def main(): # set cosmology and linear power spectrum H0 = 70.0 Omega_M = 0.279000 Omega_b = 0.046100 w0 = -1.000000 Omega_k = 0.000000 n_s = 0.972000 inputPk = "../input_pk/wmap9_fid_matterpower_z0.dat" nH = 2.4e+21 xx_power.init_cosmology(H0, Omega_M, Omega_b, w0, Omega_k, n_s, nH, inputPk, 1) yy_power.init_cosmology(H0, Omega_M, Omega_b, w0, Omega_k, n_s, nH, inputPk) #param_ind_dict = {'eps_f':0, 'eps_DM':1, 'f_star':2, 'S_star':3, 'A_C':4, 'alpha_nt':5, 'n_nt':6, 'beta_nt':7, 'gamma_mod0':8, 'gamma_mod_zslope':9, 'x_break':10, 'x_smooth':11, 'n_nt_mod':12, 'clump0':13, 'clump_zslope':14, 'x_clump':15, 'alpha_clump1':16, 'alpha_clump2':17} #params = [ 'eps_f', 'f_star', 'S_star', 'A_C', 'alpha_nt', 'n_nt', 'beta_nt', 'gamma_mod0', 'gamma_mod_zslope', 'n_nt_mod', 'clump0', 'clump_zslope', 'x_clump', 'alpha_clump1', 'alpha_clump2' ] #params = [ 'eps_f', 'f_star', 'clump0' ] #params = [ 'eps_f', 'f_star', 'S_star', 'alpha_nt', 'n_nt', 'beta_nt', 'gamma_mod0', 'gamma_mod_zslope', 'clump0', 'clump_zslope', 'x_clump', 'alpha_clump1', 'alpha_clump2' ] params = ['eps_f', 'f_star', 'clump0'] fish = {} covar = {} for survey in surveys: if 'ROSAT' in survey: ell = np.linspace(10, 700) elif 'Chandra' in survey: ell = np.linspace(10, 10000) fish[survey] = xxfisher(ell, params, survey) covar[survey] = np.linalg.inv(fish[survey]) #print(covar[survey]) ''' for i, p in enumerate(params) : if p in priors.keys() : fish[survey] += 1.0/priors[p]**2.0 ''' for i1, p1 in enumerate(params): for i2, p2 in enumerate(params): f = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) ax = f.add_axes([0.20, 0.18, 0.72, 0.72]) if i1 != i2: for survey in surveys: cov = extract_submat(covar[survey], i1, i2) ax = plot_error_ellipse(ax, cov, p1, p2, survey) print(survey, p1, p2, cov) # recompute the ax.dataLim ax.relim() # update ax.viewLim using the new dataLim ax.autoscale_view() ax.set_xlabel(param_label_dict[p1]) ax.set_ylabel(param_label_dict[p2]) #ax.set_xlim(param_lim_dict[p1]) #ax.set_ylim(param_lim_dict[p2]) #ax.set_xlabel(param_label_dict[p1]+'/'+param_label_dict[p1]+r'$({\rm fid)}$') #ax.set_ylabel(param_label_dict[p2]+'/'+param_label_dict[p2]+r'$({\rm fid})$') ax.legend(loc='best') f.savefig("cov_" + p1 + "_" + p2 + ".png") else: continue
Omega_k=0.000000 n_s=0.972000 inputPk="../input_pk/wmap9_fid_matterpower_z0.dat" nH = 2.45e21 ''' H0 = 67.32117 Omega_M = 0.3158 Omega_b = 0.0490 w0 = -1.000000 Omega_k = 0.000000 n_s = 0.96605 inputPk = "../input_pk/planck_2018_test_matterpower.dat" nH = 0 opt = 1 xx_power.init_cosmology(H0, Omega_M, Omega_b, w0, Omega_k, n_s, nH, inputPk, opt) def beam(ell, fwhm=13.7): #convert fwhm from arcmin to radian fwhm = math.radians(fwhm / 60.0) sigma = fwhm / (np.sqrt(8.0 * np.log(2.0))) bl = np.exp(ell * (ell + 1.0) * sigma**2) return bl def lnlike(theta, x, y, invcov): ''' double alpha0; // fiducial : 0.18
def main (): # set cosmology and linear power spectrum H0=70.0 Omega_M=0.279000 Omega_b=0.046100 w0=-1.000000 Omega_k=0.000000 n_s=0.972000 inputPk="../input_pk/wmap9_fid_matterpower_z0.dat" nH = 2.4e+20 xx_power.init_cosmology(H0, Omega_M, Omega_b, w0, Omega_k, n_s, nH, inputPk) shot_noise = 3.e-22 ell = 10.**np.linspace(np.log10(1.),np.log10(3.e4), 1000) theta = [5.0,0.000000,0.026000,0.120000,1.000000,0.180000,0.800000,0.500000,0.100000,1.720000,0.195000,0.010000,0.800000,0.670000,0.730000,1.230000,0.880000,3.850000] param_ind_dict = {'eps_f':0, 'eps_DM':1, 'f_star':2, 'S_star':3, 'A_C':4, 'gamma_mod0':8, 'gamma_mod_zslope':9, 'clump0':13, 'clump_zslope':14} param_label_dict = {'eps_f':r'\epsilon_f', 'eps_DM':r'\epsilon_{DM}', 'f_star':r'f_\star', 'S_star':r'S_\star', 'A_C':r'A_C','gamma_mod0':r'\Gamma_0', 'gamma_mod_zslope':r'\beta_\Gamma', 'clump0':r'C_0', 'clump_zslope':r'\beta_C'} rosat_ell, rosat_cl, rosat_var = read_data("../ROSAT/rosat_R6_mask_hfi_R2_small_ell.txt") rosat_cl *= rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) rosat_cl_err = np.sqrt(rosat_var)*rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) theta_bf = [ 9.94086977e+00, 3.19781381e-02, 1.98917895e-01, 2.85712644e-03, -2.28851210e+01] theta[param_ind_dict['eps_f']] = theta_bf[0] theta[param_ind_dict['f_star']] = theta_bf[1] theta[param_ind_dict['S_star']] = theta_bf[2] theta[param_ind_dict['clump0']] = theta_bf[3] shot_noise = 10.0**theta_bf[4] f = plt.figure( figsize=(5,5) ) ax = f.add_axes([0.18,0.16,0.75,0.75]) cl = power (ell, theta) cl *= ell*(ell+1)/(2.0*math.pi) psn = np.full(ell.shape, shot_noise, dtype = np.float64) psn *= ell*(ell+1)/(2.0*math.pi) total = cl + psn ax.plot (ell, total, ls = '-' ) ax.plot (ell, cl, ls = '--') ax.plot (ell, psn, ls = ':') ax.errorbar(rosat_ell, rosat_cl, yerr = rosat_cl_err, color='k', label=r"ROSAT") ax.set_xlim ( 10, 3e4 ) #ax.set_ylim ( 1e-19, 1e-13) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\ell$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\ell(\ell+1)C_{\ell}/2\pi\,[{\rm erg^{2}s^{-2}cm^{-4}str^{-2}}]$') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.legend(loc='best') outname = '../plots/bf_xxpower.pdf' f.savefig(outname) f.clf()
def main(): # set cosmology and linear power spectrum H0 = 70.0 Omega_M = 0.279000 Omega_b = 0.046100 w0 = -1.000000 Omega_k = 0.000000 n_s = 0.972000 inputPk = "../input_pk/wmap9_fid_matterpower_z0.dat" nH = 2.4e+20 opt = 1 xx_power.init_cosmology(H0, Omega_M, Omega_b, w0, Omega_k, n_s, nH, inputPk, opt) shot_noise = 3.e-22 ell = 10.**np.linspace(np.log10(10.), np.log10(3e4), 40) theta_fid = [ 4.0, 3.e-5, 0.026000, 0.120000, 1.000000, 0.180000, 0.800000, 0.500000, 0.100000, 1.720000, 0.195000, 0.010000, 0.800000, 0.670000, 0.730000, 1.230000, 0.880000, 3.85000 ] param_ind_dict = { 'eps_f': 0, 'eps_DM': 1, 'f_star': 2, 'S_star': 3, 'A_C': 4, 'alpha_nt': 5, 'n_nt': 6, 'beta_nt': 7, 'gamma_mod0': 8, 'gamma_mod_zslope': 9, 'x_break': 10, 'x_smooth': 11, 'n_nt_mod': 12, 'clump0': 13, 'clump_zslope': 14, 'x_clump': 15, 'alpha_clump1': 16, 'alpha_clump2': 17 } param_label_dict = { 'eps_f': r'$\epsilon_f$', 'eps_DM': r'$\epsilon_{DM}$', 'f_star': r'$f_\star$', 'S_star': r'$S_\star$', 'A_C': r'$A_C$', 'alpha_nt': r'$\alpha_{nt}$', 'n_nt': r'$n_{nt}$', 'beta_nt': r'$\beta_{nt}$', 'gamma_mod0': r'$\Gamma_0$', 'gamma_mod_zslope': r'$\beta_\Gamma$', 'n_nt_mod': '$n_{nt,mod}$', 'clump0': r'$C_0$', 'clump_zslope': r'$\beta_C$', 'x_clump': r'$x_{C}$', 'alpha_clump1': r'$\alpha_{C1}$', 'alpha_clump2': r'$\alpha_{C2}$' } params = [ 'eps_f', 'f_star', 'S_star', 'alpha_nt', 'n_nt', 'beta_nt', 'gamma_mod0', 'gamma_mod_zslope', 'clump0', 'clump_zslope', 'x_clump', 'alpha_clump1', 'alpha_clump2' ] #param_list = ['eps_f', 'f_star', 'S_star', 'clump0', 'alpha0'] #param_list = ['f_star', 'S_star', 'clump0'] #param_list = ['gamma_mod0'] params = ['eps_f'] planck_ell, planck_cl, planck_var = read_data( "../Planck/planck_mask_hfi_R2_small_ell.txt") planck_cl *= planck_ell * (planck_ell + 1.) / (2.0 * math.pi) planck_cl_err = np.sqrt(planck_var) * planck_ell * (planck_ell + 1.) / (2.0 * math.pi) for param in params: param_ind = param_ind_dict[param] param_fid = theta_fid[param_ind] print(param_fid) param_val_list = [] color_list = ['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4'] varlist = [0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0] #for i in [0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 1.67]: for i in [1.0]: #for i in varlist: param_val = param_fid * i #param_val = i param_val_list.append(param_val) f = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) ax = f.add_axes([0.18, 0.16, 0.75, 0.75]) #ax.errorbar(planck_ell, planck_cl, yerr = planck_cl_err, color='k', label=r"Planck") cl_list = [] for counter, param_val in enumerate(param_val_list): theta = theta_fid.copy() theta[param_ind] = param_val start = time.time() cl = power(ell, theta) end = time.time() print("Elapsed time: %s" % (end - start)) cl *= ell * (ell + 1) / (2.0 * math.pi) cl *= (1.e6 * Tcmb)**2 #cl *= Tcmb**2.0 * 1.e6 label_str = param_label_dict[param] + '$= %.3f $' % (param_val) if param == 'eps_f': label_str = param_label_dict[ param] + r'$= %.1f \times 10^{-6}$' % (param_val) ax.plot(ell, cl, ls='-', color=color_list[counter], label=label_str) ax.set_xlim(10, 3e3) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\ell$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$10^{12}\ell(\ell+1)C_{\ell}^{yy}/2\pi$') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.legend(loc='best') outname = param + '_yy_power.png' #outname = param+'_xx_power.png' f.savefig(outname) f.clf()
def main(): # set cosmology and linear power spectrum ''' H0=70.0 Omega_M=0.279000 Omega_b=0.046100 w0=-1.000000 Omega_k=0.000000 n_s=0.972000 inputPk="../input_pk/wmap9_fid_matterpower_z0.dat" nH = 2.4e21 opt = 1 ''' H0 = 67.32117 Omega_M = 0.3158 Omega_b = 0.0490 w0 = -1.000000 Omega_k = 0.000000 n_s = 0.96605 inputPk = "../input_pk/planck_2018_test_matterpower.dat" nH = 0.0 opt = 1 xx_power.init_cosmology(H0, Omega_M, Omega_b, w0, Omega_k, n_s, nH, inputPk, opt) ell = 10.**np.linspace(np.log10(10.), np.log10(1.e4), 31) theta_fid = [ 4.0, 3.e-5, 0.0250, 0.120000, 1.000000, 0.180000, 0.800000, 0.500000, 0.10000, 1.720000, 0.195000, 0.010000, 0.800000, 0.2, 1.0, 6.0, 3.0 ] param_ind_dict = { 'eps_f': 0, 'eps_DM': 1, 'f_star': 2, 'S_star': 3, 'A_C': 4, 'alpha_nt': 5, 'n_nt': 6, 'beta_nt': 7, 'gamma_mod0': 8, 'gamma_mod_zslope': 9, 'x_break': 10, 'x_smooth': 11, 'n_nt_mod': 12, 'clump0': 13, 'alpha_clump': 14, 'beta_clump': 15, 'gamma_clump': 16 } param_label_dict = { 'eps_f': r'$\epsilon_f$', 'eps_DM': r'$\epsilon_{DM}$', 'f_star': r'$f_\star$', 'S_star': r'$S_\star$', 'A_C': r'$A_C$', 'alpha_nt': r'$\alpha_{nt}$', 'n_nt': r'$n_{nt}$', 'beta_nt': r'$\beta_{nt}$', 'gamma_mod0': r'$\Gamma_0$', 'gamma_mod_zslope': r'$\beta_\Gamma$', 'n_nt_mod': '$n_{nt,mod}$', 'clump0': r'$C_0$', 'alpha_clump': r'$\alpha_C$', 'beta_clump': r'$\beta_{C}$', 'gamma_clump': r'$\gamma_{C}$' } #rosat_ell, rosat_cl, rosat_var = read_data("../ROSAT/rosat_R4_R7_counts.txt") rosat_ell, rosat_cl, rosat_var = read_data( "../ROSAT/rosat_R4_R7_unabsorbed.txt") #rosat_cl *= rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) rosat_cl_err = np.sqrt(rosat_var) #rosat_cl_err *= rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) k_k, ell_k, beam_k, cl_k, cl_k_err = read_kolodzig() cl_k /= beam_k #cl_k *= ell_k*(ell_k+1)/(2.0*math.pi) #params = [ 'eps_f', 'f_star', 'S_star', 'alpha_nt', 'n_nt', 'beta_nt', 'gamma_mod0', 'gamma_mod_zslope', 'clump0', 'alpha_clump', 'beta_clump', 'gamma_clump' ] params = [ 'eps_f', 'f_star', 'S_star', 'clump0', 'alpha_clump', 'beta_clump', 'gamma_clump', 'gamma_mod0' ] #params = [ 'gamma_mod0' ] param_values = { #'eps_f':[4.0 ], 'eps_f': [2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0], 'f_star': [0.015, 0.02, 0.025, 0.03], 'S_star': [0.06, 0.12, 0.24, 0.48], 'clump0': [0.1, 1.0, 3.0, 10.0], 'alpha_clump': [0.05, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0], 'beta_clump': [0.05, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0], 'gamma_clump': [2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 10.0], 'gamma_mod0': [-0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 1.6667] } for param in params: param_ind = param_ind_dict[param] param_val_list = param_values[param] color_list = ['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3'] ls_list = [':', '-', '--', '-.'] f = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) ax = f.add_axes([0.21, 0.16, 0.75, 0.75]) #ax.errorbar(rosat_ell, rosat_cl, yerr = rosat_cl_err, color='k', fmt='o', label=r"ROSAT", markersize = 3) #ax.errorbar(ell_k, cl_k, yerr = cl_k_err, label=r'Chandra', color='r', fmt='+', markersize=3) cl_list = [] for counter, param_val in enumerate(param_values[param]): theta = theta_fid.copy() theta[param_ind] = param_val print(theta[param_ind]) start = time.time() cl = power(ell, theta) end = time.time() print("Elapsed time: %s" % (end - start)) #cl *= ell*(ell+1)/(2.0*math.pi) #psn = psn*ell*(ell+1)/(2.0*math.pi) #cl_total *= ell*(ell+1)/(2.0*math.pi) #cl_list.append(cl) label_str = param_label_dict[param] + r'$= %.3f $' % (param_val) #if param == 'eps_f' : # label_str = param_label_dict[param]+r'$= %.1f$'% (param_val) #if param == 'clump0' : # label_str = param_label_dict[param]+r'$= %.1f$'% (param_val+1) ax.plot(ell, cl, ls='--', color=color_list[counter], label=label_str) ax.set_xlim(30, 1e4) ax.set_ylim(1e-25, 1e-19) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\ell$') #ax.set_ylabel(r'$\ell(\ell+1)C_{\ell}^{xx}/2\pi\,[{\rm cts^2 s^{-2}arcmin^{-4}}]$') #ax.set_ylabel(r'$C_{\ell}\,[{\rm erg^{2}s^{-2}cm^{-4}sr^{-2}}]$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$C_{\ell}\,[{\rm ergs^{2}s^{-2}cm^{-4}sr^{-2}}]$') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.legend(loc='lower left', prop={'size': 10}) #outname = '../plots/'+param+'_xx_power.pdf' outname = param + '_xx_power.pdf' f.savefig(outname) f.clf()
def main(): # set cosmology and linear power spectrum ''' H0=70.0 Omega_M=0.279000 Omega_b=0.046100 w0=-1.000000 Omega_k=0.000000 n_s=0.972000 inputPk="../input_pk/wmap9_fid_matterpower_z0.dat" nH = 2.4e21 opt = 1 ''' H0 = 67.32117 Omega_M = 0.3158 Omega_b = 0.0490 w0 = -1.000000 Omega_k = 0.000000 n_s = 0.96605 inputPk = "../input_pk/planck_2018_test_matterpower.dat" nH = 2.4e21 opt = 1 xx_power.init_cosmology(H0, Omega_M, Omega_b, w0, Omega_k, n_s, nH, inputPk, opt) shot_noise = 0.00 #ell = 10.**np.linspace(np.log10(1.),np.log10(1.e5),40) ell = np.linspace(1.0, 10000.0, 10000) theta_fid = [ 4.0, 3.e-5, 0.026000, 0.120000, 1.000000, 0.180000, 0.800000, 0.500000, 0.100000, 1.720000, 0.195000, 0.010000, 0.800000, 0.670000, 0.730000, 1.230000, 0.880000, 3.85000 ] param_ind_dict = { 'eps_f': 0, 'eps_DM': 1, 'f_star': 2, 'S_star': 3, 'A_C': 4, 'alpha_nt': 5, 'n_nt': 6, 'beta_nt': 7, 'gamma_mod0': 8, 'gamma_mod_zslope': 9, 'x_break': 10, 'x_smooth': 11, 'n_nt_mod': 12, 'clump0': 13, 'clump_zslope': 14, 'x_clump': 15, 'alpha_clump1': 16, 'alpha_clump2': 17 } param_label_dict = { 'eps_f': r'$\epsilon_f$', 'eps_DM': r'$\epsilon_{DM}$', 'f_star': r'$f_\star$', 'S_star': r'$S_\star$', 'A_C': r'$A_C$', 'alpha_nt': r'$\alpha_{nt}$', 'n_nt': r'$n_{nt}$', 'beta_nt': r'$\beta_{nt}$', 'gamma_mod0': r'$\Gamma_0$', 'gamma_mod_zslope': r'$\beta_\Gamma$', 'n_nt_mod': '$n_{nt,mod}$', 'clump0': r'$C_0$', 'clump_zslope': r'$\beta_C$', 'x_clump': r'$x_{C}$', 'alpha_clump1': r'$\alpha_{C1}$', 'alpha_clump2': r'$\alpha_{C2}$' } ''' rosat_ell, rosat_cl, rosat_var = read_data("../ROSAT/rosat_R4_R7_mask_hfi_R2_small_ell.txt") rosat_cl *= rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) rosat_cl_err = np.sqrt(rosat_var)*rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) ''' params = [ 'eps_f', 'f_star', 'S_star', 'alpha_nt', 'n_nt', 'beta_nt', 'gamma_mod0', 'gamma_mod_zslope', 'clump0', 'clump_zslope', 'x_clump', 'alpha_clump1', 'alpha_clump2' ] f = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) ax = f.add_axes([0.18, 0.16, 0.75, 0.75]) #ax.errorbar(rosat_ell, rosat_cl, yerr = rosat_cl_err, color='k', label=r"ROSAT") cl = power(ell, theta_fid) nside = 2048 fwhm = math.radians(12. / 60.) recon_map = hp.sphtfunc.synfast(cl, nside, fwhm=fwhm, pixwin=True, new=True) cmap = hp.mollview(recon_map) hp.graticule() plt.savefig('recon_map.png') cl_recon = hp.sphtfunc.anafast(recon_map) ell_recon = (np.arange(cl_recon.size)).astype(float) print(ell_recon, cl_recon) cl *= ell * (ell + 1) / (2.0 * math.pi) cl_recon *= ell_recon * (ell_recon + 1) / (2.0 * math.pi) ax.plot(ell, cl, ls='-', label='original') ax.plot(ell_recon, cl_recon, ls='-', label='healpix') ax.set_xlim(10, 3e3) ax.set_ylim(1e-19, 1e-15) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\ell$') ax.set_ylabel( r'$\ell(\ell+1)C_{\ell}^{xx}/2\pi\,[{\rm erg^{2}s^{-2}cm^{-4}str^{-2}}]$' ) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.legend(loc='best') #outname = '../plots/'+param+'_xx_power.pdf' outname = 'recon_xx_power.png' f.savefig(outname) f.clf()
def main(): # set cosmology and linear power spectrum ''' H0=70.0 Omega_M=0.279000 Omega_b=0.046100 w0=-1.000000 Omega_k=0.000000 n_s=0.972000 inputPk="../input_pk/wmap9_fid_matterpower_z0.dat" nH = 2.4e21 opt = 1 ''' H0 = 67.32117 Omega_M = 0.3158 Omega_b = 0.0490 w0 = -1.000000 Omega_k = 0.000000 n_s = 0.96605 inputPk = "../input_pk/planck_2018_test_matterpower.dat" nH = 0 opt = 1 xx_power.init_cosmology(H0, Omega_M, Omega_b, w0, Omega_k, n_s, nH, inputPk, opt) shot_noise = 3.0e-21 ell = 10.**np.linspace(np.log10(10.), np.log10(3.e4), 31) theta_best = [ 2.3932, 3.e-5, 0.0254, 0.09520, 1.000000, 0.45200, 0.841000, 1.628000, 0.102400, 1.720000, 0.195000, 0.010000, 1.6960, 0.9227, 2.4602, 4.5937 ] theta_best = np.array(theta_best, dtype='double') param_ind_dict = { 'eps_f': 0, 'eps_DM': 1, 'f_star': 2, 'S_star': 3, 'A_C': 4, 'A_nt': 5, 'B_nt': 6, 'gamma_nt': 7, 'gamma_mod0': 8, 'gamma_mod_zslope': 9, 'x_break': 10, 'x_smooth': 11, 'clump0': 12, 'alpha_clump': 13, 'beta_clump': 14, 'gamma_clump': 15 } param_label_dict = { 'eps_f': r'$\epsilon_f/10^{-6}$', 'eps_DM': r'$\epsilon_{DM}$', 'f_star': r'$f_\star$', 'S_star': r'$S_\star$', 'A_C': r'$A_C$', 'A_nt': r'$A_{nt}$', 'B_nt': r'$B_{nt}$', 'gamma_nt': r'$\gamma_{nt}$', 'gamma_mod0': r'$\Gamma_0$', 'gamma_mod_zslope': r'$\beta_\Gamma$', 'n_nt_mod': '$n_{nt,mod}$', 'clump0': r'$C_0$', 'clump_zslope': r'$\beta_C$', 'x_clump': r'$x_{C}$', 'alpha_clump1': r'$\alpha_{C1}$', 'alpha_clump2': r'$\alpha_{C2}$' } rosat_ell, rosat_cl, rosat_var = read_data( "../ROSAT/rosat_R4_R7_chandra_unabsorbed.txt") #rosat_cl *= rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) rosat_cl_err = np.sqrt(rosat_var) #k_k, ell_k, beam_k, cl_k, cl_k_err = read_kolodzig () #cl_k /= beam_k #cl_k *= ell_k*(ell_k+1)/(2.0*math.pi) #params = [ 'eps_f', 'f_star', 'S_star', 'alpha_nt', 'n_nt', 'beta_nt', 'gamma_mod0', 'gamma_mod_zslope', 'clump0', 'clump_zslope', 'x_clump', 'alpha_clump1', 'alpha_clump2' ] f = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) ax = f.add_axes([0.21, 0.16, 0.75, 0.75]) ax.errorbar(rosat_ell, rosat_cl, yerr=rosat_cl_err, color='k', fmt='o', label=r"ROSAT") #ax.errorbar(ell_k, cl_k, yerr = cl_k_err, label=r'Kolodzig+18') start = time.time() cl = power(ell, theta_best) #cl_up = power (ell, theta_cup) #cl_dn = power (ell, theta_cdn) end = time.time() print("Elapsed time: %s" % (end - start)) with open('best_fit.txt', 'w') as outf: print('# ell C_ell [ergs^2/s^2/cm^4/sr^2]', file=outf) for i in np.arange(len(ell)): print(ell[i], cl[i], file=outf) #cl *= ell*(ell+1)/(2.0*math.pi) ax.plot(ell, cl, ls='-', label='best fit model') ax.set_xlim(100, 3e4) #ax.set_ylim ( 1e-19, 1e-14) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\ell$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$C_{\ell}^{xx},[{\rm erg^{2}s^{-2}cm^{-4}sr^{-2}}]$') #ax.set_ylabel(r'$\ell(\ell+1)C_{\ell}^{xx}/2\pi\,[{\rm cts^{2}s^{-2}arcmin^{-2}}]$') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.legend(loc='upper left') #outname = '../plots/'+param+'_xx_power.pdf' outname = 'bf_xx_power.png' f.savefig(outname) f.clf()
def main(): # set cosmology and linear power spectrum H0 = 70.0 Omega_M = 0.279000 Omega_b = 0.046100 w0 = -1.000000 Omega_k = 0.000000 n_s = 0.972000 inputPk = "../input_pk/wmap9_fid_matterpower_z0.dat" nH = 0 opt = 1 xx_power.init_cosmology(H0, Omega_M, Omega_b, w0, Omega_k, n_s, nH, inputPk, opt) shot_noise = 0.00 ell = 10.**np.linspace(np.log10(10.), np.log10(3.e4), 31) theta_fid = [ 4.0, 3.e-5, 0.0250, 0.120000, 1.000000, 0.180000, 0.800000, 0.500000, 0.10000, 1.720000, 0.195000, 0.010000, 0.800000, 0.2, 1.0, 6.0, 3.0 ] param_ind_dict = { 'eps_f': 0, 'eps_DM': 1, 'f_star': 2, 'S_star': 3, 'A_C': 4, 'alpha_nt': 5, 'n_nt': 6, 'beta_nt': 7, 'gamma_mod0': 8, 'gamma_mod_zslope': 9, 'x_break': 10, 'x_smooth': 11, 'n_nt_mod': 12, 'clump0': 13, 'alpha_clump': 14, 'beta_clump': 15, 'gamma_clump': 16 } param_label_dict = { 'eps_f': r'$\epsilon_f$', 'eps_DM': r'$\epsilon_{DM}$', 'f_star': r'$f_\star$', 'S_star': r'$S_\star$', 'A_C': r'$A_C$', 'alpha_nt': r'$\alpha_{nt}$', 'n_nt': r'$n_{nt}$', 'beta_nt': r'$\beta_{nt}$', 'gamma_mod0': r'$\Gamma_0$', 'gamma_mod_zslope': r'$\beta_\Gamma$', 'n_nt_mod': '$n_{nt,mod}$', 'clump0': r'$C_0$', 'alpha_clump': r'$\alpha_C$', 'beta_clump': r'$\beta_{C}$', 'gamma_clump': r'$\gamma_{C}$' } #rosat_ell, rosat_cl, rosat_var = read_data("../ROSAT/rosat_R4_R7_mask_hfi_R2_small_ell.txt") #rosat_cl *= rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) #rosat_cl_err = np.sqrt(rosat_var)*rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) #params = ['eps_f', 'f_star', 'S_star', 'alpha_nt', 'n_nt', 'beta_nt', 'gamma_mod0', 'gamma_mod_zslope', 'clump0', 'clump_zslope', 'x_clump', 'alpha_clump1', 'alpha_clump2' ] params = ['gamma_mod0'] param_values = { 'eps_f': [1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0], 'f_star': [0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025, 0.03], 'S_star': [0.03, 0.06, 0.12, 0.24, 0.48], 'clump0': [0.1, 1.0, 3.0, 10.0, 30.0], 'alpha_clump': [0.02, 0.05, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0], 'beta_clump': [0.02, 0.05, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0], 'gamma_clump': [1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 10.0], #'gamma_mod0':[0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 1.2, 1.667] 'gamma_mod0': [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0] } mvir = 3.e13 #mvir = 10.**np.linspace(13.0, 15.8, 25) z = 0.01 #obs_list = ['mgas', 'lx', 'tx', 'ysz'] profile_list = ['density'] profile_label = { 'pressure': r'$P(r/R_{500})\,{\rm [keV cm^-3]}$', 'density': r'$\rho_{\rm gas}/\rho_{\rm crit}$' } x = 10**np.linspace(-3., 0.5, 100) mgas, m500 = mgas_m([mvir], z, theta_fid) for param in params: pro = {} f = {} ax = {} for o in profile_list: f[o] = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) ax[o] = f[o].add_axes([0.18, 0.16, 0.75, 0.75]) param_ind = param_ind_dict[param] param_fid = theta_fid[param_ind] param_val_list = [] color_list = ['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4'] for i in [0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]: #for i in [1.0]: param_val = param_fid * i param_val_list.append(param_val) cl_list = [] for counter, param_val in enumerate(param_values[param]): theta = theta_fid.copy() theta[param_ind] = param_val #pro['pressure'] = pressure_profile(x, mvir, z, theta) pro['density'] = density_profile(x, mvir, z, theta) #print(x, pro['density']) label_str = param_label_dict[param] + r'$= %.3f $' % (param_val) if param == 'eps_f': label_str = param_label_dict[ param] + r'$= %.1f \times 10^{-6}$' % (param_val) for o in profile_list: ax[o].plot(x, pro[o], label=label_str) arnaud_pro = P_gnfw(x, m500, z, *mod_param['A10']) robs, rho_obs, rho_obs_err = read_observed_density() ax['density'].errorbar(robs, rho_obs, yerr=rho_obs_err, color='k', label='M17') #ax['pressure'].plot(x, arnaud_pro, color='k', label=r'Arnaud+10') for o in profile_list: ax[o].set_xlabel(r'$r/R_{500c}$') ax[o].set_ylabel(profile_label[o]) ax[o].legend(loc='lower left') ax[o].set_xscale('log') ax[o].set_yscale('log') outname = param + '_' + o + '_profile.png' f[o].savefig(outname) f[o].clf()
def power_model (x, params) : # set cosmology and linear power spectrum H0=70.000000 Omega_M=0.279000 Omega_b=0.046100 w0=-1.000000 Omega_k=0.000000 n_s=0.972000 nH = 1.e22 inputPk="../input_pk/wmap9_fid_matterpower_z0.dat" xx_power.init_cosmology(H0, Omega_M, Omega_b, w0, Omega_k, n_s, nH, inputPk) ''' double alpha0; // fiducial : 0.18 double n_nt; // fiducial : 0.80 double beta; // fiducial : 0.50 double eps_f; // fiducial : 3.97e-6 double eps_DM; // fiducial : 0.00 double f_star; // fiducial : 0.026 double S_star; // fiducial : 0.12 double A_C; // fiducial : 1.00 double gamma_mod0; // fiducial : 0.10 double gamma_mod_zslope; // fiducial : 1.72 double x_break; // fiducial : 0.195 double x_smooth; // fiducial : 0.01 double n_nt_mod; // fiducial : 0.80 ''' #alpha0, n_nt, beta, eps_f, eps_DM, f_star, S_star, A_C, gamma_mod0, gamma_mod_zslope, x_break, x_smooth, n_nt_mod = theta #xx_power.set_Flender_params(alpha0, n_nt, beta, eps_f*1e-6, eps_DM, f_star, S_star, A_C, gamma_mod0, gamma_mod_zslope, x_break, x_smooth, n_nt_mod) #eps_f, f_star, S_star, gamma_mod0, gamma_mod_zslope, clump0, clump_zslope = theta eps_f, f_star, S_star, clump0, noise = params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], param[4] #fix DM profile eps_DM = 0.006 A_C = 1.0 #fix non-thermal pressure term alpha0 = 0.18 n_nt = 0.80 beta = 0.50 x_smooth = 0.01 n_nt_mod = 0.80 x_break = 0.195 gamma_mod0 = 0.10 gamma_mod_zslope = 1.72 #clumping terms #clump0 = 0.0 clump_zslope = 0.0 x_clump = 1.23 alpha_clump1 = 0.88 alpha_clump2 = 3.85 xx_power.set_Flender_params(alpha0, n_nt, beta, eps_f*1e-6, eps_DM, f_star, S_star, A_C, gamma_mod0, gamma_mod_zslope, x_break, x_smooth, n_nt_mod, clump0, clump_zslope, x_clump, alpha_clump1, alpha_clump2, noise) model = xx_power.return_xx_power(x) # [erg cm^-2 s^-1 str^-1]^2 return model
def main(): # set cosmology and linear power spectrum ''' H0=70.0 Omega_M=0.279000 Omega_b=0.046100 w0=-1.000000 Omega_k=0.000000 n_s=0.972000 inputPk="../input_pk/wmap9_fid_matterpower_z0.dat" nH = 2.4e21 opt = 1 ''' H0 = 67.32117 Omega_M = 0.3158 Omega_b = 0.0490 w0 = -1.000000 Omega_k = 0.000000 n_s = 0.96605 inputPk = "../input_pk/planck_2018_test_matterpower.dat" nH = 2.4e21 opt = 1 xx_power.init_cosmology(H0, Omega_M, Omega_b, w0, Omega_k, n_s, nH, inputPk, opt) shot_noise = 0.00 ell = 10.**np.linspace(np.log10(10.), np.log10(3.e4), 31) theta_fid = [ 4.0, 3.e-5, 0.0800, 0.120000, 1.000000, 0.180000, 0.800000, 0.500000, 0.10000, 1.720000, 0.195000, 0.010000, 0.800000, 0.9, 1.0, 6.0, 3.0 ] param_ind_dict = { 'eps_f': 0, 'eps_DM': 1, 'f_star': 2, 'S_star': 3, 'A_C': 4, 'alpha_nt': 5, 'n_nt': 6, 'beta_nt': 7, 'gamma_mod0': 8, 'gamma_mod_zslope': 9, 'x_break': 10, 'x_smooth': 11, 'n_nt_mod': 12, 'clump0': 13, 'clump_zslope': 14, 'x_clump': 15, 'alpha_clump1': 16, } param_label_dict = { 'eps_f': r'$\epsilon_f/10^{-6}$', 'eps_DM': r'$\epsilon_{DM}$', 'f_star': r'$f_\star$', 'S_star': r'$S_\star$', 'A_C': r'$A_C$', 'alpha_nt': r'$\alpha_{nt}$', 'n_nt': r'$n_{nt}$', 'beta_nt': r'$\beta_{nt}$', 'gamma_mod0': r'$\Gamma_0$', 'gamma_mod_zslope': r'$\beta_\Gamma$', 'n_nt_mod': '$n_{nt,mod}$', 'clump0': r'$C_0$', 'clump_zslope': r'$\beta_C$', 'x_clump': r'$x_{C}$', 'alpha_clump1': r'$\alpha_{C1}$', 'alpha_clump2': r'$\alpha_{C2}$' } #rosat_ell, rosat_cl, rosat_var = read_data("../ROSAT/rosat_R4_R7_mask_hfi_R2_small_ell.txt") #rosat_cl *= rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) #rosat_cl_err = np.sqrt(rosat_var)*rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) #params = ['eps_f', 'f_star', 'S_star', 'alpha_nt', 'n_nt', 'beta_nt', 'gamma_mod0', 'gamma_mod_zslope', 'clump0', 'clump_zslope', 'x_clump', 'alpha_clump1', 'alpha_clump2' ] params = ['eps_f', 'f_star', 'clump0'] redshift, dlz = np.linspace(-4, np.log10(3.0), 10, retstep=True) redshift = 10**redshift print(dlz) my_cosmo = cosmo.Cosmology() hubble = my_cosmo.cosmo.h print(hubble) mvir, dlm = np.linspace(13, 16, 20, retstep=True) flux, dlf = np.linspace(-20, -10, 20, retstep=True) mvir = 10**mvir flux = 10**flux Nsperster = np.zeros(flux.shape) redo = False if redo: for iv, f in enumerate(flux): for iz, z in enumerate(redshift): dVdz = my_cosmo.cosmo.differential_comoving_volume( z).value * hubble**3 s = [] for mass in mvir: ff, m500 = xray_flux(mass, z, theta_fid) s.append(ff) s = np.array(s) mlim = np.interp(f, s, mvir) #h = hmf.MassFunction(z=z, Mmin=13, Mmax=16, dlog10m=0.1) h = hmf.MassFunction(z=z) Nm = 0.0 for im, mass in enumerate(h.m): if mass >= mlim: Nm += h.dlog10m * h.dndlog10m[im] * dVdz * z * dlz Nsperster[iv] += Nm"logNlogS.npy", Nsperster) surveys = ["CDFS", "COSMOS", "XXL", "S82", "RASS"] areas = [0.25, 2.0, 50.0, 31.0, 4.0 * 3.141592 * ster2sqdeg * 0.25] sens = [0.66e-15, 1.7e-15, 5e-15, 0.87e-15, 5.6e-13] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) ax = fig.add_axes([0.21, 0.16, 0.75, 0.75]) print(areas, sens) ax.scatter(areas, sens, s=1.0, marker='o') for i, txt in enumerate(surveys): ax.annotate(txt, (areas[i], sens[i])) ax.set_xlabel(r'Area [deg$^2$]') ax.set_ylabel(r'flux [erg/s/cm$^2$]') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') #ax.set_xlim(1e-2, 1e5 ) #ax.set_ylim(1e-16, 1e-12) #ax.legend(loc='best') fig.savefig("wedding_test.png") fig.clf()
def main(): # set cosmology and linear power spectrum ''' H0=70.0 Omega_M=0.279000 Omega_b=0.046100 w0=-1.000000 Omega_k=0.000000 n_s=0.972000 inputPk="../input_pk/wmap9_fid_matterpower_z0.dat" nH = 2.4e21 opt = 1 ''' H0 = 67.32117 Omega_M = 0.3158 Omega_b = 0.0490 w0 = -1.000000 Omega_k = 0.000000 n_s = 0.96605 inputPk = "../input_pk/planck_2018_test_matterpower.dat" nH = 2.4e21 opt = 1 xx_power.init_cosmology(H0, Omega_M, Omega_b, w0, Omega_k, n_s, nH, inputPk, opt) shot_noise = 0.00 ell = 10.**np.linspace(np.log10(10.), np.log10(3.e4), 31) theta_fid = [ 4.0, 3.e-5, 0.0500, 0.120000, 1.000000, 0.180000, 0.800000, 0.500000, 0.10000, 1.720000, 0.195000, 0.010000, 0.800000, 0.9, 1.0, 6.0, 3.0 ] param_ind_dict = { 'eps_f': 0, 'eps_DM': 1, 'f_star': 2, 'S_star': 3, 'A_C': 4, 'alpha_nt': 5, 'n_nt': 6, 'beta_nt': 7, 'gamma_mod0': 8, 'gamma_mod_zslope': 9, 'x_break': 10, 'x_smooth': 11, 'n_nt_mod': 12, 'clump0': 13, 'clump_zslope': 14, 'x_clump': 15, 'alpha_clump1': 16, 'alpha_clump2': 17 } param_label_dict = { 'eps_f': r'$\epsilon_f/10^{-6}$', 'eps_DM': r'$\epsilon_{DM}$', 'f_star': r'$f_\star$', 'S_star': r'$S_\star$', 'A_C': r'$A_C$', 'alpha_nt': r'$\alpha_{nt}$', 'n_nt': r'$n_{nt}$', 'beta_nt': r'$\beta_{nt}$', 'gamma_mod0': r'$\Gamma_0$', 'gamma_mod_zslope': r'$\beta_\Gamma$', 'n_nt_mod': '$n_{nt,mod}$', 'clump0': r'$C_0$', 'clump_zslope': r'$\beta_C$', 'x_clump': r'$x_{C}$', 'alpha_clump1': r'$\alpha_{C1}$', 'alpha_clump2': r'$\alpha_{C2}$' } #rosat_ell, rosat_cl, rosat_var = read_data("../ROSAT/rosat_R4_R7_mask_hfi_R2_small_ell.txt") #rosat_cl *= rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) #rosat_cl_err = np.sqrt(rosat_var)*rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) #params = ['eps_f', 'f_star', 'S_star', 'alpha_nt', 'n_nt', 'beta_nt', 'gamma_mod0', 'gamma_mod_zslope', 'clump0', 'clump_zslope', 'x_clump', 'alpha_clump1', 'alpha_clump2' ] params = ['eps_f', 'f_star', 'clump0'] mvir = 10.**np.linspace(14.0, 15.5, 20) z = 1e-4 #obs_list = ['mgas', 'lx', 'tx'] obs_list = ['lx'] #obs_list = ['mgas'] obs_label = { #'lx': r'$L_X(0.15<r/R_{500}<1,z=0)\,{\rm [10^{44}ergs/s]}$', 'lx': r'$L_X(0.5-2.0\,{\rm keV})\,{\rm [10^{44}ergs/s]}$', 'mgas': r'$M_{\rm gas} (<R_{500}) {[M_\odot]}$', 'tx': r'$T_X(0.15<r/R_{500}<1,z=0)\,{\rm [keV]}$', 'ysz': r'$Y_{SZ}(<R_{500},z=0)\,{\rm [Mpc^2] }$' } for param in params: obs = {} f = {} ax = {} for o in obs_list: f[o] = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) ax[o] = f[o].add_axes([0.21, 0.16, 0.75, 0.75]) param_ind = param_ind_dict[param] param_fid = theta_fid[param_ind] param_val_list = [] color_list = ['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4'] #multi_list = [1.0] multi_list = [0.5, 1.0, 2.0] #multi_list = [0.1,0.3,1.0,3.0,10.0] if param == 'f_star': #multi_list = [1.0] multi_list = [0.5, 1.0, 2.0] for i in multi_list: param_val = param_fid * i param_val_list.append(param_val) cl_list = [] for counter, param_val in enumerate(param_val_list): print(param, param_val) theta = theta_fid.copy() theta[param_ind] = param_val obs['lx'], m500 = lx_m(mvir, z, theta) obs['tx'], m500 = tx_m(mvir, z, theta) obs['mgas'], m500 = mgas_m(mvir, z, theta) #obs['ysz'],m500 = ysz_m(mvir, z, theta) label_str = param_label_dict[param] + r'$= %.3f $' % (param_val) if param == 'eps_f': label_str = param_label_dict[param] + r'$= %.1f$' % (param_val) if param == 'clump0': label_str = param_label_dict[param] + r'$= %.1f$' % ( param_val + 1) #label_str = r'model' for o in obs_list: ax[o].plot(m500, obs[o], label=label_str) lx_arnaud = arnaud_lx_m(m500) lx_mantz = mantz_lx_m(m500, z) ysz_arnaud = arnaud_ysz_m(m500) #ax['lx'].plot(m500, lx_arnaud, color='r', label=r'Arnaud+10') ax['lx'].plot(m500, lx_mantz, color='b', label=r'Mantz+16') #ax['ysz'].plot(m500, ysz_arnaud, color='k', label=r'Arnaud+10') for o in obs_list: ax[o].set_xlabel(r'$M_{500c}$ [$M_\odot]$') ax[o].set_ylabel(obs_label[o]) ax[o].legend(loc='best') ax[o].set_xscale('log') ax[o].set_yscale('log') outname = param + '_' + o + '_m_z0.png' f[o].savefig(outname) f[o].clf()