Пример #1
def test_merge_all():
    start = time.time()
    R = [rectangle(*v) for v in R1 + R2]
    n = N * 10
    for _ in range(n):
        v = merge_all(R)
    end = time.time()
    print("merged %s rectangles %s times in %.3fms" %
          (len(R), n, (end - start) * 1000.0 / N))
Пример #2
    def identify_video_subregion(self, ww, wh, damage_events_count, last_damage_events, starting_at=0, children=None):
        if not self.enabled or not self.supported:
        if not self.detection:
            if not self.rectangle:
            #just update the fps:
            from_time = max(starting_at, monotonic_time()-MAX_TIME, self.min_time)
            self.time = monotonic_time()
            lde = tuple(x for x in tuple(last_damage_events) if x[0]>=from_time)
            incount = 0
            for _,x,y,w,h in lde:
                r = rectangle(x,y,w,h)
                inregion = r.intersection_rect(self.rectangle)
                if inregion:
                    incount += inregion.width*inregion.height
            elapsed = monotonic_time()-from_time
            if elapsed<=0:
                self.fps = 0
                self.fps = int(incount/(self.rectangle.width*self.rectangle.height) / elapsed)
        sslog("%s.identify_video_subregion(..)", self)
              (ww, wh, damage_events_count, last_damage_events, starting_at, children))

        children_rects = ()
        if children:
            children_rects = tuple(rectangle(x, y, w, h)
                                   for _xid, x, y, w, h, _border, _depth in children
                                   if w>=MIN_W and h>=MIN_H)

        if damage_events_count < self.set_at:
            #stats got reset
            self.set_at = 0
        #validate against window dimensions:
        rect = self.rectangle
        if rect and (rect.width>ww or rect.height>wh):
            #region is now bigger than the window!
            self.novideoregion("window is now smaller than current region")
        #arbitrary minimum size for regions we will look at:
        #(we don't want video regions smaller than this - too much effort for little gain)
        if ww<MIN_W or wh<MIN_H:
            self.novideoregion("window is too small: %sx%s", MIN_W, MIN_H)

        def update_markers():
            self.counter = damage_events_count
            self.time = monotonic_time()

        if self.counter+10>damage_events_count:
            #less than 10 events since last time we called update_markers:
            elapsed = monotonic_time()-self.time
            #how many damage events occurred since we chose this region:
            event_count = max(0, damage_events_count - self.set_at)
            #make the timeout longer when the region has worked longer:
            slow_region_timeout = 2 + math.log(2+event_count, 1.5)
            if rect and elapsed>=slow_region_timeout:
                self.novideoregion("too much time has passed (%is for %i total events)", elapsed, event_count)
            sslog("identify video: waiting for more damage events (%i) counters: %i / %i",
                  event_count, self.counter, damage_events_count)

        from_time = max(starting_at, monotonic_time()-MAX_TIME, self.min_time)
        #create a list (copy) to work on:
        lde = tuple(x for x in tuple(last_damage_events) if x[0]>=from_time)
        dc = len(lde)
        if dc<=MIN_EVENTS:
            self.novideoregion("not enough damage events yet (%s)", dc)
        #structures for counting areas and sizes:
        wc = {}
        hc = {}
        dec = {}
        #count how many times we see each area, each width/height and where,
        #after removing any exclusion zones:
        for _,x,y,w,h in lde:
            rects = self.excluded_rectangles(rectangle(x,y,w,h), ww, wh)
            for r in rects:
                dec[r] = dec.get(r, 0)+1
                if w>=MIN_W:
                    wc.setdefault(w, dict()).setdefault(x, set()).add(r)
                if h>=MIN_H:
                    hc.setdefault(h, dict()).setdefault(y, set()).add(r)
        #we can shortcut the damaged ratio if the whole window got damaged at least once:
        all_damaged = dec.get(rectangle(0, 0, ww, wh), 0) > 0

        def inoutcount(region, ignore_size=0):
            #count how many pixels are in or out if this region
            incount, outcount = 0, 0
            for r, count in dec.items():
                inregion = r.intersection_rect(region)
                if inregion:
                    incount += inregion.width*inregion.height*int(count)
                outregions = r.substract_rect(region)
                for x in outregions:
                    if ignore_size>0 and x.width*x.height<ignore_size:
                        #skip small region outside rectangle
                    outcount += x.width*x.height*int(count)
            return incount, outcount

        def damaged_ratio(rect):
            if all_damaged:
                return 1
            rects = (rect, )
            for _,x,y,w,h in lde:
                r = rectangle(x,y,w,h)
                new_rects = []
                for cr in rects:
                    new_rects += cr.substract_rect(r)
                if not new_rects:
                    #nothing left: damage covered the whole rect
                    return 1.0
                rects = new_rects
            not_damaged_pixels = sum((r.width*r.height) for r in rects)
            rect_pixels = rect.width*rect.height
            #sslog("damaged_ratio: not damaged pixels(%s)=%i, rect pixels(%s)=%i",
            #     rects, not_damaged_pixels, rect, rect_pixels)
            return max(0, min(1, 1.0-float(not_damaged_pixels)/float(rect_pixels)))

        scores = {None : 0}
        def score_region(info, region, ignore_size=0, d_ratio=0):
            score = scores.get(region)
            if score is not None:
                return score
            #check if the region given is a good candidate, and if so we use it
            #clamp it:
            if region.width<MIN_W or region.height<MIN_H:
                #too small, ignore it:
                return 0
            #and make sure this does not end up much bigger than needed:
            if ww*wh<(region.width*region.height):
                return 0
            incount, outcount = inoutcount(region, ignore_size)
            total = incount+outcount
            score = scoreinout(ww, wh, region, incount, outcount)
            #discount score if the region contains areas that were not damaged:
            #(apply sqrt to limit the discount: 50% damaged -> multiply by 0.7)
            if d_ratio==0:
                d_ratio = damaged_ratio(region)
            score = int(score * math.sqrt(d_ratio))
            children_boost = int(region in children_rects)*SUBWINDOW_REGION_BOOST
            sslog("testing %12s video region %34s: %3i%% in, %3i%% out, %3i%% of window, damaged ratio=%.2f, children_boost=%i, score=%2i",
                  info, region, 100*incount//total, 100*outcount//total, 100*region.width*region.height/ww/wh, d_ratio, children_boost, score)
            scores[region] = score
            return score

        def updateregion(rect):
            self.rectangle = rect
            self.time = monotonic_time()
            self.inout = inoutcount(rect)
            self.score = scoreinout(ww, wh, rect, *self.inout)
            elapsed = monotonic_time()-from_time
            if elapsed<=0:
                self.fps = 0
                self.fps = int(self.inout[0]/(rect.width*rect.height) / elapsed)
            self.damaged = int(100*damaged_ratio(self.rectangle))
            self.last_scores = scores
            sslog("score(%s)=%s, damaged=%i%%", self.inout, self.score, self.damaged)

        def setnewregion(rect, msg, *args):
            rects = self.excluded_rectangles(rect, ww, wh)
            if not rects:
                self.novideoregion("no match after removing excluded regions")
            if len(rects)==1:
                rect = rects[0]
                #use the biggest one of what remains:
                def get_rect_size(rect):
                    return -rect.width * rect.height
                biggest_rects = sorted(rects, key=get_rect_size)
                rect = biggest_rects[0]
                if rect.width<MIN_W or rect.height<MIN_H:
                    self.novideoregion("match is too small after removing excluded regions")
            if not self.rectangle or self.rectangle!=rect:
                sslog("setting new region %s: "+msg, rect, *args)
                sslog(" is child window: %s", rect in children_rects)
                self.set_at = damage_events_count
                self.counter = damage_events_count
            if not self.enabled:
                #could have been disabled since we started this method!
            if not self.detection:


        if len(dec)==1:
            rect, count = tuple(dec.items())[0]
            setnewregion(rect, "only region damaged")

        #see if we can keep the region we already have (if any):
        cur_score = 0
        if rect:
            cur_score = score_region("current", rect)
            if cur_score>=KEEP_SCORE:
                sslog("keeping existing video region %s with score %s", rect, cur_score)

        #split the regions we really care about (enough pixels, big enough):
        damage_count = {}
        min_count = max(2, len(lde)/40)
        for r, count in dec.items():
            #ignore small regions:
            if count>min_count and r.width>=MIN_W and r.height>=MIN_H:
                damage_count[r] = count
        c = sum(int(x) for x in damage_count.values())
        most_damaged = -1
        most_pct = 0
        if c>0:
            most_damaged = int(sorted(damage_count.values())[-1])
            most_pct = 100*most_damaged/c
            sslog("identify video: most=%s%% damage count=%s", most_pct, damage_count)
            #is there a region that stands out?
            #try to use the region which is responsible for most of the large damage requests:
            most_damaged_regions = tuple(r for r,v in damage_count.items() if v==most_damaged)
            if len(most_damaged_regions)==1:
                r = most_damaged_regions[0]
                score = score_region("most-damaged", r, d_ratio=1.0)
                sslog("identify video: score most damaged area %s=%i%%", r, score)
                if score>120:
                    setnewregion(r, "%s%% of large damage requests, score=%s", most_pct, score)
                if score>=100:
                    scores[r] = score

        #try children windows:
        for region in children_rects:
            scores[region] = score_region("child-window", region, 48*48)

        #try harder: try combining regions with the same width or height:
        #(some video players update the video region in bands)
        for w, d in wc.items():
            for x,regions in d.items():
                if len(regions)>=2:
                    #merge regions of width w at x
                    min_count = max(2, len(regions)//25)
                    keep = tuple(r for r in regions if int(dec.get(r, 0))>=min_count)
                    sslog("vertical regions of width %i at %i with at least %i hits: %s", w, x, min_count, keep)
                    if keep:
                        merged = merge_all(keep)
                        scores[merged] = score_region("vertical", merged, 48*48)
        for h, d in hc.items():
            for y,regions in d.items():
                if len(regions)>=2:
                    #merge regions of height h at y
                    min_count = max(2, len(regions)//25)
                    keep = tuple(r for r in regions if int(dec.get(r, 0))>=min_count)
                    sslog("horizontal regions of height %i at %i with at least %i hits: %s", h, y, min_count, keep)
                    if keep:
                        merged = merge_all(keep)
                        scores[merged] = score_region("horizontal", merged, 48*48)

        sslog("merged regions scores: %s", scores)
        highscore = max(scores.values())
        #a score of 100 is neutral
        if highscore>=120:
            region = next(iter(r for r,s in scores.items() if s==highscore))
            setnewregion(region, "very high score: %s", highscore)

        #retry existing region, tolerate lower score:
        if cur_score>=90 and (highscore<100 or cur_score>=highscore):
            sslog("keeping existing video region %s with score %s", rect, cur_score)
            setnewregion(self.rectangle, "existing region with score: %i" % cur_score)

        if highscore>=100:
            region = next(iter(r for r,s in scores.items() if s==highscore))
            setnewregion(region, "high score: %s", highscore)

        # * re-add some scrolling detection: the region may have moved
        # * re-try with a higher "from_time" and a higher score threshold

        #try harder still: try combining all the regions we haven't discarded
        #(flash player with firefox and youtube does stupid unnecessary repaints)
        if len(damage_count)>=2:
            merged = merge_all(tuple(damage_count.keys()))
            score = score_region("merged", merged)
            if score>=110:
                setnewregion(merged, "merged all regions, score=%s", score)

        self.novideoregion("failed to identify a video region")
        self.last_scores = scores
Пример #3
    def test_eq(self):
        log = video_subregion.sslog

        def refresh_cb(window, regions):
            log("refresh_cb(%s, %s)", window, regions)

        r = video_subregion.VideoSubregion(GLib.timeout_add,
                                           GLib.source_remove, refresh_cb, 150,
        assert repr(r)
        r.set_region(0, 0, 10, 10)
        r.set_region(0, 0, 0, 0)

        ww = 1024
        wh = 768

        def assertiswin():
            if not r.rectangle:
                raise Exception(
                    "region not found, should have matched the whole window")
            if r.rectangle.get_geometry() != (0, 0, ww, wh):
                raise Exception(
                    "rectangle %s does not match whole window %ix%i" %
                    (r.rectangle, ww, wh))

        log("* checking that we need some events")
        last_damage_events = []
        for x in range(video_subregion.MIN_EVENTS):
            last_damage_events.append((0, 0, 0, 1, 1))
        r.identify_video_subregion(ww, wh, video_subregion.MIN_EVENTS,
        assert r.rectangle is None

        vr = (monotonic_time(), 100, 100, 320, 240)
        log("* easiest case: all updates in one region")
        last_damage_events = []
        for _ in range(50):
        r.identify_video_subregion(ww, wh, 50, last_damage_events)
        assert r.rectangle
        assert r.rectangle == rectangle.rectangle(*vr[1:])

        log("* checking that empty damage events does not cause errors")
        r.identify_video_subregion(ww, wh, 0, [])
        assert r.rectangle is None

        log("* checking that full window can be a region")
        vr = (monotonic_time(), 0, 0, ww, wh)
        last_damage_events = []
        for _ in range(50):
        r.identify_video_subregion(ww, wh, 50, last_damage_events)
        assert r.rectangle is not None

        log("* checking that regions covering the whole window give the same result"
        last_damage_events = deque(maxlen=150)
        for x in range(4):
            for y in range(4):
                vr = (monotonic_time(), ww * x / 4, wh * y / 4, ww / 4, wh / 4)
                for _ in range(3):
        r.identify_video_subregion(ww, wh, 150, last_damage_events)

        vr = (monotonic_time(), ww / 4, wh / 4, ww / 2, wh / 2)
        log("* mixed with region using 1/4 of window and 1/3 of updates: %s",
        for _ in range(24):
        r.identify_video_subregion(ww, wh, 200, last_damage_events)

        log("* info=%s", r.get_info())

        log("* checking that two video regions quite far apart do not get merged"
        last_damage_events = deque(maxlen=150)
        v1 = (monotonic_time(), 100, 100, 320, 240)
        v2 = (monotonic_time(), 500, 500, 320, 240)
        for _ in range(50):
        r.identify_video_subregion(ww, wh, 100, last_damage_events)
        assert r.rectangle is None

        log("* checking that two video regions close to each other can be merged"
        for N1, N2 in ((50, 50), (60, 40), (50, 30)):
            last_damage_events = deque(maxlen=150)
            v1 = (monotonic_time(), 100, 100, 320, 240)
            for _ in range(N1):
            v2 = (monotonic_time(), 460, 120, 320, 240)
            for _ in range(N2):
            r.identify_video_subregion(ww, wh, 100, last_damage_events)
            m = rectangle.merge_all(
            assert r.rectangle and r.rectangle == m, "expected %s but got %s for N1=%i, N2=%i" % (
                m, r.rectangle, N1, N2)
        r.remove_refresh_region(rectangle.rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10))