Пример #1
def get_per_video_mbh_data(split, suffix=''):
    """ Returns the 'train' or 'test' video descriptors. The `suffix` argument
    can be '_morenull' to load the data with 5296 null samples. 
    base_path = ('/home/clear/oneata/data/trecvid12/features/'
    sstats_fn = os.path.join(
        base_path, 'statistics_k_256', '%s%s.dat' % (split, suffix))
    labels_fn = os.path.join(
        base_path, 'statistics_k_256', 'labels_%s%s.info' % (split, suffix))
    info_fn = os.path.join(
        base_path, 'statistics_k_256', 'info_%s%s.info' % (split, suffix))
    gmm_fn = os.path.join(base_path, 'gmm', 'gmm_256')

    sstats = np.fromfile(sstats_fn, dtype=np.float32)
    labels = np.array([tuple_label[0]
              for tuple_label in cPickle.load(open(labels_fn, 'r'))])
    video_names = cPickle.load(open(info_fn, 'r'))['video_names']

    # Convert sufficient statistics to Fisher vectors.
    gmm = gmm_read(open(gmm_fn, 'r'))
    data = FVModel.sstats_to_features(sstats, gmm)

    return data, labels, video_names
Пример #2
def load_gmm(filename):
    """ Loads GMM object from file using yael. """
    with open(filename, 'r') as _file:
        gmm = gmm_read(_file)
        return gmm
Пример #3
def load_gmm(filename):
    """ Loads GMM object from file using yael. """
    with open(filename, 'r') as _file:
        gmm = gmm_read(_file)
        return gmm
Пример #4
def get_audio_data_dan(split, K=512, ssl = None):
    feature_path = ('/home/lear/oneata/data/trecvid12/features/'
                    'mfcc/statistics_k_%d/' % K)
    gmm_path = '/home/lear/oneata/data/trecvid12/features/mfcc/gmm/gmm_%d' % K
    filelist = '/home/lear/oneata/src/med12lear/data/%s.list' % split

    filename = os.path.join(feature_path, split + '.raw')

    if os.path.exists(filename):
        video_data, video_labels, video_names = load_cache_file(filename, ssl)

        return video_data, video_labels.squeeze(), video_names

    # from fisher_vectors.model.fv_model import FVModel
    from fv_model import sstats_to_features

    video_names = []
    video_labels = []
    video_data = []

    sstats_path = os.path.join(feature_path, 'stats.tmp', '%s.dat')
    gmm = gmm_read(open(gmm_path, 'r'))
    dim = gmm.k + 2 * gmm.d * gmm.k

    empty = 0

    with open(os.path.join(filelist), 'r') as ff:
        for line in ff.readlines(): 

                sample_name, class_name = line.split()
            except ValueError:
                sample_name = line.strip()
                class_name = 'unknown'
            classno = rev_label_map[class_name]
            vidname = sample_name.split('-')[0]

            sstats_filename = sstats_path % sample_name
            if os.access(sstats_filename, os.R_OK): 
                sstats = np.fromfile(sstats_filename, dtype=np.float32)
                print "Missing sstats", sstats_filename
                sstats = None

            if (sstats == None or np.isnan(np.max(sstats))
                or len(sstats) != dim or np.sum(sstats ** 2) == 0):

                warnings.warn("Empty video %s." % vidname)
                fv = np.zeros((1, dim))
                empty += 1
                sstats = np.atleast_2d(sstats)
                fv = sstats_to_features(sstats, gmm)

                print "%-30s" % vidname,
                print "%dx%d" % sstats.shape


    print "Empty videos: %d (out of %d)." % (empty, len(video_names))
    video_data = np.array(np.vstack(video_data), dtype=np.float32)
    video_labels = np.array(video_labels)
    with open(filename, "w") as ff:
        np.save(ff, video_data)
        np.save(ff, video_labels)
        cPickle.dump(video_names, ff)

    return video_data, video_labels.squeeze(), video_names
def main():

    def all_files_exist(feature_path, video_name, what_to_save):
        return np.all([
                feature_path % {
                    'descriptor': desc_type,
                    'model': MODELS[model]['full_name'],
                    'K': kk,
                    'slice_or_video': slice_or_video,
                    'video_name': video_name})
            for kk in Ks
            for desc_type in DESCRIPTOR_TYPES
            for slice_or_video in what_to_save
            for model in MODELS.keys()])
    def get_nr_frames(filelist_path, video_name):
        with open(filelist_path, 'r') as ff:
            for line in ff.readlines():
                if line.startswith(video_name):
                    sample, _ = line.split()
                    return int(sample.split('-')[-1])
            assert False, "Could not find the number of frames for video %s" % video_name
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)

    parser.add_argument('--video', help="video name")
    parser.add_argument('--videodir', default=['videos'], help="video directory (default: 'videos')")
    parser.add_argument('-k', '--nr_clusters', default=['64'], nargs='+', help="number of GMM clusters.")
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--split', choices=SPLITS, default='train', help="which split of the data to use.")
    parser.add_argument('--redo', default=False, action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--h3spm', default=False, action='store_true', help="use H3 spatial pyramid.")
    parser.add_argument('--save', default=['video'], nargs='+', choices=('video', 'slice'), help="what to store: video descriptor or slice descriptors.")
    parser.add_argument('--slice', default=None, type=int, help="slice size (in number of frames).")
    parser.add_argument('--scenecut', default=None, help="Full path to scenecut file, contains shot boundaries.")
    parser.add_argument('--featurepath', default=None, help="Full path to where features are saved.")
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', help="verbosity level.")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.scenecut and (not os.path.exists(args.scenecut)):
        print "Scenecut file '%s' does not exist" % args.scenecut

    #BASEPATH = "/home/lear/oneata/data/thumos14"
    PCA = MED_BASEDIR + "compute_descriptors/denseTrack/vocab/MED15/pca/%s/features_pca_k256.npz"
    GMM = MED_BASEDIR + "compute_descriptors/denseTrack/vocab/MED15/gmm/%s/features_k256.gmm"

    #video_path = os.path.join(BASEPATH, 'videos', args.split, args.video)
    video_path = os.path.join(
    #filelist_path = os.path.join(BASEPATH, 'filelists', '%s.list' % args.split)
    feature_path = os.path.join(
        '%(slice_or_video)s_descriptors' + ('_h3spm' if args.h3spm else ''),
    if args.featurepath == None:
        print "Feature path not specified"
    feature_path = os.path.join(
    feature_path = os.path.join(
    print "Video path:", video_path
    print "Feature path:", feature_path    
    assert (args.slice is None) == ('slice' not in args.save), "Use either both the `--slice` and `--save slice` or none of them."

    Ks = map(int, args.nr_clusters)
    spm = (1, 3, 1) if args.h3spm else (1, 1, 1)
    slice_size = args.slice or 1e5

    what_to_save = [
        ('slice_%d' % slice_size if sv == 'slice' else sv)
        for sv in args.save]

    # Skip the work if all the feature files already exist.
    if not args.redo and all_files_exist(feature_path, args.video, what_to_save):
        if args.verbose > 0:
            print "All feature file exist for video", args.video

    # Load PCA files.
    pcas = {
        desc_type: np.load(PCA % desc_type)
        for desc_type in DESCRIPTOR_TYPES}

    # Load GMM files.
    gmms = {
        kk: {
            desc_type: yael.gmm_read(open(GMM % (desc_type), 'r'))
            for desc_type in DESCRIPTOR_TYPES}
        for kk in Ks}

    #nr_frames = get_nr_frames(filelist_path, args.video)
    #if args.verbose > 2:
    #    print "Video has %d frames." % nr_frames
    if args.scenecut:
        slices = parse_scenecutfile(args.scenecut)
        slices = []
    #slices = np.array([150])
    features, nr_descriptors = compute_features(
        video_path, DESCRIPTOR_TYPES, pcas, gmms, MODELS.keys(),
        spm, slices, verbose=args.verbose)

        features, nr_descriptors, args.video, feature_path, DESCRIPTOR_TYPES,
        MODELS.keys(), what_to_save)
Пример #6
def load_sample_data(
    dataset, sample, analytical_fim=False, pi_derivatives=False,
    sqrt_nr_descs=False, return_info=False, encoding='fv'):

    ENC_PARAMS = {
        'fv': {
            'suffix_enc': '',
            'get_dim': lambda gmm: gmm.k * (2 * gmm.d + 1),
            'sstats_to_features': FVModel.sstats_to_features,
            'sstats_to_normalized_features': FVModel.sstats_to_normalized_features,
        'sfv': {
            'suffix_enc': '_sfv',
            'get_dim': lambda gmm: gmm.k * (2 * 3 + 1),
            'sstats_to_features': SFVModel.spatial_sstats_to_spatial_features,

    if str(sample) in ('train', 'test'):
        stats_file = "%s.dat" % sample
        labels_file = "labels_%s.info" % sample
        info_file = "info_%s.info" % sample
        stats_tmp = "stats.tmp%s%s/%s" % (
            dataset.SUFFIX_STATS, ENC_PARAMS[encoding]['suffix_enc'], sample)

        stats_file = "%s.dat" % stats_tmp
        labels_file = "%s.info" % stats_tmp
        info_file = "%s.info" % stats_tmp

    stats_path = os.path.join(dataset.SSTATS_DIR, stats_file)
    labels_path = os.path.join(dataset.SSTATS_DIR, labels_file)
    info_path = os.path.join(dataset.SSTATS_DIR, info_file)

    with open(dataset.GMM, 'r') as ff:
        gmm = yael.gmm_read(ff)

    K = gmm.k
    D = ENC_PARAMS[encoding]['get_dim'](gmm)

    data = np.fromfile(stats_path, dtype=np.float32)
    data = data.reshape(-1, D)
    counts = data[:, : K]

    if analytical_fim:
        data = ENC_PARAMS[encoding]['sstats_to_normalized_features'](data, gmm)
        data = ENC_PARAMS[encoding]['sstats_to_features'](data, gmm)

    with open(labels_path, 'r') as ff:
        labels = cPickle.load(ff)

    with open(info_path, 'r') as ff:
        info = cPickle.load(ff)

    if sqrt_nr_descs:
        T = info['nr_descs']
        T = np.sqrt(T)[:, np.newaxis]
        T = 1.

    if pi_derivatives or encoding == 'sfv':
        # For the spatial Fisher vector encoding I drop the `pi_derivatives`,
        # so I need the full vector, no matter the value of the `pi_derivates`
        # parameter.
        idxs = slice(D)
        idxs = slice(K, D)

    if return_info:
        return T * data[:, idxs], labels, counts, info
        return T * data[:, idxs], labels, counts
Пример #7
def load_sample_data(dataset,

    ENC_PARAMS = {
        'fv': {
            'suffix_enc': '',
            'get_dim': lambda gmm: gmm.k * (2 * gmm.d + 1),
            'sstats_to_features': FVModel.sstats_to_features,
        'sfv': {
            'suffix_enc': '_sfv',
            'get_dim': lambda gmm: gmm.k * (2 * 3 + 1),
            'sstats_to_features': SFVModel.spatial_sstats_to_spatial_features,

    if str(sample) in ('train', 'test'):
        stats_file = "%s.dat" % sample
        labels_file = "labels_%s.info" % sample
        info_file = "info_%s.info" % sample
        stats_tmp = "stats.tmp%s%s/%s" % (
            dataset.SUFFIX_STATS, ENC_PARAMS[encoding]['suffix_enc'], sample)

        stats_file = "%s.dat" % stats_tmp
        labels_file = "%s.info" % stats_tmp
        info_file = "%s.info" % stats_tmp

    stats_path = os.path.join(dataset.SSTATS_DIR, stats_file)
    labels_path = os.path.join(dataset.SSTATS_DIR, labels_file)
    info_path = os.path.join(dataset.SSTATS_DIR, info_file)

    with open(dataset.GMM, 'r') as ff:
        gmm = yael.gmm_read(ff)

    K = gmm.k
    D = ENC_PARAMS[encoding]['get_dim'](gmm)

    data = np.fromfile(stats_path, dtype=np.float32)
    data = data.reshape(-1, D)
    counts = data[:, :K]

    if analytical_fim:
        data = ENC_PARAMS[encoding]['sstats_to_normalized_features'](data, gmm)
        data = ENC_PARAMS[encoding]['sstats_to_features'](data, gmm)

    with open(labels_path, 'r') as ff:
        labels = cPickle.load(ff)

    with open(info_path, 'r') as ff:
        info = cPickle.load(ff)

    if sqrt_nr_descs:
        T = info['nr_descs']
        T = np.sqrt(T)[:, np.newaxis]
        T = 1.

    if pi_derivatives or encoding == 'sfv':
        # For the spatial Fisher vector encoding I drop the `pi_derivatives`,
        # so I need the full vector, no matter the value of the `pi_derivates`
        # parameter.
        idxs = slice(D)
        idxs = slice(K, D)

    if return_info:
        return T * data[:, idxs], labels, counts, info
        return T * data[:, idxs], labels, counts
Пример #8
def get_per_video_mbh_data_given_list(list_name, **kwargs):
    """ Loads the Fisher vectors corresponding to the samples found in the
    list specified by `list_name`.

    K = kwargs.get('K', 256)
    sstats_path = ('/home/clear/oneata/data/trecvid12/features'
                   '/dense5.track15mbh.small.skip_1/statistics_k_%d' % K)

    # Default base directories.
    list_base_path = kwargs.get(
        'list_base_path', '/home/lear/douze/src/experiments/trecvid12/data')
    cache_base_path = kwargs.get(
        'cache_base_path', sstats_path)
    double_norm = kwargs.get('double_norm', False)

    suffix = '.double_norm' if double_norm else ''

    # If this file exists load them directly.
    cache_filename = os.path.join(cache_base_path, 'mbh_' + list_name + suffix + '.raw')
    if os.path.exists(cache_filename):
        print "Loading Fisher vectors from MBH descriptors for list %s..." % (
        with open(cache_filename, 'r') as ff:
            data = np.load(ff)
            labels = np.load(ff)
            names = cPickle.load(ff)
        return data, labels, names

    D = 64
    data, labels, names = [], [], []
    sstats_generic_name = os.path.join(sstats_path, 'stats.tmp' + suffix, '%s.dat')
    list_path = os.path.join(list_base_path, list_name + '.list')
    gmm_path = os.path.join(sstats_path, 'gmm_%d' % K)
    gmm = gmm_read(open(gmm_path, 'r'))

    # Get descriptors for the files in list.
    print "Creating cache file from list %s..." % list_name
    for line in open(list_path, 'r'):
        fields = line.split()

        sstats_filename = fields[0]
        video_name = sstats_filename.split('-')[0]
        sys.stdout.write("%s\t\r" % video_name)

            class_name = fields[1]
        except IndexError:
            class_name = 'unknown'

            sstats = np.fromfile(sstats_generic_name % sstats_filename,
            if double_norm:
                fv = sstats
                fv = FVModel.sstats_to_features(sstats, gmm)
        except IOError:
            print ('Sufficient statistics for video %s are missing;'
                   'replacing with zeros.') % video_name
            fv = np.zeros(K + 2 * K * D)


    data = np.vstack(data)
    labels = np.array(labels)

    assert data.shape[0] == len(labels), "Data size doesn't match nr of labels"

    # Cache results to file.
    with open(cache_filename, 'w') as ff:
        np.save(ff, data)
        np.save(ff, labels)
        cPickle.dump(names, ff)

    return data, labels, names