0:3]) - origin
            slow = col((module_basis * col((0, 1, 0, 1)))[0:3]) - origin
            pg1 = pg0.add_group()
            pg1.set_local_frame(fast.elems, slow.elems, origin.elems)
            pg1.set_name("D%dM%d" % (det_num, module_num))

            # Read the known layout of the Jungfrau 2x4 module
            sg = sgs.Create(segname=module.oname)
            xx, yy = sg.get_seg_xy_maps_um()
            xx = xx / 1000
            yy = yy / 1000

            # Now deal with ASICs
            for asic_num in range(8):
                val = "ARRAY_D0M%dA%d" % (module_num, asic_num)
                dim_slow = xx.shape[0]
                dim_fast = xx.shape[1]
                sensor_id = asic_num // 4  # There are 2X4 asics per module
                asic_in_sensor_id = asic_num % 4  # this number will be 0,1,2 or 3
                id_slow = sensor_id * (dim_slow // 2)
                id_fast = asic_in_sensor_id * (dim_fast // 4)
                origin = col((xx[id_slow][id_fast], yy[id_slow][id_fast], 0))
                fp = col(
                    (xx[id_slow][id_fast + 1], yy[id_slow][id_fast + 1], 0))
                sp = col(
                    (xx[id_slow + 1][id_fast], yy[id_slow + 1][id_fast], 0))
                fast = (fp - origin).normalize()
                slow = (sp - origin).normalize()
                p = pg1.add_panel()
                p.set_local_frame(fast.elems, slow.elems, origin.elems)
                p.set_pixel_size((pixel_size, pixel_size))
                p.set_trusted_range((-10, 2e6))

                thickness, material = 0.32, "Si"
                p.set_thickness(thickness)  # mm
                # Compute the attenuation coefficient.
                # This will fail for undefined composite materials
                # mu_at_angstrom returns cm^-1, but need mu in mm^-1
                table = attenuation_coefficient.get_table(material)
                wavelength = self.get_beam(index).get_wavelength()
                mu = table.mu_at_angstrom(wavelength) / 10.0
                    ParallaxCorrectedPxMmStrategy(mu, thickness))

                if (self.params.jungfrau.use_big_pixels
                        and os.environ.get("DONT_USE_BIG_PIXELS_JUNGFRAU") is
                    p.set_image_size((1030, 514))
                    p.set_image_size((dim_fast // 4, dim_slow // 2))

        if (self.params.jungfrau.use_big_pixels
                and os.environ.get("DONT_USE_BIG_PIXELS_JUNGFRAU") is None):
            assert len(d) == 8
        self._cached_detector[run.run()] = d
        return d
          p3 = col((x1,y2,0))

          v1 = p1-p0
          v2 = p3-p0
          vcen = ((v2/2) + (v1/2)) + p0

          ax.add_patch(Polygon((p0[0:2],p1[0:2],p2[0:2],p3[0:2]), closed=True, color='green', fill=False, hatch='/'))
          ax.annotate("%d"%(int(PANEL)), vcen[0:2])
        ax.set_xlim((0, 2000))
        ax.set_ylim((0, 2000))
        from xfel.cftbx.detector.cspad_cbf_tbx import basis_from_geo

        root = geometry.get_top_geo()
        root_basis = basis_from_geo(root)

        # get pixel mappings to real space.
        x, y, z = geometry.get_pixel_coords()
        assert x.shape == y.shape == z.shape
        if len(x.shape) == 6:
          x = x.reshape(x.shape[2:6])
          y = y.reshape(y.shape[2:6])
          z = z.reshape(z.shape[2:6])
        elif len(x.shape) == 5:
          x = x.reshape(x.shape[1:5])
          y = y.reshape(y.shape[1:5])
          z = z.reshape(z.shape[1:5])
          assert len(x.shape) == 4
        sensor_slow = x.shape[2]
Пример #3
    def _detector(self, index=None):
        from PSCalib.SegGeometryStore import sgs

        from xfel.cftbx.detector.cspad_cbf_tbx import basis_from_geo

        run = self.get_run_from_index(index)
        if run.run() in self._cached_detector:
            return self._cached_detector[run.run()]

        if index is None:
            index = 0
        assert len(self.params.detector_address) == 1

        wavelength = self.get_beam(index).get_wavelength()

        det = self._get_psana_detector(run)

        geom = det.pyda.geoaccess(self._get_event(index).run())
        pixel_size = det.pixel_size(self._get_event(index)) / 1000.0  # convert to mm
        d = Detector()
        pg0 = d.hierarchy()
        # first deal with D0
        det_num = 0
        root = geom.get_top_geo()
        root_basis = basis_from_geo(root)
        while len(root.get_list_of_children()) == 1:
            sub = root.get_list_of_children()[0]
            sub_basis = basis_from_geo(sub)
            root = sub
            root_basis = root_basis * sub_basis
        t = root_basis.translation
        root_basis.translation = col((t[0], t[1], -abs(t[2])))

        origin = col((root_basis * col((0, 0, 0, 1)))[0:3])
        fast = col((root_basis * col((1, 0, 0, 1)))[0:3]) - origin
        slow = col((root_basis * col((0, 1, 0, 1)))[0:3]) - origin
        pg0.set_local_frame(fast.elems, slow.elems, origin.elems)
        pg0.set_name("D%d" % (det_num))

        # Modules next
        for module_num in range(len(root.get_list_of_children())):
            pg1 = pg0.add_group()
            module = root.get_list_of_children()[module_num]
            module_basis = basis_from_geo(module)
            origin = col((module_basis * col((0, 0, 0, 1)))[0:3])
            fast = col((module_basis * col((1, 0, 0, 1)))[0:3]) - origin
            slow = col((module_basis * col((0, 1, 0, 1)))[0:3]) - origin
            pg1.set_local_frame(fast.elems, slow.elems, origin.elems)
            pg1.set_name("D%dM%d" % (det_num, module_num))

            # Read the known layout of the Epix 2x2 module
            sg = sgs.Create(segname=module.oname)
            xx, yy = sg.get_seg_xy_maps_um()
            xx = xx / 1000
            yy = yy / 1000

            # Now deal with ASICs
            for asic_num in range(4):
                val = "ARRAY_D0M%dA%d" % (module_num, asic_num)
                p = pg1.add_panel()
                dim_slow = xx.shape[0]
                dim_fast = xx.shape[1]
                sensor_id = asic_num // 2  # There are 2X2 asics per module
                asic_in_sensor_id = asic_num % 2  # this number will be 0 or 1
                id_slow = sensor_id * (dim_slow // 2)
                id_fast = asic_in_sensor_id * (dim_fast // 2)
                origin = col((xx[id_slow][id_fast], yy[id_slow][id_fast], 0))
                fp = col((xx[id_slow][id_fast + 1], yy[id_slow][id_fast + 1], 0))
                sp = col((xx[id_slow + 1][id_fast], yy[id_slow + 1][id_fast], 0))
                fast = (fp - origin).normalize()
                slow = (sp - origin).normalize()
                p.set_local_frame(fast.elems, slow.elems, origin.elems)
                p.set_pixel_size((pixel_size, pixel_size))
                p.set_image_size((dim_fast // 2, dim_slow // 2))
                p.set_trusted_range((-1, 2e6))
                p.set_gain(factor_kev_angstrom / wavelength)
        self._cached_detector[run.run()] = d
        return d