Пример #1
def writeSemesterGroupRows(worksheet, semesterGroup,
                           timeTableSolution: Solution, orm: ORM, row) -> int:
    Writes the timetable for the given semestergroup to the excel file in the given worksheet.

        worksheet: The worksheet to write the timetables in.
        semesterGroup: The semesterGroup to write the timetable of.
        timeTableSolution: The timetable Solution.
        orm: The ORM file with all objects of the timetable.
        row: The current row in the worksheet to start with the timetables.

    Returns: The next row after the written timetables.

    # Make background for the semester number row.
                   len(orm.getTimeslots()) + 3, row,
    # Write semester number.
    worksheet.write_string(row, 0, "%d. Semester" % semesterGroup.semester,
    worksheet.set_row(row, 14)  # Row height.
    row += 1

    # Split the lessons in the course types and write rows with the lessons for each type.
    courseTypes = list(
        set(map(lambda l: l.course.type, semesterGroup.getLessons())))
    for courseType in courseTypes:
        row = writeCourseTypeRow(worksheet, courseType, timeTableSolution,
                                 semesterGroup, orm, row)

    return row
Пример #2
def writeStudyCourseRows(worksheet, semesterGroups,
                         timeTableSolution: Solution, orm: ORM, row) -> int:
    Writes the timetables for the given semesterGroups to the excel file in the given worksheet.

        worksheet: The worksheet to write the timetables in.
        semesterGroups: The semesterGroups to write the timetables of.
        timeTableSolution: The timetable Solution.
        orm: The ORM file with all objects of the timetable.
        row: The current row in the worksheet to start with the timetables.

    Returns: The next row after the written timetables.

    # Make background for the study course name row.
                   len(orm.getTimeslots()) + 3, row,
    worksheet.write_string(row, 0, semesterGroups[0].study_course,
    worksheet.set_row(row, 27.75)  # Row height.
    row += 1
    # Write timetables of the semester groups of the given study course.
    for semesterGroup in semesterGroups:
        row = writeSemesterGroupRows(worksheet, semesterGroup,
                                     timeTableSolution, orm, row)

    return row + 1
Пример #3
def writeDayAndTimeLine(worksheet, semesterName, orm, row) -> int:
    Write the rows with the timetable's weekdays and Timeslots.

        worksheet: The worksheet to add the rows in.
        semesterName: The name of the semester.
        orm: The ORM file with all objects of the timetable.
        row: The current row to write the content in.

    Returns: The next row after the written timetables.
    dayList = orm.getTimeslotsPerDay()
    dayMap = {}
    # Translate weekday names.
    for li in dayList:
        if li[0].weekday == Timeslot.MONDAY:
            dayMap["Montag"] = li
        elif li[0].weekday == Timeslot.TUESDAY:
            dayMap["Dienstag"] = li
        elif li[0].weekday == Timeslot.WEDNESDAY:
            dayMap["Mittwoch"] = li
        elif li[0].weekday == Timeslot.THURSDAY:
            dayMap["Donnerstag"] = li
        elif li[0].weekday == Timeslot.FRIDAY:
            dayMap["Freitag"] = li

    # Merge cells for semester name and writes the semester's name into it.
    worksheet.merge_range(row, 0, row + 2, 2, semesterName,
    column = 3
    worksheet.set_row(row, 26)

    for day, timeslots in dayMap.items():  # Write the Timeslots for each day.
        dayLength = len(timeslots)
        # Merge cells for weekday names and write the weekday's name into it.
        worksheet.merge_range(row, column, row, column + dayLength - 1, day,
        for timeslot in timeslots:
            # Write Timeslots numbers and times.
            worksheet.write_string(row + 1, column, "%d." % timeslot.number,
                row + 2, column,
                "%s - %s" % (timeslot.from_time, timeslot.to_time),
            column += 1

    return row + 3
Пример #4
def writeHeaderLine(worksheet, department, semesterName, subjectName,
                    col1Width, col2Width, col3Width, orm: ORM, row) -> int:
    Writes the worksheet header with creation date and department name.
    Also sets the width of the first three columns.

        worksheet: The worksheet to write the header in.
        department: The name of the timetable's department.
        semesterName: The name of the semester.
        subjectName: The subject of the worksheet's timetable. e.g. Teachers or Students.
        col1Width: Width of the first column.
        col2Width: Width of the second column.
        col3Width: Width of the third column.
        orm: The ORM file with all objects of the timetable.
        row: The last row in the worksheet.

    Returns: The next row after the written timetables.
    columnCount = len(orm.getTimeslots()) + 3

    # Write row with the current date.
    worksheet.write(row, 0, "Stand:", formatMap["simpleBoldFormat"])
    worksheet.write_datetime(row, 1, date.today(),
    row += 1

    # Main header line.
    # Add a background to the header row.
    makeBackground(worksheet, columnCount, row, formatMap["mainHeaderFormat"])
    # Set column widths.
    worksheet.set_column(0, 0, col1Width)
    worksheet.set_column(1, 1, col2Width)
    worksheet.set_column(2, 2, col3Width)
        3, columnCount,
        7)  # Width of the columns that contain the timetable Lessons.
    # Write main header contents.
    worksheet.write(row, 0, "Stundenplanung", formatMap["mainHeaderFormat"])
    worksheet.write(row, 3, "Fachbereich " + department,
    worksheet.write(row, 8, subjectName, formatMap["mainHeaderFormat"])
    # Set row height.
    worksheet.set_row(row, 27.75)
    row += 1

    # Weekday and timeslot line.
    row = writeDayAndTimeLine(worksheet, semesterName, orm, row)
    return row
Пример #5
    def add_sheet(self, workbook, sheet: str, data: list):
        worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet(name=sheet)
        worksheet.autofilter(0, 0, len(data), len(data[0]) - 1)

        for index in range(len(data[0])):
                width=self.get_column_width(data, index),

        bold = workbook.add_format({"bold": 1})
        worksheet.set_row(0, cell_format=bold)

        self.write_rows(worksheet, data)
Пример #6
def writeTeachersTimeTable(timeTableSolution, workbook, departmentName,
                           semesterName, orm):
    Creates a worksheet to the workbook and writes the timetable for all Teachers in the Solution.

        timeTableSolution: The timetable Solution
        workbook: The XlsxWriter Workbook.
        departmentName: Name of the university department of the timetable.
        semesterName: Name of the semester, e.g. WS 2018-19
        orm: The ORM file with all objects of the timetable.

    # Create a new worksheet.
    worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet("Lehrende")

    row = 0  # Row counter.
    row = writeHeaderLine(worksheet, departmentName, semesterName, "Lehrende",
                          18, 18, 8, orm, row)
    worksheet.freeze_panes(row, 0)

    teachers = orm.getTeachers()
    teachers.sort(key=lambda t: t.name
                  )  # The Teacher's should be occur in alphabetical order.
    for teacher in teachers:
        # Add a black row for separating the teachers.
        for column in range(len(orm.getTimeslots()) + 3):
            worksheet.write_blank(row, column, "",
        worksheet.set_row(row, 2)
        row += 1
        # Write the Teacher's rows.
        row = writeTeacherRows(worksheet, timeTableSolution, teacher, row, orm)
    # Add a black row after the last teacher.
    for column in range(len(orm.getTimeslots()) + 3):
        worksheet.write_blank(row, column, "",
    worksheet.set_row(row, 2)
 def writeTableFrame(self, worksheet, table_type):
     """Write Table Frame
         table_type: 1: Competition Analysis
                     2: Country TAM Analysis-PER
                     3: Network Analysis
     if table_type == 1:
         # first line of table
         worksheet.write_string("B5", "Operator Summary")
         self.mergeCellsAndWrite(worksheet, "C5:G5", "Pops")
         self.mergeCellsAndWrite(worksheet, "H5:L5", "Settlements")
         # second line of table
         worksheet.write_string("C6", "Total CPOPs")
         worksheet.write_string("D6", "4G")
         worksheet.write_string("E6", "3G+4G")
         worksheet.write_string("F6", "2G Only")
         worksheet.write_string("G6", "Unconnected")
         worksheet.write_string("H6", "Total")
         worksheet.write_string("I6", "4G")
         worksheet.write_string("J6", "3G+4G")
         worksheet.write_string("K6", "2G Only")
         worksheet.write_string("L6", "Unconnected")
     elif table_type == 2:
         # first line of table
         self.mergeCellsAndWrite(worksheet, "C4:D4", "PER")
         self.mergeCellsAndWrite(worksheet, "E4:K4", "Settlements")
         # second line of table
         worksheet.write_string("C5", "Population")
         worksheet.write_string("D5", "%")
         worksheet.write_string("E5", "Total")
         worksheet.write_string("F5", "5000+")
         worksheet.write_string("G5", "3000->5000")
         worksheet.write_string("H5", "1000->3000")
         worksheet.write_string("I5", "500->1000")
         worksheet.write_string("J5", "300->500")
         worksheet.write_string("K5", "300->5000")
         # third line of table
         worksheet.write_string("B6", "Total Count")
         # fourth line of table
         worksheet.write_string("B7", "Total Pops")
         # fifth line of table
         worksheet.write_string("B8", "Existing CPOPS")
         # sixth line of table
         worksheet.write_string("B9", "Total 4G CPOPS")
         # seventh line of table
         worksheet.write_string("B10", "Total 3G CPOPS")
         # eighth line of table
         worksheet.write_string("B11", "Total Fixed/WIFI CPOPS")
         # ninth line of table
         worksheet.set_row(12, None, None, {'collapsed': 1, 'hidden': True})
         # tenth line of table
         worksheet.write_string("B13", "3G-Only CPOPS")
         # eleventh line of table
         worksheet.write_string("B14", "2G-Only CPOPS")
         # twelfth line of table
         worksheet.write_string("B15", "Uncovered POPs")
         # thirteenth line of table
         worksheet.write_string("B16", "Total Opportunity POPs")
     elif table_type == 3:
         # first line of table
         worksheet.write_string("B4", "Capex/cpop Summary")
         worksheet.write_string("C4", "Total")
         worksheet.write_string("D4", "<$10/cpop")
         worksheet.write_string("E4", "$10<$20/cpop")
         worksheet.write_string("F4", "$20<$40/cpop")
         worksheet.write_string("G4", "$40<$60/cpop")
         worksheet.write_string("H4", "$60<$80/cpop")
         worksheet.write_string("I4", ">$80/cpop")
         # second to thirteen line of table
         suffixes = ["Opportunity POPs", "RAN CPOPs", "Sites"]
         categories = ["Total", "Greenfield", "2G Overlay", "3G Overlay"]
         row = 5
         for suffix in suffixes:
             for category in categories:
                                        "{0} {1}".format(category, suffix))
                 row += 1
         # fourteenth to eighteenth line of table
         worksheet.write_string("B{}".format(row), "Capex/cpop")
         row += 1
         worksheet.write_string("B{}".format(row), "Capex/site")
         row += 1
         suffixes = ["Capex/site"]
         categories = ["Greenfield", "2G Overlay", "3G Overlay"]
         for suffix in suffixes:
             for category in categories:
                                        "{0} {1}".format(category, suffix))
                 row += 1
         # ninteenth to 22th line of table
         worksheet.write_string("B{}".format(row), "Total CapEx")
         row += 1
         prefixes = ["Total CapEx"]
         categories = ["Greenfield Sites", "2G Overlay", "3G Overlay"]
         for prefix in prefixes:
             for category in categories:
                                        "{0}- {1}".format(prefix, category))
                 row += 1