Пример #1
def main():
    score_threshold = 0.00001
    if not exists(join('results', f'D{config.phi}')):
        os.makedirs(join('results', f'D{config.phi}'))
    train_model, inference_model = build_model(phi=config.phi,
    inference_model.load_weights(config.weight_path, by_name=True)
    f_names = []
    with open(join(config.data_dir, 'val.txt')) as reader:
        for line in reader.readlines():
            f_names.append(line.rstrip().split(' ')[0])
    result_dict = {}
    for f_name in tqdm.tqdm(f_names):
        image_path = join(config.data_dir, config.image_dir, f_name + '.jpg')
        label_path = join(config.data_dir, config.label_dir, f_name + '.xml')
        image = cv2.imread(image_path)
        src_image = image.copy()
        image = image[:, :, ::-1]
        h, w = image.shape[:2]

        image, scale = preprocess_image(image, image_size=config.image_size)
        boxes, scores, labels = inference_model.predict_on_batch(
            [np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)])
        boxes, scores, labels = np.squeeze(boxes), np.squeeze(
            scores), np.squeeze(labels)
        boxes = postprocess_boxes(boxes=boxes, scale=scale, height=h, width=w)

        indices = np.where(scores[:] > score_threshold)[0]

        boxes = boxes[indices]

        draw_boxes(src_image, boxes)
        pred_boxes_np = []
        for pred_box in boxes:
            x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = pred_box
            pred_boxes_np.append([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max])
        true_boxes = []
        for element in parse_fn(label_path).getroot().iter('object'):
            box = find_node(element, 'bndbox')
            x_min = find_node(box, 'xmin', 'bndbox.xmin', parse=float) - 1
            y_min = find_node(box, 'ymin', 'bndbox.ymin', parse=float) - 1
            x_max = find_node(box, 'xmax', 'bndbox.xmax', parse=float) - 1
            y_max = find_node(box, 'ymax', 'bndbox.ymax', parse=float) - 1
            true_boxes.append([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max])
        result = {
            'detection_boxes': pred_boxes_np,
            'groundtruth_boxes': true_boxes,
            'confidence': scores
        result_dict[f'{f_name}.jpg'] = result
        cv2.imwrite(join('results', f'D{config.phi}', basename(image_path)),
                    src_image[:, :, ::-1])
        # cv2.namedWindow('image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
        # cv2.imshow('image', src_image)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
    with open(join('results', f'D{config.phi}', 'd4.pickle'), 'wb') as writer:
        pickle.dump(result_dict, writer)
Пример #2
def load_label(f_name):
        tree = parse_fn(
            join(config.base_dir, config.label_dir, f_name + '.xml'))
        return parse_annotations(tree.getroot())
    except ParseError as error:
        raise_from(ValueError(f'invalid annotations file: {f_name}: {error}'),
    except ValueError as error:
        raise_from(ValueError(f'invalid annotations file: {f_name}: {error}'),
Пример #3
def main():
    threshold = 0.22
    pipeline_config = join('weights', 'D4', 'd4.config')

    configs = config_util.get_configs_from_pipeline_file(pipeline_config)
    model_config = configs['model']
    detection_model = model_builder.build(model_config=model_config,

    ckpt = tf.compat.v2.train.Checkpoint(model=detection_model)
    ckpt.restore(join('weights', 'D4', 'ckpt-389')).expect_partial()
    detect_fn = detection_function(detection_model)

    f_names = []
    with open(join('..', 'Dataset', 'Dubai', 'val.txt')) as reader:
        lines = reader.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        f_names.append(line.rstrip().split(' ')[0])
    result_dict = {}
    for f_name in tqdm.tqdm(f_names):
        image_path = join('..', 'Dataset', 'Dubai', 'IMAGES', f_name + '.jpg')
        label_path = join('..', 'Dataset', 'Dubai', 'LABELS', f_name + '.xml')
        image = cv2.imread(image_path)
        image = image[:, :, ::-1]

        input_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.expand_dims(image, 0),
        detections, predictions_dict, shapes = detect_fn(input_tensor)
        image_np = image.copy()
        scores = detections['detection_scores'][0].numpy()
        pred_boxes = detections['detection_boxes'][0].numpy()
        im_height, im_width, _ = image.shape
        pred_boxes_np = []
        for pred_box in pred_boxes:
            y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = pred_box
            x_min = int(x_min * im_width)
            y_min = int(y_min * im_height)
            x_max = int(x_max * im_width)
            y_max = int(y_max * im_height)
            pred_boxes_np.append([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max])
        true_boxes = []
        for element in parse_fn(label_path).getroot().iter('object'):
        result = {
            'detection_boxes': pred_boxes_np,
            'groundtruth_boxes': true_boxes,
            'confidence': scores
        result_dict[f'{f_name}.jpg'] = result
        draw_boxes(image_np, pred_boxes, scores, threshold)
        cv2.imwrite(join('results', basename(image_path)),
                    image_np[:, :, ::-1])
    with open(join('results', 'd4.pickle'), 'wb') as writer:
        pickle.dump(result_dict, writer)
Пример #4
def load_label(f_name):
        tree = parse_fn(
            join(config.data_dir, config.label_dir, f_name + '.xml'))
        return parse_annotations(tree.getroot())
    except ParseError as error:
            ValueError('invalid annotations file: {}: {}'.format(
                f_name, error)), None)
    except ValueError as error:
            ValueError('invalid annotations file: {}: {}'.format(
                f_name, error)), None)
Пример #5
def main():
    if not exists('results'):
    f_names = []
    with open(join(config.base_dir, 'val.txt')) as reader:
        lines = reader.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        f_names.append(line.rstrip().split(' ')[0])
    result_dict = {}

    model = nn.build_model(training=False)
    model.load_weights("weights/model245.h5", True)

    for f_name in tqdm.tqdm(f_names):
        image_path = join(config.base_dir, config.image_dir, f_name + '.jpg')
        label_path = join(config.base_dir, config.label_dir, f_name + '.xml')
        image = cv2.imread(image_path)
        image_np = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

        image_np, scale, dw, dh = util.resize(image_np)
        image_np = image_np.astype(np.float32) / 255.0

        boxes, scores, _ = model.predict(image_np[np.newaxis, ...])
        boxes[:, [0, 2]] = (boxes[:, [0, 2]] - dw) / scale
        boxes[:, [1, 3]] = (boxes[:, [1, 3]] - dh) / scale
        true_boxes = []
        for element in parse_fn(label_path).getroot().iter('object'):
        result = {
            'pred_boxes': boxes,
            'true_boxes': true_boxes,
            'confidence': scores
        result_dict[f'{f_name}.jpg'] = result
        image = draw_bbox(image, boxes, scores)
        cv2.imwrite(f'results/{f_name}.png', image)
    with open(join('results/yolo.pickle'), 'wb') as writer:
        pickle.dump(result_dict, writer)