Пример #1
 def __init__(self,
     self.local_clipboard = local_clipboard
     self.remote_clipboard = remote_clipboard
     ClipboardProtocolHelperBase.__init__(self, send_packet_cb, progress_cb,
Пример #2
 def _munge_wire_selection_to_raw(self, encoding, datatype, format, data):
     if encoding == "atoms":
         gdkatoms = gdk_atom_array_from_gdk_atoms(data)
         log.debug("gdkatoms(%s)=%s", data, gdkatoms)
         return struct.pack("=" + "L" * len(gdkatoms), *gdkatoms)
     return ClipboardProtocolHelperBase._munge_wire_selection_to_raw(
         self, encoding, datatype, format, data)
Пример #3
 def _munge_wire_selection_to_raw(self, encoding, datatype, format, data):
     if encoding == "atoms":
         import gtk.gdk
         gdk_atoms = [gtk.gdk.atom_intern(a) for a in data]
         atom_array = gdk_atom_array_from_gdk_atom_objects(gdk_atoms)
         return struct.pack("=" + "I" * len(atom_array), *atom_array)
     return ClipboardProtocolHelperBase._munge_wire_selection_to_raw(self, encoding, datatype, format, data)
Пример #4
 def _do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(self, type, format, data):
     if format == 32 and type in ("ATOM", "ATOM_PAIR"):
         # Convert to strings and send that. Bizarrely, the atoms are
         # not actual X atoms, but an array of GdkAtom's reinterpreted
         # as a byte buffer.
         atoms = gdk_atom_objects_from_gdk_atom_array(data)
         return ("atoms", [str(atom) for atom in atoms])
     return ClipboardProtocolHelperBase._do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(self, type, format, data)
Пример #5
 def _munge_wire_selection_to_raw(self, encoding, datatype, dataformat, data):
     debug("_munge_wire_selection_to_raw(%s, %s, %s, %s:%s:%s)", encoding, datatype, dataformat, type(data), len(data or ""), list(data or ""))
     if encoding == "atoms":
         import gtk.gdk
         gdk_atoms = [gtk.gdk.atom_intern(a) for a in data]
         atom_array = gdk_atom_array_from_gdk_atom_objects(gdk_atoms)
         bdata = struct.pack("=" + "Q" * len(atom_array), *atom_array)
         debug("_munge_wire_selection_to_raw(%s, %s, %s, %s:%s)=%s=%s=%s", encoding, datatype, dataformat, type(data), len(data or ""), gdk_atoms, atom_array, list(bdata))
         return bdata
     return ClipboardProtocolHelperBase._munge_wire_selection_to_raw(self, encoding, datatype, dataformat, data)
Пример #6
 def _munge_wire_selection_to_raw(self, encoding, dtype, dformat, data):
     debug("_munge_wire_selection_to_raw(%s, %s, %s, %s:%s:%s)", encoding, dtype, dformat, type(data), len(data or ""), list(data or ""))
     if encoding == "atoms":
         import gtk.gdk
         gdk_atoms = [gtk.gdk.atom_intern(a) for a in data]
         atom_array = gdk_atom_array_from_gdk_atom_objects(gdk_atoms)
         bdata = struct.pack("=" + "Q" * len(atom_array), *atom_array)
         debug("_munge_wire_selection_to_raw(%s, %s, %s, %s:%s)=%s=%s=%s", encoding, dtype, dformat, type(data), len(data or ""), gdk_atoms, atom_array, list(bdata))
         return bdata
     return ClipboardProtocolHelperBase._munge_wire_selection_to_raw(self, encoding, dtype, dformat, data)
Пример #7
 def _do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(self, target, ype, format, data):
     if format == 32 and type in ("ATOM", "ATOM_PAIR"):
         # Convert to strings and send that. Bizarrely, the atoms are
         # not actual X atoms, but an array of GdkAtom's reinterpreted
         # as a byte buffer.
         atoms = gdk_atom_objects_from_gdk_atom_array(data)
         atom_names = [str(atom) for atom in atoms]
         if target=="TARGET":
         return ("atoms", atom_names)
     return ClipboardProtocolHelperBase._do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(self, target, type, format, data)
Пример #8
 def _do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(self, type, format, data):
     if format == 32:
         if type in ("ATOM", "ATOM_PAIR"):
             # Convert to strings and send that. Bizarrely, the atoms are
             # not actual X atoms, but an array of GdkAtom's reinterpreted
             # as a byte buffer.
             atoms = gdk_atom_objects_from_gdk_atom_array(data)
             return ("atoms", [str(atom) for atom in atoms])
             sizeof_long = struct.calcsize("@L")
             format = "@" + "L" * (len(data) // sizeof_long)
             ints = struct.unpack(format, data)
             return ("integers", ints)
     return ClipboardProtocolHelperBase._do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(self, type, format, data)
Пример #9
 def _do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(self, target, datatype, dataformat, data):
     if dataformat == 32 and datatype in ("ATOM", "ATOM_PAIR"):
         debug("_do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(%s, %s, %s, %s:%s:%s) using gdk atom code", target, datatype, dataformat, type(data), len(data), list(data))
         # Convert to strings and send that. Bizarrely, the atoms are
         # not actual X atoms, but an array of GdkAtom's reinterpreted
         # as a byte buffer.
         atoms = gdk_atom_objects_from_gdk_atom_array(data)
         debug("_do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(%s, %s, %s, %s:%s) atoms=%s", target, datatype, dataformat, type(data), len(data), list(atoms))
         atom_names = [str(atom) for atom in atoms]
         debug("_do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(%s, %s, %s, %s:%s) atom_names=%s", target, datatype, dataformat, type(data), len(data), atom_names)
         if target=="TARGETS":
             atom_names = self._filter_targets(atom_names)
         return "atoms", atom_names
     return ClipboardProtocolHelperBase._do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(self, target, datatype, dataformat, data)
Пример #10
 def _do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(self, target, dtype, dformat, data):
     if dformat == 32 and dtype in ("ATOM", "ATOM_PAIR"):
         # Convert to strings and send that. Bizarrely, the atoms are
         # not actual X atoms, but an array of GdkAtom's reinterpreted
         # as a byte buffer.
         atoms = gdk_atom_objects_from_gdk_atom_array(data)
         atom_names = [str(atom) for atom in atoms]
         if target=="TARGETS":
             otargets = list(atom_names)
             discard_targets = ("SAVE_TARGETS", "COMPOUND_TEXT")
             for x in discard_targets:
                 if x in atom_names:
             debug("_do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(%s, %s, %s, %s:%s) filtered targets(%s)=%s", target, dtype, dformat, type(data), len(data), otargets, atom_names)
         return ("atoms", atom_names)
     return ClipboardProtocolHelperBase._do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(self, target, dtype, dformat, data)
Пример #11
 def _do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(self, target, dtype, dformat, data):
     if dformat == 32 and dtype in ("ATOM", "ATOM_PAIR"):
         # Convert to strings and send that. Bizarrely, the atoms are
         # not actual X atoms, but an array of GdkAtom's reinterpreted
         # as a byte buffer.
         atoms = gdk_atom_objects_from_gdk_atom_array(data)
         atom_names = [str(atom) for atom in atoms]
         if target == "TARGETS":
             otargets = list(atom_names)
             discard_targets = ("SAVE_TARGETS", "COMPOUND_TEXT")
             for x in discard_targets:
                 if x in atom_names:
                 "_do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(%s, %s, %s, %s:%s) filtered targets(%s)=%s",
                 target, dtype, dformat, type(data), len(data), otargets,
         return ("atoms", atom_names)
     return ClipboardProtocolHelperBase._do_munge_raw_selection_to_wire(
         self, target, dtype, dformat, data)
Пример #12
 def __init__(self, send_packet_cb):
     ClipboardProtocolHelperBase.__init__(self, send_packet_cb, ["CLIPBOARD", "PRIMARY", "SECONDARY"])
Пример #13
 def __init__(self, send_packet_cb, local_clipboard="CLIPBOARD", remote_clipboard="PRIMARY"):
     self.local_clipboard = local_clipboard
     self.remote_clipboard = remote_clipboard
     ClipboardProtocolHelperBase.__init__(self, send_packet_cb, [local_clipboard])
Пример #14
 def __init__(self, send_packet_cb, progress_cb=None, clipboards=CLIPBOARDS, filter_res=None):
     ClipboardProtocolHelperBase.__init__(self, send_packet_cb, progress_cb, clipboards, filter_res)
Пример #15
 def __init__(self, send_packet_cb, progress_cb=None):
     ClipboardProtocolHelperBase.__init__(self, send_packet_cb, progress_cb, ["CLIPBOARD"])
Пример #16
 def _munge_wire_selection_to_raw(self, encoding, type, format, data):
     if encoding == "atoms":
         d = gtk.gdk.display_get_default()
         ints = [get_xatom(d, a) for a in data]
         return struct.pack("@" + "L" * len(ints), *ints)
     return ClipboardProtocolHelperBase._munge_wire_selection_to_raw(self, encoding, type, format, data)
Пример #17
 def _munge_wire_selection_to_raw(self, encoding, datatype, format, data):
     if encoding == "atoms":
         ints = [get_xatom(a) for a in data]
         log.debug("wire to raw: atoms(%s)=%s", data, ints)
         return struct.pack("=" + "L" * len(ints), *ints)
     return ClipboardProtocolHelperBase._munge_wire_selection_to_raw(self, encoding, datatype, format, data)
Пример #18
 def __init__(self, send_packet_cb):
     ClipboardProtocolHelperBase.__init__(self, send_packet_cb, ["CLIPBOARD", "PRIMARY", "SECONDARY"])
Пример #19
 def __init__(self, send_packet_cb, progress_cb=None):
     ClipboardProtocolHelperBase.__init__(self, send_packet_cb, progress_cb,
Пример #20
 def __init__(self, send_packet_cb, local_clipboard="CLIPBOARD", remote_clipboard="PRIMARY"):
     self.local_clipboard = local_clipboard
     self.remote_clipboard = remote_clipboard
     ClipboardProtocolHelperBase.__init__(self, send_packet_cb, [local_clipboard])
Пример #21
 def __init__(self, send_packet_cb, progress_cb=None, local_clipboard="CLIPBOARD", remote_clipboard="CLIPBOARD"):
     self.local_clipboard = local_clipboard
     self.remote_clipboard = remote_clipboard
     ClipboardProtocolHelperBase.__init__(self, send_packet_cb, progress_cb, [local_clipboard])