Пример #1
# Contributors: see CONTRIBUTORS and HISTORY file
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the LICENCE attached (see LICENCE file) in the distribution
# package.
# Created on Feb 17, 2012

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_imports)

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('uuid', )
del strs

def uuid(random=False):
    '''Return a "Global Unique ID" as a string.

    :param random: If True then a random uuid is generated (does not use host

    from uuid import uuid1, uuid4
    if not random:
        return '%s' % uuid1()
        return '%s' % uuid4()
Пример #2
from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,

import sys

from functools import wraps
from types import FunctionType as function

from .meta import decorator as _decorator

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('decorator', 'AttributeAlias', 'settle', 'namer', 'aliases',
               'assignment_operator', 'instantiate', 'memoized_property',
               'memoized_instancemethod', 'reset_memoized')
del strs

class AttributeAlias(object):
    '''Descriptor to create aliases for object attributes.

    This descriptor is mainly to be used internally by :func:`aliases`


    def __init__(self, attr_name):
        super(AttributeAlias, self).__init__()
        self.attr_name = attr_name
Пример #3

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_imports)

from xoutil.modules import copy_members as _copy_members
import pprint as _pm

pprint = _pm.pprint  # Avoid IDE complaints

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('ppformat', *getattr(_pm, '__all__', dir(_pm)))
del strs
del _pm, _copy_members

def ppformat(obj):
    '''Just like :func:`pprint` but always returns the result instead of
    writing it to a stream.

    :returns: The pretty formated text.
    :rtype: `unicode` in Python 2, `str` in Python 3.

    import io
    from six import PY3, text_type
    if PY3:
Пример #4

from __future__ import (
    division as _py3_division,
    print_function as _py3_print,
    unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,
    absolute_import as _py3_abs_imports,

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs

__all__ = strs(
del strs

#: The most basic level (less ) for the password generation.

#: A level for simply mapping of several chars.

#: Another "stronger" mapping level.
Пример #5

# TODO: consider use IoC to extend python json module

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_imports)

from xoutil.modules import copy_members as _copy_python_module_members
_pm = _copy_python_module_members()

load = _pm.load

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('file_load')
__all__.extend(getattr(_pm, '__all__', dir(_pm)))
del strs, _copy_python_module_members

class JSONEncoder(_pm.JSONEncoder):
    __doc__ = (_pm.JSONEncoder.__doc__ + '''
    We also support:

    - `datetime`, `date` and `time` values, which are translated to strings
      using ISO format.

    - `Decimal` values, which are represented as a string representation.

    - Iterables, which are represented as lists.
Пример #6
import inspect

from functools import wraps, partial
from types import FunctionType as function

from six import string_types as _str_base, PY3 as _PY3

if _PY3:
    from inspect import getfullargspec as _getfullargspec
    from inspect import getargspec as _getfullargspec

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('FunctionMaker', 'flat_decorator', 'decorator')
del strs

DEF = re.compile('\s*def\s*([_\w][_\w\d]*)\s*\(')

# basic functionality
class FunctionMaker(object):
    An object with the ability to create functions with a given signature.
    It has attributes name, doc, module, signature, defaults, dict and
    methods update and make.
    def __init__(self, func=None, name=None, signature=None,
                 defaults=None, doc=None, module=None, funcdict=None):
Пример #7
An aspect can also make structural changes to other classes, like adding
members or parents.

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_imports)

from types import MethodType, FunctionType
from contextlib import contextmanager

from xoutil.deprecation import deprecated as _deprecated

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('complementor', 'contextualized', 'inject_dependencies',
del strs

def _update(attrs, *sources):
    Updates attrs from sources:

    - Every source with a __name__ that is not a class is updated into attrs.

    - For every source that is a class, it's public attributes and all methods
      are updated into attrs.
    from six import class_types, iteritems as iteritems_
    attrs.update({str(f.__name__): f for f in sources
                  if (not isinstance(f, class_types) and
Пример #8

'''Utilities to inspect the CPython's stack.'''

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode)

import inspect

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
from six import PY3 as _py3k

__all__ = strs('MAX_DEEP', 'getargvalues', 'error_info',
               'object_info_finder', 'object_finder', 'track_value',
del strs


def getargvalues(frame):
    '''Inspects the given frame for arguments and returns a dictionary that
    maps parameters names to arguments values. If an `*` argument was passed
    then the key on the returning dictionary would be formatted as

    For example in the function::

        >>> def autocontained(a, limit, *margs, **ks):
Пример #9
FunctionType = _pm.FunctionType
ModuleType = _pm.ModuleType

del _pm, _copy_python_module_members

from xoutil._values import Unset as _unset
from collections import Mapping

# FIXME: [med] Reintroduce UnsetType or deprecate it here.
from xoutil._values import UnsetType  # noqa

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('mro_dict', 'UnsetType', 'DictProxyType',
               'SlotWrapperType', 'is_iterable', 'is_collection',
               'is_string_like', 'is_scalar', 'is_staticmethod',
               'is_classmethod', 'is_instancemethod', 'is_slotwrapper',
               'is_module', 'Required', 'NoneType', 'new_class',
del strs

#: The type of methods that are builtin in Python.
#: This is roughly the type of the ``object.__getattribute__`` method.
WrapperDescriptorType = SlotWrapperType = type(object.__getattribute__)

#: A compatible Py2 and Py3k DictProxyType, since it does not exists in Py3k.
DictProxyType = type(object.__dict__)

import sys
_pypy = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info')
Пример #10
:mod:`os.path` standard module.


from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode)

import sys
from os.path import (abspath, expanduser, dirname, sep, normpath,
                     join as _orig_join)

from xoutil.functools import power as pow_
from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('abspath', 'expanduser', 'dirname', 'sep', 'normpath', 'rtrim',
               'fix_encoding', 'join', 'normalize_path',
               'shorten_module_filename', 'shorten_user')
del strs

# TODO: import all in "from os.path import *"

rtrim = lambda path, n=1: pow_(dirname, n)(normalize_path(path))
rtrim.__doc__ = """Trims the last `n` components of the pathname `path`.

This basically applies `n` times the function `os.path.dirname` to `path`.

`path` is normalized before proceeding (but not tested to exists).

.. versionchanged:: 1.5.5 `n` defaults to 1.  In this case rtrim is identical
                    to :func:`os.path.dirname`.
Пример #11

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_import)

from xoutil._local import local as _local

from xoutil.objects import metaclass
from xoutil.collections import StackedDict

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('Context', 'context', 'NulContext')
del strs

class LocalData(_local):
    def __init__(self):
        super(LocalData, self).__init__()
        self.contexts = {}

_data = LocalData()

class MetaContext(type(StackedDict)):
    def __len__(self):
        return len(_data.contexts)
Пример #12
# Author: Medardo Rodriguez
# Contributors: see CONTRIBUTORS and HISTORY file
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the LICENCE attached (see LICENCE file) in the distribution
# package.

'''Tool to show a progress percent in the terminal.'''

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode)

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('Progress')
del strs

_HELIX = '|/-\\'

class Progress(object):
    Print a progress percent to the console. Also the elapsed and the
    estimated times.

    To signal an increment in progress just call the instance and (optionally)
    pass a message like in::

        progress = Progress(10)
Пример #13
Adds the ability to generate new passwords using a source pass-phrase and a
secury strong level.


from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_imports)

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('PASS_PHRASE_LEVEL_BASIC',
del strs

#: The most basic level (less ) for the password generation.

#: A level for simply mapping of several chars.

#: Another "stronger" mapping level.

#: Appends the year after mapping.
Пример #14
from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,

from re import compile as _regex_compile
from ast import parse as _ast_parse

from six import string_types as _str_base
from xoutil.functools import partial
_ast_parse = partial(_ast_parse, filename="<annotations>", mode="eval")

from xoutil.decorator.meta import decorator

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('annotate')
del strs

_SIGNATURE = _regex_compile(r'''(?ixm)
                            \(              # Required opening for the argumens
                            \)\s*           # Required close

_ARG_SEP = _regex_compile(r'(?im)^\*{0,2}(?P<argname>[_\w\d]+)\s*:')

def _split_signature(signature):
    signature = (signature.strip() if isinstance(signature, _str_base) else '')
Пример #15
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the LICENCE attached (see LICENCE file) in the distribution
# package.
# Created on Jun 28, 2011

'''Utils for Web applications.'''

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode)

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('slugify')
del strs

def slugify(s, entities=True, decimal=True, hexadecimal=True):
    Normalizes string, converts to lower-case, removes non-alpha characters,
    and converts spaces to hyphens.

    Parts from http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/369/

        >>> slugify("Manuel Vázquez Acosta")    # doctest: +SKIP

    If `s` and `entities` is True (the default) all HTML entities
    are replaced by its equivalent character before normalization::
Пример #16
Regular expressions and validation functions for several identifiers.

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode)

from re import compile as _regex_compile
from xoutil.eight import string_types

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('is_valid_identifier', 'is_valid_full_identifier',
del strs

# TODO: In Py3k "ña" is a valid identifier and this regex won't allow it
_IDENTIFIER_REGEX = _regex_compile('(?i)^[_a-z][\w]*$')

def is_valid_identifier(name):
    '''Returns True if `name` a valid Python identifier.

    .. note:: Only Python 2's version of valid identifier. This means that some
              Python 3 valid identifiers are not considered valid.  This helps
              to keep things working the same in Python 2 and 3.
Пример #17
from __future__ import division as _py3_division, print_function as _py3_print, unicode_literals as _py3_unicode

import sys
from os.path import abspath, expanduser, dirname, sep, normpath, join as _orig_join

from xoutil.functools import power as pow_
from xoutil.names import strlist as strs

__all__ = strs(
del strs

# TODO: import all in "from os.path import *"

rtrim = lambda path, n=1: pow_(dirname, n)(normalize_path(path))
rtrim.__doc__ = """Trims the last `n` components of the pathname `path`.

This basically applies `n` times the function `os.path.dirname` to `path`.
Пример #18
'''Extensions the `subprocess` module in the standard library.'''

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_imports)

import subprocess as _pm
from xoutil.modules import copy_members as _copy_members

Popen = _pm.Popen

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('call_and_check_output')
__all__.extend(getattr(_pm, '__all__', dir(_pm)))
del strs, _pm, _copy_members

def call_and_check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
    '''Combines `call` and `check_output`. Returns a tuple ``(returncode,
    output, err_output)``.

    if 'stdout' in kwargs:
        raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.')
    process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
    output, err = process.communicate()
    retcode = process.poll()
    return (retcode, output, err)
Пример #19
'''An extension to :mod:`xoutil.aop.classical` that allows to hook *before* and
*around* the :func:`~xoutil.aop.classical.weave` itself.


from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,

from xoutil.aop.classical import weave as classical_weave
from xoutil.deprecation import deprecated as _deprecated
from xoutil.names import strlist as strs

__all__ = strs('weave')
del strs

@_deprecated('None', msg="This entire module is deprecated and will be "
             "removed.", removed_in_version='1.6.0')
def weave(aspect, target):
    '''Similar to :func:`xoutil.aop.classical.weave` but introduces
    _before_weave and _around_weave hooks to the weaving process::

        >>> class Foobar(object):
        ...    def echo(self, what):
        ...        return what

        >>> class FooAspect(object):
        ...    @classmethod