Пример #1
 def _usage(self):
     Emit usage info to stdout.
     The _usage() method is invoked by the --help option.
   methodName = '_usage'
   if (os.path.exists(HelpFile)):
     TR.info(methodName,"There is no usage information for '%s'" % __name__)
  def main(self,argv):
    methodName ="main"
    self.rc = 0
    self.bootstrap = Bootstrap()
        beginTime = Utilities.currentTimeMillis()
        cmdLineArgs = Utilities.getInputArgs(self.ArgsSignature,argv[1:])
        trace, logFile = self.bootstrap._configureTraceAndLogging(cmdLineArgs)
        TR.info(methodName,"BOOT0101I BEGIN Bootstrap AWS ICPD Quickstart version 1.0.0.")
        if (trace):
            TR.info(methodName,"BOOT0102I Tracing with specification: '%s' to log file: '%s'" % (trace,logFile))
        region = cmdLineArgs.get('region')
        self.bootstrap.region = region
        self.bootstrap.role = cmdLineArgs.get('role')
        self.bootstrap.fqdn = socket.getfqdn()

        self.bootStackId = cmdLineArgs.get('stackid')
        self.bootstrap.rootStackName = cmdLineArgs.get('stack-name')  
        self.logExporter = LogExporter(region=self.bootstrap.region,
                                   keyPrefix='logs/%s' % self.bootstrap.rootStackName,
        self.icpHome = "/opt/icp/%s" % self.bootstrap.ICPVersion
        installMapPath = os.path.join(self.home,"maps","icpd-install-artifact-map.yaml")
        self.installMap = self.bootstrap.loadInstallMap(mapPath=installMapPath, version=self.bootstrap.ICPDVersion, region=self.bootstrap.region)
        icpdS3Path = "{version}/{object}".format(version=self.installMap['version'],object=self.installMap['icpd-base-install-archive'])
        destPath = "/tmp/icp4d.tar"
        storageClassCmd = "kubectl get storageclass | nl | grep aws-efs | awk '{print $1}'"
        TR.info(methodName,"check_output Get StorageClass value from kubectl %s"%(storageClassCmd))
        self.storageclassValue=check_output(['bash','-c', storageClassCmd])
        TR.info(methodName,"check_output  StorageclassValue returned : %s"%(self.storageclassValue))
        self.bootstrap.getS3Object(self.bootstrap.ICPDArchiveBucketName, icpdS3Path, destPath) 
        self.stackIds =  self.bootstrap._getStackIds(self.bootStackId)
    except ExitException:
        pass # ExitException is used as a "goto" end of program after emitting help info

    except Exception, e:
        TR.error(methodName,"ERROR: %s" % e, e)
        self.rc = 1
Пример #3
  def _getArg(self,synonyms,args,default=None):
      Return the value from the args dictionary that may be specified with any of the
      argument names in the list of synonyms.

      The synonyms argument may be a Jython list of strings or it may be a string representation
      of a list of names with a comma or space separating each name.

      The args is a dictionary with the keyword value pairs that are the arguments
      that may have one of the names in the synonyms list.

      If the args dictionary does not include the option that may be named by any
      of the given synonyms then the given default value is returned.

      NOTE: This method has to be careful to make explicit checks for value being None
      rather than something that is just logically false.  If value gets assigned 0 from
      the get on the args (command line args) dictionary, that appears as false in a
      condition expression.  However 0 may be a legitimate value for an input parameter
      in the args dictionary.  We need to break out of the loop that is checking synonyms
      as well as avoid assigning the default value if 0 is the value provided in the
      args dictionary.
    value = None
    if (type(synonyms) != type([])):
      synonyms = Utilities.splitString(synonyms)

    for name in synonyms:
      value = args.get(name)
      if (value != None):

    if (value == None and default != None):
      value = default

    return value
Пример #4
  def main(self,argv):
      Main does command line argument processing, sets up trace and then kicks off the methods to
      do the work.
    methodName = "main"

    self.rc = 0
      ####### Start command line processing
      cmdLineArgs = Utilities.getInputArgs(self.ArgsSignature,argv[1:])

      # if trace is set from command line the trace variable holds the trace spec.
      trace, logFile = self._configureTraceAndLogging(cmdLineArgs)

      if (cmdLineArgs.get("help")):
        raise ExitException("After emitting help, jump to the end of main.")

      beginTime = Utilities.currentTimeMillis()
      TR.info(methodName,"NINIT0101I BEGIN Node initialization AWS ICP Quickstart version @{VERSION}.")

      if (trace):
        TR.info(methodName,"NINIT0102I Tracing with specification: '%s' to log file: '%s'" % (trace,logFile))
      region = cmdLineArgs.get('region')
      if (not region):
        raise MissingArgumentException("The AWS region (--region) must be provided.")
      self.region = region

      # The stackId is the "nested" stackId  It is used to get input parameter values.
      stackId = cmdLineArgs.get('stackid')
      if (not stackId):
        raise MissingArgumentException("The stack ID (--stackid) must be provided.")

      self.stackId = stackId
      TR.info(methodName,"Stack ID: %s" % stackId)

      # NOTE: The stackName is the root stack name as that is the name used in 
      # the SSM parameter keys by the boot node stack and the nested stacks.
      # For communication purposes all stacks must use the same root stack name.
      stackName = cmdLineArgs.get('stack-name')
      if (not stackName):
        raise MissingArgumentException("The stack name (--stack-name) must be provided.")
      self.stackName = stackName
      TR.info(methodName,"Stack name: %s" % stackName)
      role = cmdLineArgs.get('role')
      if (not role):
        raise MissingArgumentException("The role of this node (--role) must be provided.")
      self.role = role
      TR.info(methodName,"Node role: %s" % role)
      # Additional initialization of the instance.

      # Get the appropriate docker image
      self.installMap = self.loadInstallMap(version=self.ICPVersion, region=self.region)
      # The sleep() is a hack to give bootnode time to do get its act together.
      # PVS: I've run into rare cases where it appears that the the cluster nodes
      # pick up a bad public key.  I think it may be due to accidentally reusing
      # an ssm parameter.  Don't have time to troubleshoot, now.  I'm thinking 
      # if the boot node gets to it first, it will overwrite anything old that 
      # may be there.
      authorizedKeyEntry = self.getBootNodePublicKey()

      # NOTE: All CFN outputs, parameters are strings even when the Type is Number.
      # Hence, the conversion of MasterNodeCount to an int.
      if (self.role == 'master' and int(self.MasterNodeCount) > 1):
        efsServer = self.EFSDNSName # An input to the master stack
        efsVolumes = [EFSVolume(efsServer,mountPoint) for mountPoint in ['/var/lib/registry','/var/lib/icp/audit','/var/log/audit']]

      # Wait until boot node completes the Docker installation
      self.getSSMParameterValue("/%s/docker-installation" % self.stackName,expectedValue="COMPLETED")
      # NOTE: It looks like kubectl gets installed on the master node as part of the ICP install, at least as of ICP 3.1.0.

    except ExitException:
      pass # ExitException is used as a "goto" end of program after emitting help info

    except Exception, e:
      TR.error(methodName,"Exception: %s" % e, e)
      self.rc = 1
Пример #5
      pass # ExitException is used as a "goto" end of program after emitting help info

    except Exception, e:
      TR.error(methodName,"Exception: %s" % e, e)
      self.rc = 1
        # Copy the deployment logs in logsHome to the S3 bucket for logs.
      except Exception, e:
        TR.error(methodName,"Exception: %s" % e, e)
        self.rc = 1

      endTime = Utilities.currentTimeMillis()
      elapsedTime = (endTime - beginTime)/1000
      etm, ets = divmod(elapsedTime,60)
      eth, etm = divmod(etm,60) 
      if (self.rc == 0):
        TR.info(methodName,"NINIT0103I END Node initialization AWS ICP Quickstart.  Elapsed time (hh:mm:ss): %d:%02d:%02d" % (eth,etm,ets))
        TR.info(methodName,"NINIT0104I FAILED END Node initialization AWS ICP Quickstart.  Elapsed time (hh:mm:ss): %d:%02d:%02d" % (eth,etm,ets))

    if (TR.traceFile):