Пример #1
    def xoppy_calc_xf0(self):
        MAT_FLAG = self.MAT_FLAG
        GRIDEND = self.GRIDEND
        GRIDN = self.GRIDN

        qscale = numpy.linspace(GRIDSTART, GRIDEND, GRIDN)

        f0 = numpy.zeros_like(qscale)

        if MAT_FLAG == 0:  # element
            descriptor = DESCRIPTOR
            for i, iqscale in enumerate(qscale):
                f0[i] = xraylib.FF_Rayl(
                    xraylib.SymbolToAtomicNumber(descriptor), iqscale)
        elif MAT_FLAG == 1:  # formula
            tmp = parse_formula(DESCRIPTOR)
            zetas = tmp["Elements"]
            multiplicity = tmp["n"]
            for j, jz in enumerate(zetas):
                for i, iqscale in enumerate(qscale):
                    f0[i] += multiplicity[j] * xraylib.FF_Rayl(jz, iqscale)
        elif MAT_FLAG == 2:
            raise Exception("Not implemented")

        if self.DUMP_TO_FILE:
            with open(self.FILE_NAME, "w") as file:
                    file.write("#F %s\n" % self.FILE_NAME)
                    file.write("\n#S 1 xoppy f0 results\n")
                    file.write("#N 2\n")
                        "#L  q=sin(theta)/lambda [A^-1]  f0 [electron units]\n"
                    for j in range(qscale.size):
                        # file.write("%19.12e  "%energy[j])
                        file.write("%19.12e  %19.12e\n" % (qscale[j], f0[j]))
                    print("File written to disk: %s \n" % self.FILE_NAME)
                    raise Exception(
                        "f0: The data could not be dumped onto the specified file!\n"

        # return
        return {
            "application": "xoppy",
            "name": "f0",
            "data": numpy.vstack((qscale, f0)),
            "labels": ["q=sin(theta)/lambda [A^-1]", "f0 [electron units]"]
Пример #2
def dsigma_el(theta, energy, mw, elements, stoic):

    dsigma = 0
    for i in range(0, len(elements)):
        q = xraylib.MomentTransf(energy, theta)
        w = xraylib.AtomicWeight(elements[i]) * stoic[i] / mw
        temp = dsigma_th(theta) * xraylib.FF_Rayl(elements[i], q)**2
        temp = temp / xraylib.AtomicWeight(elements[i]) * w
        dsigma += temp
    dsigma *= mw
    return dsigma
Пример #3
def get_scatter_array(scatter_array, numbers, qbin):
    Generate the scattering array, which holds all the Q dependant scatter

    scatter_array: NxQ array
        Holds the scatter factors
    numbers: Nd array
        Holds the atomic numbers
    qbin: float
        The qbin size
    n = len(scatter_array)
    qmax_bin = scatter_array.shape[1]
    for kq in range(0, qmax_bin):
        for tx in range(n):
            # note xraylib uses q = sin(th/2)
            # as opposed to our q = 4pi sin(th/2)
            scatter_array[tx, kq] = xraylib.FF_Rayl(int(numbers[tx]),
                                                    kq * qbin / 4 / np.pi)
Пример #4
    def new_bragg(cls,
         SHADOW preprocessor for crystals - python+xraylib version

        # retrieve physical constants needed
        codata = scipy.constants.codata.physical_constants
        codata_e2_mc2, tmp1, tmp2 = codata["classical electron radius"]
        # or, hard-code them
        # In [179]: print("codata_e2_mc2 = %20.11e \n" % codata_e2_mc2 )
        # codata_e2_mc2 =    2.81794032500e-15

        fileout = SHADOW_FILE
        descriptor = DESCRIPTOR

        hh = int(H_MILLER_INDEX)
        kk = int(K_MILLER_INDEX)
        ll = int(L_MILLER_INDEX)

        temper = float(TEMPERATURE_FACTOR)

        emin = float(E_MIN)
        emax = float(E_MAX)
        estep = float(E_STEP)

        # end input section, start calculations

        f = open(fileout, 'wt')

        cryst = xraylib.Crystal_GetCrystal(descriptor)
        volume = cryst['volume']

        #test crystal data - not needed
        itest = 1
        if itest:
            if (cryst == None):
            print("  Unit cell dimensions are %f %f %f" %
                  (cryst['a'], cryst['b'], cryst['c']))
            print("  Unit cell angles are %f %f %f" %
                  (cryst['alpha'], cryst['beta'], cryst['gamma']))
            print("  Unit cell volume is %f A^3" % volume)
            print("  Atoms at:")
            print("     Z  fraction    X        Y        Z")
            for i in range(cryst['n_atom']):
                atom = cryst['atom'][i]
                print("    %3i %f %f %f %f" %
                      (atom['Zatom'], atom['fraction'], atom['x'], atom['y'],
            print("  ")

        volume = volume * 1e-8 * 1e-8 * 1e-8  # in cm^3
        #flag ZincBlende
        f.write("%i " % 0)
        f.write("%e " % ((1e0 / volume) * (codata_e2_mc2 * 1e2)))
        dspacing = xraylib.Crystal_dSpacing(cryst, hh, kk, ll)
        f.write("%e " % (dspacing * 1e-8))
        atom = cryst['atom']
        f.write("%i " % atom[0]["Zatom"])
        f.write("%i " % atom[-1]["Zatom"])
        f.write("%e " % temper)  # temperature parameter

        ga = (1e0+0j) + cmath.exp(1j*cmath.pi*(hh+kk))  \
                                 + cmath.exp(1j*cmath.pi*(hh+ll))  \
                                 + cmath.exp(1j*cmath.pi*(kk+ll))
        gb = ga * cmath.exp(1j * cmath.pi * 0.5 * (hh + kk + ll))
        ga_bar = ga.conjugate()
        gb_bar = gb.conjugate()

        f.write("(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (ga.real, ga.imag))
        f.write("(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (ga_bar.real, ga_bar.imag))
        f.write("(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (gb.real, gb.imag))
        f.write("(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (gb_bar.real, gb_bar.imag))

        zetas = numpy.array([atom[0]["Zatom"], atom[-1]["Zatom"]])
        for zeta in zetas:
            xx01 = 1e0 / 2e0 / dspacing
            xx00 = xx01 - 0.1
            xx02 = xx01 + 0.1
            yy00 = xraylib.FF_Rayl(int(zeta), xx00)
            yy01 = xraylib.FF_Rayl(int(zeta), xx01)
            yy02 = xraylib.FF_Rayl(int(zeta), xx02)
            xx = numpy.array([xx00, xx01, xx02])
            yy = numpy.array([yy00, yy01, yy02])
            fit = numpy.polyfit(xx, yy, 2)
            #print "zeta: ",zeta
            #print "z,xx,YY: ",zeta,xx,yy
            #print "fit: ",fit[::-1] # reversed coeffs
            #print "fit-tuple: ",(tuple(fit[::-1].tolist())) # reversed coeffs
            #print("fit-tuple: %e %e %e  \n" % (tuple(fit[::-1].tolist())) ) # reversed coeffs
            f.write("%e %e %e  \n" %
                    (tuple(fit[::-1].tolist())))  # reversed coeffs

        npoint = int((emax - emin) / estep + 1)
        f.write(("%i \n") % npoint)
        for i in range(npoint):
            energy = (emin + estep * i)
            f1a = xraylib.Fi(int(zetas[0]), energy * 1e-3)
            f2a = xraylib.Fii(int(zetas[0]), energy * 1e-3)
            f1b = xraylib.Fi(int(zetas[1]), energy * 1e-3)
            f2b = xraylib.Fii(int(zetas[1]), energy * 1e-3)
            out = numpy.array([energy, f1a, abs(f2a), f1b, abs(f2b)])
            f.write(("%20.11e %20.11e %20.11e \n %20.11e %20.11e \n") %

        print("File written to disk: %s" % fileout)
def bragg():
     SHADOW preprocessor for crystals - python+xraylib version

    # retrieve physical constants needed
    codata = scipy.constants.codata.physical_constants
    codata_e2_mc2, tmp1, tmp2 = codata["classical electron radius"]
    # or, hard-code them
    # In [179]: print("codata_e2_mc2 = %20.11e \n" % codata_e2_mc2 )
    # codata_e2_mc2 =    2.81794032500e-15

    print("bragg: SHADOW preprocessor for crystals - python+xraylib version")
    fileout = raw_input("Name of output file : ")
    f = open(fileout, 'wb')

    print(" bragg (python) only works now for ZincBlende Cubic structures. ")
    print(" Valid descriptor are: ")
    print("     Si (alternatiovely Si_NIST, Si2) ")
    print("     Ge")
    print("     Diamond")
    print("     GaAs, GaSb, GaP")
    print("     InAs, InP, InSb")
    print("     SiC")

    descriptor = raw_input("Name of crystal descriptor : ")
    cryst = xraylib.Crystal_GetCrystal(descriptor)

    #test crystal data - not needed
    itest = 1
    if itest: 
        if (cryst == None):
        print "  Unit cell dimensions are %f %f %f" % (cryst['a'],cryst['b'],cryst['c'])
        print "  Unit cell angles are %f %f %f" % (cryst['alpha'],cryst['beta'],cryst['gamma'])
        volume = cryst['volume']
        print "  Unit cell volume is %f" % volume
        volume = volume*1e-8*1e-8*1e-8 # in cm^3
        print "  Atoms at:"
        print "     Z  fraction    X        Y        Z"
        for i in range(cryst['n_atom']):
            atom =  cryst['atom'][i]
            print "    %3i %f %f %f %f" % (atom['Zatom'], atom['fraction'], atom['x'], atom['y'], atom['z'])
        print "  "

    print("Miller indices of crystal plane of reflection.")
    miller = raw_input("H K L: ")
    miller = miller.split()
    hh = int(miller[0])
    kk = int(miller[1])
    ll = int(miller[2])

    #flag ZincBlende
    f.write( "%i " % 0) 
    f.write( "%e " % ((1e0/volume)*(codata_e2_mc2*1e2)) ) 
    dspacing = xraylib.Crystal_dSpacing(cryst, hh, kk, ll)
    f.write( "%e " % (dspacing*1e-8) ) 
    f.write( "\n")
    atom =  cryst['atom']
    f.write( "%i " % atom[0]["Zatom"] )
    f.write( "%i " % atom[7]["Zatom"] )
    temper = raw_input("Temperature (Debye-Waller) factor (set 1 for default): ")
    temper = float(temper)
    f.write( "%e " % temper ) # temperature parameter
    f.write( "\n")

    ga = (1e0+0j) + cmath.exp(1j*cmath.pi*(hh+kk))  \
                             + cmath.exp(1j*cmath.pi*(hh+ll))  \
                             + cmath.exp(1j*cmath.pi*(kk+ll))
    gb = ga * cmath.exp(1j*cmath.pi*0.5*(hh+kk+ll))
    ga_bar = ga.conjugate()
    gb_bar = gb.conjugate()

    f.write( "(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (ga.real, ga.imag) ) 
    f.write( "(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (ga_bar.real, ga_bar.imag) ) 
    f.write( "(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (gb.real, gb.imag) ) 
    f.write( "(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (gb_bar.real, gb_bar.imag) ) 

    zetas = numpy.array([atom[0]["Zatom"],atom[7]["Zatom"]])
    for zeta in zetas:
        xx01 = 1e0/2e0/dspacing
        xx00 = xx01-0.1
        xx02 = xx01+0.1
        yy00= xraylib.FF_Rayl(int(zeta),xx00)
        yy01= xraylib.FF_Rayl(int(zeta),xx01)
        yy02= xraylib.FF_Rayl(int(zeta),xx02)
        xx = numpy.array([xx00,xx01,xx02])
        yy = numpy.array([yy00,yy01,yy02])
        fit = numpy.polyfit(xx,yy,2)
        #print "zeta: ",zeta
        #print "z,xx,YY: ",zeta,xx,yy
        #print "fit: ",fit[::-1] # reversed coeffs
        #print "fit-tuple: ",(tuple(fit[::-1].tolist())) # reversed coeffs
        #print("fit-tuple: %e %e %e  \n" % (tuple(fit[::-1].tolist())) ) # reversed coeffs
        f.write("%e %e %e  \n" % (tuple(fit[::-1].tolist())) ) # reversed coeffs

    emin = raw_input("minimum photon energy (eV): ")
    emin = float(emin)
    emax = raw_input("maximum photon energy (eV): ")
    emax = float(emax)
    estep = raw_input("energy step (eV): ")
    estep = float(estep)

    npoint  = int( (emax - emin)/estep + 1 )
    f.write( ("%i \n") % npoint)
    for i in range(npoint): 
        energy = (emin+estep*i)
        f1a = xraylib.Fi(int(zetas[0]),energy*1e-3)
        f2a = xraylib.Fii(int(zetas[0]),energy*1e-3)
        f1b = xraylib.Fi(int(zetas[1]),energy*1e-3)
        f2b = xraylib.Fii(int(zetas[1]),energy*1e-3)
        out = numpy.array([energy,f1a,abs(f2a),f1b,abs(f2b)])
        f.write( ("%20.11e %20.11e %20.11e \n %20.11e %20.11e \n") % ( tuple(out.tolist()) ) )

    print("File written to disk: %s" % fileout)
    return None
Пример #6

    print("\n\n====================== Warning =========================")
        "Please note a small difference in FH ratio (preprocessor/xraylib): ",
        a.FH(energy).real / b.FH(energy).real)
    print("which corresponds to a difference in f0: ")
        "shadow preprocessor file uses f0_xop() for the coefficients and this is different"
    print("than xraylib.FF_Rayl() by a factor: ")
    ratio = 0.15946847244512372
    import xraylib
    from dabax.dabax_xraylib import DabaxXraylib
    print(DabaxXraylib(file_f0='f0_xop.dat').FF_Rayl(14, 0.15946847244512372) / \
          xraylib.FF_Rayl(14, 0.15946847244512372) )

    # print("V0: ", a.vectorK0direction(energy).components())
    # print("Bh direction: ", a.vectorHdirection().components())
    # print("Bh: ", a.vectorH().components())
    # print("K0: ", a.vectorK0(energy).components())
    # print("Kh: ", a.vectorKh(energy).components())
    # print("Vh: ", a.vectorKhdirection(energy).components())
    # from crystalpy.util.Photon import Photon
    # print("Difference to ThetaB uncorrected: ",
    #       a.deviationOfIncomingPhoton(Photon(energy_in_ev=energy, direction_vector=a.vectorK0(energy))))
    # #
    # #