Пример #1
 def __init__(self):
     self._max_connections = MAX_CONCURRENT_CONNECTIONS
     self._start_sessions = False
     self.main_loop = None
     #proxy servers may have to connect to remote servers,
     #or even start them, so allow more time before timing out:
     self._accept_timeout += 10
     #keep track of the proxy process instances
     #the display they're on and the message queue we can
     # use to communicate with them
     self.processes = {}
     #connections used exclusively for requests:
     self._requests = set()
     self.idle_add = glib.idle_add
     self.timeout_add = glib.timeout_add
     self.source_remove = glib.source_remove
     self._socket_timeout = PROXY_SOCKET_TIMEOUT
     self._ws_timeout = PROXY_WS_TIMEOUT
     self.control_commands["stop"] = ArgsControlCommand(
         "stops the proxy instance on the given display",
Пример #2
 def init_control_commands(self):
     self.control_commands["stop"] = ArgsControlCommand(
         "stops the proxy instance on the given display",
Пример #3
 def __init__(self):
     self._max_connections = MAX_CONCURRENT_CONNECTIONS
     self.main_loop = None
     #keep track of the proxy process instances
     #the display they're on and the message queue we can
     # use to communicate with them
     self.processes = {}
     self.idle_add = glib.idle_add
     self.timeout_add = glib.timeout_add
     self.source_remove = glib.source_remove
     self._socket_timeout = PROXY_SOCKET_TIMEOUT
     self.control_commands["stop"] = ArgsControlCommand(
         "stops the proxy instance on the given display",
Пример #4
    def __init__(self):
        self._max_connections = MAX_CONCURRENT_CONNECTIONS
        self.main_loop = None
        #keep track of the proxy process instances
        #the display they're on and the message queue we can
        # use to communicate with them
        self.processes = {}
        self.idle_add = glib.idle_add
        self.timeout_add = glib.timeout_add
        self.source_remove = glib.source_remove
        self._socket_timeout = PROXY_SOCKET_TIMEOUT
        self.control_commands["stop"] = ArgsControlCommand("stop", "stops the proxy instance on the given display", self.handle_stop_command, min_args=1, max_args=1)

        #ensure we cache the platform info before intercepting SIGCHLD
        #as this will cause a fork and SIGCHLD to be emitted:
        from xpra.version_util import get_platform_info
        signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self.sigchld)
    def add_control_commands(self):
        def parse_boolean_value(v):
            if str(v).lower() in TRUE_OPTIONS:
                return True
            if str(v).lower() in FALSE_OPTIONS:
                return False
            raise ControlError("a boolean is required, not %s" % v)
        def parse_4intlist(v):
            if not v:
                return []
            l = []
            #ie: v = " (0,10,100,20), (200,300,20,20)"
            while v:
                v = v.strip().strip(",").strip()    #ie: "(0,10,100,20)"
                lp = v.find("(")
                assert lp==0, "invalid leading characters: %s" % v[:lp]
                rp = v.find(")")
                assert (lp+1)<rp
                item = v[lp+1:rp].strip()           #"0,10,100,20"
                items = [int(x) for x in item]      # 0,10,100,20
                assert len(items)==4, "expected 4 numbers but got %i" % len(items)
            return l

        for cmd in (
            ArgsControlCommand("focus",                 "give focus to the window id",      validation=[int]),
            #window source:
            ArgsControlCommand("suspend",               "suspend screen updates",           max_args=0),
            ArgsControlCommand("resume",                "resume screen updates",            max_args=0),
            ArgsControlCommand("ungrab",                "cancels any grabs",                max_args=0),
            #server globals:
            ArgsControlCommand("idle-timeout",          "set the idle tiemout",             validation=[int]),
            ArgsControlCommand("server-idle-timeout",   "set the server idle timeout",      validation=[int]),
            ArgsControlCommand("start",                 "executes the command arguments in the server context", min_args=1),
            ArgsControlCommand("start-child",           "executes the command arguments in the server context, as a 'child' (honouring exit-with-children)", min_args=1),
            ArgsControlCommand("toggle-feature",        "toggle a server feature on or off, one of: %s" % csv(TOGGLE_FEATURES), min_args=1, max_args=2, validation=[str, parse_boolean_value]),
            #network and transfers:
            ArgsControlCommand("print",                 "sends the file to the client(s) for printing", min_args=1),
            ArgsControlCommand("open-url",              "open the URL on the client(s)",    min_args=1, max_args=2),
            ArgsControlCommand("send-file",             "sends the file to the client(s)",  min_args=1, max_args=4),
            ArgsControlCommand("send-notification",     "sends a notification to the client(s)",  min_args=4, max_args=5, validation=[int]),
            ArgsControlCommand("close-notification",    "send the request to close an existing notification to the client(s)", min_args=1, max_args=2, validation=[int]),
            ArgsControlCommand("compression",           "sets the packet compressor",       min_args=1, max_args=1),
            ArgsControlCommand("encoder",               "sets the packet encoder",          min_args=1, max_args=1),
            ArgsControlCommand("clipboard-direction",   "restrict clipboard transfers",     min_args=1, max_args=1),
            ArgsControlCommand("clipboard-limits",      "restrict clipboard transfers size", min_args=2, max_args=2, validation=[int, int]),
            ArgsControlCommand("set-lock",              "modify the lock attribute",        min_args=1, max_args=1),
            ArgsControlCommand("set-sharing",           "modify the sharing attribute",     min_args=1, max_args=1),
            ArgsControlCommand("set-ui-driver",         "set the client connection driving the session", min_args=1, max_args=1),
            #session and clients:
            ArgsControlCommand("client",                "forwards a control command to the client(s)", min_args=1),
            ArgsControlCommand("client-property",       "set a client property",            min_args=4, max_args=5, validation=[int]),
            ArgsControlCommand("name",                  "set the session name",             min_args=1, max_args=1),
            ArgsControlCommand("key",                   "press or unpress a key",           min_args=1, max_args=2),
            ArgsControlCommand("sound-output",          "control sound forwarding",         min_args=1, max_args=2),
            ArgsControlCommand("workspace",             "move a window to a different workspace", min_args=2, max_args=2, validation=[int, int]),
            ArgsControlCommand("scaling-control",       "set the scaling-control aggressiveness (from 0 to 100)", min_args=1, validation=[from0to100]),
            ArgsControlCommand("scaling",               "set a specific scaling value",     min_args=1, validation=[parse_scaling_value]),
            ArgsControlCommand("auto-refresh",          "set a specific auto-refresh value", min_args=1, validation=[float]),
            ArgsControlCommand("refresh",               "refresh some or all windows",      min_args=0),
            ArgsControlCommand("encoding",              "picture encoding",                 min_args=1, max_args=1),
            ArgsControlCommand("video-region-enabled",  "enable video region",              min_args=2, max_args=2, validation=[int, parse_boolean_value]),
            ArgsControlCommand("video-region-detection","enable video detection",           min_args=2, max_args=2, validation=[int, parse_boolean_value]),
            ArgsControlCommand("video-region-exclusion-zones","set window regions to exclude from video regions: 'WID,(x,y,w,h),(x,y,w,h),..', ie: '1 (0,10,100,20),(200,300,20,20)'",  min_args=2, max_args=2, validation=[int, parse_4intlist]),
            ArgsControlCommand("video-region",          "set the video region",             min_args=5, max_args=5, validation=[int, int, int, int, int]),
            ArgsControlCommand("reset-video-region",    "reset video region heuristics",    min_args=1, max_args=1, validation=[int]),
            ArgsControlCommand("lock-batch-delay",      "set a specific batch delay for a window",       min_args=2, max_args=2, validation=[int, int]),
            ArgsControlCommand("unlock-batch-delay",    "let the heuristics calculate the batch delay again for a window (following a 'lock-batch-delay')",  min_args=1, max_args=1, validation=[int]),
            ArgsControlCommand("remove-window-filters", "remove all window filters",        min_args=0, max_args=1),
            ArgsControlCommand("add-window-filter",     "add a window filter",              min_args=4, max_args=5),
            cmd.do_run = getattr(self, "control_command_%s" % cmd.name.replace("-", "_"))
            self.control_commands[cmd.name] = cmd
        #encoding bits:
        for name in ("quality", "min-quality", "speed", "min-speed"):
            fn = getattr(self, "control_command_%s" % name.replace("-", "_"))
            self.control_commands[name] = ArgsControlCommand(name, "set encoding %s (from 0 to 100)" % name, run=fn, min_args=1, validation=[from0to100])