Пример #1
def load_icon_from_file(filename):
    if filename.endswith("xpm"):
            from xpra.gtk_common.gobject_compat import import_pixbufloader
            from xpra.gtk_common.gtk_util import pixbuf_save_to_memory
            data = load_binary_file(filename)
            loader = import_pixbufloader()()
            pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf()
            pngicondata = pixbuf_save_to_memory(pixbuf, "png")
            return pngicondata, "png"
        except Exception as e:
            log("pixbuf error loading %s", filename, exc_info=True)
            log.error("Error loading '%s':", filename)
            log.error(" %s", e)
        #try PIL:
        from PIL import Image
            img = Image.open(filename)
        except Exception as e:
            log("Image.open(%s)", filename, exc_info=True)
            log.error("Error loading '%s':", filename)
            log.error(" %s", e)
            return None
        buf = BytesIOClass()
        img.save(buf, "PNG")
        pngicondata = buf.getvalue()
        return pngicondata, "png"
    icondata = load_binary_file(filename)
    if not icondata:
        return None
    log("got icon data from '%s': %i bytes", filename, len(icondata))
    return icondata, os.path.splitext(filename)[1].rstrip(".")
Пример #2
 def get_encryption_key(self):
     key = load_binary_file(self.encryption_keyfile)
     if key is None and self.password_file:
         key = load_binary_file(self.password_file)
         if key:
             log("used password file as encryption key")
     if key is None:
         raise Exception("failed to load encryption keyfile %s" % self.encryption_keyfile)
     return key.strip("\n\r")
Пример #3
 def get_encryption_key(self):
     key = load_binary_file(self.encryption_keyfile)
     if key is None and self.password_file:
         key = load_binary_file(self.password_file)
         if key:
             log("used password file as encryption key")
     if key is None:
         raise Exception("failed to load encryption keyfile %s" % self.encryption_keyfile)
     return key.strip("\n\r")
Пример #4
def load_icon_from_file(filename):
    log("load_icon_from_file(%s)", filename)
    if filename.endswith("xpm"):
        from PIL import Image
            img = Image.open(filename)
            buf = BytesIO()
            img.save(buf, "PNG")
            pngicondata = buf.getvalue()
            return pngicondata, "png"
        except ValueError as e:
            log("Image.open(%s)", filename, exc_info=True)
        except Exception as e:
            log("Image.open(%s)", filename, exc_info=True)
            log.error("Error loading '%s':", filename)
            log.error(" %s", e)
        #fallback to PixbufLoader:
            from xpra.gtk_common.gtk_util import pixbuf_save_to_memory
            data = load_binary_file(filename)
            from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf
            loader = GdkPixbuf.PixbufLoader()
            pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf()
            pngicondata = pixbuf_save_to_memory(pixbuf, "png")
            return pngicondata, "png"
        except Exception as e:
            log("pixbuf error loading %s", filename, exc_info=True)
            log.error("Error loading '%s':", filename)
            log.error(" %s", e)
    icondata = load_binary_file(filename)
    if not icondata:
        return None
    if filename.endswith("svg") and len(icondata)>MAX_ICON_SIZE//2:
        #try to resize it
        size = len(icondata)
        pngdata = svg_to_png(filename, icondata)
        if pngdata:
            log("reduced size of SVG icon %s, from %i bytes to %i bytes as PNG",
                     filename, size, len(pngdata))
            icondata = pngdata
            filename = filename[:-3]+"png"
    log("got icon data from '%s': %i bytes", filename, len(icondata))
    if len(icondata)>MAX_ICON_SIZE and first_time("icon-size-warning-%s" % filename):
        global large_icons
        large_icons.append((filename, len(icondata)))
    return icondata, os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lstrip(".")
Пример #5
 def get_encryption_key(self):
     key = load_binary_file(self.encryption_keyfile)
     if not key:
         key = os.environ.get('XPRA_ENCRYPTION_KEY')
     if not key and self.password_file:
         key = load_binary_file(self.password_file)
         if key:
             log("used password file as encryption key")
     if not key:
         key = os.environ.get('XPRA_PASSWORD')
         if key:
             log("used XPRA_PASSWORD as encryption key")
     if key is None:
         raise Exception("no encryption key")
     return key.strip("\n\r")
Пример #6
 def get_encryption_key(self):
     key = load_binary_file(self.encryption_keyfile)
     if not key:
         key = os.environ.get('XPRA_ENCRYPTION_KEY')
     if not key and self.password_file:
         key = load_binary_file(self.password_file)
         if key:
             log("used password file as encryption key")
     if not key:
         key = os.environ.get('XPRA_PASSWORD')
         if key:
             log("used XPRA_PASSWORD as encryption key")
     if key is None:
         raise Exception("no encryption key")
     return key.strip("\n\r")
Пример #7
 def get_encryption_key(self):
     key = load_binary_file(self.encryption_keyfile)
     if not key:
         key = os.environ.get('XPRA_ENCRYPTION_KEY')
     if not key:
         raise InitExit(1, "no encryption key")
     return key.strip("\n\r")
Пример #8
def get_CUDA_function(device_id, function_name):
        Returns the compiled kernel for the given device
        and kernel key.
    global KERNELS
    data = KERNELS.get(function_name)
    if data is None:
        from xpra.platform.paths import get_resources_dir
        cubin_file = os.path.join(get_resources_dir(), "cuda", "%s.fatbin" % function_name)
        log("get_CUDA_function(%s, %s) cubin file=%s", device_id, function_name, cubin_file)
        data = load_binary_file(cubin_file)
        if not data:
            log.error("Error: failed to load CUDA bin file '%s'", cubin_file)
            return None
        log(" loaded %s bytes", len(data))
        KERNELS[function_name] = data
    #now load from cubin:
    start = monotonic_time()
        mod = driver.module_from_buffer(data)
    except Exception as e:
        log("module_from_buffer(%s)", data, exc_info=True)
        log.error("Error: failed to load module from buffer for '%s'", function_name)
        log.error(" %s", e)
        return None
    log("get_CUDA_function(%s, %s) module=%s", device_id, function_name, mod)
        fn = function_name
        CUDA_function = mod.get_function(fn)
    except driver.LogicError as e:
        raise Exception("failed to load '%s' from %s: %s" % (function_name, mod, e)) from None
    end = monotonic_time()
    log("loading function %s from pre-compiled cubin took %.1fms", function_name, 1000.0*(end-start))
    return CUDA_function
Пример #9
def get_CUDA_function(device_id, function_name):
        Returns the compiled kernel for the given device
        and kernel key.
    global KERNELS
    data = KERNELS.get(function_name)
    if data is None:
        from xpra.platform.paths import default_get_app_dir
        from xpra.os_util import load_binary_file
        cubin_file = os.path.join(default_get_app_dir(), "cuda", "%s.fatbin" % function_name)
        log("get_CUDA_function(%s, %s) cubin file=%s", device_id, function_name, cubin_file)
        data = load_binary_file(cubin_file)
        if not data:
            log.error("failed to load CUDA bin file %s", cubin_file)
            return None
        log(" loaded %s bytes", len(data))
        KERNELS[function_name] = data
    #now load from cubin:
    start = time.time()
    mod = driver.module_from_buffer(data)
    log("get_CUDA_function(%s, %s) module=%s", device_id, function_name, mod)
        CUDA_function = mod.get_function(function_name)
    except driver.LogicError as e:
        raise Exception("failed to load '%s' from %s: %s" % (function_name, mod, e))
    end = time.time()
    log("loading function %s from pre-compiled cubin took %.1fms", function_name, 1000.0*(end-start))
    return CUDA_function
Пример #10
def get_proc_cmdline(pid):
    if pid and LINUX:
        #try to find the command via /proc:
        proc_cmd_line = os.path.join("/proc", "%s" % pid, "cmdline")
        if os.path.exists(proc_cmd_line):
            return load_binary_file(proc_cmd_line).rstrip(b"\0")
    return None
Пример #11
 def _process_request_file(self, proto, packet):
     ss = self.get_server_source(proto)
     if not ss:
         printlog.warn("Warning: invalid client source for send-data-response packet")
     argf = u(packet[1])
     openit = packet[2]
     filename = os.path.abspath(osexpand(argf))
     if not os.path.exists(filename):
         filelog.warn("Warning: the file requested does not exist:")
         filelog.warn(" %s", filename)
                       "File not found", "The file requested does not exist:\n%s" % filename,
         stat = os.stat(filename)
         filelog("os.stat(%s)=%s", filename, stat)
     except os.error:
         filelog("os.stat(%s)", filename, exc_info=True)
         file_size = stat.st_size
         if file_size>self.file_transfer.file_size_limit or file_size>ss.file_size_limit:
                           "File too large",
                           "The file requested is too large to send:\n%s\nis %s" % (argf, std_unit(file_size)),
     data = load_binary_file(filename)
     ss.send_file(filename, "", data, len(data), openit=openit, options={"request-file" : (argf, openit)})
Пример #12
def get_CUDA_function(device_id, function_name):
        Returns the compiled kernel for the given device
        and kernel key.
    global KERNELS
    data = KERNELS.get(function_name)
    if data is None:
        from xpra.platform.paths import default_get_app_dir
        from xpra.os_util import load_binary_file
        cubin_file = os.path.join(default_get_app_dir(), "cuda",
                                  "%s.fatbin" % function_name)
        log("get_CUDA_function(%s, %s) cubin file=%s", device_id,
            function_name, cubin_file)
        data = load_binary_file(cubin_file)
        if not data:
            log.error("failed to load CUDA bin file %s", cubin_file)
            return None
        log(" loaded %s bytes", len(data))
        KERNELS[function_name] = data
    #now load from cubin:
    start = time.time()
    mod = driver.module_from_buffer(data)
    log("get_CUDA_function(%s, %s) module=%s", device_id, function_name, mod)
        CUDA_function = mod.get_function(function_name)
    except driver.LogicError as e:
        raise Exception("failed to load '%s' from %s: %s" %
                        (function_name, mod, e))
    end = time.time()
    log("loading function %s from pre-compiled cubin took %.1fms",
        function_name, 1000.0 * (end - start))
    return CUDA_function
Пример #13
 def get_encryption_key(self):
     key = load_binary_file(self.encryption_keyfile)
     if not key:
         key = os.environ.get('XPRA_ENCRYPTION_KEY')
     if not key:
         raise InitExit(1, "no encryption key")
     return key.strip("\n\r")
Пример #14
 def do_test_control_send_file(self, data):
     f = self._temp_file(data)
         display = self.find_free_display()
         server = self.check_start_server(display)
         xvfb, client = self.run_client(display, "--file-transfer=yes")
         assert pollwait(client, CLIENT_TIMEOUT) is None
         #send a file to this client:
         send_file_command = [
             "control", display, "send-file", f.name, "0", "*"
         send_file = self.run_xpra(send_file_command)
         assert pollwait(
             send_file, CLIENT_TIMEOUT
         ) == 0, "send-file command returncode is %s" % send_file.poll()
         #now verify the file can be found in the download directory
         from xpra.platform.paths import get_download_dir
         filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(get_download_dir()),
         assert os.path.exists(filename), "cannot find %s" % filename
         readback = load_binary_file(filename)
         assert readback == data, "file data corrupted"
 def do_control_file_command(self, command_type, client_uuids, filename, source_flag_name, send_file_args):
     #find the clients:
     sources = self._control_get_sources(client_uuids)
     if not sources:
         raise ControlError("no clients found matching: %s" % client_uuids)
     #find the file and load it:
     actual_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(filename))
         stat = os.stat(actual_filename)
         log("os.stat(%s)=%s", actual_filename, stat)
     except os.error:
         log("os.stat(%s)", actual_filename, exc_info=True)
     if not os.path.exists(actual_filename):
         raise ControlError("file '%s' does not exist" % filename)
     data = load_binary_file(actual_filename)
     #verify size:
     file_size = len(data)
     file_size_MB = file_size//1024//1024
     if file_size_MB>self.file_transfer.file_size_limit:
         raise ControlError("file '%s' is too large: %iMB (limit is %iMB)" % (
             filename, file_size_MB, self.file_transfer.file_size_limit))
     #send it to each client:
     for ss in sources:
         #ie: ServerSource.file_transfer (found in FileTransferAttributes)
         if not getattr(ss, source_flag_name):
             log.warn("Warning: cannot %s '%s'", command_type, filename)
             log.warn(" client %s does not support this feature", ss)
         elif file_size_MB>ss.file_size_limit:
             log.warn("Warning: cannot %s '%s'", command_type, filename)
             log.warn(" client %s file size limit is %iMB (file is %iMB)", ss, ss.file_size_limit, file_size_MB)
             ss.send_file(filename, "", data, file_size, *send_file_args)
     return "%s of '%s' to %s initiated" % (command_type, filename, client_uuids)
Пример #16
 def set_command_args(self, command):
     log("set_command_args(%s)", command)
     self.filename = command[0]
     #print command arguments:
     #filename, file_data, mimetype, source_uuid, title, printer, no_copies, print_options_str = packet[1:9]
     self.command = command[1:]
     #TODO: load as needed...
     def sizeerr(size):
         self.warn_and_quit(EXIT_FILE_TOO_BIG, "the file is too large: %iMB (the file size limit is %iMB)" % (size//1024//1024, self.file_size_limit))
     if self.filename=="-":
         #replace with filename proposed
         self.filename = command[2]
         #read file from stdin
         self.file_data = sys.stdin.read()
         log("read %i bytes from stdin", len(self.file_data))
         import os.path
         size = os.path.getsize(self.filename)
         if size>self.file_size_limit*1024*1024:
         from xpra.os_util import load_binary_file
         self.file_data = load_binary_file(self.filename)
         log("read %i bytes from %s", len(self.file_data), self.filename)
     size = len(self.file_data)
     if size>self.file_size_limit*1024*1024:
     assert self.file_data, "no data found for '%s'" % self.filename
Пример #17
 def load_password(self):
     if not self.password_file:
         return os.environ.get('XPRA_PASSWORD')
     filename = os.path.expanduser(self.password_file)
     password = load_binary_file(filename)
     netlog("password read from file %s is %s", self.password_file, "".join(["*" for _ in (password or "")]))
     return password
Пример #18
 def get_property(self, prop):
     #subclasses can define properties as attributes:
     attr_name = prop.replace("-", "_")
     if hasattr(self, attr_name):
         return getattr(self, attr_name)
     #otherwise fallback to default behaviour:
     if prop == "title":
         return prettify_plug_name(
     if prop == "client-machine":
         return socket.gethostname()
     if prop == "window-type":
         return ["NORMAL"]
     if prop == "fullscreen":
         return False
     if prop == "shadow":
         return True
     if prop == "depth":
         return 24
     if prop == "scaling":
         return None
     if prop == "opacity":
         return None
     if prop == "size-hints":
         size = self.get_dimensions()
         return {
             "maximum-size": size,
             "minimum-size": size,
             "base-size": size,
     if prop == "class-instance":
         osn = do_get_generic_os_name()
         if osn == "Linux":
                 osn += "-" + get_linux_distribution()[0].replace(" ", "-")
             except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
         return ("xpra-%s" % osn.lower(), "Xpra %s" % osn.replace("-", " "))
     if prop == "icons":
             icon_name = get_icon_filename(
                 (get_generic_os_name() or "").lower() + ".png")
             from PIL import Image
             img = Image.open(icon_name)
             log("Image(%s)=%s", icon_name, img)
             if img:
                 icon_data = load_binary_file(icon_name)
                 assert icon_data
                 w, h = img.size
                 icon = (w, h, "png", icon_data)
                 icons = (icon, )
                 return icons
         except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
             log("failed to return window icon")
             return ()
     if prop == "content-type":
         return "desktop"
     raise ValueError("invalid property: %s" % prop)
Пример #19
 def load_password(self):
     if not self.password_file:
         return os.environ.get('XPRA_PASSWORD')
     filename = os.path.expanduser(self.password_file)
     password = load_binary_file(filename)
     netlog("password read from file %s is %s", self.password_file,
            "".join(["*" for _ in (password or "")]))
     return password
Пример #20
 def load_password(self):
     filename = os.path.expanduser(self.password_file)
     password = load_binary_file(filename)
     if password is None:
         return None
     password = password.strip("\n\r")
     log("password read from file %s is %s", self.password_file, "".join(["*" for _ in password]))
     return password
Пример #21
 def load_password(self):
     filename = os.path.expanduser(self.password_file)
     password = load_binary_file(filename)
     if password is None:
         return None
     password = password.strip("\n\r")
     log("password read from file %s is %s", self.password_file, "".join(["*" for _ in password]))
     return password
Пример #22
def get_default_systemd_run():
    #don't use systemd-run on CentOS / RedHat
    #(it causes failures with "Failed to create bus connection: No such file or directory")
    from xpra.os_util import load_binary_file, strtobytes
    data = strtobytes(load_binary_file("/etc/redhat-release") or "")
    if data and (data.find(b"RedHat")>=0 or data.find(b"CentOS")>=0):
        return "no"
    return "auto"
Пример #23
	def test_ssl_socket(self):
		server = None
		display_no = self.find_free_display_no()
		display = ":%s" % display_no
		tcp_port = get_free_tcp_port()
		ssl_port = get_free_tcp_port()
			tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='ssl-xpra')
			certfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, "self.pem")
			openssl_command = [
								"openssl", "req", "-new", "-newkey", "rsa:4096", "-days", "2", "-nodes", "-x509",
								"-subj", "/C=US/ST=Denial/L=Springfield/O=Dis/CN=localhost",
    							"-keyout", certfile, "-out", certfile,
			openssl = self.run_command(openssl_command)
			assert pollwait(openssl, 10)==0, "openssl certificate generation failed"
			cert_data = load_binary_file(certfile)
			log("generated cert data: %s", repr_ellipsized(cert_data))
			if not cert_data:
				#cannot run openssl? (happens from rpmbuild)
				log.warn("SSL test skipped, cannot run '%s'", b" ".join(openssl_command))
			server_args = [
							"--bind-tcp=" % tcp_port,
							"--bind-ssl=" % ssl_port,
							"--ssl-cert=%s" % certfile]

			log("starting test ssl server on %s", display)
			server = self.start_server(display, *server_args)

			#test it with openssl client:
			for port in (tcp_port, ssl_port):
				openssl_verify_command = "openssl s_client -connect -CAfile %s < /dev/null" % (port, certfile)
				openssl = self.run_command(openssl_verify_command, shell=True)
				assert pollwait(openssl, 10)==0, "openssl certificate verification failed"

			def test_connect(uri, exit_code, *client_args):
				cmd = ["info", uri] + list(client_args)
				client = self.run_xpra(cmd)
				r = pollwait(client, 5)
				if client.poll() is None:
				assert r==exit_code, "expected info client to return %s but got %s" % (exit_code, client.poll())
			noverify = "--ssl-server-verify-mode=none"
			#connect to ssl socket:
			test_connect("ssl/" % ssl_port, EXIT_OK, noverify)
			#tcp socket should upgrade:
			test_connect("ssl/" % tcp_port, EXIT_OK, noverify)
			#self signed cert should fail without noverify:
			test_connect("ssl/" % ssl_port, EXIT_CONNECTION_LOST)
			test_connect("ssl/" % tcp_port, EXIT_CONNECTION_LOST)

			if server:
Пример #24
 def handle(self, packet):
     if not self.password_file:
         return False
     filename = os.path.expanduser(self.password_file)
     data = load_binary_file(filename)
     if not data:
         return False
     self.client.send_challenge_reply(packet, data)
     return True
Пример #25
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self.app_id = kwargs.pop("app_id", APP_ID)
     key_hexstring = kwargs.pop("public_key", "")
     self.public_keys = {}
     key_strs = {}
     if key_hexstring:
         log("u2f_auth: public key from configuration=%s", key_hexstring)
         key_strs["command-option"] = key_hexstring
     #try to load public keys from the user conf dir(s):
     if getuid() == 0 and POSIX:
         #root: use the uid of the username specified:
         uid = self.get_uid()
         uid = getuid()
     conf_dirs = get_user_conf_dirs(uid)
     log("u2f: will try to load public keys from %s", csv(conf_dirs))
     #load public keys:
     for d in conf_dirs:
         ed = osexpand(d)
         if os.path.exists(ed) and os.path.isdir(ed):
             pub_keyfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(ed, "u2f*-pub.hex"))
             log("u2f: keyfiles(%s)=%s", ed, pub_keyfiles)
             for f in sorted(pub_keyfiles):
                 key_hexstring = load_binary_file(f)
                 if key_hexstring:
                     key_hexstring = key_hexstring.rstrip(b" \n\r")
                     key_strs[f] = key_hexstring
                     log("u2f_auth: loaded public key from file '%s': %s",
                         f, key_hexstring)
     #parse public key data:
     #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
     from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_der_public_key
     from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
     for origin, key_hexstring in key_strs.items():
             key = binascii.unhexlify(key_hexstring)
         except Exception as e:
             log("unhexlify(%s)", key_hexstring, exc_info=True)
             log.warn("Warning: failed to parse key '%s'", origin)
             log.warn(" %s", e)
         log("u2f: trying to load DER public key %s", repr(key))
         if not key.startswith(PUB_KEY_DER_PREFIX):
             key = PUB_KEY_DER_PREFIX + key
             k = load_der_public_key(key, default_backend())
         except Exception as e:
             log("load_der_public_key(%r)", key, exc_info=True)
             log.warn("Warning: failed to parse key '%s'", origin)
             log.warn(" %s", e)
         self.public_keys[origin] = k
     if not self.public_keys:
         raise Exception(
             "u2f authenticator requires at least one public key")
Пример #26
 def process_challenge_file(self, packet):
     if self.password_index<len(self.password_file):
         password_file = self.password_file[self.password_index]
         self.password_index += 1
         filename = os.path.expanduser(password_file)
         password = load_binary_file(filename)
         authlog("password read from file %i '%s': %s", self.password_index, password_file, obsc(password))
         self.send_challenge_reply(packet, password)
         return True
     return False
Пример #27
 def load_password(self):
     if not self.password_file:
         return os.environ.get('XPRA_PASSWORD')
     filename = os.path.expanduser(self.password_file)
     password = load_binary_file(filename)
     if password is None:
         return None
     password = password.strip("\n\r")
     log("password read from file %s is %s", self.password_file, "".join(["*" for _ in password]))
     return password
Пример #28
 def load_password(self):
     if not self.password_file:
         return os.environ.get('XPRA_PASSWORD')
     filename = os.path.expanduser(self.password_file)
     password = load_binary_file(filename)
     if password is None:
         return None
     password = password.strip("\n\r")
     log("password read from file %s is %s", self.password_file,
         "".join(["*" for _ in password]))
     return password
Пример #29
 def handle(self, packet) -> bool:
     log("handle(..) password_file=%s", self.password_file)
     if not self.password_file:
         return False
     filename = os.path.expanduser(self.password_file)
     data = load_binary_file(filename)
     log("loaded password data from %s: %s", filename, bool(data))
     if not data:
         return False
     self.client.send_challenge_reply(packet, data)
     return True
Пример #30
def load_icon_from_file(filename):
    log("load_icon_from_file(%s)", filename)
    if filename.endswith("xpm"):
            from xpra.gtk_common.gobject_compat import import_pixbufloader
            from xpra.gtk_common.gtk_util import pixbuf_save_to_memory
            data = load_binary_file(filename)
            loader = import_pixbufloader()()
            pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf()
            pngicondata = pixbuf_save_to_memory(pixbuf, "png")
            return pngicondata, "png"
        except Exception as e:
            log("pixbuf error loading %s", filename, exc_info=True)
            log.error("Error loading '%s':", filename)
            log.error(" %s", e)
        #try PIL:
        from PIL import Image
            img = Image.open(filename)
        except Exception as e:
            log("Image.open(%s)", filename, exc_info=True)
            log.error("Error loading '%s':", filename)
            log.error(" %s", e)
            return None
        buf = BytesIO()
        img.save(buf, "PNG")
        pngicondata = buf.getvalue()
        return pngicondata, "png"
    icondata = load_binary_file(filename)
    if not icondata:
        return None
    log("got icon data from '%s': %i bytes", filename, len(icondata))
    if len(icondata) > MAX_ICON_SIZE and first_time(
            "icon-size-warning-%s" % filename):
        log.warn("Warning: icon is quite large (%i KB):",
                 len(icondata) // 1024)
        log.warn(" '%s'", filename)
    return icondata, os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lstrip(".")
Пример #31
 def auth_publickey():
     log("trying public key authentication using %s", keyfiles)
     for keyfile_path in keyfiles:
         if not os.path.exists(keyfile_path):
             log("no keyfile at '%s'", keyfile_path)
         log("trying '%s'", keyfile_path)
         key = None
         import paramiko
         for pkey_classname in ("RSA", "DSS", "ECDSA", "Ed25519"):
             pkey_class = getattr(paramiko, "%sKey" % pkey_classname, None)
             if pkey_class is None:
                 log("no %s key type", pkey_classname)
             log("trying to load as %s", pkey_classname)
                 key = pkey_class.from_private_key_file(keyfile_path)
                 log.info("loaded %s private key from '%s'", pkey_classname, keyfile_path)
             except PasswordRequiredException as e:
                 log("%s keyfile requires a passphrase; %s", keyfile_path, e)
                 passphrase = input_pass("please enter the passphrase for %s:" % (keyfile_path,))
                 if passphrase:
                         key = pkey_class.from_private_key_file(keyfile_path, passphrase)
                         log.info("loaded %s private key from '%s'", pkey_classname, keyfile_path)
                     except SSHException as e:
                         log("from_private_key_file", exc_info=True)
                         log.info("cannot load key from file '%s':", keyfile_path)
                         log.info(" %s", e)
             except Exception as e:
                 log("auth_publickey() loading as %s", pkey_classname, exc_info=True)
                 key_data = load_binary_file(keyfile_path)
                 if key_data and key_data.find(b"BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY")>=0 and paramiko.__version__<"2.7":
                     log.warn("Warning: private key '%s'", keyfile_path)
                     log.warn(" this file seems to be using OpenSSH's own format")
                     log.warn(" please convert it to something more standard (ie: PEM)")
                     log.warn(" so it can be used with the paramiko backend")
                     log.warn(" or switch to the OpenSSH backend with '--ssh=ssh'")
         if key:
             log("auth_publickey using %s as %s: %s", keyfile_path, pkey_classname, keymd5(key))
                 transport.auth_publickey(username, key)
             except SSHException as e:
                 log("key '%s' rejected", keyfile_path, exc_info=True)
                 log.info("SSH authentication using key '%s' failed:", keyfile_path)
                 log.info(" %s", e)
                 if transport.is_authenticated():
             log.error("Error: cannot load private key '%s'", keyfile_path)
Пример #32
 def get_encryption_key(self):
     key = None
     if os.path.exists(self.encryption_keyfile):
         key = load_binary_file(self.encryption_keyfile)
         cryptolog("get_encryption_key() loaded %i bytes from '%s'", len(key or ""), self.encryption_keyfile)
     if not key:
         key = strtobytes(os.environ.get(XPRA_ENCRYPTION_KEY, ''))
         cryptolog("get_encryption_key() got %i bytes from '%s' environment variable", len(key or ""), XPRA_ENCRYPTION_KEY)
     if not key:
         raise InitExit(1, "no encryption key")
     return key.strip(b"\n\r")
Пример #33
    def do_control_file_command(self, command_type, client_uuids, filename,
                                source_flag_name, send_file_args):
        #find the clients:
        sources = self._control_get_sources(client_uuids)
        if not sources:
            raise ControlError("no clients found matching: %s" % client_uuids)

        def checksize(file_size):
            if file_size > self.file_transfer.file_size_limit:
                raise ControlError(
                    "file '%s' is too large: %sB (limit is %sB)" %
                    (filename, std_unit(file_size),

        #find the file and load it:
        actual_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(filename))
            stat = os.stat(actual_filename)
            log("os.stat(%s)=%s", actual_filename, stat)
        except os.error:
            log("os.stat(%s)", actual_filename, exc_info=True)
        if not os.path.exists(actual_filename):
            raise ControlError("file '%s' does not exist" % filename)
        data = load_binary_file(actual_filename)
        if data is None:
            raise ControlError("failed to load '%s'" % actual_filename)
        #verify size:
        file_size = len(data)
        #send it to each client:
        for ss in sources:
            #ie: ServerSource.file_transfer (found in FileTransferAttributes)
            if not getattr(ss, source_flag_name, False):
                #skip the warning if the client is not interactive
                #(for now just check for 'top' client):
                if ss.client_type == "top":
                    l = log
                    l = log.warn
                l("Warning: cannot %s '%s' to %s client", command_type,
                  filename, ss.client_type)
                l(" client %s does not support this feature", ss.uuid)
            elif file_size > ss.file_size_limit:
                log.warn("Warning: cannot %s '%s'", command_type, filename)
                log.warn(" client %s file size limit is %sB (file is %sB)", ss,
                         std_unit(ss.file_size_limit), std_unit(file_size))
                ss.send_file(filename, "", data, file_size, *send_file_args)
        return "%s of '%s' to %s initiated" % (command_type, filename,
Пример #34
 def load_password(self):
     if not self.password_file:
         return os.environ.get('XPRA_PASSWORD')
     filename = os.path.expanduser(self.password_file)
     password = load_binary_file(filename)
     if password is None:
         return None
         password = password.decode("utf8").strip("\n\r")
         password = str(password)
     netlog("password read from file %s is %s", self.password_file, "".join(["*" for _ in (password or "")]))
     return password
Пример #35
 def load_password(self):
     if not self.password_file:
         return os.environ.get('XPRA_PASSWORD')
     filename = os.path.expanduser(self.password_file)
     password = load_binary_file(filename)
     if password is None:
         return None
         password = password.decode("utf8").strip("\n\r")
         password = str(password)
     netlog("password read from file %s is %s", self.password_file,
            "".join(["*" for _ in (password or "")]))
     return password
Пример #36
 def process_challenge_u2f(self, packet):
     digest = packet[3]
     if not digest.startswith(b"u2f:"):
         authlog("%s is not a u2f challenge", digest)
         return False
     import binascii
     import logging
     if not is_debug_enabled("auth"):
     from pyu2f import model
     from pyu2f.u2f import GetLocalU2FInterface
     dev = GetLocalU2FInterface()
     APP_ID = os.environ.get("XPRA_U2F_APP_ID", "Xpra")
     key_handle_str = os.environ.get("XPRA_U2F_KEY_HANDLE")
     authlog("process_challenge_u2f XPRA_U2F_KEY_HANDLE=%s", key_handle_str)
     if not key_handle_str:
         #try to load the key handle from the user conf dir(s):
         from xpra.platform.paths import get_user_conf_dirs
         info = self._protocol.get_info(False)
         key_handle_filenames = []
         for hostinfo in ("-%s" % info.get("host", ""), ""):
             key_handle_filenames += [
                 os.path.join(d, "u2f-keyhandle%s.hex" % hostinfo)
                 for d in get_user_conf_dirs()
         for filename in key_handle_filenames:
             p = osexpand(filename)
             key_handle_str = load_binary_file(p)
             authlog("key_handle_str(%s)=%s", p, key_handle_str)
             if key_handle_str:
                 key_handle_str = key_handle_str.rstrip(b" \n\r")
         if not key_handle_str:
             authlog.warn("Warning: no U2F key handle found")
             return False
     authlog("process_challenge_u2f key_handle=%s", key_handle_str)
     key_handle = binascii.unhexlify(key_handle_str)
     key = model.RegisteredKey(key_handle)
     #use server salt as challenge directly
     challenge = packet[1]
     authlog.info("activate your U2F device for authentication")
     response = dev.Authenticate(APP_ID, challenge, [key])
     sig = response.signature_data
     client_data = response.client_data
     authlog("process_challenge_u2f client data=%s, signature=%s",
             client_data, binascii.hexlify(sig))
     self.do_send_challenge_reply(bytes(sig), client_data.origin)
     return True
Пример #37
 def set_command_args(self, command):
     log("set_command_args(%s)", command)
     self.filename = command[0]
     self.command = command[1:]
     #FIXME: load as needed...
     from xpra.os_util import load_binary_file
     if self.filename=="-":
         #replace with filename proposed
         self.filename = command[2]
         #read file from stdin
         self.file_data = sys.stdin.read()
         log("read %i bytes from stdin", len(self.file_data))
         self.file_data = load_binary_file(self.filename)
     assert self.file_data, "no data found for '%s'" % self.filename
Пример #38
def get_proc_driver_version():
    from xpra.os_util import load_binary_file
    proc_file = "/proc/driver/nvidia/version"
    v = load_binary_file(proc_file)
    if not v:
        log.warn("Warning: NVidia kernel module not installed?")
        log.warn(" cannot open '%s'", proc_file)
        return ""
    KSTR = "Kernel Module"
    p = v.find(KSTR)
    if not p:
        log.warn("unknown NVidia kernel module version")
        return ""
    v = v[p+len(KSTR):].strip().split(" ")[0]
    v = v.split(".")
    return v
Пример #39
def get_proc_driver_version():
    from xpra.os_util import load_binary_file
    proc_file = "/proc/driver/nvidia/version"
    v = load_binary_file(proc_file)
    if not v:
        log.warn("Warning: NVidia kernel module not installed?")
        log.warn(" cannot open '%s'", proc_file)
        return ()
    KSTR = b"Kernel Module"
    p = v.find(KSTR)
    if not p:
        log.warn("unknown NVidia kernel module version")
        return ""
    v = v[p+len(KSTR):].strip().split(b" ")[0]
    v = v.split(b".")
    return v
Пример #40
def find_session_icon(*names):
    icondirs = None
    for name in names:
        fn = get_icon_filename(name)
        if fn:
            data = load_binary_file(fn)
            if data:
                return data, os.path.splitext(fn)[1].lstrip(".")
        if icondirs is None:
            icondirs = get_xdg_icon_dirs()
        if icondirs:
            #v = find_icon(("categories", "apps", "places", "*"), icondirs, name)
            v = find_icon(("*", ), icondirs, name)
            if v:
                return v
    return None
Пример #41
 def get_fallback_window_icon():
     if WindowIconSource.fallback_window_icon is False:
             from xpra.platform.paths import get_icon_filename
             icon_filename = get_icon_filename("xpra.png")
             log("get_fallback_window_icon() icon filename=%s", icon_filename)
             assert os.path.exists(icon_filename), "xpra icon not found: %s" % icon_filename
             img = Image.open(icon_filename)
             icon_data = load_binary_file(icon_filename)
             icon = (img.size[0], img.size[1], "png", icon_data)
             WindowIconSource.fallback_window_icon = icon
             return icon
         except Exception as e:
             log.warn("failed to get fallback icon: %s", e)
             WindowIconSource.fallback_window_icon = False
     return WindowIconSource.fallback_window_icon
Пример #42
def main():
    from xpra.os_util import load_binary_file
    if "-v" in sys.argv:
    if len(sys.argv)>1:
        for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
            if not os.path.exists(filename):
                log.warn("file argument '%s' does not exist, ignoring", filename)
            data = load_binary_file(filename)
            devices = do_get_pa_device_options(data, True, False)
            log.info("%s devices found in '%s'", len(devices), filename)

    i = get_info()
Пример #43
def identify_nvidia_module_version():
    if os.name!="posix":
        return None
    from xpra.os_util import load_binary_file
    v = load_binary_file("/proc/driver/nvidia/version")
    if not v:
        log.warn("Nvidia kernel module not installed?")
        return []
    KSTR = "Kernel Module"
    p = v.find(KSTR)
    if not p:
        log.warn("unknown Nvidia kernel module version")
        return []
    v = v[p+len(KSTR):].strip().split(" ")[0]
        numver = [int(x) for x in v.split(".")]
        log.info("Nvidia kernel module version %s", v)
        return numver
    except Exception as e:
        log.warn("failed to parse Nvidia kernel module version '%s': %s", v, e)
    return []
Пример #44
def main():
    from xpra.os_util import load_binary_file

    if "-v" in sys.argv:
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
            if not os.path.exists(filename):
                log.warn("file argument '%s' does not exist, igoring", filename)
            data = load_binary_file(filename)
            devices = do_get_pa_device_options(data, True, False)
            log.info("%s devices found in '%s'", len(devices), filename)
            for d, info in devices.items():
                log.info("* %s : %s", d, info)

    i = get_info()
    for k in sorted(i):
        log.info("%s : %s", k.ljust(64), i[k])
Пример #45
 def set_command_args(self, command):
     log("set_command_args(%s)", command)
     self.filename = command[0]
     #print command arguments:
     #filename, file_data, mimetype, source_uuid, title, printer, no_copies, print_options_str = packet[1:9]
     self.command = command[1:]
     #FIXME: load as needed...
     from xpra.os_util import load_binary_file
     if self.filename=="-":
         #replace with filename proposed
         self.filename = command[2]
         #read file from stdin
         self.file_data = sys.stdin.read()
         log("read %i bytes from stdin", len(self.file_data))
         self.file_data = load_binary_file(self.filename)
         log("read %i bytes from %s", len(self.file_data), self.filename)
     if len(self.file_data)>=self.file_size_limit*1024*1024:
         self.warn_and_quit(EXIT_FILE_TOO_BIG, "the file is too large: %iMB (the file size limit is %iMB)" % (len(self.file_data)//1024//1024, self.file_size_limit))
     assert self.file_data, "no data found for '%s'" % self.filename
Пример #46
def validate_setup():
    # very simple check: at least one ppd file exists
    defs = get_printer_definitions()
    if not defs:
        log.warn("Warning: no printer definitions found, cannot enable printing")
        return False
    # check for SELinux
        if os.path.exists("/sys/fs/selinux"):
            log("SELinux is present")
            from xpra.os_util import load_binary_file

            enforce = load_binary_file("/sys/fs/selinux/enforce")
            log("SELinux enforce=%s", enforce)
            if enforce == "1":
                log.warn("SELinux is running in enforcing mode")
                log.warn(" printer forwarding is unlikely to work without a policy")
                log("SELinux is present but not in enforcing mode")
    except Exception as e:
        log.error("Error checking for the presence of SELinux:")
        log.error(" %s", e)
    return True
Пример #47
	def do_test_control_send_file(self, data):
		f = self._temp_file(data)
			display = self.find_free_display()
			server = self.check_start_server(display)
			xvfb, client = self.run_client(display)
			assert pollwait(client, CLIENT_TIMEOUT) is None
			#send a file to this client:
			send_file_command = ["control", display, "send-file", f.name, "1", "*"]
			send_file = self.run_xpra(send_file_command)
			assert pollwait(send_file, CLIENT_TIMEOUT)==0, "send-file command returncode is %s" % send_file.poll()
			#now verify the file can be found in the download directory
			from xpra.platform.paths import get_download_dir
			filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(get_download_dir()), os.path.basename(f.name))
			assert os.path.exists(filename), "cannot find %s" % filename
			readback = load_binary_file(filename)
			assert readback==data
Пример #48
 def filedata_nocrlf(self, filename):
     v = load_binary_file(filename)
     if v is None:
         log.error("failed to load '%s'", filename)
         return None
     return v.strip("\n\r")