Пример #1
 def test_restride(self):
     #restride of planar is not supported:
     img = ImageWrapper(0,
                        1, ["0" * 10, "0" * 10, "0" * 10, "0" * 10],
     assert img.may_restride() is False
     img = ImageWrapper(0,
                        "0" * 4,
     assert img.may_restride() is False
     img = ImageWrapper(0,
                        "0" * 10,
     assert img.may_restride() is True
     #restride bigger:
     #change more attributes:
     img.set_timestamp(img.get_timestamp() + 1)
     img.set_pixels("1" * 10)
     assert img.allocate_buffer(0, 1) == 0
     assert img.get_palette() == ()
     assert img.is_thread_safe()
     assert img.get_gpu_buffer() is None
Пример #2
    def process_draw(self, packet):
        wid, x, y, width, height, encoding, pixels, _, rowstride, client_options = packet[1:11]
        #never modify mmap packets
        if encoding in ("mmap", "scroll"):
            return True

        #we have a proxy video packet:
        rgb_format = client_options.get("rgb_format", "")
        enclog("proxy draw: client_options=%s", client_options)

        def send_updated(encoding, compressed_data, updated_client_options):
            #update the packet with actual encoding data used:
            packet[6] = encoding
            packet[7] = compressed_data
            packet[10] = updated_client_options
            enclog("returning %s bytes from %s, options=%s", len(compressed_data), len(pixels), updated_client_options)
            return (wid not in self.lost_windows)

        def passthrough(strip_alpha=True):
            enclog("proxy draw: %s passthrough (rowstride: %s vs %s, strip alpha=%s)", rgb_format, rowstride, client_options.get("rowstride", 0), strip_alpha)
            if strip_alpha:
                #passthrough as plain RGB:
                Xindex = rgb_format.upper().find("X")
                if Xindex>=0 and len(rgb_format)==4:
                    #force clear alpha (which may be garbage):
                    newdata = bytearray(pixels)
                    for i in range(len(pixels)/4):
                        newdata[i*4+Xindex] = chr(255)
                    packet[9] = client_options.get("rowstride", 0)
                    cdata = bytes(newdata)
                    cdata = pixels
                new_client_options = {"rgb_format" : rgb_format}
                cdata = pixels
                new_client_options = client_options
            wrapped = Compressed("%s pixels" % encoding, cdata)
            #FIXME: we should not assume that rgb32 is supported here...
            #(we may have to convert to rgb24..)
            return send_updated("rgb32", wrapped, new_client_options)

        proxy_video = client_options.get("proxy", False)
        if PASSTHROUGH and (encoding in ("rgb32", "rgb24") or proxy_video):
            #we are dealing with rgb data, so we can pass it through:
            return passthrough(proxy_video)
        elif not self.video_encoder_types or not client_options or not proxy_video:
            #ensure we don't try to re-compress the pixel data in the network layer:
            #(re-add the "compressed" marker that gets lost when we re-assemble packets)
            packet[7] = Compressed("%s pixels" % encoding, packet[7])
            return True

        #video encoding: find existing encoder
        ve = self.video_encoders.get(wid)
        if ve:
            if ve in self.lost_windows:
                #we cannot clean the video encoder here, there may be more frames queue up
                #"lost-window" in encode_loop will take care of it safely
                return False
            #we must verify that the encoder is still valid
            #and scrap it if not (ie: when window is resized)
            if ve.get_width()!=width or ve.get_height()!=height:
                enclog("closing existing video encoder %s because dimensions have changed from %sx%s to %sx%s", ve, ve.get_width(), ve.get_height(), width, height)
                ve = None
            elif ve.get_encoding()!=encoding:
                enclog("closing existing video encoder %s because encoding has changed from %s to %s", ve.get_encoding(), encoding)
                ve = None
        #scaling and depth are proxy-encoder attributes:
        scaling = client_options.get("scaling", (1, 1))
        depth   = client_options.get("depth", 24)
        rowstride = client_options.get("rowstride", rowstride)
        quality = client_options.get("quality", -1)
        speed   = client_options.get("speed", -1)
        timestamp = client_options.get("timestamp")

        image = ImageWrapper(x, y, width, height, pixels, rgb_format, depth, rowstride, planes=ImageWrapper.PACKED)
        if timestamp is not None:

        #the encoder options are passed through:
        encoder_options = client_options.get("options", {})
        if not ve:
            #make a new video encoder:
            spec = self._find_video_encoder(encoding, rgb_format)
            if spec is None:
                #no video encoder!
                enc_pillow = get_codec("enc_pillow")
                if not enc_pillow:
                    from xpra.server.picture_encode import warn_encoding_once
                    warn_encoding_once("no-video-no-PIL", "no video encoder found for rgb format %s, sending as plain RGB!" % rgb_format)
                    return passthrough(True)
                enclog("no video encoder available: sending as jpeg")
                coding, compressed_data, client_options, _, _, _, _ = enc_pillow.encode("jpeg", image, quality, speed, False)
                return send_updated(coding, compressed_data, client_options)

            enclog("creating new video encoder %s for window %s", spec, wid)
            ve = spec.make_instance()
            #dst_formats is specified with first frame only:
            dst_formats = client_options.get("dst_formats")
            if dst_formats is not None:
                #save it in case we timeout the video encoder,
                #so we can instantiate it again, even from a frame no>1
                self.video_encoders_dst_formats = dst_formats
                assert self.video_encoders_dst_formats, "BUG: dst_formats not specified for proxy and we don't have it either"
                dst_formats = self.video_encoders_dst_formats
            ve.init_context(width, height, rgb_format, dst_formats, encoding, quality, speed, scaling, {})
            self.video_encoders[wid] = ve
            self.video_encoders_last_used_time[wid] = time.time()       #just to make sure this is always set
        #actual video compression:
        enclog("proxy compression using %s with quality=%s, speed=%s", ve, quality, speed)
        data, out_options = ve.compress_image(image, quality, speed, encoder_options)
        #pass through some options if we don't have them from the encoder
        #(maybe we should also use the "pts" from the real server?)
        for k in ("timestamp", "rgb_format", "depth", "csc"):
            if k not in out_options and k in client_options:
                out_options[k] = client_options[k]
        self.video_encoders_last_used_time[wid] = time.time()
        return send_updated(ve.get_encoding(), Compressed(encoding, data), out_options)
Пример #3
    def process_draw(self, packet):
        wid, x, y, width, height, encoding, pixels, _, rowstride, client_options = packet[1:11]
        #never modify mmap packets
        if encoding=="mmap":
            return True

        #we have a proxy video packet:
        rgb_format = client_options.get("rgb_format", "")
        log("proxy draw: client_options=%s", client_options)

        def send_updated(encoding, compressed_data, client_options):
            #update the packet with actual encoding data used:
            packet[6] = encoding
            packet[7] = compressed_data
            packet[10] = client_options
            log("returning %s bytes from %s", len(compressed_data), len(pixels))
            return (wid not in self.lost_windows)

        def passthrough(strip_alpha=True):
            log("proxy draw: %s passthrough (rowstride: %s vs %s, strip alpha=%s)", rgb_format, rowstride, client_options.get("rowstride", 0), strip_alpha)
            if strip_alpha:
                #passthrough as plain RGB:
                Xindex = rgb_format.upper().find("X")
                if Xindex>=0 and len(rgb_format)==4:
                    #force clear alpha (which may be garbage):
                    newdata = bytearray(pixels)
                    for i in range(len(pixels)/4):
                        newdata[i*4+Xindex] = chr(255)
                    packet[9] = client_options.get("rowstride", 0)
                    cdata = bytes(newdata)
                    cdata = pixels
                new_client_options = {"rgb_format" : rgb_format}
                cdata = pixels
                new_client_options = client_options
            wrapped = Compressed("%s pixels" % encoding, cdata)
            #FIXME: we should not assume that rgb32 is supported here...
            #(we may have to convert to rgb24..)
            return send_updated("rgb32", wrapped, new_client_options)

        proxy_video = client_options.get("proxy", False)
        if PASSTHROUGH and (encoding in ("rgb32", "rgb24") or proxy_video):
            #we are dealing with rgb data, so we can pass it through:
            return passthrough(proxy_video)
        elif not self.video_encoder_types or not client_options or not proxy_video:
            #ensure we don't try to re-compress the pixel data in the network layer:
            #(re-add the "compressed" marker that gets lost when we re-assemble packets)
            packet[7] = Compressed("%s pixels" % encoding, packet[7])
            return True

        #video encoding: find existing encoder
        ve = self.video_encoders.get(wid)
        if ve:
            if ve in self.lost_windows:
                #we cannot clean the video encoder here, there may be more frames queue up
                #"lost-window" in encode_loop will take care of it safely
                return  False
            #we must verify that the encoder is still valid
            #and scrap it if not (ie: when window is resized)
            if ve.get_width()!=width or ve.get_height()!=height:
                log("closing existing video encoder %s because dimensions have changed from %sx%s to %sx%s", ve, ve.get_width(), ve.get_height(), width, height)
                ve = None
            elif ve.get_encoding()!=encoding:
                log("closing existing video encoder %s because encoding has changed from %s to %s", ve.get_encoding(), encoding)
                ve = None
        #scaling and depth are proxy-encoder attributes:
        scaling = client_options.get("scaling", (1, 1))
        depth   = client_options.get("depth", 24)
        rowstride = client_options.get("rowstride", rowstride)
        quality = client_options.get("quality", -1)
        speed   = client_options.get("speed", -1)
        timestamp = client_options.get("timestamp")

        image = ImageWrapper(x, y, width, height, pixels, rgb_format, depth, rowstride, planes=ImageWrapper.PACKED)
        if timestamp is not None:

        #the encoder options are passed through:
        encoder_options = client_options.get("options", {})
        if not ve:
            #make a new video encoder:
            spec = self._find_video_encoder(encoding, rgb_format)
            if spec is None:
                #no video encoder!
                from xpra.server.picture_encode import PIL_encode, PIL, warn_encoding_once
                if PIL is None:
                    warn_encoding_once("no-video-no-PIL", "no video encoder found for rgb format %s, sending as plain RGB!" % rgb_format)
                    return passthrough()
                log("no video encoder available: sending as jpeg")
                coding, compressed_data, client_options, _, _, _, _ = PIL_encode("jpeg", image, quality, speed, False)
                return send_updated(coding, compressed_data, client_options)

            log("creating new video encoder %s for window %s", spec, wid)
            ve = spec.make_instance()
            #dst_formats is specified with first frame only:
            dst_formats = client_options.get("dst_formats")
            if dst_formats is not None:
                #save it in case we timeout the video encoder,
                #so we can instantiate it again, even from a frame no>1
                self.video_encoders_dst_formats = dst_formats
                assert self.video_encoders_dst_formats, "BUG: dst_formats not specified for proxy and we don't have it either"
                dst_formats = self.video_encoders_dst_formats
            ve.init_context(width, height, rgb_format, dst_formats, encoding, quality, speed, scaling, {})
            self.video_encoders[wid] = ve
            self.video_encoders_last_used_time[wid] = time.time()       #just to make sure this is always set
            if quality>=0:
            if speed>=0:
        #actual video compression:
        log("proxy compression using %s with quality=%s, speed=%s", ve, quality, speed)
        data, client_options = ve.compress_image(image, encoder_options)
        self.video_encoders_last_used_time[wid] = time.time()
        return send_updated(ve.get_encoding(), Compressed(encoding, data), client_options)
Пример #4
    def process_draw(self, packet):
        wid, x, y, width, height, encoding, pixels, _, rowstride, client_options = packet[
        #never modify mmap packets
        if encoding == "mmap":
            return True

        if not self.video_encoder_types or not client_options or not client_options.get(
                "proxy", False):
            #ensure we don't try to re-compress the pixel data in the network layer:
            #(re-add the "compressed" marker that gets lost when we re-assemble packets)
            packet[7] = Compressed("%s pixels" % encoding, packet[7])
            return True

        #we have a proxy video packet:
        rgb_format = client_options.get("rgb_format", "")
        log("proxy draw: client_options=%s", client_options)

        def send_updated(encoding, compressed_data, client_options):
            #update the packet with actual encoding data used:
            packet[6] = encoding
            packet[7] = compressed_data
            packet[10] = client_options
            log("returning %s bytes from %s", len(compressed_data),
            return (wid not in self.lost_windows)

        def passthrough():
            #passthrough as plain RGB:
            newdata = bytearray(pixels)
            #force alpha (and assume BGRX..) for now:
            for i in range(len(pixels) / 4):
                newdata[i * 4 + 3] = chr(255)
            packet[9] = client_options.get("rowstride", 0)
            return send_updated("rgb32", str(newdata),
                                {"rgb_format": rgb_format})

        if PASSTHROUGH:

        #video encoding: find existing encoder
        ve = self.video_encoders.get(wid)
        if ve:
            if ve in self.lost_windows:
                #we cannot clean the video encoder here, there may be more frames queue up
                #"lost-window" in encode_loop will take care of it safely
                return False
            #we must verify that the encoder is still valid
            #and scrap it if not (ie: when window is resized)
            if ve.get_width() != width or ve.get_height() != height:
                    "closing existing video encoder %s because dimensions have changed from %sx%s to %sx%s",
                    ve, ve.get_width(), ve.get_height(), width, height)
                ve = None
            elif ve.get_encoding() != encoding:
                    "closing existing video encoder %s because encoding has changed from %s to %s",
                    ve.get_encoding(), encoding)
                ve = None
        #scaling and depth are proxy-encoder attributes:
        scaling = client_options.get("scaling", (1, 1))
        depth = client_options.get("depth", 24)
        rowstride = client_options.get("rowstride", rowstride)
        quality = client_options.get("quality", -1)
        speed = client_options.get("speed", -1)
        timestamp = client_options.get("timestamp")

        image = ImageWrapper(x,
        if timestamp is not None:

        #the encoder options are passed through:
        encoder_options = client_options.get("options", {})
        if not ve:
            #make a new video encoder:
            spec = self._find_video_encoder(encoding, rgb_format)
            if spec is None:
                #no video encoder!
                from xpra.server.picture_encode import PIL_encode, PIL, warn_encoding_once
                if PIL is None:
                        "no video encoder found for rgb format %s, sending as plain RGB!"
                        % rgb_format)
                log("no video encoder available: sending as jpeg")
                coding, compressed_data, client_options, _, _, _, _ = PIL_encode(
                    "jpeg", image, quality, speed, False)
                return send_updated(coding, compressed_data, client_options)

            log("creating new video encoder %s for window %s", spec, wid)
            ve = spec.make_instance()
            #dst_formats is specified with first frame only:
            dst_formats = client_options.get("dst_formats")
            if dst_formats is not None:
                #save it in case we timeout the video encoder,
                #so we can instantiate it again, even from a frame no>1
                self.video_encoders_dst_formats = dst_formats
                assert self.video_encoders_dst_formats, "BUG: dst_formats not specified for proxy and we don't have it either"
                dst_formats = self.video_encoders_dst_formats
            ve.init_context(width, height, rgb_format, dst_formats, encoding,
                            quality, speed, scaling, {})
            self.video_encoders[wid] = ve
            self.video_encoders_last_used_time[wid] = time.time(
            )  #just to make sure this is always set
            if quality >= 0:
            if speed >= 0:
        #actual video compression:
        log("proxy compression using %s with quality=%s, speed=%s", ve,
            quality, speed)
        data, client_options = ve.compress_image(image, encoder_options)
        self.video_encoders_last_used_time[wid] = time.time()
        return send_updated(ve.get_encoding(), Compressed(encoding, data),