Пример #1
    def buildTxnRepo(app, cpuInfo, probes, topdownCache, topdownMetrics,
                     events, benchmarkProbes, benchmarkPaths):
    Builds a repository of transactions for current profile session and benchmarks

    :param app: An instance of xpedite app, to interact with target application
    :param cpuInfo: Cpu info of the host running target app
    :param probes: List of probes enabled for the profile session
    :param topdownCache: A cache of supported topdown hierarchies
    :param topdownMetrics: Top down metrics to be computed
    :param events: PMU events collected for the profiling session
    :param benchmarkProbes: List of probes enabled for the benchmark session
    :param benchmarkPaths: List of stored reports from previous runs, for benchmarking

        from xpedite.txn.collector import Collector
        from xpedite.benchmark import BenchmarksCollector
        from xpedite.txn.loader import ChaoticTxnLoader, BoundedTxnLoader
        from xpedite.txn.filter import TrivialCounterFilter
        from xpedite.analytics import CURRENT_RUN
        from xpedite.util import timeAction
        counterFilter = TrivialCounterFilter()
        collector = Collector(counterFilter)

        if any(probe.canBeginTxn or probe.canEndTxn for probe in probes):
            loaderType = BoundedTxnLoader
            loaderType = ChaoticTxnLoader

        loader = loaderType(CURRENT_RUN, cpuInfo, probes, topdownMetrics,

        timeAction('gathering counters',
                   lambda: collector.gatherCounters(app, loader))
        currentTxns = loader.getData()

        if not currentTxns:
            if loader.processedCounterCount:
                msg = 'failed to load transactions. recheck routes specified in your profile info'
                raise Exception(msg)
                msg = 'failed to load transactions. It appears the app hit any of the activated probes'
                raise Exception(msg)

        repo = TxnRepo()

        if benchmarkPaths:
            benchmarksCollector = BenchmarksCollector(benchmarkPaths)
                loaderFactory=lambda benchmark: loaderFactory(
                    loaderType, benchmark, probes, benchmarkProbes,
                    topdownCache, topdownMetrics))
        return repo
Пример #2
    def loadTxns(repo, counterFilter, benchmarks, loaderFactory):
    Loads transactions for a list of benchmarks

    :param repo: Transaction repo to collect transactions loaded for benchmarks
    :param counterFilter: Filter to exclude counters from loading
    :param benchmarks: List of benchmarks to be loaded
    :param loaderFactory: Factory to instantiate a loader instance

        for benchmark in benchmarks:
            loader = loaderFactory(benchmark)
            collector = Collector(counterFilter)
            collector.loadDataSources(benchmark.dataSources, loader)
Пример #3
  def gatherBenchmarks(self, count):
    Gathers benchmarks from a list of paths in the file system

    :param count: Max count of benchmarks to load

    benchmarks = []
    if not self.benchmarkPaths:
      return benchmarks

    for i, path in enumerate(self.benchmarkPaths):
      benchmarkPath = os.path.join(path, BENCHMARK_DIR_NAME)
      if os.path.isdir(benchmarkPath):
        info = loadBenchmarkInfo(benchmarkPath)
        if info:
          (benchmarkName, cpuInfo, path, legend, events) = info
          benchmark = Benchmark(benchmarkName, cpuInfo, path, legend, events)
          dataSource = Collector.gatherDataSource(benchmarkPath)
          if dataSource:
            benchmark.dataSource = dataSource
          LOGGER.warn('skip processing benchmark %s. failed to load benchmark info', path)

        if len(benchmarks) >= count:
          if i + 1 < len(self.benchmarkPaths):
            LOGGER.debug('skip processing %s benchmarks. limit reached.', self.benchmarkPaths[i+1:])
        LOGGER.warn('skip processing benchmark %s. failed to locate benchmark files', path)
    return benchmarks
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, name, ip, appInfoPath, runId=None, dataSourcePath=None, workspace=None):
   """Constructs an instance of XpediteDormantApp"""
   dataSource = Collector.gatherDataSource(dataSourcePath) if dataSourcePath else None
   if dataSource:
     LOGGER.warn('Data source detected. overriding appinfo to %s', dataSource.appInfoPath)
     appInfoPath = dataSource.appInfoPath
   XpediteApp.__init__(self, name, ip, appInfoPath, dryRun=True, workspace=workspace)
   self.dataSource = dataSource
   self.runId = runId