Пример #1
def DetailedStatisticsUtils_getStatistics(base, targetData, isCurrentuser):
    res = base(targetData, isCurrentuser)
    global _lastVehId
    if _lastVehId is not None and token.networkServicesSettings['statAwards']:
            battles = targetData.getBattlesCount()
            dmg = targetData.getDamageDealt()
            frg = targetData.getFragsCount()
            ref = vehinfo_xte.getReferenceValues(_lastVehId)
            if ref is None:
                ref = {}
            data = -1
            #log('b:{} d:{} f:{}'.format(battles, dmg, frg))
            if battles > 0 and dmg > 0 and frg > 0:
                ref['currentD'] = float(dmg) / battles
                ref['currentF'] = float(frg) / battles
                xte = vehinfo_xte.calculateXTE(_lastVehId, float(dmg) / battles, float(frg) / battles)
                if xte > 0:
                    color = utils.getDynamicColorValue(constants.DYNAMIC_VALUE_TYPE.X, xte)
                    xteStr = 'XX' if xte == 100 else ('0' if xte < 10 else '') + str(xte)
                    data = '<font color="{0}">{1}</font>'.format(color, xteStr)
                    #log("xte={} color={}".format(xteStr, color))
            del res[0]['data'][4]
            res[0]['data'].insert(0, {
                'label': 'xTE',
                'data': data,
                'tooltip': 'xvm_xte',
                'tooltipData': {'body': ref, 'header': {}, 'note': None}})

    return res
Пример #2
def DetailedStatisticsUtils_getStatistics(base, targetData, isCurrentuser, layout):
    res = base(targetData, isCurrentuser, layout)
    global _lastVehCD
    if _lastVehCD is not None and config.networkServicesSettings.statAwards:
            battles = targetData.getBattlesCount()
            dmg = targetData.getDamageDealt()
            frg = targetData.getFragsCount()

            # remove empty lines
            if res[0]['data'][4] is None:
                del res[0]['data'][4]
            #if res[1]['data'][1] is None:
            #    del res[1]['data'][1]
            #if res[1]['data'][4] is None:
            #    del res[1]['data'][4]

            # xTE
            ref = vehinfo_xte.getReferenceValues(_lastVehCD)
            if ref is None:
                ref = {}
            data = -1
            #log('vehCD: {} b:{} d:{} f:{}'.format(_lastVehCD, battles, dmg, frg))
            if battles > 0 and dmg >= 0 and frg >= 0:
                ref['currentD'] = float(dmg) / battles
                ref['currentF'] = float(frg) / battles
                x = vehinfo_xte.calculateXTE(_lastVehCD, float(dmg) / battles, float(frg) / battles)
                ref['xte'] = x
                ref['xte_sup'] = xvm_scale.XvmScaleToSup(x)
                if x >= 0:
                    color = utils.getDynamicColorValue(consts.DYNAMIC_VALUE_TYPE.X, x)
                    xStr = 'XX' if x == 100 else ('0' if x < 10 else '') + str(x)
                    data = '<font color="#{}" size="12">({} {}%)</font>  <font color="{}">{}</font>'.format(
                        XFWCOLORS.UICOLOR_LABEL, l10n('better than'), ref['xte_sup'], color, xStr)
                    #log("xte={} color={}".format(xStr, color))
            res[0]['data'].insert(0, {
                'label': 'xTE',
                'data': data,
                'tooltip': 'xvm_xte',
                'tooltipData': {'body': ref, 'header': {}, 'note': None}})

            # xTDB
            item = res[1]['data'][2]
            if battles > 0 and dmg >= 0:
                x = vehinfo_xtdb.calculateXTDB(_lastVehCD, float(dmg) / battles)
                sup = xvm_scale.XvmScaleToSup(x)
                if x >= 0:
                    color = utils.getDynamicColorValue(consts.DYNAMIC_VALUE_TYPE.X, x)
                    item['data'] = '<font color="#{}" size="12">({} {}%)</font>  <font color="{}">{}</font>'.format(
                        XFWCOLORS.UICOLOR_LABEL, l10n('better than'), sup, color, item['data'])


    return res
Пример #3
def DetailedStatisticsUtils_getStatistics(base, targetData, isCurrentuser,
    res = base(targetData, isCurrentuser, layout)
    global _lastVehCD
    if _lastVehCD is not None and config.networkServicesSettings.statAwards:
            battles = targetData.getBattlesCount()
            dmg = targetData.getDamageDealt()
            frg = targetData.getFragsCount()

            # remove empty lines
            if res[0]['data'][4] is None:
                del res[0]['data'][4]
            #if res[1]['data'][1] is None:
            #    del res[1]['data'][1]
            #if res[1]['data'][4] is None:
            #    del res[1]['data'][4]

            # xTE
            ref = vehinfo_xte.getReferenceValues(_lastVehCD)
            if ref is None:
                ref = {}
            data = -1
            #log('vehCD: {} b:{} d:{} f:{}'.format(_lastVehCD, battles, dmg, frg))
            if battles > 0 and dmg >= 0 and frg >= 0:
                ref['currentD'] = float(dmg) / battles
                ref['currentF'] = float(frg) / battles
                x = vehinfo_xte.calculateXTE(_lastVehCD,
                                             float(dmg) / battles,
                                             float(frg) / battles)
                ref['xte'] = x
                ref['xte_sup'] = xvm_scale.XvmScaleToSup(x)
                if x >= 0:
                    color = utils.getDynamicColorValue(
                        consts.DYNAMIC_VALUE_TYPE.X, x)
                    xStr = 'XX' if x == 100 else (
                        '0' if x < 10 else '') + str(x)
                    data = '<font color="#{}" size="12">({} {}%)</font>  <font color="{}">{}</font>'.format(
                        XFWCOLORS.UICOLOR_LABEL, l10n('better than'),
                        ref['xte_sup'], color, xStr)
                    #log("xte={} color={}".format(xStr, color))
                0, {
                    'label': 'xTE',
                    'data': data,
                    'tooltip': 'xvm_xte',
                    'tooltipData': {
                        'body': ref,
                        'header': {},
                        'note': None

            # xTDB
            item = res[1]['data'][2]
            if battles > 0 and dmg >= 0:
                x = vehinfo_xtdb.calculateXTDB(_lastVehCD,
                                               float(dmg) / battles)
                sup = xvm_scale.XvmScaleToSup(x)
                if x >= 0:
                    color = utils.getDynamicColorValue(
                        consts.DYNAMIC_VALUE_TYPE.X, x)
                        'data'] = '<font color="#{}" size="12">({} {}%)</font>  <font color="{}">{}</font>'.format(
                            XFWCOLORS.UICOLOR_LABEL, l10n('better than'), sup,
                            color, item['data'])


    return res