Пример #1
def conf_thresholding(data_dir, save_dir, score_threshold):

    # collect all trajectories
    tracker_id_score = dict()
    eval_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'data')
    seq_list, num_seq = load_list_from_folder(eval_dir)
    for seq_file in seq_list:
        seq_data, num_line = load_txt_file(seq_file)
        for data_line in seq_data:
            data_split = data_line.split(' ')
            score_tmp = float(data_split[-1])
            id_tmp = int(data_split[1])
            if id_tmp not in tracker_id_score.keys():
                tracker_id_score[id_tmp] = list()

    # collect the ID to remove based on the confidence
    to_delete_id = list()
    for track_id, score_list in tracker_id_score.items():
        average_score = sum(score_list) / float(len(score_list))
        if average_score < score_threshold:

    # remove the ID in the data folder for tracking evaluation
    save_dir_tmp = os.path.join(save_dir, 'data')
    for seq_file in seq_list:
        seq_name = fileparts(seq_file)[1]
        seq_file_save = os.path.join(save_dir_tmp, seq_name + '.txt')
        seq_file_save = open(seq_file_save, 'w')

        seq_data, num_line = load_txt_file(seq_file)
        for data_line in seq_data:
            data_split = data_line.split(' ')
            id_tmp = int(float(data_split[1]))
            if id_tmp not in to_delete_id:
                seq_file_save.write(data_line + '\n')

    # remove the ID in the trk with id folder for detection evaluation and tracking visualization
    trk_id_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'trk_withid')
    seq_dir_list, num_seq = load_list_from_folder(trk_id_dir)
    save_dir_tmp = os.path.join(save_dir, 'trk_withid')
    for seq_dir in seq_dir_list:
        frame_list, num_frame = load_list_from_folder(seq_dir)
        seq_name = fileparts(seq_dir)[1]
        save_frame_dir = os.path.join(save_dir_tmp, seq_name)
        for frame in frame_list:
            frame_index = fileparts(frame)[1]
            frame_file_save = os.path.join(save_frame_dir,
                                           frame_index + '.txt')
            frame_file_save = open(frame_file_save, 'w')
            frame_data, num_line = load_txt_file(frame)
            for data_line in frame_data:
                data_split = data_line.split(' ')
                id_tmp = int(data_split[-1])
                if id_tmp not in to_delete_id:
                    frame_file_save.write(data_line + '\n')
Пример #2
    def sweep_data(self):
        sweep the data and return the dictionary of ground truth infomation for every images

            images_dict:        a dictionary of info, keys are the image ids, values are a dictionary {'width':, 'height':, 'ids': a list of object ids contained}
        print('loading annotations into memory from %s...' % self.anno_dir)
        anno_list, num_anno = load_list_from_folder(self.anno_dir,
        print('number of annotations has been loaded: %d' % num_anno)
        images_dict = {}
        for anno_tmp in anno_list:
            _, filename, _ = fileparts(anno_tmp)
            image_id = filename.split('_gt')[0]
            img_shape, class_ids = self.anno2mask(anno_tmp, run_fast=True)

            class_ids = list(set(class_ids))
            image_data = {
                'width': img_shape[0],
                'height': img_shape[1],
                'ids': class_ids
            images_dict[image_id] = image_data

        return images_dict
Пример #3
def vis(result_sha, data_root, result_root):
	def show_image_with_boxes(img, objects_res, object_gt, calib, save_path, height_threshold=0):
		img2 = np.copy(img) 

		for obj in objects_res:
			box3d_pts_2d, _ = compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P)
			color_tmp = tuple([int(tmp * 255) for tmp in colors[obj.id % max_color]])
			img2 = draw_projected_box3d(img2, box3d_pts_2d, color=color_tmp)
			text = 'ID: %d' % obj.id
			if box3d_pts_2d is not None:
				img2 = cv2.putText(img2, text, (int(box3d_pts_2d[4, 0]), int(box3d_pts_2d[4, 1]) - 8), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 0.5, color=color_tmp) 

		img = Image.fromarray(img2)
		img = img.resize((width, height))
	for seq in seq_list:
		image_dir = os.path.join(data_root, 'image_02/%s' % seq)
		calib_file = os.path.join(data_root, 'calib/%s.txt' % seq)
		result_dir = os.path.join(result_root, '%s/trk_withid/%s' % (result_sha, seq))
		save_3d_bbox_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, '../../trk_image_vis/%s' % seq); mkdir_if_missing(save_3d_bbox_dir)

		# load the list
		images_list, num_images = load_list_from_folder(image_dir)
		print('number of images to visualize is %d' % num_images)
		start_count = 0
		for count in range(start_count, num_images):
			image_tmp = images_list[count]
			if not is_path_exists(image_tmp): 
				count += 1
			image_index = int(fileparts(image_tmp)[1])
			image_tmp = np.array(Image.open(image_tmp))
			img_height, img_width, img_channel = image_tmp.shape

			result_tmp = os.path.join(result_dir, '%06d.txt'%image_index)		# load the result
			if not is_path_exists(result_tmp): object_res = []
			else: object_res = read_label(result_tmp)
			print('processing index: %d, %d/%d, results from %s' % (image_index, count+1, num_images, result_tmp))
			calib_tmp = Calibration(calib_file)			# load the calibration

			object_res_filtered = []
			for object_tmp in object_res:
				if object_tmp.type not in type_whitelist: continue
				if hasattr(object_tmp, 'score'):
					if object_tmp.score < score_threshold: continue
				center = object_tmp.t

			num_instances = len(object_res_filtered)
			save_image_with_3dbbox_gt_path = os.path.join(save_3d_bbox_dir, '%06d.jpg' % (image_index))
			show_image_with_boxes(image_tmp, object_res_filtered, [], calib_tmp, save_path=save_image_with_3dbbox_gt_path)
			print('number of objects to plot is %d' % (num_instances))
			count += 1
def test_simple(params):
    """Test function."""

    left = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                          [2, args.input_height, args.input_width, 3])
    model = MonodepthModel(params, "test", left, None)

    config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
    sess = tf.Session(config=config)

    # SAVER
    train_saver = tf.train.Saver()

    # INIT
    coordinator = tf.train.Coordinator()
    threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coordinator)

    restore_path = checkpoint_path.split(".")[0]
    train_saver.restore(sess, restore_path)

    image_list, num_images = load_list_from_folder(images_dir)
    print('number of images loaded is %d' % num_images)
    for image_file_tmp in image_list:
        input_image = scipy.misc.imread(image_file_tmp, mode="RGB")
        original_height, original_width, num_channels = input_image.shape
        input_image = scipy.misc.imresize(
            input_image, [args.input_height, args.input_width],
        input_image = input_image.astype(np.float32) / 255
        input_images = np.stack((input_image, np.fliplr(input_image)), 0)

        _, filename, ext = fileparts(image_file_tmp)
        print('processing frame %s' % filename)

        disp = sess.run(model.disp_left_est[0], feed_dict={left: input_images})
        disp_pp = post_process_disparity(disp.squeeze()).astype(np.float32)

        # output_directory = os.path.dirname(args.image_path)
        # output_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.image_path))[0]

        data_file_tmp = os.path.join(depth_save_dir, filename + '.npy')
        np.save(data_file_tmp, disp_pp)

        # np.save(os.path.join(output_directory, "{}_disp.npy".format(output_name)), disp_pp)
        disp_to_img = scipy.misc.imresize(disp_pp.squeeze(),
                                          [original_height, original_width])
        save_file_tmp = os.path.join(depth_img_save_dir, filename + '.png')
        plt.imsave(save_file_tmp, disp_to_img, cmap='plasma')

    def epoch(self, model, epoch):
        print_log("Starting validation...", log=self.log_file)
        count = 0
        validator_function = model.validator_function()
        for i_batch, (sample_batched,
                      filename_batch) in enumerate(self.validationdataloader):
            with torch.no_grad():
                input = Variable(sample_batched['temporalvolume'])
                labels = sample_batched['label']
                if (self.usecudnn):
                    input = input.cuda(self.gpuid)
                    labels = labels.cuda(self.gpuid)  # num_batch x 1

                outputs = model(
                )  # num_batch x 500 for temp-conv         num_batch x 29 x 500
                count_tmp, predict_index_list = validator_function(
                    outputs, labels)
                count += count_tmp

                for batch_index in range(self.batchsize):
                    filename_tmp = filename_batch[batch_index]
                    _, filename_tmp, _ = fileparts(filename_tmp)
                    filename_tmp = filename_tmp.split('_')[0]
                    prediction_tmp = self.validationdataset.label_list[
                        'Evaluation: val set, batch index %d/%d, filename: %s, prediction: %s'
                        % (batch_index + 1, self.batchsize, filename_tmp,

                    'Evaluation: val set, batch %d/%d, correct so far %d/%d' %
                    (i_batch + 1, self.num_batches, count, self.batchsize *
                     (i_batch + 1)),

        accuracy = count / len(self.validationdataset)
        accu_savepath = os.path.join(self.savedir,
                                     'accuracy_epoch%03d.txt' % epoch)
        print_log('saving the accuracy file to %s' % accu_savepath,
        with open(accu_savepath, "a") as outputfile:
                "\ncorrect count: {}, total count: {} accuracy: {}".format(
                    count, len(self.validationdataset), accuracy))
Пример #6
    def visualization(self, image_index, save_dir):
        visualize the images loaded into the dataset
        image_path = self.image_info[image_index]['path']
        _, filename, _ = fileparts(image_path)
        image = self.load_image(image_index)

        masks, class_ids = self.load_mask(image_index)
        bbox = bboxes_from_mask(masks)  # TLBR format, N x 4
        fig, _ = visualize_image_with_bbox_mask(image,
                                                class_names=['BG'] +
        save_path_tmp = os.path.join(save_dir, filename + '.jpg')
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, options):
     self.batchsize = options["input"]["batchsize"]
     self.trainingdataset = LipreadingDataset(options["general"]["dataset"],
     self.trainingdataloader = DataLoader(
     self.usecudnn = options["general"]["usecudnn"]
     self.statsfrequency = options["training"]["statsfrequency"]
     self.gpuid = options["general"]["gpuid"]
     self.learningrate = options["training"]["learningrate"]
     # self.modelType = options["training"]["learningrate"]
     self.weightdecay = options["training"]["weightdecay"]
     self.momentum = options["training"]["momentum"]
     self.log_file = options["general"]["logfile"]
     self.modelsavedir = options["general"]["modelsavedir"]
     _, self.time_str, _ = fileparts(self.modelsavedir)
     print_log('loaded training dataset with %d data' %
    def __getitem__(self, image_index):
        # Get GT bounding boxes and masks for image.
        image_path = self.dataset.image_info[image_index]['path']
        _, filename, _ = fileparts(image_path)

        # print(image_index)
        if image_index == 155: self.skip = False
        if self.skip: return [], [], [], [], [], [], [], image_index, filename
        image_id = self.image_ids[image_index]
        # print(image_index)
        # print(filename)
        image, image_metas, gt_class_ids, gt_boxes, gt_masks = load_image_gt(self.dataset, self.config, image_id, augment=self.augment, use_mini_mask=self.config.USE_MINI_MASK)

        # Skip images that have no instances. This can happen in cases
        # where we train on a subset of classes and the image doesn't
        # have any of the classes we care about.
        if not np.any(gt_class_ids > 0): return [], [], [], [], [], [], [], image_index, filename
        rpn_match, rpn_bbox = build_rpn_targets(image.shape, self.anchors_, gt_class_ids, gt_boxes, self.config)     # find the matches for every anchor and the deltas

        # If more instances than fits in the array, sub-sample from them.
        if gt_boxes.shape[0] > self.config.MAX_GT_INSTANCES:
            ids = np.random.choice(np.arange(gt_boxes.shape[0]), self.config.MAX_GT_INSTANCES, replace=False)
            gt_class_ids = gt_class_ids[ids]
            gt_boxes = gt_boxes[ids]
            gt_masks = gt_masks[:, :, ids]

        rpn_match = rpn_match[:, np.newaxis]
        images = mold_image(image.astype(np.float32), self.config)      # Add to batch

        # Convert
        images = torch.from_numpy(images.transpose(2, 0, 1)).float()
        image_metas = torch.from_numpy(image_metas)
        rpn_match, rpn_bbox = torch.from_numpy(rpn_match), torch.from_numpy(rpn_bbox).float()
        gt_class_ids, gt_boxes, gt_masks = torch.from_numpy(gt_class_ids), torch.from_numpy(gt_boxes).float(), torch.from_numpy(gt_masks.astype(int).transpose(2, 0, 1)).float()
        return images, image_metas, rpn_match, rpn_bbox, gt_class_ids, gt_boxes, gt_masks, image_index, filename
Пример #9
if __name__ == '__main__':
	if len(sys.argv) != 2:
		print('Usage: python main.py result_sha(e.g., pointrcnn_Car_test)')

	result_sha = sys.argv[1]
	save_root = './results'
	det_id2str = {1:'Pedestrian', 2:'Car', 3:'Cyclist'}

	seq_file_list, num_seq = load_list_from_folder(os.path.join('data/KITTI', result_sha))
	total_time, total_frames = 0.0, 0
	save_dir = os.path.join(save_root, result_sha); mkdir_if_missing(save_dir)
	eval_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'data'); mkdir_if_missing(eval_dir)
	seq_count = 0
	for seq_file in seq_file_list:
		_, seq_name, _ = fileparts(seq_file)
		eval_file = os.path.join(eval_dir, seq_name + '.txt'); eval_file = open(eval_file, 'w')
		save_trk_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'trk_withid', seq_name); mkdir_if_missing(save_trk_dir)

		mot_tracker = AB3DMOT() 
		seq_dets = np.loadtxt(seq_file, delimiter=',')          # load detections, N x 15
		# print(seq_file)
		# print(seq_dets)
		# print(len(seq_dets.shape))

		# if no detection in a sequence
		if len(seq_dets.shape) == 1: seq_dets = np.expand_dims(seq_dets, axis=0) 	
		if seq_dets.shape[1] == 0:
Пример #10
def generate_hdf5(data_src,
    # this function creates data in hdf5 format from a image path 

    # input parameter
    #   data_src:       source of image data, which can be a list of image path, a txt file contains a list of image path, a folder contains a set of images, a list of numpy array image data
    #   label_src:      source of label data, which can be none, a file contains a set of labels, a dictionary of labels, a 1-d numpy array data, a list of label data
    #   save_dir:       where to store the hdf5 data
    #   batch_size:     how many image to store in a single hdf file
    #   ext_filder:     what format of data to use for generating hdf5 data 

    # parse input
    assert is_path_exists_or_creatable(
        save_dir), 'save path should be a folder to save all hdf5 files'
    assert isstring(
        data_name), 'dataset name is not correct'  # name for hdf5 data

    # convert data source to a list of numpy array image data
    if isfolder(data_src):
        print 'data is loading from %s with extension .%s' % (data_src,
        filelist, num_data = load_list_from_folder(data_src,
        datalist = None
    elif isfile(data_src):
        print 'data is loading from %s with extension .%s' % (data_src,
        filelist, num_data = load_list_from_file(data_src)
        datalist = None
    elif islist(data_src):
        if debug:
            assert all(
                isimage(data_tmp) for data_tmp in data_src
            ), 'input data source is not a list of numpy array image data'
        datalist = data_src
        num_data = len(datalist)
        filelist = None
        assert False, 'data source format is not correct.'
    if debug:
        assert (datalist is None and filelist is not None) or (
            filelist is None and datalist is not None), 'data is not correct'
        if datalist is not None:
            assert len(datalist) == num_data, 'number of data is not equal'
        if filelist is not None:
            assert len(filelist) == num_data, 'number of data is not equal'

    # convert label source to a list of numpy array label
    if label_src1 is None:
        labeldict1 = None
        labellist1 = None
    elif isfile(label_src1):
        assert is_path_exists(label_src1), 'file not found'
        _, _, ext = fileparts(label_src1)
        assert ext == '.json', 'only json extension is supported'
        labeldict1 = json.load(label_src1)
        num_label1 = len(labeldict1)
        assert num_data == num_label1, 'number of data and label is not equal.'
        labellist1 = None
    elif isdict(label_src1):
        labeldict1 = label_src1
        labellist1 = None
    elif isnparray(label_src1):
        if debug:
            assert label_src1.ndim == 1, 'only 1-d label is supported'
        labeldict1 = None
        labellist1 = label_src1
    elif islist(label_src1):
        if debug:
            assert all(
                np.array(label_tmp).size == 1
                for label_tmp in label_src1), 'only 1-d label is supported'
        labellist1 = label_src1
        labeldict1 = None
        assert False, 'label source format is not correct.'
    assert isfunction(label_preprocess_function1
                      ), 'label preprocess function is not correct.'

    # convert label source to a list of numpy array label
    if label_src2 is None:
        labeldict2 = None
        labellist2 = None
    elif isfile(label_src2):
        assert is_path_exists(label_src2), 'file not found'
        _, _, ext = fileparts(label_src2)
        assert ext == '.json', 'only json extension is supported'
        labeldict2 = json.load(label_src2)
        num_label2 = len(labeldict2)
        assert num_data == num_label2, 'number of data and label is not equal.'
        labellist2 = None
    elif isdict(label_src2):
        labeldict2 = label_src2
        labellist2 = None
    elif isnparray(label_src2):
        if debug:
            assert label_src2.ndim == 1, 'only 1-d label is supported'
        labeldict2 = None
        labellist2 = label_src2
    elif islist(label_src2):
        if debug:
            assert all(
                np.array(label_tmp).size == 1
                for label_tmp in label_src2), 'only 1-d label is supported'
        labellist2 = label_src2
        labeldict2 = None
        assert False, 'label source format is not correct.'
    assert isfunction(label_preprocess_function2
                      ), 'label preprocess function is not correct.'

    # warm up
    if datalist is not None:
        size_data = datalist[0].shape
        size_data = imread(filelist[0]).shape

    if labeldict1 is not None:
        if debug:
            assert isstring(label_name1), 'label name is not correct'
        labels1 = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype='float32')
        # label_value1 = [float(label_tmp_char) for label_tmp_char in labeldict1.values()]
        # label_range1 = np.array([min(label_value1), max(label_value1)])
    if labellist1 is not None:
        labels1 = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype='float32')
        # label_range1 = [np.min(labellist1), np.max(labellist1)]
    if label_src1 is not None and debug:
        assert label_range1 is not None, 'label range is not correct'
        assert (labeldict1 is not None and labellist1 is None) or (
            labellist1 is not None
            and labeldict1 is None), 'label is not correct'

    if labeldict2 is not None:
        if debug:
            assert isstring(label_name2), 'label name is not correct'
        labels2 = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype='float32')
        # label_value2 = [float(label_tmp_char) for label_tmp_char in labeldict2.values()]
        # label_range2 = np.array([min(label_value2), max(label_value2)])
    if labellist2 is not None:
        labels2 = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype='float32')
        # label_range2 = [np.min(labellist2), np.max(labellist2)]
    if label_src2 is not None and debug:
        assert label_range2 is not None, 'label range is not correct'
        assert (labeldict2 is not None and labellist2 is None) or (
            labellist2 is not None
            and labeldict2 is None), 'label is not correct'

    # start generating
    count_hdf = 1  # count number of hdf5 file
    clock = Timer()
    datalist_batch = list()
    for i in xrange(num_data):
        if filelist is not None:
            imagefile = filelist[i]
            _, name, _ = fileparts(imagefile)
            img = imread(imagefile).astype('float32')
            max_value = np.max(img)
            if max_value > 1 and max_value <= 255:
                img = img / 255.0  # [rows,col,channel,numbers], scale the image data to (0, 1)
            if debug:
                min_value = np.min(img)
                assert min_value >= 0 and min_value <= 1, 'data is not in [0, 1]'
        if datalist is not None:
            img = datalist[i]
        if debug:
            assert size_data == img.shape

        # process label
        if labeldict1 is not None:
            if debug:
                assert len(filelist) == len(
                    labeldict1), 'file list is not equal to label dictionary'

            labels1[i % batch_size, 0] = float(labeldict1[name])
        if labellist1 is not None:
            labels1[i % batch_size, 0] = float(labellist1[i])
        if labeldict2 is not None:
            if debug:
                assert len(filelist) == len(
                    labeldict2), 'file list is not equal to label dictionary'
            labels2[i % batch_size, 0] = float(labeldict2[name])
        if labellist2 is not None:
            labels2[i % batch_size, 0] = float(labellist2[i])

        # save to hdf5
        if i % batch_size == 0:
            data = preprocess_image_caffe(
                datalist_batch, debug=debug, vis=vis
            )  # swap channel, transfer from list of HxWxC to NxCxHxW

            # write to hdf5 format
            if filelist is not None:
                save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, '%s.hdf5' % name)
                save_path = os.path.join(save_dir,
                                         'image_%010d.hdf5' % count_hdf)
            h5f = h5py.File(save_path, 'w')
            h5f.create_dataset(data_name, data=data, dtype='float32')
            if (labeldict1 is not None) or (labellist1 is not None):
                # print(labels1)
                labels1 = label_preprocess_function1(data=labels1,
                # print(labels1)
                h5f.create_dataset(label_name1, data=labels1, dtype='float32')
                labels1 = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype='float32')

            if (labeldict2 is not None) or (labellist2 is not None):
                labels2 = label_preprocess_function2(data=labels2,
                h5f.create_dataset(label_name2, data=labels2, dtype='float32')
                labels2 = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype='float32')

            count_hdf = count_hdf + 1
            del datalist_batch[:]
            if debug:
                assert len(datalist_batch) == 0, 'list has not been cleared'
        average_time = clock.toc()
            'saving to %s: %d/%d, average time:%.3f, elapsed time:%s, estimated time remaining:%s'
            % (save_path, i + 1, num_data, average_time,
               convert_secs2time(average_time * i),
               convert_secs2time(average_time * (num_data - i))))

    return count_hdf - 1, num_data
Пример #11
def evaluate(args, loader, generator, num_samples, path):
    # ade_outer, fde_outer = [], []
    ade_all, fde_all = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter()
    total_obj = 0
    pred_len = args.pred_len
    dataset_name = args.dataset_name
    obj_class = dataset_name.split('_')[1][:3]

    save_dir, _, _ = fileparts(path)
    save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'results_%s' % get_timestring())
    result_file_single = os.path.join(save_dir, 'results.json')
    result_dict = dict()
    with torch.no_grad():
        for batch in loader:
            batch = [tensor.cuda() for tensor in batch]
            (obs_traj, pred_traj_gt, obs_traj_rel, pred_traj_gt_rel,
             non_linear_ped, loss_mask, seq_start_end, id_frame) = batch
            # obs_traj          frames x objects x 2
            # pred_traj_gt      frames x objects x 2
            # seq_Start_end     start, end of ped index in each timestamp, used for pooling at every timestamp
            # id_frame          2frames x objects x 3
            # loss_mask         objects x 2frames

            num_obs = obs_traj.size(0)
            num_objects = obs_traj.size(1)
            id_frame_pred = id_frame[num_obs:]  # frames x obj x 3
            loss_mask_pred = loss_mask[:, num_obs:]  # objects x seq_len

            ade, fde = [], []
            for sample_index in range(num_samples):
                pred_traj_fake_rel = generator(obs_traj, obs_traj_rel,
                pred_traj_fake = relative_to_abs(
                    pred_traj_fake_rel, obs_traj[-1])  # frames x objects x 2

                # save results
                for object_index in range(num_objects):
                    id_frame_tmp = id_frame_pred[:, object_index, :]
                    frame = int(id_frame_tmp[0, 0].item())

                    # seqname should be the same across frames
                    seq = np.unique(id_frame_tmp[:, -1].cpu().clone().numpy())
                    assert len(seq) == 1, 'error'
                    seqname = int2seqname(seq[0])  # AIODrive only

                    # seqname should be the same across frames
                    ID = np.unique(id_frame_tmp[:, 1].cpu().clone().numpy())
                    assert len(ID) == 1, 'error'
                    ID = int(ID[0])

                    # saving to individual frames
                    final_results = torch.cat([
                        id_frame_tmp[:, :2], pred_traj_fake[:, object_index, :]
                    save_path = os.path.join(
                        save_dir, seqname, 'frame_%06d' % (frame),
                        'sample_%03d' % sample_index + '.txt')
                    with open(save_path, 'a') as f:
                        np.savetxt(f, final_results, fmt="%.3f")

                    # saving to a single file, result format
                    # {seqname1: {frame1: {sample1: {ID1: {state: N x 2, prob: 1}}}, seqname2, ...}
                    if seqname not in result_dict.keys():
                        result_dict[seqname] = dict()
                    if frame not in result_dict[seqname].keys():
                        result_dict[seqname][frame] = dict()
                    if sample_index not in result_dict[seqname][frame].keys():
                        result_dict[seqname][frame][sample_index] = dict()
                    if ID not in result_dict[seqname][frame][
                        result_dict[seqname][frame][sample_index][ID] = dict()
                        ID]['state'] = pred_traj_fake[:, object_index, :].cpu(
                    result_dict[seqname][frame][sample_index][ID]['prob'] = 1.0

                # compute ADE
                ade_tmp = displacement_error(
                )  # list of ade for each object in the batch
                ade.append(ade_tmp)  # list of error for all samples

                # select the right last timestamp for FDE computation, i.e., not select the last frame if masked out
                pred_traj_last = []
                gt_traj_last = []
                for obj_tmp in range(num_objects):
                    loss_mask_tmp = loss_mask_pred[obj_tmp]  # seq_len
                    good_index = torch.nonzero(loss_mask_tmp)
                    if torch.nonzero(loss_mask_tmp).size(0) == 0:
                        pred_traj_last.append(torch.zeros(2).cuda() / 0)
                        gt_traj_last.append(torch.zeros(2).cuda() / 0)
                        last_index = torch.max(good_index)
                                                             obj_tmp, :])
                                                         obj_tmp, :])
                gt_traj_last = torch.stack(gt_traj_last, dim=0)  # num_obj x 2
                pred_traj_last = torch.stack(pred_traj_last,
                                             dim=0)  # num_obj x 2

                # compute FDE
                fde_tmp = final_displacement_error(pred_traj_last,
                fde.append(fde_tmp)  # list of error for all samples

            # select the one sample with the minimum errors, remove nan
            num_invalid = torch.sum(torch.isnan(ade_tmp))
            num_valid = pred_traj_gt.size(1) - num_invalid
            total_obj += num_valid  # only add No.obj if it is valid, not all future frames are padded
            ade_ave, num_obj = best_of_K(ade, seq_start_end, err_type='ADE')
            fde_ave, num_obj = best_of_K(fde, seq_start_end, err_type='FDE')
            ade_all.update(ade_ave, n=num_obj)
            fde_all.update(fde_ave, n=num_obj)

        actual_len = pred_len * args.skip
        final_dict = {actual_len: {obj_class: result_dict}}
        with open(result_file_single, 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump(final_dict, outfile)

        return ade_all.avg, fde_all.avg
# print(test)
# zxc

frame1 = load_image(image_list[0])
prvs = rgb2gray(frame1)         # uint8

# print(prvs)

hsv = np.zeros_like(frame1)
hsv[..., 1] = 255

image_index = 1
    image_path = image_list[image_index]
    _, filename, _ = fileparts(image_path)

    frame2 = load_image(image_path)
    next = rgb2gray(frame2)
    # save_image(next, '/home/xinshuo/aa.jpg')
    # zxc
    # cv2.imshow('asd', next)
    # k = cv2.waitKey(30)
    # zxc

    # ret, frame2 = cap.read()
    # next = cv2.cvtColor(frame2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    flow_uv = cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback(prvs, next, None, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0)

    rgb = flow_to_color(flow_uv, convert_to_bgr=False)
Пример #13
    assert False, 'error'

model = MaskRCNN(model_dir=save_dir, config=config)  # Create model object.
if config.GPU_COUNT: model = model.cuda()
model.load_weights(model_path)  # Load weights

##--------------------------------- Testing ----------------------------------##
image_list, num_list = load_list_from_folder(images_dir,
                                             ext_filter=['.png', '.jpg'],
print_log('testing results on %d images' % num_list, log=log_file)
count = 1
timer = Timer()
for image_file_tmp in image_list:
    parent_dir, filename, _ = fileparts(image_file_tmp)
    video_dir = parent_dir.split('/')[-1]
    # print(video_dir)
    # zxc

    image = load_image(image_file_tmp)
    results = model.detect([image])  # inference, results is a dictionary
    if len(results) == 0:
        count += 1
        print_log('Mask-RCNN demo: testing %d/%d, no detected results!!!!!' %
                  (count, num_list),

    # visualize and save results
    r = results[0]  # results from the first image
Пример #14
def vis(cam_transform, data_root, result_root):
    def show_image_with_boxes(img,
        img2 = np.copy(img)

        for obj in objects_res:
            box3d_pts_2d, _ = compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P)
            color_tmp = tuple(
                [int(tmp * 255) for tmp in colors[obj.id % max_color]])
            img2 = draw_projected_box3d(img2, box3d_pts_2d, color=color_tmp)
            text = 'ID: %d' % obj.id
            if box3d_pts_2d is not None:
                img2 = cv2.putText(
                    (int(box3d_pts_2d[4, 0]), int(box3d_pts_2d[4, 1]) - 8),

        img = Image.fromarray(img2)
        img = img.resize((width, height))
        img = img.convert('RGB')

    for seq in seq_list:
        #image_dir = os.path.join(data_root, 'image_02/%s' % seq)
        #calib_file = os.path.join(data_root, 'calib/%s.txt' % seq)
        #result_dir = os.path.join(result_root, '%s/trk_withid/%s' % (result_sha, seq))
        #save_3d_bbox_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, '../../trk_image_vis/%s' % seq); mkdir_if_missing(save_3d_bbox_dir)
        image_dir = '/home/ubuntu/xwp/datasets/multi_view_dataset/new/cam_sample/image_2'
        result_dir = '/home/ubuntu/xwp/datasets/multi_view_dataset/new/fuse_test/cam9+cam21/tracking_results/trk_withid/0000'
        calib_file = '/home/ubuntu/xwp/datasets/multi_view_dataset/346/calib/000000.txt'
        save_3d_bbox_dir = '/home/ubuntu/xwp/datasets/multi_view_dataset/new/fuse_test/cam9+cam21/trk_image_vis'

        # load the list
        images_list, num_images = load_list_from_folder(image_dir)
        print('number of images to visualize is %d' % num_images)
        cam_id = 'cam9'
        start_count = 8945
        end_count = 8950
        min_index = 8900
        for count in range(start_count, end_count):
            image_tmp = images_list[count]
            if not is_path_exists(image_tmp):
                count += 1
            image_index = int(fileparts(image_tmp)[1])
            image_tmp = np.array(Image.open(image_tmp))
            img_height, img_width, img_channel = image_tmp.shape

            result_tmp = os.path.join(
                '%06d.txt' % (image_index - min_index))  # load the result
            if not is_path_exists(result_tmp): object_res = []
            else: object_res = read_label(result_tmp)
            print('processing index: %d, %d/%d, results from %s' %
                  (image_index, count + 1, num_images, result_tmp))
            calib_tmp = Calibration(calib_file)  # load the calibration

            object_res_filtered = []
            cam_trans = cam_transform[cam_id]
            for object_tmp in object_res:
                if object_tmp.type not in type_whitelist: continue
                if hasattr(object_tmp, 'score'):
                    if object_tmp.score < score_threshold: continue
                center = object_tmp.t
                cord_p = np.zeros((1, 4))
                cord_p[0][0] = object_tmp.t[2]
                cord_p[0][1] = object_tmp.t[0]
                cord_p[0][2] = -object_tmp.t[1]
                cord_p[0][3] = 1
                rotation_y = object_tmp.ry * 180 / np.pi
                cam_matrix = cu.ClientSideBoundingBoxes.get_matrix(cam_trans)
                cam_to_world = np.dot(cam_matrix, np.transpose(cord_p))
                ry_cam2world = cu.ry_filter_a(
                    rotation_y - 90 + cam_trans.rotation.yaw) * np.pi / 180
                object_tmp.t = [
                    cam_to_world[1][0], -cam_to_world[2][0], cam_to_world[0][0]
                object_tmp.ry = cu.ry_filter(ry_cam2world)

            num_instances = len(object_res_filtered)
            save_image_with_3dbbox_gt_path = os.path.join(
                save_3d_bbox_dir, '%06d.jpg' % (image_index))
                                  object_res_filtered, [],
            print('number of objects to plot is %d' % (num_instances))
            count += 1
Пример #15
    def __init__(self, data_dir, obs_len=8, pred_len=12, skip=1, threshold=0.002, min_ped=0, delim='\t', \
        phase='training', split='test'):
        - data_dir: Directory containing dataset files in the format
        <frame_id> <ped_id> <x> <y>
        - obs_len: Number of time-steps in input trajectories
        - pred_len: Number of time-steps in output trajectories
        - skip: Number of frames to skip while making the dataset
        - threshold: Minimum error to be considered for non linear traj
        when using a linear predictor
        - min_ped: Minimum number of pedestrians that should be in a seqeunce
        - delim: Delimiter in the dataset files
        super(TrajectoryDataset, self).__init__()
        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.obs_len, self.pred_len = obs_len, pred_len
        self.seq_len = self.obs_len + self.pred_len
        self.delim, self.skip = delim, skip
        all_files, _ = load_list_from_folder(self.data_dir)
        num_peds_in_seq = []
        seq_list = []
        seq_list_rel = []
        loss_mask_list = []
        non_linear_ped = []
        seq_id_list = []
        for path in all_files:
            print_str = 'load %s\r' % path
            _, seq_name, _ = fileparts(path)
            data = read_file(path, delim)

            # as testing files only contains past, so add more windows
            if split == 'test':
                min_frame, max_frame = 0, 999
                num_windows = int(max_frame - min_frame + 1 - skip *
                                  (self.seq_len - 1))
                num_windows += (self.pred_len - 1) * skip + 1
                frames = np.unique(data[:, 0]).tolist()
                min_frame, max_frame = frames[0], frames[-1]
                num_windows = int(max_frame - min_frame + 1 - skip *
                                  (self.seq_len - 1)
                                  )  # include all frames for past and future

            # loop through every windows
            for window_index in range(num_windows):
                start_frame = int(window_index + min_frame)
                end_frame = int(start_frame + self.seq_len *
                                skip)  # right-open, not including this frame

                # reduce window during testing, only evaluate every N windows
                if phase == 'testing':
                    check_pass = check_eval_windows(start_frame +
                                                    self.obs_len * skip,
                                                    self.obs_len * skip,
                                                    self.pred_len * skip,
                    if not check_pass: continue

                # get data in current window
                curr_seq_data = []
                for frame in range(start_frame, end_frame, skip):
                    curr_seq_data.append(data[frame == data[:, 0], :])
                curr_seq_data = np.concatenate(curr_seq_data, axis=0)

                # initialize data
                peds_in_curr_seq = np.unique(curr_seq_data[:, 1])
                curr_seq_rel = np.zeros(
                    (len(peds_in_curr_seq), 2,
                     self.seq_len))  # objects x 2 x seq_len
                curr_seq = np.zeros((len(peds_in_curr_seq), 2, self.seq_len))
                curr_loss_mask = np.zeros(
                    (len(peds_in_curr_seq), self.seq_len))  # objects x seq_len
                id_frame_list = np.zeros(
                    (len(peds_in_curr_seq), 3,
                     self.seq_len))  # objects x 2 x seq_len
                num_peds_considered = 0
                _non_linear_ped = []

                # loop through every object in this window
                for _, ped_id in enumerate(peds_in_curr_seq):
                    curr_ped_seq = curr_seq_data[
                        curr_seq_data[:, 1] ==
                        ped_id, :]  # frames x 4 (frames can less than seqlen)
                    pad_front = int(curr_ped_seq[0, 0]) - start_frame
                    pad_end = int(curr_ped_seq[-1, 0]) - start_frame + skip
                    assert pad_end % skip == 0, 'error'
                    frame_existing = curr_ped_seq[:, 0].tolist()

                    # pad front and back data to make the trajectory complete
                    if pad_end - pad_front != self.seq_len * skip:

                        # pad end
                        to_be_paded_end = int(self.seq_len - pad_end / skip)
                        pad_end_seq = np.expand_dims(curr_ped_seq[-1, :],
                        pad_end_seq = np.repeat(pad_end_seq,
                        frame_offset = np.zeros((to_be_paded_end, 4),
                        frame_offset[:, 0] = np.array(
                            range(1, to_be_paded_end + 1))
                        pad_end_seq += frame_offset * skip  # shift first columns for frame
                        curr_ped_seq = np.concatenate(
                            (curr_ped_seq, pad_end_seq), axis=0)

                        # pad front
                        to_be_paded_front = int(pad_front / skip)
                        pad_front_seq = np.expand_dims(curr_ped_seq[0, :],
                        pad_front_seq = np.repeat(pad_front_seq,
                        frame_offset = np.zeros((to_be_paded_front, 4),
                        frame_offset[:, 0] = np.array(
                            range(-to_be_paded_front, 0))
                        pad_front_seq += frame_offset * skip
                        curr_ped_seq = np.concatenate(
                            (pad_front_seq, curr_ped_seq), axis=0)

                        # set pad front and end to correct values
                        pad_front = 0
                        pad_end = self.seq_len * skip

                    # add edge case when the object reappears at a bad frame
                    # in other words, missing intermediate frame
                    if curr_ped_seq.shape[0] != (pad_end - pad_front) / skip:
                        frame_all = list(
                            range(int(curr_ped_seq[0, 0]),
                                  int(curr_ped_seq[-1, 0]) + skip, skip))
                        frame_missing, _ = remove_list_from_list(
                            frame_all, curr_ped_seq[:, 0].tolist())

                        # pad all missing frames with zeros
                        pad_seq = np.expand_dims(curr_ped_seq[-1, :], axis=0)
                        pad_seq = np.repeat(pad_seq,
                        pad_seq[:, 0] = np.array(frame_missing)
                        pad_seq[:, 1] = ped_id  # fill ID
                        curr_ped_seq = np.concatenate((curr_ped_seq, pad_seq),
                        curr_ped_seq = curr_ped_seq[np.argsort(
                            curr_ped_seq[:, 0])]

                    assert pad_front == 0, 'error'
                    assert pad_end == self.seq_len * skip, 'error'

                    # make sure the seq_len frames are continuous, no jumping frames
                    start_frame_now = int(curr_ped_seq[0, 0])
                    if curr_ped_seq[-1, 0] != start_frame_now + (self.seq_len -
                                                                 1) * skip:

                    # make sure that past data has at least one frame
                    past_frame_list = [
                               start_frame_now + self.obs_len * skip, skip)
                    common = find_unique_common_from_lists(past_frame_list,
                    if len(common) == 0: continue

                    # make sure that future GT data has at least one frame
                    if phase != 'testing':
                        gt_frame_list = [
                            *range(start_frame_now + self.obs_len * skip,
                                   start_frame_now + self.seq_len * skip, skip)
                        common = find_unique_common_from_lists(gt_frame_list,
                        if len(common) == 0: continue

                    # only keep the state
                    cache_tmp = np.transpose(curr_ped_seq[:, :2])
                    curr_ped_seq = np.transpose(
                        curr_ped_seq[:, 2:])  # 2 x seq_len

                    # Make coordinates relative
                    rel_curr_ped_seq = np.zeros(curr_ped_seq.shape)
                                     1:] = curr_ped_seq[:,
                                                        1:] - curr_ped_seq[:, :
                    _idx = num_peds_considered
                    curr_seq[_idx, :, :] = curr_ped_seq
                    curr_seq_rel[_idx, :, :] = rel_curr_ped_seq

                    # record seqname, frame and ID information
                    id_frame_list[_idx, :2, :] = cache_tmp
                    id_frame_list[_idx, 2, :] = seqname2int(seq_name)

                    # Linear vs Non-Linear Trajectory, only fit for the future part not past part
                        poly_fit(curr_ped_seq, pred_len, threshold))

                    # add mask onto padded dummay data
                    frame_exist_index = np.array([
                        frame_tmp - start_frame_now
                        for frame_tmp in frame_existing
                    frame_exist_index = (frame_exist_index /
                    curr_loss_mask[_idx, frame_exist_index] = 1
                    num_peds_considered += 1

                if num_peds_considered > min_ped:
                    non_linear_ped += _non_linear_ped

        self.num_seq = len(seq_list)
        seq_list = np.concatenate(seq_list, axis=0)  # objects x 2 x seq_len
        seq_list_rel = np.concatenate(seq_list_rel, axis=0)
        loss_mask_list = np.concatenate(loss_mask_list, axis=0)
        non_linear_ped = np.asarray(non_linear_ped)
        seq_id_list = np.concatenate(seq_id_list, axis=0)

        # Convert numpy -> Torch Tensor
        self.obs_traj = torch.from_numpy(seq_list[:, :, :self.obs_len]).type(
        self.pred_traj = torch.from_numpy(seq_list[:, :, self.obs_len:]).type(
        self.obs_traj_rel = torch.from_numpy(
            seq_list_rel[:, :, :self.obs_len]).type(torch.float)
        self.pred_traj_rel = torch.from_numpy(
            seq_list_rel[:, :, self.obs_len:]).type(torch.float)
        self.loss_mask = torch.from_numpy(loss_mask_list).type(torch.float)
        self.non_linear_ped = torch.from_numpy(non_linear_ped).type(
        cum_start_idx = [0] + np.cumsum(num_peds_in_seq).tolist()
        self.seq_start_end = [
            (start, end)
            for start, end in zip(cum_start_idx, cum_start_idx[1:])
        self.seq_id_list = torch.from_numpy(seq_id_list).type(torch.float)
Пример #16
	elif train_dataset == 'kitti': model_path = '/media/xinshuo/Data/models/mask_rcnn_pytorch/%s/mask_rcnn_kitti_%04d.pth' % (model_folder, epoch)
	else: model_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'resnet50_imagenet.pth')    		# Path to trained weights from Imagenet
	model = MaskRCNN(model_dir=save_dir, config=config)			# Create model object.
	if config.GPU_COUNT: model = model.cuda()
	model.load_weights(model_path)    # Load weights 
	print_log('load weights from %s' % model_path, log=log_file)

	##--------------------------------- Build KITTI Evaluation Results ----------------------------------##
	id_list, num_list = load_list_from_file(split_file)
	print_log('KITTI Evaluation: testing results on %d images' % num_list, log=log_file) 
	count = 1
	timer = Timer(); timer.tic()
	# count_skipped = 0
	for id_tmp in id_list:
		image_file_tmp = os.path.join(images_dir, id_tmp+'.png')
		_, filename, _ = fileparts(image_file_tmp)
		bbox_eval_file_tmp = os.path.join(bbox_eval_folder, filename+'.txt'); bbox_eval_file_tmp = open(bbox_eval_file_tmp, 'w')
		label_matching_file_tmp	= os.path.join(label_bbox_match_dir, filename+'.txt')
		label_matching_file_tmp = open(label_matching_file_tmp, 'w')

		image = load_image(image_file_tmp)
		results = model.detect([image])		# inference, results is a dictionary
		elapsed = timer.toc(average=False)
		remaining_str = convert_secs2time((elapsed) / count * (num_list - count))
		elapsed_str = convert_secs2time(elapsed)
		if len(results) == 0: 
			count += 1
			print_str = 'KITTI %s: trained on %s, %d epochs, %d/%d, no detected result!!' % (split, train_dataset, epoch, count, num_list)
			print_log('%s, saving to %s' % (print_str, filename), log=log_file, display=False)	
Пример #17
def facial_landmark_evaluation(pred_dict_all, anno_dict, num_pts, error_threshold, normalization_ced=True, normalization_vec=False, covariance=True, display_list=None, debug=True, vis=False, save=True, save_path=None):
	evaluate the performance of facial landmark detection

		pred_dict_all:	a dictionary for all basline methods. Each key is the method name and the value is corresponding prediction dictionary, 
						which keys are the image path and values are 2 x N prediction results
		anno_dict: 		a dictionary which keys are the image path and values are 2 x N annotation results
		num_pts:		number of points
		vis:			determine if visualizing the pck curve
		save:			determine if saving the visualization results
		save_path:		a directory to save all the results

		1. 2d pck curve (total and point specific) for all points for all methods
		2. point error vector (total and point specific) for all points and for all methods
		3. mean square error

		metrics_all:	a list of list to have detailed metrics over all methods
		ptswise_mse:	a list of list to have average MSE over all key-points for all methods
	num_methods = len(pred_dict_all)
	if debug:
		assert isdict(pred_dict_all) and num_methods > 0 and all(isdict(pred_dict) for pred_dict in pred_dict_all.values()), 'predictions result format is not correct'
		assert isdict(anno_dict), 'annotation result format is not correct'
		assert ispositiveinteger(num_pts), 'number of points is not correct'
		assert isscalar(error_threshold), 'error threshold is not correct'
		assert islogical(normalization_ced) and islogical(normalization_vec), 'normalization flag is not correct'
		if display_list is not None: assert len(display_list) == num_methods, 'display list is not correct %d vs %d' % (len(display_list), num_methods)

	num_images = len(pred_dict_all.values()[0])
	if debug:
		assert num_images > 0, 'the predictions are empty'
		assert num_images == len(anno_dict), 'number of images is not equal to number of annotations: %d vs %d' % (num_images, len(anno_dict))
		assert all(num_images == len(pred_dict) for pred_dict in pred_dict_all.values()), 'number of images in results from different methods are not equal'

	# calculate normalized mean error for each single image based on point-to-point Euclidean distance normalized by the bounding box size
	# calculate point error vector for each single image based on error vector normalized by the bounding box size
	normed_mean_error_dict = dict()
	normed_mean_error_pts_specific_dict = dict()
	normed_mean_error_pts_specific_valid_dict = dict()
	pts_error_vec_dict = dict()
	pts_error_vec_pts_specific_dict = dict()
	mse_error_dict_dict = dict()
	for method_name, pred_dict in pred_dict_all.items():
		normed_mean_error_total = np.zeros((num_images, ), dtype='float32')
		normed_mean_error_pts_specific = np.zeros((num_images, num_pts), dtype='float32')
		normed_mean_error_pts_specific_valid = np.zeros((num_images, num_pts), dtype='bool')
		pts_error_vec = np.zeros((num_images, 2), dtype='float32')					
		pts_error_vec_pts_specific = np.zeros((num_images, 2, num_pts), dtype='float32')
		mse_error_dict = dict()
		count = 0
		count_skip_num_images = 0						# it's possible that no annotation exists on some images, than no error should be counted for those images, we count the number of those images
		for image_path, pts_prediction in pred_dict.items():
			_, filename, _ = fileparts(image_path)
			pts_anno = anno_dict[filename]				# 2 x N annotation
			pts_keep_index = range(num_pts)

			# to avoid list object type, do conversion here
			if islist(pts_anno): pts_anno = np.asarray(pts_anno)
			if islist(pts_prediction): pts_prediction = np.asarray(pts_prediction)
			if debug: assert (is2dptsarray(pts_anno) or is2dptsarray_occlusion(pts_anno)) and pts_anno.shape[1] == num_pts, 'shape of annotations is not correct (%d x %d) vs (%d x %d)' % (2, num_pts, pts_anno.shape[0], pts_anno.shape[1])

			# if the annotation has 3 channels (include extra occlusion channel, we keep only the points with annotations)
			# occlusion: -1 -> visible but not annotated, 0 -> invisible and not annotated, 1 -> visible, we keep only visible and annotated points
			if pts_anno.shape[0] == 3:	
				pts_keep_index = np.where(pts_anno[2, :] == 1)[0].tolist()
				if len(pts_keep_index) <= 0:		# if no point is annotated in current image
					count_skip_num_images += 1
				pts_anno = pts_anno[0:2, pts_keep_index]		
				pts_prediction = pts_prediction[:, pts_keep_index]
			# to avoid the point location includes the score or occlusion channel, only take the first two channels here	
			if pts_prediction.shape[0] == 3 or pts_prediction.shape[0] == 4: 
				pts_prediction = pts_prediction[0:2, :]

			num_pts_tmp = len(pts_keep_index)
			if debug:
				assert pts_anno.shape[1] <= num_pts, 'number of points is not correct: %d vs %d' % (pts_anno.shape[1], num_pts)
				assert pts_anno.shape == pts_prediction.shape, 'shape of annotations and predictions are not the same {} vs {}'.format(print_np_shape(pts_anno, debug=debug), print_np_shape(pts_prediction, debug=debug))
				# print 'number of points to keep is %d' % num_pts_tmp

			# calculate bbox for normalization
			if normalization_ced or normalization_vec:
				assert len(pts_keep_index) == num_pts, 'some points are not annotated. Normalization on PCK curve is not allowed.'
				bbox_anno = pts2bbox(pts_anno, debug=debug)							# 1 x 4
				bbox_TLWH = bbox_TLBR2TLWH(bbox_anno, debug=debug)					# 1 x 4
				bbox_size = math.sqrt(bbox_TLWH[0, 2] * bbox_TLWH[0, 3])			# scalar
			# calculate normalized error for all points
			normed_mean_error, _ = pts_euclidean(pts_prediction, pts_anno, debug=debug)	# scalar
			if normalization_ced: normed_mean_error /= bbox_size
			normed_mean_error_total[count] = normed_mean_error
			mse_error_dict[image_path] = normed_mean_error

			if normed_mean_error == 0:
				print pts_prediction
				print pts_anno

			# calculate normalized error point specifically
			for pts_index in xrange(num_pts):
				if pts_index in pts_keep_index:			# if current point not annotated in current image, just keep 0
					normed_mean_error_pts_specific_valid[count, pts_index] = True
				else: continue

				pts_index_from_keep_list = pts_keep_index.index(pts_index)
				pts_prediction_tmp = np.reshape(pts_prediction[:, pts_index_from_keep_list], (2, 1))
				pts_anno_tmp = np.reshape(pts_anno[:, pts_index_from_keep_list], (2, 1))
				normed_mean_error_pts_specifc_tmp, _ = pts_euclidean(pts_prediction_tmp, pts_anno_tmp, debug=debug)

				if normalization_ced: normed_mean_error_pts_specifc_tmp /= bbox_size
				normed_mean_error_pts_specific[count, pts_index] = normed_mean_error_pts_specifc_tmp

			# calculate the point error vector
			error_vector = pts_prediction - pts_anno 			# 2 x num_pts_tmp
			if normalization_vec: error_vector /= bbox_size
			pts_error_vec_pts_specific[count, :, pts_keep_index] = np.transpose(error_vector)
			pts_error_vec[count, :] = np.sum(error_vector, axis=1) / num_pts_tmp

			count += 1

		print 'number of skipped images is %d' % count_skip_num_images
		assert count + count_skip_num_images == num_images, 'all cells in the array must be filled %d vs %d' % (count + count_skip_num_images, num_images)
		# print normed_mean_error_total
		# time.sleep(1000)

		# save results to dictionary
		normed_mean_error_dict[method_name] = normed_mean_error_total[:count]
		normed_mean_error_pts_specific_dict[method_name] = normed_mean_error_pts_specific[:count, :]
		normed_mean_error_pts_specific_valid_dict[method_name] = normed_mean_error_pts_specific_valid[:count, :]
		pts_error_vec_dict[method_name] = np.transpose(pts_error_vec[:count, :])												# 2 x num_images
		pts_error_vec_pts_specific_dict[method_name] = pts_error_vec_pts_specific[:count, :, :]
		mse_error_dict_dict[method_name] = mse_error_dict

	# calculate mean value
	if mse:
		mse_value = dict()		# dictionary to record all average MSE for different methods
		mse_dict = dict()		# dictionary to record all point-wise MSE for different keypoints
		for method_name, error_array in normed_mean_error_dict.items():
			mse_value[method_name] = np.mean(error_array)
	else: mse_value = None

	# save mse error list to file for each method
	error_list_savedir = os.path.join(save_path, 'error_list')
	for method_name, mse_error_dict in mse_error_dict_dict.items():
		mse_error_list_path = os.path.join(error_list_savedir, 'error_%s.txt' % method_name)
		mse_error_list = open(mse_error_list_path, 'w')
		sorted_tuple_list = sorted(mse_error_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
		for tuple_index in range(len(sorted_tuple_list)):
			image_path_tmp = sorted_tuple_list[tuple_index][0]
			mse_error_tmp = sorted_tuple_list[tuple_index][1]
			mse_error_list.write('{:<200} {}\n'.format(image_path_tmp, '%.2f' % mse_error_tmp))
		print '\nsave mse error list for %s to %s' % (method_name, mse_error_list_path)

	# visualize the ced (cumulative error distribution curve)
	print('visualizing pck curve....\n')
	pck_savedir = os.path.join(save_path, 'pck')
	pck_savepath = os.path.join(pck_savedir, 'pck_curve_overall.png')
	table_savedir = os.path.join(save_path, 'metrics')
	table_savepath = os.path.join(table_savedir, 'detailed_metrics_overall.txt')
	_, metrics_all = visualize_ced(normed_mean_error_dict, error_threshold=error_threshold, normalized=normalization_ced, truncated_list=truncated_list, title='2D PCK curve (all %d points)' % num_pts, display_list=display_list, debug=debug, vis=vis, pck_savepath=pck_savepath, table_savepath=table_savepath)
	metrics_title = ['Method Name / Point Index']
	ptswise_mse_table = [[normed_mean_error_pts_specific_dict.keys()[index_tmp]] for index_tmp in xrange(num_methods)]
	for pts_index in xrange(num_pts):
		metrics_title.append(str(pts_index + 1))
		normed_mean_error_dict_tmp = dict()

		for method_name, error_array in normed_mean_error_pts_specific_dict.items():
			normed_mean_error_pts_specific_valid_temp = normed_mean_error_pts_specific_valid_dict[method_name]
			# Some points at certain images might not be annotated. When calculating MSE for these specific point, we remove those images to avoid "false" mean average error
			valid_array_per_pts_per_method = np.where(normed_mean_error_pts_specific_valid_temp[:, pts_index] == True)[0].tolist()
			error_array_per_pts = error_array[:, pts_index]
			error_array_per_pts = error_array_per_pts[valid_array_per_pts_per_method]
			num_image_tmp = len(valid_array_per_pts_per_method)
			# print(num_image_tmp)
			if num_image_tmp == 0: continue
			# aaa
			normed_mean_error_dict_tmp[method_name] = np.reshape(error_array_per_pts, (num_image_tmp, ))
		pck_savepath = os.path.join(pck_savedir, 'pck_curve_pts_%d.png' % (pts_index+1))
		table_savepath = os.path.join(table_savedir, 'detailed_metrics_pts_%d.txt' % (pts_index+1))

		if len(normed_mean_error_dict_tmp) == 0: continue
		metrics_dict, _ = visualize_ced(normed_mean_error_dict_tmp, error_threshold=error_threshold, normalized=normalization_ced, truncated_list=truncated_list, display2terminal=False, title='2D PCK curve for point %d' % (pts_index+1), display_list=display_list, debug=debug, vis=vis, pck_savepath=pck_savepath, table_savepath=table_savepath)
		for method_index in range(num_methods):
			method_name = normed_mean_error_pts_specific_dict.keys()[method_index]
			ptswise_mse_table[method_index].append('%.1f' % metrics_dict[method_name]['MSE'])
	# reorder the table
	order_index_list = [display_list.index(method_name_tmp) for method_name_tmp in normed_mean_error_pts_specific_dict.keys()]
	order_index_list = [0] + [order_index_tmp + 1 for order_index_tmp in order_index_list]

	# print table to terminal
	ptswise_mse_table = list_reorder([metrics_title] + ptswise_mse_table, order_index_list, debug=debug)
	table = AsciiTable(ptswise_mse_table)
	print '\nprint point-wise average MSE'
	print table.table
	# save table to file
	ptswise_savepath = os.path.join(table_savedir, 'pointwise_average_MSE.txt')
	table_file = open(ptswise_savepath, 'w')
	print '\nsave point-wise average MSE to %s' % ptswise_savepath

	# visualize the error vector map
	# print('visualizing error vector distribution map....\n')
	# error_vec_save_dir = os.path.join(save_path, 'error_vec')
	# mkdir_if_missing(error_vec_save_dir)
	# savepath_tmp = os.path.join(error_vec_save_dir, 'error_vector_distribution_all.png')
	# visualize_pts(pts_error_vec_dict, title='Point Error Vector Distribution (all %d points)' % num_pts, mse=mse, mse_value=mse_value, display_range=display_range, display_list=display_list, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, covariance=covariance, debug=debug, vis=vis, save_path=savepath_tmp)
	# for pts_index in xrange(num_pts):
	# 	pts_error_vec_pts_specific_dict_tmp = dict()
	# 	for method_name, error_vec_dict in pts_error_vec_pts_specific_dict.items():
	# 		pts_error_vec_pts_specific_valid = normed_mean_error_pts_specific_valid_dict[method_name]		# get valid flag
	# 		valid_image_index_per_pts = np.where(pts_error_vec_pts_specific_valid[:, pts_index] == True)[0].tolist()		# get images where the points with current index are annotated
	# 		print(len(valid_image_index_per_pts))

	# 		pts_error_vec_pts_specific_dict_tmp[method_name] = np.transpose(error_vec_dict[valid_image_index_per_pts, :, pts_index])		# 2 x num_images
	# 	savepath_tmp = os.path.join(error_vec_save_dir, 'error_vector_distribution_pts_%d.png' % (pts_index+1))
	# 	if mse:
	# 		mse_dict_tmp = visualize_pts(pts_error_vec_pts_specific_dict_tmp, title='Point Error Vector Distribution for Point %d' % (pts_index+1), mse=mse, display_range=display_range, display_list=display_list, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, covariance=covariance, debug=debug, vis=vis, save_path=savepath_tmp)
	# 		mse_best = min(mse_dict_tmp.values())
	# 		mse_single = dict()
	# 		mse_single['mse'] = mse_best
	# 		mse_single['num_images'] = len(valid_image_index_per_pts)			# assume number of valid images is equal for all methods
	# 		mse_dict[pts_index] = mse_single
	# 	else:
	# 		visualize_pts(pts_error_vec_pts_specific_dict_tmp, title='Point Error Vector Distribution for Point %d' % (pts_index+1), mse=mse, display_range=display_range, display_list=display_list, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, covariance=covariance, debug=debug, vis=vis, save_path=savepath_tmp)

	# save mse to json file for further use
	# if mse: 
	# 	json_path = os.path.join(save_path, 'mse_pts.json')

	# 	# if existing, compare and select the best
	# 	if is_path_exists(json_path):
	# 		with open(json_path, 'r') as file:
	# 			mse_dict_old = json.load(file)
	# 			file.close()

	# 		for pts_index, mse_single in mse_dict_old.items():
	# 			mse_dict_new = mse_dict[int(pts_index)]
	# 			mse_new = mse_dict_new['mse']
	# 			if mse_new < mse_single['mse']:
	# 				mse_single['mse'] = mse_new
	# 			mse_dict_old[pts_index] = mse_single

	# 		with open(json_path, 'w') as file:
	# 			print('overwrite old mse to {}'.format(json_path))
	# 			json.dump(mse_dict_old, file)
	# 			file.close()

	# 	else:
	# 		with open(json_path, 'w') as file:
	# 			print('save mse for all keypoings to {}'.format(json_path))
	# 			json.dump(mse_dict, file)
	# 			file.close()

	return metrics_all, ptswise_mse_table
Пример #18
def compute_metrics(gt_json, pred_json, split='test', total_sample=20):
    results_dir = fileparts(pred_json)[0]
    log_file = os.path.join(results_dir, 'eval_traj_log.txt')
    log_file = open(log_file, 'w')

    # data loading
    print_log('loading GT from %s' % gt_json, log_file)
    with open(gt_json, 'r') as file:
        gt_data = json.load(file)
    print_log('loading results from %s' % pred_json, log_file)
    with open(pred_json, 'r') as file:
        pred_data = json.load(file)

    # 4 metrics x 3 settings x 4 classes x N windows
    metrics = ['ADE', 'FDE', 'APD', 'FPD', 'MsR']  # set up metrics
    stats_meter = {}
    for pred_len in [10, 20, 50]:  # 1s, 2s, 5s prediction settings
        skip = len2skip[pred_len]

        for obj_class in ['Car', 'Ped', 'Cyc', 'Mot']:
            for metric_tmp in metrics:
                stats_meter['%s_%d_%s' % (metric_tmp, pred_len,
                                          obj_class)] = AverageMeter()
            gt_obj = gt_data[obj_class]
            if str(pred_len) not in pred_data.keys(): continue
            pred_data_len = pred_data[str(
                pred_len)]  # get prediction at a specific pred len
            if obj_class not in pred_data_len.keys(): continue
            pred_data_obj = pred_data_len[
                obj_class]  # get prediction for a specific class

            # loop through based on GT data so that missing prediction can be handled
            num_total_obj_valid, num_miss = 0, 0
            for seqname, gt_seq in gt_obj.items():
                gt_seq = np.array(gt_seq)  # N x 4

                # frame-centric evaluation, go through every possible window of frames, e.g., frame 1-20, 2-21 for 10->10
                frames = np.unique(gt_seq[:, 0]).tolist()
                min_frame, max_frame = frames[0], frames[-1]
                num_windows = int(max_frame - min_frame + 1 - pred_len * 2 +
                                  skip)  # this additional + 1 is correct
                for window_index in range(num_windows):
                    start_frame = int(window_index + min_frame + pred_len)
                    end_frame = int(start_frame + pred_len)

                    # check which window to be dropped
                    check_pass = check_eval_windows(start_frame, pred_len,
                    if not check_pass: continue

                    ####### filter frame windows, reserver any window with past data >= 1 frame, future data >= 1 frame
                    # filter out frame window where there is no GT inside
                    gt_window = []
                    for frame in range(start_frame, end_frame, skip):
                        gt_window.append(gt_seq[frame == gt_seq[:, 0], :])
                    gt_window = np.concatenate(
                        axis=0)  # N x 4, within a particular time window
                    if gt_window.shape[0] == 0: continue
                    ID_list = np.unique(gt_window[:, 1]).tolist()  # get GT IDs

                    # filter out frame window where there is no past observations at all
                    past_start = start_frame - pred_len
                    gt_window_past = []
                    for frame in range(past_start, start_frame, skip):
                        gt_window_past.append(gt_seq[frame == gt_seq[:, 0], :])
                    gt_window_past = np.concatenate(
                        axis=0)  # N x 4, within a particular time window
                    if gt_window_past.shape[0] == 0: continue

                    # filter out ID in this frame window when this ID has no past observations
                    for ID_tmp in ID_list:
                        gt_past = copy.copy(
                            gt_window_past[gt_window_past[:, 1] ==
                                           float(ID_tmp), :]
                        )  # (<=pred_len/skip) x 2, might have missing data
                        num_past_frames = gt_past.shape[0]
                        if num_past_frames == 0:
                            ID_list, _ = remove_unique_item_from_list(
                                ID_list, ID_tmp)
                    if len(ID_list) == 0: continue
                    num_total_obj_valid += len(ID_list)

                    # check prediction if have data in this seq and frame, otherwise all objects are missed
                        pred_window = pred_data_obj[seqname][str(
                            start_frame)]  # {sample: {ID: {state, prob}}}
                            pred_window = pred_data_obj[seqname][
                                start_frame]  # {sample: {ID: {state, prob}}}
                            print('No prediction data found for len of %d, %s, seq %s, frame %s' % \
                                (pred_len, obj_class, seqname, start_frame))
                            num_miss += len(ID_list)

                    ######## get predictions within this window
                    sample_count = 0
                    ade_list, fde_list = [], []
                    pred_all_sample, gt_all_sample = [], []

                    # sample must be in the outer loop to compute scene-specific min of ADE
                    for sample_index, pred_tmp in pred_window.items():
                        best_k_pred, best_k_gt = [], []
                        gt_mask = np.zeros(
                             int(pred_len /
                                 skip)))  # initialize mask on missing frames
                        keep_ID_index = []
                        for ID_count in range(len(ID_list)):
                            ID_tmp = ID_list[ID_count]

                            # check if prediction has data for this ID, otherwise this object is missed
                                pred_ID = pred_tmp[str(int(ID_tmp))]
                                    pred_ID = pred_tmp[int(ID_tmp)]
                                    if int(sample_index) == 0:
                                        num_miss += 1
                                        print('\nID %d missied in prediction data for len of %d, %s, seq %s, frame %s\n' % \
                                            (ID_tmp, pred_len, obj_class, seqname, start_frame))

                            # get prediction states
                            state, prob = pred_ID['state'], pred_ID['prob']
                            state = np.array(state)  # pred_len/skip x 2
                            assert state.shape[0] == pred_len / skip, 'error'

                            # get GT states
                            gt_ID = copy.copy(
                                gt_window[gt_window[:, 1] == float(ID_tmp), :]
                            )  # (<=pred_len/skip) x 2, might have missing data
                            assert gt_ID.shape[
                                0] > 0, 'error'  # this is guaranteed, as this ID exists so there is at least one frame of data for this ID
                            frame_exist = gt_ID[:, 0].tolist(
                            )  # get existing frames before completion
                            if gt_ID.shape[0] < pred_len / skip:
                                gt_ID = complete_data_window(
                                    gt_ID, start_frame, end_frame,
                                    skip)  # pred_len/skip x 2

                            # get GT mask
                            frame_exist_index = np.array([
                                frame_tmp - start_frame
                                for frame_tmp in frame_exist
                            frame_exist_index = (frame_exist_index /
                            gt_mask[ID_count, frame_exist_index] = 1

                            # store both prediction and GT
                                gt_ID[:, 2:]
                            )  # take only the state (last two columns)

                        # compute ADE/FDE in this sample
                        gt_mask = gt_mask[keep_ID_index, :]
                        best_k_pred = np.stack(
                            best_k_pred, axis=0)  # obj x pred_len/skip x 2
                        best_k_gt = np.stack(best_k_gt,
                                             axis=0)  # obj x pred_len/skip x 2
                        ade_tmp = compute_ADE(best_k_pred,
                        fde_tmp = compute_FDE(best_k_pred,

                        # aggregate all samples

                        # evaluation allows up to the first 20 samples
                        sample_count += 1
                        if sample_count > total_sample: break

                    # check if every sample has the same shape, i.e., has the same number of predictions of IDs
                        ade_array = np.stack(ade_list, axis=1)  # obj x samples
                        fde_array = np.stack(fde_list, axis=1)  # obj x samples
                        pred_all_sample = np.stack(
                            axis=0)  # samples x obj x frames x 2
                        gt_all_sample = np.stack(gt_all_sample, axis=0)
                        assert pred_all_sample.shape == gt_all_sample.shape, 'error'
                    except ValueError:
                        assert False, 'each sample has predictions with different set of IDs, please make sure every sample has the same shape of prediction (same set of IDs)'

                    # compute best of K ADE/FDE
                    ade_best, fde_best = best_of_K(ade_array, fde_array)
                    num_obj = ade_array.shape[
                        0]  # might less than len(ID_list) as some IDs are not contained in predictions
                    stats_meter['ADE_%s_%s' % (pred_len, obj_class)].update(
                        ade_best, n=num_obj)
                    stats_meter['FDE_%s_%s' % (pred_len, obj_class)].update(
                        fde_best, n=num_obj)

                    # compute APD/FPD for diversity
                    apd = compute_APD(pred_all_sample)
                    fpd = compute_FPD(pred_all_sample)
                    stats_meter['APD_%s_%s' % (pred_len, obj_class)].update(
                        apd, n=num_obj)
                    stats_meter['FPD_%s_%s' % (pred_len, obj_class)].update(
                        fpd, n=num_obj)

                    # only copying the ones under the current class when logging
                    stats_meter_show = {}
                    for metric_tmp, values in stats_meter.items():
                        if (str(pred_len)
                                in metric_tmp) and obj_class in metric_tmp:
                            stats_meter_show[metric_tmp] = values

                    # logging
                    stats_str = ' '.join([
                        f'{x[:3]}: {y.val:6.3f} ({y.avg:6.3f})'
                        for x, y in stats_meter_show.items()
                    print_str = 'Len: %d, %s, %s, %03d-%03d, %s\r' % \
                        (pred_len, obj_class, seqname, start_frame, end_frame-1, stats_str)
                    print_log(print_str, log_file, display=False)

            # compute missing rate metric
            missrate = num_miss * 1.0 / num_total_obj_valid
            stats_meter['MsR_%s_%s' % (pred_len, obj_class)].update(
                missrate, n=num_total_obj_valid)
            assert missrate == stats_meter['MsR_%s_%s' %
                                           (pred_len, obj_class)].avg, 'error'
            if num_miss > 0:
                print('\n\nMissing IDs: %d, total IDs: %d, miss rate: %.3f for len of %d, %s\n' % \
                    (num_miss, num_total_obj_valid, missrate, pred_len, obj_class))

    ################ logging
    print_log('', log_file)
    metric_all = dict()
    for pred_len in [10, 20, 50]:
        # compute average ADE/FDE/APD/FPD/MsR
        for metric in ['ADE', 'FDE', 'APD', 'FPD', 'MsR']:
            metric_all['%s_%d' % (metric, pred_len)] = list()
            for obj_class in ['Car', 'Ped', 'Cyc', 'Mot']:
                key_tmp = '%s_%d_%s' % (metric, pred_len, obj_class)
                num_value = stats_meter[key_tmp].count
                if num_value == 0: tmp_value = np.nan
                else: tmp_value = stats_meter[key_tmp].avg
                metric_all['%s_%d' % (metric, pred_len)].append(tmp_value)
            metric_all['%s_%d' % (metric, pred_len)] = np.array(
                metric_all['%s_%d' % (metric, pred_len)]).mean()

        # logging header
        print_log('', log_file)
        print_log('-' * 30 + ' STATS for length of %d ' % pred_len + '-' * 30,
        print_log(' ' * 5, log_file, same_line=True)
        print_log('ADE_%d'%pred_len+' '*2+'FDE_%d'%pred_len+' '*2+'APD_%d'%pred_len+' '*2+'FPD_%d'%pred_len+' '*2+'MsR_%d'%pred_len+' '*2, \
            log_file, same_line=True)
        print_log('', log_file)

        # logging table: row class, column metrics
        cur_class = 'Car'
        cur_index = 0
        for name, meter in stats_meter.items():
            num_value = meter.count
            if num_value == 0: final_value = np.nan
            else: final_value = meter.avg
            if str(pred_len) not in name: continue

            # check to see if switch from one class to the other
            if cur_class not in name:
                print_log('', log_file)
                cur_class = name[-3:]
                cur_index = 0

            # print all errors for this class
            if cur_index == 0:
                print_log('%s: ' % name[-3:], log_file, same_line=True)
            print_log('%6.3f  ' % final_value, log_file, same_line=True)
            cur_index += 1

        # print average value
        print_log('', log_file)
        print_log('Ave: ', log_file, same_line=True)
        for metric in ['ADE', 'FDE', 'APD', 'FPD', 'MsR']:
            ave_value = metric_all['%s_%d' % (metric, pred_len)]
            print_log('%6.3f  ' % ave_value, log_file, same_line=True)

        # print end of the logging
        print_log('', log_file)
        print_log('-' * 84, log_file)

    # filter out metrics other than len of 20
    output = dict()
    for key, value in metric_all.items():
        if '20' in key:  # only add length of 20 to output metric for EvalAI leaderboard
            output[key] = value
    pprint.pprint(output)  # print output metrics

    return output