def export(self, fileName=None, toBytes=False, copy=False): if toBytes is False and copy is False and fileName is None: self.fileSaveDialog( filter= f"{translate('Exporter', 'Scalable Vector Graphics')} (*.svg)") return ## Qt's SVG generator is not complete. (notably, it lacks clipping) ## Instead, we will use Qt to generate SVG for each item independently, ## then manually reconstruct the entire document. options = { ch.value() for ch in self.params.children()} options['background'] = self.params['background'] options['width'] = self.params['width'] options['height'] = self.params['height'] xml = generateSvg(self.item, options) if toBytes: return xml.encode('UTF-8') elif copy: md = QtCore.QMimeData() md.setData('image/svg+xml', QtCore.QByteArray(xml.encode('UTF-8'))) QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(md) else: with open(fileName, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(asUnicode(xml).encode('utf-8'))
def export(self, fileName=None, toBytes=False, copy=False): if toBytes is False and copy is False and fileName is None: self.fileSaveDialog(filter="Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg)") return #self.svg = QtSvg.QSvgGenerator() #self.svg.setFileName(fileName) #dpi = QtGui.QDesktopWidget().physicalDpiX() ### not really sure why this works, but it seems to be important: #self.svg.setSize(QtCore.QSize(self.params['width']*dpi/90., self.params['height']*dpi/90.)) #self.svg.setResolution(dpi) ##self.svg.setViewBox() #targetRect = QtCore.QRect(0, 0, self.params['width'], self.params['height']) #sourceRect = self.getSourceRect() #painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.svg) #try: #self.setExportMode(True) #self.render(painter, QtCore.QRectF(targetRect), sourceRect) #finally: #self.setExportMode(False) #painter.end() ## Workaround to set pen widths correctly #data = open(fileName).readlines() #for i in range(len(data)): #line = data[i] #m = re.match(r'(<g .*)stroke-width="1"(.*transform="matrix\(([^\)]+)\)".*)', line) #if m is not None: ##print "Matched group:", line #g = m.groups() #matrix = list(map(float, g[2].split(','))) ##print "matrix:", matrix #scale = max(abs(matrix[0]), abs(matrix[3])) #if scale == 0 or scale == 1.0: #continue #data[i] = g[0] + ' stroke-width="%0.2g" ' % (1.0/scale) + g[1] + '\n' ##print "old line:", line ##print "new line:", data[i] #open(fileName, 'w').write(''.join(data)) ## Qt's SVG generator is not complete. (notably, it lacks clipping) ## Instead, we will use Qt to generate SVG for each item independently, ## then manually reconstruct the entire document. xml = generateSvg(self.item) if toBytes: return xml.encode('UTF-8') elif copy: md = QtCore.QMimeData() md.setData('image/svg+xml', QtCore.QByteArray(xml.encode('UTF-8'))) QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(md) else: with open(fileName, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(asUnicode(xml).encode('utf-8'))
def export(self, fileName=None, toBytes=False, copy=False): if toBytes is False and copy is False and fileName is None: self.fileSaveDialog(filter="Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg)") return ## Qt's SVG generator is not complete. (notably, it lacks clipping) ## Instead, we will use Qt to generate SVG for each item independently, ## then manually reconstruct the entire document. xml = generateSvg(self.item) if toBytes: return xml.encode('UTF-8') elif copy: md = QtCore.QMimeData() md.setData('image/svg+xml', QtCore.QByteArray(xml.encode('UTF-8'))) QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(md) else: with open(fileName, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(asUnicode(xml).encode('utf-8'))