Пример #1
    if opts.exit_with_children:
        assert opts.children
    if opts.children:
        children_pids = set()
        for child_cmd in opts.children:
                    subprocess.Popen(child_cmd, shell=True,
            except OSError, e:
                sys.stderr.write("Error spawning child '%s': %s\n" %
                                 (child_cmd, e))
    # Check once after the mainloop is running, just in case the exit
    # conditions are satisfied before we even enter the main loop.
    # (Programming with unix the signal API sure is annoying.)
    def check_once():
        return False  # Only call once

    gobject.timeout_add(0, check_once)

    _cleanups.insert(0, app.cleanup)
    if app.run():
        print("upgrading: not cleaning up Xvfb or socket")
        # Upgrading, so leave X server running
        # and don't delete the new socket (not ours)
    return 0
Пример #2
    # Always register the child reaper, because even if exit_with_children is
    # false, we still need to reap them somehow to avoid zombies:
    signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, child_reaper)
    if opts.exit_with_children:
        assert opts.children
    if opts.children:
        children_pids = set()
        for child_cmd in opts.children:
                children_pids.add(subprocess.Popen(child_cmd, shell=True).pid)
            except OSError, e:
                sys.stderr.write("Error spawning child '%s': %s\n"
                                 % (child_cmd, e))
    # Check once after the mainloop is running, just in case the exit
    # conditions are satisfied before we even enter the main loop.
    # (Programming with unix the signal API sure is annoying.)
    def check_once():
        return False # Only call once
    gobject.timeout_add(0, check_once)

    _cleanups.insert(0, app.cleanup)
    if app.run():
        print("upgrading: not cleaning up Xvfb or socket")
        # Upgrading, so leave X server running
        # and don't delete the new socket (not ours)
    return  0
Пример #3
        #disable ubuntu's global menu using env vars:
        env = os.environ.copy()
        if os.name=="posix":
            env["UBUNTU_MENUPROXY"] = ""
            env["QT_X11_NO_NATIVE_MENUBAR"] = "1"
        for child_cmd in opts.start_child:
            if child_cmd:
                    proc = subprocess.Popen(child_cmd, env=env, shell=True, close_fds=True)
                    children_pids[proc.pid] = child_cmd
                except OSError, e:
                    sys.stderr.write("Error spawning child '%s': %s\n"
                                     % (child_cmd, e))

    _cleanups.insert(0, app.cleanup)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, app.signal_quit)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, app.signal_quit)
        e = app.run()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        e = 0
    if e>0:
        log.info("upgrading: not cleaning up Xvfb or socket")
        # Upgrading, so leave X server running
        # and don't delete the new socket (not ours)
        if kill_xvfb in _cleanups:
    return  0