Пример #1
def identity_test(n, shape, subd=I_curve):
    '''Averaging over indep coords of f'''
    true = df.Expression('x[2]*x[2]', degree=2)

    mesh = df.UnitCubeMesh(n, n, n)
    V = df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2)
    v = df.interpolate(true, V)

    f = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 1, 0)
    subd.mark(f, 1)

    line_mesh = EmbeddedMesh(f, 1)
    Q = average_space(V, line_mesh)
    q = df.Function(Q)

    Pi = avg_mat(V, Q, line_mesh, {'shape': shape})
    Pi.mult(v.vector(), q.vector())

    q0 = true
    # Error
    L = df.inner(q0 - q, q0 - q) * df.dx

    e = q.vector().copy()
    e.axpy(-1, df.interpolate(q0, Q).vector())

    return df.sqrt(abs(df.assemble(L)))
Пример #2
def square_test(n, subd=I_curve):
    '''Averaging over indep coords of f'''
    size = 0.1
    shape = Square(P=lambda x0: x0 - np.array(
        [size + size * x0[2], size + size * x0[2], 0]),
    foo = df.Expression('x[2]*((x[0]-0.5)*(x[0]-0.5) + (x[1]-0.5)*(x[1]-0.5))',

    mesh = df.UnitCubeMesh(n, n, n)
    V = df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 3)
    v = df.interpolate(foo, V)

    f = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 1, 0)
    subd.mark(f, 1)

    true = df.Expression('x[2]*2./3*(size+size*x[2])*(size+size*x[2])',

    line_mesh = EmbeddedMesh(f, 1)
    Q = average_space(V, line_mesh)
    q = df.Function(Q)

    Pi = avg_mat(V, Q, line_mesh, {'shape': shape})
    Pi.mult(v.vector(), q.vector())

    q0 = true
    # Error
    L = df.inner(q0 - q, q0 - q) * df.dx

    e = q.vector().copy()
    e.axpy(-1, df.interpolate(q0, Q).vector())

    return df.sqrt(abs(df.assemble(L)))
Пример #3
def disk_test(n, subd=I_curve):
    '''Averaging over indep coords of f'''
    shape = Disk(radius=lambda x0: 0.1 + 0.0 * x0[2] / 2, degree=10)
    foo = df.Expression('x[2]*((x[0]-0.5)*(x[0]-0.5) + (x[1]-0.5)*(x[1]-0.5))',

    mesh = df.UnitCubeMesh(n, n, n)
    V = df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 3)
    v = df.interpolate(foo, V)

    f = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 1, 0)
    subd.mark(f, 1)

    true = df.Expression('x[2]*(0.1+0.0*x[2]/2)*(0.1+0.0*x[2]/2)/2', degree=4)

    line_mesh = EmbeddedMesh(f, 1)
    Q = average_space(V, line_mesh)
    q = df.Function(Q)

    Pi = avg_mat(V, Q, line_mesh, {'shape': shape})
    Pi.mult(v.vector(), q.vector())

    q0 = true
    # Error
    L = df.inner(q0 - q, q0 - q) * df.dx

    e = q.vector().copy()
    e.axpy(-1, df.interpolate(q0, Q).vector())

    return df.sqrt(abs(df.assemble(L)))
Пример #4
def sanity_test(n, subd, shape):
    '''Constant is preserved'''
    mesh = df.UnitCubeMesh(n, n, n)
    V = df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2)
    v = df.interpolate(df.Constant(1), V)

    f = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 1, 0)
    subd.mark(f, 1)

    line_mesh = EmbeddedMesh(f, 1)
    Q = average_space(V, line_mesh)
    q = df.Function(Q)

    Pi = avg_mat(V, Q, line_mesh, {'shape': shape})
    Pi.mult(v.vector(), q.vector())

    q0 = df.Constant(1)
    # Error
    L = df.inner(q0 - q, q0 - q) * df.dx

    e = q.vector().copy()
    e.axpy(-1, df.interpolate(q0, Q).vector())

    return df.sqrt(abs(df.assemble(L)))
Пример #5
from xii.meshing.embedded_mesh import EmbeddedMesh
import dolfin as df
import numpy as np

def is_close(a, b=0):
    return abs(a - b) < 1E-12

mesh = df.UnitCubeMesh(4, 4, 8)
u = df.Function(df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2))

# Make 1d
f = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 1, 0)
df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.5) && near(x[1], 0.5)').mark(f, 1)
line_mesh = EmbeddedMesh(f, 1)

# Grow thicker with z
ci = Circle(radius=lambda x0: x0[2] / 2., degree=8)
reduced = Average(u, line_mesh, ci)
f = MeasureFunction(reduced)
# Circumnference of the circle
true = df.Expression('2*pi*x[2]/2', degree=1)
L = df.inner(f - true, f - true) * df.dx
assert is_close(df.sqrt(abs(df.assemble(L))))

di = Disk(radius=lambda x0: x0[2] / 2., degree=8)
reduced = Average(u, line_mesh, di)
f = MeasureFunction(reduced)
# Circumnference of the circle
true = df.Expression('pi*(x[2]/2)*(x[2]/2)', degree=2)
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, marking_function, markers):
     assert marking_function.dim() == marking_function.mesh().topology().dim()
     EmbeddedMesh.__init__(self, marking_function, markers)
Пример #7
def mortar_meshes(subdomains,
    Let subdomains a cell function. We assume that domains (cells) marked 
    with the given markers are adjecent and an interface can be defined 
    between these domains which is a continuous curve. Then for each 
    domain we create a (sub)mesh and a single interface mesh which holds 
    a connectivity map of its cells to facets of the submeshes. The submeshes 
    are returned as a list. The connectivity map is 
    of the form submesh.id -> facets. The marking function f of the EmbeddedMesh
    that is the interface is colored such that f[color] is the interface 
    of meshes (submeshes[m] for m color_map[color]).
    assert len(markers) > 1
    # Need a cell function
    mesh = subdomains.mesh()
    tdim = mesh.topology().dim()
    assert subdomains.dim() == tdim

    markers = list(markers)
    # For each facet we want to know which 2 cells share it
    tagged_iface = defaultdict(dict)

    if ifacet_iter is None:
        mesh.init(tdim - 1)
        ifacet_iter = df.facets(mesh)

    mesh.init(tdim - 1, tdim)
    for facet in ifacet_iter:
        cells = map(int, facet.entities(tdim))

        if len(cells) > 1:
            c0, c1 = cells
            tag0, tag1 = subdomains[c0], subdomains[c1]
            if tag0 != tag1 and tag0 in markers and tag1 in markers:
                # A key of sorted tags
                if tag0 < tag1:
                    key = (tag0, tag1)
                    # The cells connected to facet order to match to tags
                    value = (c0, c1)
                    key = (tag1, tag0)
                    value = (c1, c0)
                # A facet to 2 cells map for the facets of tagged pair
                tagged_iface[key][facet.index()] = value

    # order -> tagged keys
    color_to_tag_map = tagged_iface.keys()
    # Set to color which won't be encounred
    interface = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, tdim - 1,
    values = interface.array()

    # Mark facets corresponding to tagged pair by a color
    for color, tags in enumerate(color_to_tag_map):
        values[tagged_iface[tags].keys()] = color

    # Finally create an interface mesh for all the colors
    interface_mesh = EmbeddedMesh(interface, range(len(color_to_tag_map)))

    # Try to recogninze the meshes which violates assumptions by counting
    assert not strict or is_continuous(interface_mesh)

    # And subdomain mesh for each marker
    subdomain_meshes = {tag: EmbeddedMesh(subdomains, tag) for tag in markers}

    # Alloc the entity maps for the embedded mesh
    interface_map = {
        subdomain_meshes[tag].id(): [None] * interface_mesh.num_cells()
        for tag in markers

    # THe maps are filled by the following idea. Using marking function
    # of interface mesh one cat get cells of that color and useing entity
    # map for (original) mesh map the cells to mesh facet. A color also
    # corresponds to a pair of tags which identifies the two meshes which
    # share the facet - facet connected to 2 cells one for each mesh. The
    # final step is to lean to map submesh cells to mesh cells

    # local submesh <- global of parent mesh
    sub_mesh_map = lambda tag: dict(
        (mesh_c, submesh_c) for submesh_c, mesh_c in enumerate(

    # Thec cell-cell connectivity of each submesh
    c2c = {tag: sub_mesh_map(tag) for tag in markers}
    # A connectivity of interface mesh cells to facets of global mesh
    c2f = interface_mesh.parent_entity_map[mesh.id()][tdim - 1]

    for color, tags in enumerate(color_to_tag_map):
        # Precompute for the 2 tags
        submeshes = [subdomain_meshes[tag] for tag in tags]

        for cell in df.SubsetIterator(interface_mesh.marking_function, color):
            cell_index = cell.index()
            # The corresponding global cell facet
            facet = c2f[cell_index]
            # The two cells in global mesh numbering
            global_cells = tagged_iface[tags][facet]
            # Let's find the facet in submesh
            for tag, gc, submesh in zip(tags, global_cells, submeshes):
                # The map uses local cell
                local_cell = c2c[tag][gc]
                mesh_id = submesh.id()

                found = False
                for submesh_facet in df.facets(df.Cell(submesh, local_cell)):
                    found = df.near(
                        cell.midpoint().distance(submesh_facet.midpoint()), 0,
                    if found:
                            cell_index] = submesh_facet.index()

    # Collapse to list; I want list indexing
    subdomain_meshes = np.array([subdomain_meshes[m] for m in markers])
    color_map = [map(markers.index, tags) for tags in color_to_tag_map]

    # Parent in the sense that the colored piece of interface
    # could have been created from mesh
        dict((k, {
            tdim - 1: v
        }) for k, v in interface_map.items()))

    return subdomain_meshes, interface_mesh, color_map
Пример #8
def mortar_meshes(subdomains, markers, ifacet_iter=None, strict=True, tol=1E-14):
    Let subdomains a cell function. We assume that domains (cells) marked 
    with the given markers are adjecent and an interface can be defined 
    between these domains which is a continuous curve. Then for each 
    domain we create a (sub)mesh and a single interface mesh which holds 
    a connectivity map of its cells to facets of the submeshes. The submeshes 
    are returned as a list. The connectivity map is 
    of the form submesh.id -> facets. The marking function f of the EmbeddedMesh
    that is the interface is colored such that f[color] is the interface 
    of meshes (submeshes[m] for m color_map[color]).
    assert len(markers) > 1
    # Need a cell function
    mesh = subdomains.mesh()
    tdim = mesh.topology().dim()
    assert subdomains.dim() == tdim

    markers = list(markers)
    # For each facet we want to know which 2 cells share it
    tagged_iface = defaultdict(dict)

    if ifacet_iter is None:
        ifacet_iter = df.facets(mesh)
    mesh.init(tdim-1, tdim)
    for facet in ifacet_iter:
        cells = map(int, facet.entities(tdim))

        if len(cells) > 1:
            c0, c1 = cells
            tag0, tag1 = subdomains[c0], subdomains[c1]
            if tag0 != tag1 and tag0 in markers and tag1 in markers:
                # A key of sorted tags
                if tag0 < tag1:
                    key = (tag0, tag1)
                    # The cells connected to facet order to match to tags
                    value = (c0, c1)
                    key = (tag1, tag0)
                    value = (c1, c0)
                # A facet to 2 cells map for the facets of tagged pair
                tagged_iface[key][facet.index()] = value

    # order -> tagged keys
    color_to_tag_map = tagged_iface.keys()
    # Set to color which won't be encounred
    interface = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, tdim-1, len(color_to_tag_map))
    values = interface.array()

    # Mark facets corresponding to tagged pair by a color
    for color, tags in enumerate(color_to_tag_map):
        values[tagged_iface[tags].keys()] = color

    # Finally create an interface mesh for all the colors
    interface_mesh = EmbeddedMesh(interface, range(len(color_to_tag_map)))

    # Try to recogninze the meshes which violates assumptions by counting
    assert not strict or is_continuous(interface_mesh)
    # And subdomain mesh for each marker
    subdomain_meshes = {tag: EmbeddedMesh(subdomains, tag) for tag in markers}

    # Alloc the entity maps for the embedded mesh
    interface_map = {subdomain_meshes[tag].id(): [None]*interface_mesh.num_cells()
                     for tag in markers}
    # THe maps are filled by the following idea. Using marking function
    # of interface mesh one cat get cells of that color and useing entity
    # map for (original) mesh map the cells to mesh facet. A color also
    # corresponds to a pair of tags which identifies the two meshes which
    # share the facet - facet connected to 2 cells one for each mesh. The
    # final step is to lean to map submesh cells to mesh cells

    # local submesh <- global of parent mesh
    sub_mesh_map = lambda tag: dict(
        (mesh_c, submesh_c)
        for submesh_c, mesh_c in

    # Thec cell-cell connectivity of each submesh
    c2c = {tag: sub_mesh_map(tag) for tag in markers}
    # A connectivity of interface mesh cells to facets of global mesh
    c2f = interface_mesh.parent_entity_map[mesh.id()][tdim-1]

    for color, tags in enumerate(color_to_tag_map):
        # Precompute for the 2 tags
        submeshes = [subdomain_meshes[tag] for tag in tags]
        for cell in df.SubsetIterator(interface_mesh.marking_function, color):
            cell_index = cell.index()
            # The corresponding global cell facet
            facet = c2f[cell_index]
            # The two cells in global mesh numbering
            global_cells = tagged_iface[tags][facet]
            # Let's find the facet in submesh
            for tag, gc, submesh in zip(tags, global_cells, submeshes):
                # The map uses local cell
                local_cell = c2c[tag][gc]
                mesh_id = submesh.id()
                found = False
                for submesh_facet in df.facets(df.Cell(submesh, local_cell)):
                    found = df.near(cell.midpoint().distance(submesh_facet.midpoint()), 0, tol)
                    if found:
                        interface_map[mesh_id][cell_index] = submesh_facet.index()

    # Collapse to list; I want list indexing
    subdomain_meshes = np.array([subdomain_meshes[m] for m in markers]) 
    color_map = [map(markers.index, tags) for tags in color_to_tag_map]

    # Parent in the sense that the colored piece of interface
    # could have been created from mesh
        dict((k, {tdim-1: v}) for k, v in interface_map.items())

    return subdomain_meshes, interface_mesh, color_map