def record(): left = request.args.get('l') right = request.args.get('r') print(left, right) if cfg.camera_detected: """Video streaming route. Put this in the src attribute of an img tag.""" #return Response(gen(cam.Camera()), mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame') #frame = gen(cam.Camera()) #frame = gen(cam.Camera()) #while True: cfg.frame = gen(cam.Camera()) if left: left = int(left) if left >= -100 and left <= 100: cfg.left_motor = left hw.motor_two_speed(cfg.left_motor) if right: right = int(right) if right >= -100 and right <= 100: cfg.right_motor = right hw.motor_one_speed(cfg.right_motor) return 'record_ok' else: return 'no video'
def motor(): left = request.args.get('l') right = request.args.get('r') cfg.joyX = request.args.get('joyX') recording = request.args.get('record') #print(recording) if cfg.camera_detected: cfg.frame = gen(cam.Camera()) #cv2.imwrite(cfg.outputDir+cfg.currentDir+'/'+ 'test.jpg', cfg.frame) if recording == 'Y': #cfg.frame = gen(cam.Camera()) #cv2.imwrite(cfg.outputDir+cfg.currentDir+'/'+ 'test.jpg', cfg.frame) cfg.recording = True #if cfg.cnt == 0: cfg.f = open(cfg.outputDir + cfg.currentDir + '/data.csv', 'a') cfg.fwriter = csv.writer(cfg.f) saveimage() if recording == 'N': cfg.recording = False cfg.cnt = 0 if cfg.f != '': cfg.f.close() if left: left = int(left) if left >= -100 and left <= 100: cfg.left_motor = left hw.motor_two_speed(cfg.left_motor) if right: right = int(right) if right >= -100 and right <= 100: cfg.right_motor = right hw.motor_one_speed(cfg.right_motor) return 'ok'
start_flag = False while (True): k = cv2.waitKey(5) if k != -1: print(k) if k == ord('q'): break if k == ord('s'): if start_flag == False: start_flag = True else: start_flag = False print('start_flag: ', start_flag) if start_flag == True: if k == 82: #forward hw.motor_one_speed(20) hw.motor_two_speed(20) if k == 83: #rigth hw.motor_one_speed(15) hw.motor_two_speed(65) else: hw.motor_one_speed(0) hw.motor_two_speed(0) hw.motor_clean() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
if k == ord('q'): break if k == ord('s'): if start_flag == False: start_flag = True else: start_flag = False print('start_flag: ', start_flag) if start_flag == True: length = dc.get_distance() #print(length) if 5 < length and length < 15: hw.motor_one_speed(0) hw.motor_two_speed(0) print('Stop to avoid collision') time.sleep(0.2) else: if k == 82: #forward hw.motor_one_speed(50) hw.motor_two_speed(50) if k == 81: #left hw.motor_one_speed(50) hw.motor_two_speed(20) if k == 83: #rigth hw.motor_one_speed(20) hw.motor_two_speed(50)
if cfg.recording: start_flag = True else: start_flag = False cfg.cnt = 0 print('cfg.recording:',cfg.recording) #save image files and images list file if cfg.recording: saveimage() print(cfg.cnt) if start_flag: # Left arrow: 81, Right arrow: 83, Up arrow: 82, Down arrow: 84 if k == 81: hw.motor_one_speed(cfg.maxturn_speed) hw.motor_two_speed(cfg.minturn_speed) #print('Straight') cfg.wheel = 1 if k == 83: hw.motor_one_speed(cfg.minturn_speed) hw.motor_two_speed(cfg.maxturn_speed) cfg.wheel = 3 if k == 82: hw.motor_one_speed(cfg.normal_speed_right) hw.motor_two_speed(cfg.normal_speed_left) cfg.wheel = 2 else: hw.motor_one_speed(0) hw.motor_two_speed(0)
cfg.joyX = 100 if cfg.joyX < -100: cfg.joyX = -100 if cfg.joyX < 0: tempV = normal_speed - cfg.joyX else: tempV = normal_speed + cfg.joyX if tempV <= 100: overV = 0 else: overV = tempV - 100 tempV = 100 if cfg.joyX < 0: hw.motor_two_speed(normal_speed - overV) hw.motor_one_speed(tempV) else: hw.motor_two_speed(tempV) hw.motor_one_speed(normal_speed - overV) else: hw.motor_one_speed(0) hw.motor_two_speed(0) cfg.joyX = 0 ###c.release() hw.motor_clean() # close all windows cv2.destroyAllWindows()
if cfg.recording: start_flag = True else: start_flag = False cfg.cnt = 0 print('cfg.recording:', cfg.recording) #save image files and images list file if cfg.recording: saveimage() print(cfg.cnt) #avoid collision length = 30 #dc.get_distance() if 5 < length and length < 15 and start_flag: hw.motor_one_speed(0) hw.motor_two_speed(0) print('Stop to avoid collision') time.sleep(0.5) continue if start_flag: if cfg.joyX > 100: cfg.joyX = 100 if cfg.joyX < -100: cfg.joyX = -100 if cfg.joyX < 0: hw.motor_two_speed(normal_speed - int(normal_speed * (-cfg.joyX) / 100)) hw.motor_one_speed(normal_speed + int(normal_speed *