def ClassPredictionErrorViz(self): y_type, y_true, y_pred = _check_targets(self.y_true, self.y_pred) if y_type not in ("binary", "multiclass"): raise YellowbrickValueError("{} is not supported".format(y_type)) # Get the indices of the unique labels indices = unique_labels(self.y_true, self.y_pred) labels = self.classes predictions_ = np.array([[ (self.y_pred[self.y_true == label_t] == label_p).sum() for label_p in indices ] for label_t in indices]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1) legend_kws = {"bbox_to_anchor": (1.04, 0.5), "loc": "center left"} bar_stack( predictions_, ax, labels=list(self.classes), ticks=self.classes, legend_kws=legend_kws, ) # Set the title ax.set_title("Class Prediction Error for {}".format( # Set the axes labels ax.set_xlabel("Actual Class") ax.set_ylabel("Number of Predicted Class") # Compute the ceiling for the y limit cmax = max([sum(predictions) for predictions in predictions_]) ax.set_ylim(0, cmax + cmax * 0.1) # Ensure the legend fits on the figure fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 0.90, 1]) fig.savefig(self.path_to_save + "/ClassPredictionError_" + + ".pdf") return ax
def draw(self, **kwargs): """ Called from the fit method, this method creates the canvas and draws the part-of-speech tag mapping as a bar chart. Parameters ---------- kwargs: dict generic keyword arguments. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axes Axes on which the PosTagVisualizer was drawn. """ # Converts nested dict to nested list pos_tag_counts = np.array( [list(i.values()) for i in self.pos_tag_counts_.values()]) # stores sum of nested list column wise pos_tag_sum = np.sum(pos_tag_counts, axis=0) if self.frequency: # sorts the count and tags by sum for frequency true idx = (pos_tag_sum).argsort()[::-1] self._pos_tags = np.array(self._pos_tags)[idx] pos_tag_counts = pos_tag_counts[:, idx] if self.stack: bar_stack( pos_tag_counts,, labels=list(self.labels_), ticks=self._pos_tags, colors=self.colors, colormap=self.colormap, ) else: xidx = np.arange(len(self._pos_tags)) colors = resolve_colors(n_colors=len(self._pos_tags), colormap=self.colormap, colors=self.colors), pos_tag_counts[0], color=colors) return
def draw(self, **kwargs): """ Draws the feature importances as a bar chart; called from fit. """ # Quick validation for param in ("feature_importances_", "features_"): if not hasattr(self, param): raise NotFitted("missing required param '{}'".format(param)) # Find the positions for each bar pos = np.arange(self.features_.shape[0]) + 0.5 # Plot the bar chart if self.stack: colors = resolve_colors(len(self.classes_), colormap=self.colormap) legend_kws = {"bbox_to_anchor": (1.04, 0.5), "loc": "center left"} bar_stack( self.feature_importances_,, labels=list(self.classes_), ticks=self.features_, orientation="h", colors=colors, legend_kws=legend_kws, ) else: colors = resolve_colors(len(self.features_), colormap=self.colormap, colors=self.colors), self.feature_importances_, color=colors, align="center") # Set the labels for the bars return
def draw(self): """ Renders the class prediction error across the axis. Returns ------- ax : Matplotlib Axes The axes on which the figure is plotted """ if not hasattr(self, "predictions_") or not hasattr(self, "classes_"): raise NotFitted.from_estimator(self, "draw") legend_kws = {"bbox_to_anchor": (1.04, 0.5), "loc": "center left"} bar_stack( self.predictions_,, labels=list(self.classes_), ticks=self.classes_, colors=self.class_colors_, legend_kws=legend_kws, ) return