def mag_query_input_to_xnet(nodes_file, edges_file, output_file): edgesData = pd.read_csv(edges_file) nodesData = pd.read_csv(nodes_file, dtype=MAGColumnTypes) # Replacing NaN for empty string for key in MAGColumnTypes: if (key in nodesData): nodesData[key].fillna("", inplace=True) # Generating continous indices for papers index2ID = nodesData["paper_id"].tolist() ID2Index = {id: index for index, id in enumerate(index2ID)} # Hack to account for 2 degree capitalized "FROM" fromKey = "From" if (fromKey not in edgesData): fromKey = "FROM" if (fromKey not in edgesData): fromKey = "Citing" toKey = "To" if (toKey not in edgesData): toKey = "TO" if (toKey not in edgesData): toKey = "Cited" # Converting edges from IDs to new indices # Invert edges so it means a citation between from to to edgesZip = zip(edgesData[fromKey].tolist(), edgesData[toKey].tolist()) edgesList = [(ID2Index[toID], ID2Index[fromID]) for fromID, toID in edgesZip if fromID in ID2Index and toID in ID2Index] vertexAttributes = {key: nodesData[key].tolist() for key in nodesData} for key in nodesData: nodesData[key].tolist() graph = ig.Graph(n=len(index2ID), edges=edgesList, directed=True, vertex_attrs=vertexAttributes) # verticesToDelete = np.where(np.logical_or(np.array(graph.indegree())==0,np.array([0] # graph.delete_vertices(verticesToDelete) graph.vs["KCore"] = graph.shell_index(mode="IN") if ("year" in graph.vertex_attributes()): graph.vs["year"] = [int(year) for year in graph.vs["year"]] else: graph.vs["year"] = [int(s[0:4]) for s in graph.vs["date"]] giantComponent = graph.clusters(mode="WEAK").giant() giantCopy = giantComponent.copy() giantCopy.to_undirected() giantComponent.vs["Community"] = [ str(c) for c in giantCopy.community_multilevel().membership ] xn.igraph2xnet(giantComponent, output_file)
def get_nets_by_3months(search, year, output_dir): for month in range(1, 13): # 12 meses print("Current year:", year, "Current month:", month) g = generate_graph_year_3months(search, year, month, transition_years) if g: xnet.igraph2xnet( g, output_dir + 'dep_' + str(year) + '_' + str(month) + '.xnet') print()
def calculate_dist(filenames): for filename in filenames: # print(filename) net = xnet.xnet2igraph(filename) weights =['weight'] weights = [math.sqrt(2 * (1 - w)) for w in weights] if len(weights) > 0:['distance'] = weights xnet.igraph2xnet(net, filename[:-5] + "_dist.xnet") else: print('error', filename)
def get_nets_by_year(search, years, output_dir): for year in years: common_votes = defaultdict(lambda: 0) props = search[year] n_props = len(props) for prop in props: get_votes(common_votes, prop) if n_props > 6: g = generate_graph(common_votes, n_props) xnet.igraph2xnet(g, output_dir + 'dep_' + str(year) + '_obstr.xnet') else: print('Problem in year', year) print('Number of propositions', n_props)
def create_nets_by_year(): # CRIA AS REDES POR ANO file = 'data/plos_one_2019_subj_areas.json' content = open(file, 'r').read() json_content = json.loads(content) for year in range(2008, 2018): vertices = set() edges = [] for doi, paper in json_content.items(): if len(paper['time_series']['months']) == 0: continue c_year = int(float(paper['time_series']['months'][0])) if year <= c_year and year + 4 >= c_year: subs = paper['infos']['subj_areas'] vertices |= set(subs) combs = combinations(subs, 2) for pair in combs: edges.append(pair) g = Graph() g.add_vertices(len(vertices)) g.vs['name'] = list(vertices) g.add_edges(edges)['weight'] = 1 g.simplify(combine_edges=sum) i = 0 for c in g.community_multilevel(weights='weight'): for idx in c: g.vs[idx]['comm'] = i i += 1 xnet.igraph2xnet(g, 'data/subj_areas/nets/all_with_comm_%d_4.xnet' % year)
def get_largest_component(g): components = g.components() giant = components.giant() return giant def identify_communities_leidenalg(net): giant = get_largest_component(net) comms = leidenalg.find_partition(giant, leidenalg.ModularityVertexPartition) comm_list = comms.subgraphs() # communities in current level print('Number of communities identified:',len(comm_list)) net_copy = net.copy() net_copy.vs['community'] = "-1" for idx,comm in enumerate(comm_list): for v1 in comm.vs: v2 = net_copy.vs.find(name=v1['name']) v2['community'] = str(idx+1) return net_copy filenames = glob.glob("data/1991-2019/by_year/*.xnet") filenames = sorted(filenames) graphs = [] for filename in filenames: print(filename) net = xnet.xnet2igraph(filename) net = identify_communities_leidenalg(net) output = filename[:-5] + '_leidenalg.xnet' xnet.igraph2xnet(net,output)
def main(): t0 = time.time() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('--graphml', required=True, help='graphml') parser.add_argument('--level', default=5, help='Acessibility param') parser.add_argument('--outdir', default='/tmp/out/', help='outdir') args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.isdir(args.outdir): os.mkdir(args.outdir) logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] %(message)s', datefmt='%Y%m%d %H:%M', level=logging.INFO) xnetgraphpath = os.path.join(args.outdir, 'out.xnet') accessibilitypath = os.path.join(args.outdir, 'accessibility.txt') info('Loading graph...') g = igraph.Graph.Read(args.graphml) for attr in ['ref', 'highway', 'osmid', 'id']: del (g.vs[attr]) for attr in del ([attr]) if not os.path.exists(accessibilitypath): info('Converting to xnet...') xnet.igraph2xnet(g, xnetgraphpath) cmd = 'Build_Linux/CVAccessibility -l {} {} {}'.\ format(args.level, xnetgraphpath, accessibilitypath) info('Running {}'.format(cmd)) proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() # acc = out.decode('utf-8').strip().split('\n') # acc = np.array([float(a) for a in acc]) if err: info('err:{}'.format(err.decode('utf-8'))) with open(accessibilitypath) as fh: aux ='\n') acc = np.array([float(a) for a in aux]) g.simplify() g.to_undirected() visual = dict(bbox=(1200, 1200), vertex_size=1.5, vertex_shape='circle', vertex_frame_width=0, edge_arrow_width=.5, edge_arrow_size=.5) info('accessibility {} ({})'.format(np.mean(acc), np.std(acc))) # g.vs['accessibility'] = acc # plotalpha = 0.8 plotalpha = 1 mincolour = 0.3 acc1 = (acc / np.max(acc)) * (1 - mincolour) colours = [[mincolour, mincolour, mincolour + c, plotalpha] for c in acc1] coords = [(float(x), -float(y)) for x, y in zip(g.vs['x'], g.vs['y'])] visual['vertex_size'] = 0.0 visual['edge_width'] = 1 igraph.plot(g, os.path.join(args.outdir, 'skel.pdf'), layout=coords, **visual) visual['vertex_size'] = 2.0 visual['edge_width'] = 0 igraph.plot(g, os.path.join(args.outdir, 'acc_all.pdf'), layout=coords, vertex_color=colours, **visual) ########################################################### # generate plots for diff levels for thresh in [0.35, 0.5, 0.75]: acc1 = np.ones(len(acc)) quantile = thresh * np.max(acc) info('accessibility quantile: {:.2f} ({}%)'.format( quantile, int(thresh * 100))) inds = np.where(acc > quantile) acc1[inds] = 0 colours = [[c, c, c, plotalpha] for c in acc1] visual['vertex_size'] = 2.0 visual['edge_width'] = 0 gpath = os.path.join(args.outdir, 'acc_thresh_{}.pdf'.format(thresh)) igraph.plot(g, gpath, layout=coords, vertex_color=colours, **visual)
# Hack to account for 2 degree capitalized "FROM" fromKey = "From" if (fromKey not in edgesData): fromKey = "FROM" # Converting edges from IDs to new indices # Invert edges so it means a citation between from to to edgesZip = zip(edgesData[fromKey].tolist(), edgesData["To"].tolist()) edgesList = [(ID2Index[toID], ID2Index[fromID]) for fromID, toID in edgesZip if fromID in ID2Index and toID in ID2Index] vertexAttributes = {key: nodesData[key].tolist() for key in nodesData} for key in nodesData: nodesData[key].tolist() graph = ig.Graph(n=len(index2ID), edges=edgesList, directed=True, vertex_attrs=vertexAttributes) # verticesToDelete = np.where(np.logical_or(np.array(graph.indegree())==0,np.array([0] # graph.delete_vertices(verticesToDelete) graph.vs["KCore"] = graph.shell_index(mode="IN") graph.vs["year"] = [int(s[0:4]) for s in graph.vs["date"]] # graph.vs["Community"] = [str(c) for c in graph.community_infomap().membership]; os.makedirs("../networks", exist_ok=True) xn.igraph2xnet(graph, "../networks/" + queryID + ".xnet")