def baseComponents(self): u"""Create a theme site with just one single template home page. Answer a list of page instances that are used as templates for this site.""" # Create an instance (=object) of components to be placed on the page. # Import current example site, as anchor for the article files. adapter = self.getSiteAdapter() logo = Logo() menu = Menu() navigation = Navigation() article = Article( showPoster=False ) # No poster inside the article. We use the PosterHead component. articleSideBar = ArticleSideBar(showChapterNavigation=True) articlesList = ArticlesList() posterhead = PosterHead( ) # Wordpress-like big picture from article.poster link. featuredByImage = FeaturedByImage() featuredByDiapText = FeaturedByDiapText() featuredByText = FeaturedByText() featuredByImageList = FeaturedByImageList() # Containers for pages top = Top(components=(logo, menu), media=Media(max=self.C.M_MOBILE_MAX, display=self.C.NONE)) homeContainer = Container(components=(featuredByDiapText, featuredByImage, featuredByText, featuredByImageList)) articleContainer = Container(components=(posterhead, article, articleSideBar)) articlesListContainer = Container(articlesList, ) footer = Footer() # Create an instance (=object) of the page, containing the navigation components. # The class is also the page name in the url. homePage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=(top, homeContainer, footer), adapter=adapter, title=self.TITLE, fonts=self.URL_FONTS) articlePage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_ARTICLE, components=(top, articleContainer, footer), adapter=adapter, title=self.TITLE, fonts=self.URL_FONTS) articlesPage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_ARTICLES, components=(top, articlesListContainer, footer), adapter=adapter, title=self.TITLE, fonts=self.URL_FONTS) # Answer a list of types of pages for this site. In this case just one template. return [homePage, articlePage, articlesPage]
def baseComponents(self): # Import current example site, as anchor for the article files. from xierpa3.sites import doingbydesign # Root path where to find the article Simples wiki file for this example page. articleRoot = TX.module2Path(doingbydesign) + '/files/articles/' adapter = DbDAdapter( articleRoot) # Preferred adapter class for articles in this site. logo = Logo(text='Doing by Design', fontFamily='Impact', color=Color('#888'), fontSize=Em(1.8)) menu = Menu() mobileNavigation = DbDMobileNavigation() article = Article() featuredByImage = FeaturedByImage(start=0, width=Perc(65.4), showTitle=False, showHeadline=False, showTopic=False) featuredByText = FeaturedByText(start=0, width=Perc(30.75)) # Containers top = Top(components=(logo, menu), media=Media(max=self.C.M_MOBILE_MAX, display=self.C.NONE)) featured = Featured(components=(featuredByImage, featuredByText), backgroundColor=Color('#262c37')) section = Section(components=(featuredByImage, )) mainContent = MainContent(components=article) footer = Footer(components=(menu)) homePage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=(mobileNavigation, top, featured, section, mainContent, footer), css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) articlePage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_ARTICLE, comoonents=(mobileNavigation, top, article, footer), css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) return [homePage, articlePage]
def baseComponents(self): u"""Create a theme site with just one single template home page. Answer a list of page instances that are used as templates for this site.""" # Create an instance (=object) of components to be placed on the page. # @start Start index of the item in the selected/sorted set of articles. # @count Nunmber of items (default is 3). Omit current article in the selection featured1 = FeaturedByImage(width=Perc(100), count=2) container = Container(components=featured1, rowMaxWidth=Perc(50)) # Create an instance (=object) of the page, containing the featured components. # The class is also the page name in the url. homePage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=container, title=self.TITLE, fonts=self.URL_FONTS) # Answer a list of types of pages for this site. In this case just one template. return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): # Create the article adapter # Import articles from the doingbydesign site, sharing the article files. from xierpa3.sites import doingbydesign # Root path where to find the article Simplex wiki file for this example page. articleRoot = TX.module2Path(doingbydesign) + '/files/articles/' adapter = SimpleSiteAdapter(articleRoot) # Header logo = Logo() menu = Menu() header = Header( components=(logo, menu), mobileContainerDisplay=self.C.NONE, doc_mobileContainerDisplay=u'Header is not visible for mobile') mobileNavigation = MobileNavigation( ) # Is container by itself. Change?? # Create the component instances article = Article(width=Perc(68)) featuredByImage = FeaturedByImage(count=1, width=Perc(30)) featuredByText = FeaturedByText(start=1, count=3, width=Perc(30)) # Create the single page instance, containing the number of components mainHome = Container(components=(article, featuredByImage, featuredByText)) # Footer footer = Footer(components=(menu, ), containerBackgroundColor=self.FOOTERBGCOLOR) # The class is also the page name in the url. homePage = Page( class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, name=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, adapter=adapter, #components=(mobileNavigation, header, mainHome, footer), #components=(header, mainHome, footer), components=Container(header), fonts=self.URL_FONTS, title=self.TITLE, css=self.C.URL_CSS) return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): u"""Create the component instances""" # Import current example site, as anchor for the article files. from xierpa3.sites.examples import textilearticles # Root path where to find the article Simples wiki file for this example page. articleRoot = TX.module2Path(textilearticles) + '/files/articles/' adapter = ArticleAdapter( articleRoot) # Preferred adapter class for articles in this site. # Create navigation instance, to choose between the available articles. menu = Menu(adapter=adapter) menuContainer = Container(components=menu) # Create the article component to contain articles answered by the adapter. #article = SimplexArticle(adapter=adapter) article = Article(width=Perc(70), adapter=adapter, showPoster=True, splitChapters=False) articleSideBar = ArticleSideBar(width=Perc(22), adapter=adapter) featuredArticles = FeaturedByImage( width=Perc(22), adapter=adapter, # Example to overwrite the default BluePrint parameter titleColor titleColor=Color('red')) #featuredByImage = FeaturedByText(widht=Perc(22), adapter=adapter) # Make main page container for the article column container = Container(components=( article, articleSideBar, featuredArticles, #featuredByImage )) # The class is also the page name in the url. homePage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, name=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, title=self.TITLE, css=self.C.URL_CSS, components=(menuContainer, container)) return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): logo = Logo(logoSrc=self.SRCLOGO, logoName=self.LOGO, color=C.WHITE, margintop=Em(0.5), fontsize=Em(2), fontfamily='AmplitudeComp Medium') menu = Menu() socialmedia = SocialMedia(twitterAccount='xierpa', facebookAccount='xierpa') header = Header(components=(logo, menu), mobileContainerDisplay=C.NONE) mobileNavigation = MobileNavigation( title=self.TITLE) # Is container by itself. Change?? # Articles featured by image featuredByImage = FeaturedByImage( ) # Featured article on a page. Main photo+link #featuredByImageList = FeaturedByImageList() # Featured article on a page. List of related links # Articles featured by summary text featuredSideText = FeaturedByDiapText(colWidth=4, itemStart=1, label='Featured course') featuredByText = FeaturedByText(itemStart=2, showPoster=False) featuredByTextList = FeaturedByTextList(itemStart=5) # Featured black container bgColor = '#323A47' featuredImages = Featured( class_='featuredImages', components=(featuredByImage, featuredSideText), #components=(featuredSideText, featuredByImage), containerBackgroundColor=bgColor) # Featured text container bgColor = '#E8E8E8' featuredTexts = Featured(class_='featuredTexts', components=(featuredByText, featuredByTextList), containerBackgroundColor=bgColor) # Footer group footer = Footer(components=(menu, ), containerBackgroundColor=FOOTERBACKGROUNDCOLOR) # Article featuredByTextList = FeaturedByTextList( ) # Default start a featured index 0 article = Container(class_=C.CLASS_ARTICLE, containerBackgroundImage=self.URL_BACKGROUNDIMAGE, containerBackgroundRepeat=C.REPEAT, components=(Article(), socialmedia, ArticleSideBar(), featuredByTextList)) homePage = Page(name=C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=(mobileNavigation, header, featuredImages, featuredTexts, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) articlePage = Page(name=C.TEMPLATE_ARTICLE, components=(mobileNavigation, header, article, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) return [homePage, articlePage]
def baseComponents(self): logo = Logo(logoSrc=self.SRCLOGO) menu = Menu() socialmedia = SocialMedia(twitterAccount='doingbydesign', facebookAccount='doingbydesign') header = Header(components=(logo, menu), mobileContainerDisplay=self.NONE) mobileNavigation = MobileNavigation( title=self.TITLE) # Is container by itself. Change?? # Articles featured by image featuredByImage = FeaturedByImage( ) # Featured article on a page. Main photo+link featuredByImage100 = FeaturedByImage( colWidth=9) # Featured article as group item #featuredByImageList = FeaturedByImageList() # Featured article on a page. List of related links # Articles featured by summary text featuredSideText = FeaturedByDiapText(colWidth=4, itemStart=1, label='Featured course') featuredByText = FeaturedByText(itemStart=2, showPoster=False) featuredByTextList = FeaturedByTextList(itemStart=5) # Featured black container bgColor = '#323A47' featuredImages = Featured( class_='featuredImages', components=(featuredByImage, featuredSideText), #components=(featuredSideText, featuredByImage), containerBackgroundColor=bgColor) # Featured text container bgColor = '#E8E8E8' featuredTexts = Featured(class_='featuredTexts', components=(featuredByText, featuredByTextList), containerBackgroundColor=bgColor) # Footer group footer = Footer(components=(menu, ), containerBackgroundColor=FOOTERBACKGROUNDCOLOR) # Article featuredByTextList = FeaturedByTextList( ) # Default start a featured index 0 article = Container(class_=self.C.CLASS_ARTICLE, containerBackgroundImage=self.URL_BACKGROUNDIMAGE, containerBackgroundRepeat=self.C.REPEAT, components=(Article(), socialmedia, ArticleSideBar(), featuredByTextList)) # Floating items thumbnails = ItemGroup(components=(featuredByImage100, )) # Documentation documentation = Documentation() homePage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=(mobileNavigation, header, featuredImages, featuredTexts, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) articlePage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_ARTICLE, components=(mobileNavigation, header, article, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) thumbnailPage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_COURSES, components=(mobileNavigation, header, featuredImages, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) productsPage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_PRODUCTS, components=(mobileNavigation, header, thumbnails, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) categoryPage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_CATEGORY, components=(mobileNavigation, header, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) # Automatic documentation about Xierpa3 documentationPage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_DOCUMENTATION, components=(mobileNavigation, header, documentation, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) return [ homePage, articlePage, productsPage, thumbnailPage, categoryPage, documentationPage ]
def baseComponents(self): logo = Logo() menu = Menu() socialmedia = SocialMedia(twitterAccount='doingbydesign', facebookAccount='doingbydesign') header = Header(components=(logo,menu), mobileContainerDisplay=self.C.NONE, doc_mobileContainerDisplay=u'Header is not visible for mobile') mobileNavigation = MobileNavigation() # Is container by itself. Change?? # Articles featured by image #featuredByImage = FeaturedByImage() # Featured article on a page. Main photo+link #featuredByImage100 = FeaturedByImage(colWidth=9) # Featured article as group item #featuredByImageList = FeaturedByImageList() # Featured article on a page. List of related links # Articles featured by summary text #featuredSideText = FeaturedByDiapText(colWidth=4, itemStart=1, label='Featured course') #featuredByText = FeaturedByText(itemStart=2, showPoster=False) #featuredByTextList = FeaturedByTextList(itemStart=5) #featuredSideText = Featured(colWidth=4, itemStart=1, label='Featured course') #featuredByText = Featured(itemStart=2, showPoster=False) #featuredByTextList = Featured(itemStart=5) featuredSideText = featuredByImage = featuredByText = featuredByTextList = featuredByImage100 = FeaturedByImage() # Featured black container BGCOLOR = Color('#323A47') featuredImages = FeaturedByImage(class_='featuredImages', components=(featuredByImage, featuredSideText), containerBackgroundColor=BGCOLOR) # Featured text container BGCOLOR = Color('#E8E8E8') featuredTexts = FeaturedByImage(class_='featuredTexts', components=(featuredByText, featuredByTextList), containerBackgroundColor=BGCOLOR) # Footer group footer = Footer(components=(menu,), containerBackgroundColor=self.CSS_FOOTERBGCOLOR) # Documentation # The documentation class knows how to collect methods and their attributes # from components, adapters and builders and build them in an automated # documentation site. documentation = Documentation() # Article #featuredByTextList = FeaturedByTextList() # Default start at featured index 0 featuredByTextList = FeaturedByImage() # Default start at featured index 0 article = Container(class_=self.C.CLASS_ARTICLE, containerBackgroundImage=self.URL_BACKGROUNDIMAGE, containerBackgroundRepeat=self.C.REPEAT, components=(Article(), socialmedia, ArticleSideBar(), featuredByTextList)) # Floating items thumbnails = ItemGroup(components=(featuredByImage100,)) # Import current example site, as anchor for the article files. from xierpa3.sites import doingbydesign # Root path where to find the article Simples wiki file for this example page. articleRoot = TX.module2Path(doingbydesign) + '/files/articles/' adapter = DbDAdapter(articleRoot) # Preferred adapter class for articles in this site. #homePage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, # components=(mobileNavigation, header, featuredImages, featuredTexts, footer), # css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, # favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) homePage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=featuredSideText, css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) articlePage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_ARTICLE, components=(mobileNavigation, header, article, footer), css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) thumbnailPage = Page(name=self.TEMPLATE_COURSES, components=(mobileNavigation, header, featuredImages, footer), css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) productsPage = Page(name=self.TEMPLATE_PRODUCTS, components=(mobileNavigation, header, thumbnails, footer), css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) categoryPage = Page(name=self.TEMPLATE_CATEGORY, components=(mobileNavigation, header, footer), css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) # Automatic documentation about Xierpa3 documentationPage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_DOCUMENTATION, components=(mobileNavigation, header, documentation, footer), css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) return [homePage, articlePage, productsPage, thumbnailPage, categoryPage, documentationPage]