Пример #1
def test_match_dict():
    pet = {"type": "dog", "details": {"age": 3}}

    assert ~(caseof(pet) | m({"details": {
        "age": _
    }}) >> (lambda age: age)) == 3
    assert ~(caseof(pet) | m({_: {
        "age": _
    }}) >> (lambda a, b: (a, b))) == ("details", 3)
Пример #2
def test_match_XObject():
    assert ~(caseof((1, 2, 3)) | m(X[2] == 3) >> True)

    with pytest.raises(MatchError):
        ~(caseof((1, 2, 3)) | m(X[2]) >> True)

    assert ~(caseof("abc") | m(X.upper() == "ABC") >> True | _ >> False)

    assert ~(caseof((1, 2, 3)) | m(X[2] == 3) >> X[2] + 4) == 7

    assert ~(caseof(9) | m(X**2 - X + 2 == 74) >> True | _ >> False)
Пример #3
def test_chain_caseof():
    assert ~(caseof([1, 2, 3])
             | m(_, _, 3) >> ~(caseof(X) | m(_, 2) >> X)) == 1

    pet = {"type": "dog", "details": {"age": 3}}
    assert ~(caseof(pet)
             | m({_: {
                 "age": _
             }}) >> ~(caseof(X)
                      | m(int, int) >> (lambda x, y: x + y)
                      | m(str, int) >> (lambda x, y: y))) == 3
Пример #4
def test_match_XObject_with_getitem_style():
    assert ~(caseof((1, 2, 3)) | m[X[2] == 3] >> True)

    with pytest.raises(MatchError):
        ~(caseof((1, 2, 3)) | m[X[2]] >> True)

    assert ~(caseof("abc") | m[X.upper() == "ABC"] >> True | _ >> False)

    assert ~(caseof((1, 2, 3)) | m[X[2] == 3] >> X[2] + 4) == 7

    assert ~(caseof(9) | m[X**2 - X + 2 == 74] >> True | _ >> False)
Пример #5
def test_bitwise_operators_example():
    assert ~(caseof(1) | (m[2] | m[1]) >> 1 | _ >> "nothing") == 1

    assert ~(caseof(11)
             | (m[lambda x: x > 1] & m[lambda x: x < 10]) >> "1 < x < 10"
             | (m[lambda x: x > 1] & m[lambda x: x < 15]) >> "1 < x < 15"
             ) == "1 < x < 15"

    assert ~(caseof(6)
             | ~m[lambda x: x > 5] >> "x <=5"
             | ~m[lambda x: x > 10] >> "x <= 10") == "x <= 10"
Пример #6
def test_xfunction_pattern():
    def greater_than_4(x):
        return x > 4

    assert ~(caseof(1)
             | m(greater_than_4(X + 5)) >> "greater than 4"
             | _ >> "equal or lesser than 4") == "greater than 4"

    assert ~(caseof(1)
             | m(greater_than_4(X)) >> "greater than 4"
             | _ >> "equal or lesser than 4") == "equal or lesser than 4"
Пример #7
def test_match_dict_with_getitem_style():
    pet = {"type": "dog", "details": {"age": 3}}

    assert ~(caseof(pet) | m[{
        "details": {
            "age": _
    }] >> (lambda age: age)) == 3
    assert ~(caseof(pet) | m[{
        _: {
            "age": _
    }] >> (lambda a, b: (a, b))) == ("details", 3)
Пример #8
 def what_is(x):
     return ~(caseof(x)
         | m(Dog(_, 0)) >> "good boy"
         | m(Dog(_, _)) >> "doggy!"
         | m(Cat(_, 0)) >> "tommy?"
         | m(Cat(_, _)) >> "a cat"
Пример #9
 def what_is(pet):
     return ~(caseof(pet)
              | m(re.compile(r"(\w+)-(\w+)-cat$")) >>
              (lambda name, my: "cat " + name)
              | m(re.compile(r"(\w+)-(\w+)-dog$")) >>
              (lambda name, my: "dog " + name)
              | _ >> "something else")
Пример #10
def test_multi_dataclasses():
        from dataclasses import dataclass
    except ImportError:

    class Point:
        x: int
        y: int

    class Point2:
        x: int
        y: int

    class Line:
        p1: Point
        p2: Point

    class Rect:
        l1: Line
        l2: Line

    assert ~(caseof(Rect(Point(1, 2), Point(3, 4)))
        | m(Rect(Point(_, str), Point(_, 4))) >> "first"
        | m(Rect(Point(_, int), Point2(_, 4))) >> "second"
        | m(Rect(Point(_, int), Point(_, 4))) >> (lambda x, y, z: (x, y, z))
    ) == (1, 2, 3)
Пример #11
 def f(x):
     return ~(caseof(x)
         | m(Point(1, 2)) >> X
         | m(Point(_, 2)) >> X + 1
         | m(Point(1, _)) >> X ** 2
         | m(Point(_, _)) >> X * 2
Пример #12
 def f(x):
     return ~(caseof(x)
         | m(Point(1, 2)) >> "1"
         | m(Point(_, 2)) >> str
         | m(Point(1, _)) >> str
         | m(Point(_, _)) >> (lambda a, b: str(a + b))
Пример #13
def test_match_raise_lambda_error():
    with pytest.raises(MatchError) as error:
            caseof([1, 2, 3])
            | m([1, _, 3]) >> (lambda: "xxxxx {}".format())  # noqa

    assert "lambda" in str(error.value)
    assert "xxxxx" in str(error.value)
Пример #14
 def to_datetime(
     dt: Union[timestamp, day_tuple, dt_tuple,
               str, ]) -> Optional[datetime]:
     return ~(caseof(dt)
              | m(timestamp) >> (lambda x: datetime.fromtimestamp(x))
              | m(Union[day_tuple, dt_tuple]) >> (lambda *x: datetime(*x))
              | m(datetime_p(["%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"])) >>
              (lambda x: x)
              | _ >> None)
Пример #15
 def avg_cuteness_pampy():
     cutenesses = []
     for pet in pets:
           | m({_: {
               "cuteness": _
           }}) >> (lambda key, x: cutenesses.append(x))
           | m({_: {
               "cuty": _
           }}) >> (lambda key, x: cutenesses.append(x)))
     return sum(cutenesses) / len(cutenesses)
Пример #16
def test_match_enum():
    class Color(Enum):
        RED = 1
        GREEN = 2
        BLUE = 3

    assert ~(caseof(Color.RED)
             | m(Color.BLUE) >> "blue"
             | m(Color.RED) >> "red"
             | _ >> "else") == "red"

    assert ~(caseof(Color.RED)
             | m(Color.BLUE) >> "blue"
             | m(Color.GREEN) >> "green"
             | _ >> "else") == "else"

    assert ~(caseof(1)
             | m(Color.BLUE) >> "blue"
             | m(Color.RED) >> "red"
             | _ >> "else") == "else"
Пример #17
def test_dataclasses_with_chain_caseof():
        from dataclasses import dataclass
    except ImportError:

    class Class1:
        a: int
        b: int

    class Class2:
        data: Class1

    obj = Class2(Class1(a=1, b=2))

    assert ~(caseof(obj)
             | m(Class2(_)) >> ~(caseof(X) | m(Class1(_, _)) >>
                                 (lambda a, b: (a, b)))) == (1, 2)  # noqa
Пример #18
def test_advanced_lambda():
    def either(pattern1, pattern2):
        """Matches values satisfying pattern1 OR pattern2"""
        def repack(*args):
            return True, list(args)

        def f(var):
            return ~(caseof(var)
                     | m(pattern1) >> repack
                     | m(pattern2) >> repack
                     | _ >> (False, []))

        return f

    assert ~(caseof("str") | m(either(int, str)) >> "success") == "success"

    def datetime_p(year: int,
                   month: int,
                   day: int,
                   hour: int = 0,
                   minute: int = 0,
                   second: int = 0):
        """Matches a datetime with these values"""
        def f(var: datetime):
            if not isinstance(var, datetime):
                return False, []

            args = []
            for pattern, actual in [(year, var.year), (month, var.month),
                                    (day, var.day), (hour, var.hour),
                                    (minute, var.minute),
                                    (second, var.second)]:
                if pattern is _:
                elif pattern != actual:
                    return False, []

            return True, args

        return f

    def test(var):
        return ~(caseof(var)
                 | m(datetime_p(2018, 12, 23)) >> "full match"
                 | m(datetime_p(2018, _, _)) >>
                 (lambda month, day: f'{month}/{day} in 2018')
                 | m(datetime_p(_, _, _, _, _, _)) >> "any datetime"
                 | _ >> "not a datetime")

        assert test(datetime(2018, 12, 23)) == "full match"
        assert test(datetime(2018, 1, 2)) == "1/2 in 2018"
        assert test(datetime(2017, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) == "any datetime"
        assert test(11) == "not a datetime"
Пример #19
    def test(var):
        return ~(caseof(var)
                 | m(datetime_p(2018, 12, 23)) >> "full match"
                 | m(datetime_p(2018, _, _)) >>
                 (lambda month, day: f'{month}/{day} in 2018')
                 | m(datetime_p(_, _, _, _, _, _)) >> "any datetime"
                 | _ >> "not a datetime")

        assert test(datetime(2018, 12, 23)) == "full match"
        assert test(datetime(2018, 1, 2)) == "1/2 in 2018"
        assert test(datetime(2017, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) == "any datetime"
        assert test(11) == "not a datetime"
Пример #20
def test_wild_dicts():
    data = [
            "type": "dog",
            "dog-name": "fuffy",
            "info": {
                "age": 2
            "type": "pet",
            "dog-name": "puffy",
            "info": {
                "age": 1
            "type": "cat",
            "cat-name": "buffy",
            "cat-info": {
                "age": 3

    ages = [
        ~(caseof(row) | m({_: {
            "age": int
        }}) >> (lambda field, age: age)) for row in data
    average_age = sum(ages) / len(ages)
    assert average_age == (2 + 1 + 3) / 3

    names = [
        ~(caseof(row) | m({
            "type": _,
            _: str
        }) >> (lambda type, name_field, name: name)) for row in data
    assert names == ["fuffy", "puffy", "buffy"]
Пример #21
 def parser(exp):
     return ~(
         | m(3) >> "the integer 3"
         | m(float) >> "any float number"
         | m(int) >> "any integer"
         | m("ciao") >> "the string ciao"
         | m(dict) >> "any dictionary"
         | m(str) >> "any string"
         | m((int, int)) >> "a tuple made of two ints"
         | m([1]) >> "the list [1]"
         | m([1, 2, 3]) >> "the list [1, 2, 3]"
         | m([1, _, 3]) >> "the list [1, _, 3]"
         | m((str, str)) >> (lambda a, b: "%s %s" % (a, b))
         | m([1, 2, _]) >> (lambda x: "the list [1, 2, _]")
         | m([1, 2, 4]) >> "the list [1, 2, 4]"  # this can never be matched
         | m([1, [2, _], _]) >> (lambda a, b: "[1, [2, %s], %s]" % (a, b)))
Пример #22
def test_with_xobject_action():
    pet = {"type": "dog", "details": {"age": 3}}

    assert ~(caseof(pet) | m({"details": {"age": _}}) >> X) == 3
    assert ~(caseof(pet) | m({_: {"age": _}}) >> X[0].upper()) == "DETAILS"
Пример #23
def test_xfunction_action():
    def add(a, b):
        return a + b

    assert ~(caseof([1, "b", 2]) | m(_, "b", _) >> add(X[0], X[1] + 1)) == 4
Пример #24
def test_lambda_cond():
    cond = lambda x: x < 10
    assert ~(caseof(3) | m(cond) >> "action" | _ >> "else") == "action"

    assert ~(caseof(11) | m(cond) >> "action1" | _ >> "else") == "else"
Пример #25
 def f(x):
     return ~(caseof(x)
              | m(lambda x: x % 2 == 0) >> (lambda x: "even %d" % x)
              | m(lambda x: x % 2 != 0) >> (lambda x: "odd %d" % x))
Пример #26
 def f(var):
     return ~(caseof(var)
              | m(pattern1) >> repack
              | m(pattern2) >> repack
              | _ >> (False, []))
Пример #27
 def fib(n):
     return ~(caseof(n)
              | m(1) >> 1
              | m(2) >> 1
              | _ >> (lambda x: fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2)))
Пример #28
def test_slide1():
    _input = [1, 2, 3]
    pattern = [1, _, 3]
    action = lambda x: "it's {}".format(x)
    assert ~(caseof(_input) | m(pattern) >> action) == "it's 2"
Пример #29
 def myzip(a, b):
     return ~(caseof((a, b))
              | m(([], [])) >> []
              | m(([_, TAIL], [_, TAIL])) >>
              (lambda ha, ta, hb, tb: [(ha, hb)] + myzip(ta, tb)))
Пример #30
 def lisp(exp):
     return ~(caseof(exp)
              | m(int) >> (lambda x: x)
              | m(callable) >> (lambda x: x)
              | m(callable, REST) >> (lambda f, rest: f(*map(lisp, rest)))
              | m(tuple) >> (lambda t: list(map(lisp, t))))