Пример #1
class SiteConfigurationTests(TestCase):
    L{xmantissa.web.Site} defines how to create an HTTP server.
    def setUp(self):
        self.domain = u"example.com"
        self.store = Store()
        self.site = SiteConfiguration(store=self.store, hostname=self.domain)

    def test_interfaces(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration} implements L{IProtocolFactoryFactory} and
        self.assertTrue(verifyObject(ISiteURLGenerator, self.site))
        self.assertTrue(verifyObject(IProtocolFactoryFactory, self.site))

    def _baseTest(self, portType, scheme, portNumber, method):
        portType(store=self.store, portNumber=portNumber, factory=self.site)
            getattr(self.site, method)(), URL(scheme, self.domain))

    def test_cleartextRoot(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.cleartextRoot} method returns the proper URL for
        HTTP communication with this site.
        self._baseTest(TCPPort, 'http', 80, 'cleartextRoot')

    def test_encryptedRoot(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.encryptedRoot} method returns the proper URL for
        HTTPS communication with this site.
        self._baseTest(SSLPort, 'https', 443, 'encryptedRoot')

    def _nonstandardPortTest(self, portType, scheme, portNumber, method):
        portType(store=self.store, portNumber=portNumber, factory=self.site)
            getattr(self.site, method)(),
            URL(scheme, '%s:%s' % (self.domain, portNumber)))

    def test_cleartextRootNonstandardPort(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.cleartextRoot} method returns the proper URL for
        HTTP communication with this site even if the server is listening on a
        non-standard port number.
        self._nonstandardPortTest(TCPPort, 'http', 8000, 'cleartextRoot')

    def test_encryptedRootNonstandardPort(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.encryptedRoot} method returns the proper URL for
        HTTPS communication with this site even if the server is listening on a
        non-standard port number.
        self._nonstandardPortTest(SSLPort, 'https', 8443, 'encryptedRoot')

    def _unavailableTest(self, method):
        self.assertEquals(getattr(self.site, method)(), None)

    def test_cleartextRootUnavailable(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.cleartextRoot} method returns None if there is no
        HTTP server listening.

    def test_encryptedRootUnavailable(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.encryptedRoot} method returns None if there is no
        HTTPS server listening.

    def _hostOverrideTest(self, portType, scheme, portNumber, method):
        portType(store=self.store, portNumber=portNumber, factory=self.site)
            getattr(self.site, method)(u'example.net'),
            URL(scheme, 'example.net'))

    def test_cleartextRootHostOverride(self):
        A hostname passed to L{SiteConfiguration.cleartextRoot} overrides the
        configured hostname in the result.
        self._hostOverrideTest(TCPPort, 'http', 80, 'cleartextRoot')

    def test_encryptedRootHostOverride(self):
        A hostname passed to L{SiteConfiguration.encryptedRoot} overrides the
        configured hostname in the result.
        self._hostOverrideTest(SSLPort, 'https', 443, 'encryptedRoot')

    def _portZero(self, portType, scheme, method):
        randomPort = 7777

        class FakePort(object):
            def getHost(self):
                return IPv4Address('TCP', u'example.com', randomPort)

        port = portType(store=self.store, portNumber=0, factory=self.site)
        port.listeningPort = FakePort()
            getattr(self.site, method)(),
            URL(scheme, '%s:%s' % (self.domain, randomPort)))

    def test_cleartextRootPortZero(self):
        When the C{portNumber} of a started L{TCPPort} which refers to the
        C{SiteConfiguration} is C{0}, L{SiteConfiguration.cleartextRoot}
        returns an URL with the port number which was actually bound in the
        self._portZero(TCPPort, 'http', 'cleartextRoot')

    def test_encryptedRootPortZero(self):
        When the C{portNumber} of a started L{SSLPort} which refers to the
        C{SiteConfiguration} is C{0}, L{SiteConfiguration.encryptedRoot}
        returns an URL with the port number which was actually bound in the
        self._portZero(SSLPort, 'https', 'encryptedRoot')

    def _portZeroDisconnected(self, portType, method):
        portType(store=self.store, portNumber=0, factory=self.site)
        self.assertEquals(None, getattr(self.site, method)())

    def test_cleartextRootPortZeroDisconnected(self):
        When the C{portNumber} of an unstarted L{TCPPort} which refers to the
        C{SiteConfiguration} is C{0}, L{SiteConfiguration.cleartextRoot}
        returns C{None}.
        self._portZeroDisconnected(TCPPort, 'cleartextRoot')

    def test_encryptedRootPortZeroDisconnected(self):
        When the C{portNumber} of an unstarted L{SSLPort} which refers to the
        C{SiteConfiguration} is C{0}, L{SiteConfiguration.encryptedRoot}
        returns C{None}.
        self._portZeroDisconnected(SSLPort, 'encryptedRoot')

    def test_rootURL(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns C{/} for a request made onto the
        hostname with which the L{SiteConfiguration} is configured.
        request = FakeRequest(headers={'host': self.domain.encode('ascii')})
        self.assertEqual(self.site.rootURL(request), URL('', ''))

    def test_rootURLWithoutHost(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns C{/} for a request made without a
        I{Host} header.
        request = FakeRequest()
        self.assertEqual(self.site.rootURL(request), URL('', ''))

    def test_rootURLWWWSubdomain(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns C{/} for a request made onto the
        I{www} subdomain of the hostname of the L{SiteConfiguration}.
        request = FakeRequest(
            headers={'host': 'www.' + self.domain.encode('ascii')})
        self.assertEqual(self.site.rootURL(request), URL('', ''))

    def _differentHostnameTest(self, portType, portNumber, isSecure, scheme):
        request = FakeRequest(
            headers={'host': 'alice.' + self.domain.encode('ascii')})
        portType(store=self.store, factory=self.site, portNumber=portNumber)
        self.assertEqual(self.site.rootURL(request), URL(scheme, self.domain))

    def test_cleartextRootURLDifferentHostname(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns an absolute URL with the HTTP
        scheme and its hostname as the netloc and with a path of C{/} for a
        request made over HTTP onto a hostname different from the hostname of the

        self._differentHostnameTest(TCPPort, 80, False, 'http')

    def test_encryptedRootURLDifferentHostname(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns an absolute URL with its hostname
        as the netloc and with a path of C{/} for a request made over HTTPS onto a
        hostname different from the hostname of the L{SiteConfiguration}.
        self._differentHostnameTest(SSLPort, 443, True, 'https')

    def _differentHostnameNonstandardPort(self, portType, isSecure, scheme):
        portNumber = 12345
        request = FakeRequest(
            headers={'host': 'alice.' + self.domain.encode('ascii')})
        portType(store=self.store, factory=self.site, portNumber=portNumber)
            URL(scheme, '%s:%s' % (self.domain.encode('ascii'), portNumber)))

    def test_cleartextRootURLDifferentHostnameNonstandardPort(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns an absolute URL with an HTTP
        scheme and an explicit port number in the netloc for a request made
        over HTTP onto a hostname different from the hostname of the
        L{SiteConfiguration} if the L{SiteConfiguration} has an HTTP server on
        a non-standard port.
        self._differentHostnameNonstandardPort(TCPPort, False, 'http')

    def test_encryptedRootURLDifferentHostnameNonstandardPort(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns an absolute URL with an HTTPS
        scheme and an explicit port number in the netloc for a request made
        over HTTPS onto a hostname different from the hostname of the
        L{SiteConfiguration} if the L{SiteConfiguration} has an HTTPS server on
        a non-standard port.
        self._differentHostnameNonstandardPort(SSLPort, True, 'https')

    def test_rootURLNonstandardRequestPort(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns C{/} for a request made onto a
        non-standard port which is one on which the L{SiteConfiguration} is
        configured to listen.
        request = FakeRequest(
            headers={'host': '%s:%s' % (self.domain.encode('ascii'), 54321)})
        TCPPort(store=self.store, factory=self.site, portNumber=54321)
        self.assertEqual(self.site.rootURL(request), URL('', ''))
Пример #2
class SiteConfigurationTests(TestCase):
    L{xmantissa.web.Site} defines how to create an HTTP server.
    def setUp(self):
        self.domain = u"example.com"
        self.store = Store()
        self.site = SiteConfiguration(store=self.store, hostname=self.domain)

    def test_interfaces(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration} implements L{IProtocolFactoryFactory} and
        self.assertTrue(verifyObject(ISiteURLGenerator, self.site))
        self.assertTrue(verifyObject(IProtocolFactoryFactory, self.site))

    def _baseTest(self, portType, scheme, portNumber, method):
        portType(store=self.store, portNumber=portNumber, factory=self.site)
            getattr(self.site, method)(), URL(scheme, self.domain))

    def test_cleartextRoot(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.cleartextRoot} method returns the proper URL for
        HTTP communication with this site.
        self._baseTest(TCPPort, 'http', 80, 'cleartextRoot')

    def test_encryptedRoot(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.encryptedRoot} method returns the proper URL for
        HTTPS communication with this site.
        self._baseTest(SSLPort, 'https', 443, 'encryptedRoot')

    def _nonstandardPortTest(self, portType, scheme, portNumber, method):
        portType(store=self.store, portNumber=portNumber, factory=self.site)
            getattr(self.site, method)(),
            URL(scheme, '%s:%s' % (self.domain, portNumber)))

    def test_cleartextRootNonstandardPort(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.cleartextRoot} method returns the proper URL for
        HTTP communication with this site even if the server is listening on a
        non-standard port number.
        self._nonstandardPortTest(TCPPort, 'http', 8000, 'cleartextRoot')

    def test_encryptedRootNonstandardPort(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.encryptedRoot} method returns the proper URL for
        HTTPS communication with this site even if the server is listening on a
        non-standard port number.
        self._nonstandardPortTest(SSLPort, 'https', 8443, 'encryptedRoot')

    def _unavailableTest(self, method):
        self.assertEquals(getattr(self.site, method)(), None)

    def test_cleartextRootUnavailable(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.cleartextRoot} method returns None if there is no
        HTTP server listening.

    def test_encryptedRootUnavailable(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.encryptedRoot} method returns None if there is no
        HTTPS server listening.

    def _hostOverrideTest(self, portType, scheme, portNumber, method):
        portType(store=self.store, portNumber=portNumber, factory=self.site)
            getattr(self.site, method)(u'example.net'),
            URL(scheme, 'example.net'))

    def test_cleartextRootHostOverride(self):
        A hostname passed to L{SiteConfiguration.cleartextRoot} overrides the
        configured hostname in the result.
        self._hostOverrideTest(TCPPort, 'http', 80, 'cleartextRoot')

    def test_encryptedRootHostOverride(self):
        A hostname passed to L{SiteConfiguration.encryptedRoot} overrides the
        configured hostname in the result.
        self._hostOverrideTest(SSLPort, 'https', 443, 'encryptedRoot')

    def _portZero(self, portType, scheme, method):
        randomPort = 7777

        class FakePort(object):
            def getHost(self):
                return IPv4Address('TCP', u'example.com', randomPort)

        port = portType(store=self.store, portNumber=0, factory=self.site)
        port.listeningPort = FakePort()
            getattr(self.site, method)(),
            URL(scheme, '%s:%s' % (self.domain, randomPort)))

    def test_cleartextRootPortZero(self):
        When the C{portNumber} of a started L{TCPPort} which refers to the
        C{SiteConfiguration} is C{0}, L{SiteConfiguration.cleartextRoot}
        returns an URL with the port number which was actually bound in the
        self._portZero(TCPPort, 'http', 'cleartextRoot')

    def test_encryptedRootPortZero(self):
        When the C{portNumber} of a started L{SSLPort} which refers to the
        C{SiteConfiguration} is C{0}, L{SiteConfiguration.encryptedRoot}
        returns an URL with the port number which was actually bound in the
        self._portZero(SSLPort, 'https', 'encryptedRoot')

    def _portZeroDisconnected(self, portType, method):
        portType(store=self.store, portNumber=0, factory=self.site)
        self.assertEquals(None, getattr(self.site, method)())

    def test_cleartextRootPortZeroDisconnected(self):
        When the C{portNumber} of an unstarted L{TCPPort} which refers to the
        C{SiteConfiguration} is C{0}, L{SiteConfiguration.cleartextRoot}
        returns C{None}.
        self._portZeroDisconnected(TCPPort, 'cleartextRoot')

    def test_encryptedRootPortZeroDisconnected(self):
        When the C{portNumber} of an unstarted L{SSLPort} which refers to the
        C{SiteConfiguration} is C{0}, L{SiteConfiguration.encryptedRoot}
        returns C{None}.
        self._portZeroDisconnected(SSLPort, 'encryptedRoot')

    def test_rootURL(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns C{/} for a request made onto the
        hostname with which the L{SiteConfiguration} is configured.
        request = FakeRequest(headers={
            'host': self.domain.encode('ascii')})
        self.assertEqual(self.site.rootURL(request), URL('', ''))

    def test_rootURLWithoutHost(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns C{/} for a request made without a
        I{Host} header.
        request = FakeRequest()
        self.assertEqual(self.site.rootURL(request), URL('', ''))

    def test_rootURLWWWSubdomain(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns C{/} for a request made onto the
        I{www} subdomain of the hostname of the L{SiteConfiguration}.
        request = FakeRequest(headers={
            'host': 'www.' + self.domain.encode('ascii')})
        self.assertEqual(self.site.rootURL(request), URL('', ''))

    def test_rootURLAlternateSubdomain(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns C{/} for a request made onto a
        subdomain known as an internal domain.
            store=self.store, localpart=u'username', domain=u'example.org',
            internal=True, protocol=u'*', verified=True, account=self.store)
        request = FakeRequest(headers={
            'host': 'example.org'})
        self.assertEqual(self.site.rootURL(request), URL('', ''))

    def _differentHostnameTest(self, portType, portNumber, isSecure, scheme):
        request = FakeRequest(isSecure=isSecure, headers={
            'host': 'alice.' + self.domain.encode('ascii')})
        portType(store=self.store, factory=self.site, portNumber=portNumber)
        self.assertEqual(self.site.rootURL(request), URL(scheme, self.domain))

    def test_cleartextRootURLDifferentHostname(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns an absolute URL with the HTTP
        scheme and its hostname as the netloc and with a path of C{/} for a
        request made over HTTP onto a hostname different from the hostname of the

        self._differentHostnameTest(TCPPort, 80, False, 'http')

    def test_encryptedRootURLDifferentHostname(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns an absolute URL with its hostname
        as the netloc and with a path of C{/} for a request made over HTTPS onto a
        hostname different from the hostname of the L{SiteConfiguration}.
        self._differentHostnameTest(SSLPort, 443, True, 'https')

    def _differentHostnameNonstandardPort(self, portType, isSecure, scheme):
        portNumber = 12345
        request = FakeRequest(isSecure=isSecure, headers={
            'host': 'alice.' + self.domain.encode('ascii')})
        portType(store=self.store, factory=self.site, portNumber=portNumber)
            URL(scheme, '%s:%s' % (self.domain.encode('ascii'), portNumber)))

    def test_cleartextRootURLDifferentHostnameNonstandardPort(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns an absolute URL with an HTTP
        scheme and an explicit port number in the netloc for a request made
        over HTTP onto a hostname different from the hostname of the
        L{SiteConfiguration} if the L{SiteConfiguration} has an HTTP server on
        a non-standard port.
        self._differentHostnameNonstandardPort(TCPPort, False, 'http')

    def test_encryptedRootURLDifferentHostnameNonstandardPort(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns an absolute URL with an HTTPS
        scheme and an explicit port number in the netloc for a request made
        over HTTPS onto a hostname different from the hostname of the
        L{SiteConfiguration} if the L{SiteConfiguration} has an HTTPS server on
        a non-standard port.
        self._differentHostnameNonstandardPort(SSLPort, True, 'https')

    def test_rootURLNonstandardRequestPort(self):
        L{SiteConfiguration.rootURL} returns C{/} for a request made onto a
        non-standard port which is one on which the L{SiteConfiguration} is
        configured to listen.
        request = FakeRequest(headers={
            'host': '%s:%s' % (self.domain.encode('ascii'), 54321)})
        TCPPort(store=self.store, factory=self.site, portNumber=54321)
        self.assertEqual(self.site.rootURL(request), URL('', ''))