def plotMFIdistsBetaEps(bclust=2.2, kmaxFP=10 ** 9, nMax=200, pimrange=[0.0, 5.0, 1.0], beta=1.25, fignums=[0, 1]): # def plotMFIdistsBetaEps(bclust=2.2, kmaxFP=10**9, nMax=200, pimlist=[0.0,1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.9], beta=1.25, fignums=[0,1]): # (this function is probably redundant. same as ...Beta(), but fix beta and range over pim.) we know we get nice PL # when we vary the shape dimension. what about if we fix D (beta) and vary eps. with the fractal-footprint? # # fig 5 in PRE pub. # # pimrange=[0.0,4.9,1.] # "beta" version, use footprint ~ n**beta 1<beta<2.0 (or maybe 2.25 or something). # for now, fixed epsilon (pim), fixed rho. # rhorange = [minrho, maxrho, dRho] # note: bcluse is slope of b-distribution, beta is the exponent for shape area/raduis (n) scaling. fsize = 20 thisfont = pltf.FontProperties(size=fsize) thisfont2 = pltf.FontProperties(size=fsize - 2) # fpmodel = 2 # aka, MFI with fractal dimension treatment (as opposed to solid shapes, etc.) rho = 1.0 # basically, this puts all the empty sites into the fractal/branching structure. thisrho = rho bofpim = [] for fignum in fignums: plt.figure(fignum) plt.clf() plt.xlabel("$log_{10}(k)$", size=fsize + 2) plt.ylabel("$log_{10}(N(k))$", size=fsize + 2) # # starts=[] # primeRhos = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0] # thisrho=rhorange[0] icount = 0 # while thisrho<=rhorange[1]: # for beta in betas: pim = pimrange[0] pim0 = pim while pim0 <= pimrange[1]: # for pim in pimlist: # X=getMFIsquarePropModel(bclust, thisrho, pim, kmaxFP, nMax, fpmodel) pim = pim0 if pim > 4.9: pim = 4.9 print "prams: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s" % (bclust, thisrho, pim, kmaxFP, nMax, fpmodel, beta) # pim=pimrange[0]+float(icount)*pimrange[2] X = getMFIsquarePropModel(bclust, thisrho, pim, kmaxFP, nMax, fpmodel, beta) print "beta=%f, len=%d" % (beta, len(X)) x = [] y1 = [] y2 = [] # xstart=25 xstart = 15 sxtop = 500 for rw in X: # print rw x += [math.log10(rw[2])] # print rw[3] y1 += [math.log10(rw[3])] y2 += [math.log10(rw[4])] lf1 = yp.linefit([x[xstart:], y1[xstart:]]) lf2 = yp.linefit([x[xstart:], y2[xstart:]]) lf1.doFit() lf2.doFit() # lf1.doFit(None, None, 3) # lf2.doFit(None, None, 3) # dotsies = yp.integerSpacedPoints([x[1:], y1[1:]], 0.5) dotsies[0] += [x[-1]] dotsies[1] += [y1[-1]] if fpmodel > 1: bofpim += [[pim, beta, lf1.a, -lf1.b, lf1.meanVar(), lf2.a, -lf2.b, lf2.meanVar()]] else: bofpim += [[pim, lf1.a, -lf1.b, lf1.meanVar(), lf2.a, -lf2.b, lf2.meanVar()]] plt.figure(fignums[0]) # plt.title('$\\beta=2.2$') # plt.plot(x[1:],y1[1:],'%s.-' % yp.pycolor(icount), label='$\\rho = %s, \\epsilon=%s, D=%s, b=%s$' % (str(thisrho), str(pim), str(beta), str(-lf1.b)[0:5]), lw=2) # beta!=2 plt.plot( dotsies[0], dotsies[1], "%s%s" % (yp.pycolor(icount), yp.fitMarkerShortList[icount % len(yp.fitMarkerShortList)]), label="$\\epsilon=%s, b=%s$" % (str(pim), str(-lf1.b)[0:5]), ms=10, ) plt.plot(x[1:], y1[1:], "%s-" % yp.pycolor(icount), lw=2, ms=10) # beta!=2 plt.plot( [x[0], x[xstart], x[-1]], [lf1.a + lf1.b * x[0], lf1.a + lf1.b * x[xstart], lf1.a + lf1.b * x[-1]], "%s|-" % yp.pycolor(icount), ms=15, ) plt.figure(fignums[1]) # plt.title('$\\beta=2.0$') # plt.plot(x[1:], y2[1:], '%s.-' % yp.pycolor(icount), label='$\\rho = %s, \\epsilon=%s, D=%s, b=%s$' % (str(thisrho), str(pim), str(beta), str(-lf2.b)[0:5]), lw=2) # beta=2 approximation plt.plot( x[1:], y2[1:], "%s.-" % yp.pycolor(icount), label="$\\epsilon=%s, b=%s$" % (str(pim), str(-lf2.b)[0:5]), lw=2, ms=10, ) # beta=2 plt.plot( [x[0], x[xstart], x[-1]], [lf2.a + lf2.b * x[0], lf2.a + lf2.b * x[xstart], lf2.a + lf2.b * x[-1]], "%s|-" % yp.pycolor(icount), ms=15, ) icount += 1 pim0 += pimrange[2] # # thisrho+=rhorange[2] # for fignum in fignums: plt.figure(fignum) ax = plt.gca() plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=fsize) plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=fsize) # lgd=plt.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1, title='$D=1.25$', prop=thisfont2, ncol=1) lgd = plt.legend(loc="best", numpoints=1, prop=thisfont2, ncol=1) lgd.set_title("$D=1.25$") plt.setp(lgd.get_title(), fontsize=fsize) if fignum > 0: continue plt.savefig( "writeup/mfi-aps/mfi-PRE-letter/figs/mfi-fractalType-varEps-bc%s-D125.png" % str(bclust).replace(".", "") ) plt.savefig( "writeup/mfi-aps/mfi-PRE-letter/figs/mfi-fractalType-varEps-bc%s-D125.eps" % str(bclust).replace(".", "") ) return bofpim
def plotMFIdistsBeta( bclust=2.2, kmaxFP=10 ** 9, nMax=200, pim=4.9, betas=[0.9, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.5], fignums=[0, 1], dosave=False, ): # "Fig-4" in PRE publication. # # "beta" version, use footprint ~ n**beta 1<beta<2.0 (or maybe 2.25 or something). # for now, fixed epsilon (pim), fixed rho. # rhorange = [minrho, maxrho, dRho] # note: bcluse is slope of b-distribution, beta is the exponent for shape area/raduis (n) scaling. fpmodel = 2 rho = 1.0 # basically, this puts all the empty sites into the fractal/branching structure. thisrho = rho # fsize = 20 thisfont = pltf.FontProperties(size=fsize) thisfont2 = pltf.FontProperties(size=fsize - 2) # bofpim = [] for fignum in fignums: plt.figure(fignum) plt.clf() plt.xlabel("$log_{10}(k)$", size=fsize + 2) plt.ylabel("$log_{10}(N(k))$", size=fsize + 2) # # starts=[] # primeRhos = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0] # thisrho=rhorange[0] icount = 0 # while thisrho<=rhorange[1]: fitMarkerShortList = ["o", "^", "s", "p", "*", "h", "+", "H", "D", "x"] for beta in betas: # X=getMFIsquarePropModel(bclust, thisrho, pim, kmaxFP, nMax, fpmodel) print "prams: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s" % (bclust, thisrho, pim, kmaxFP, nMax, fpmodel, beta) X = getMFIsquarePropModel(bclust, thisrho, pim, kmaxFP, nMax, fpmodel, beta) print "beta=%f, len=%d" % (beta, len(X)) x = [] y1 = [] y2 = [] # xstart=25 xstart = 2 sxtop = 500 for rw in X: # print rw x += [math.log10(rw[2])] # print rw[3] y1 += [math.log10(rw[3])] y2 += [math.log10(rw[4])] lf1 = yp.linefit([x[xstart:], y1[xstart:]]) lf2 = yp.linefit([x[xstart:], y2[xstart:]]) lf1.doFit() lf2.doFit() # lf1.doFit(None, None, 3) # lf2.doFit(None, None, 3) # if fpmodel > 1: bofpim += [[pim, beta, lf1.a, -lf1.b, lf1.meanVar(), lf2.a, -lf2.b, lf2.meanVar()]] else: bofpim += [[pim, lf1.a, -lf1.b, lf1.meanVar(), lf2.a, -lf2.b, lf2.meanVar()]] plt.figure(fignums[0]) # plt.title('$\\beta=2.2$') # plt.plot(x[1:],y1[1:],'%s.-' % yp.pycolor(icount), label='$\\rho = %s, \\epsilon=%s, \\beta_s=%s, b=%s$' % (str(thisrho), str(pim), str(beta), str(-lf1.b)[0:5]), lw=2) # beta!=2 dotsies = yp.integerSpacedPoints([x[1:], y1[1:]], 0.5) dotsies[0] += [x[-1]] dotsies[1] += [y1[-1]] # add end-bits for completeness. plt.plot(x[1:], y1[1:], "%s-" % yp.pycolor(icount), lw=2, ms=10) # beta!=2 plt.plot( dotsies[0], dotsies[1], "%s%s" % (yp.pycolor(icount), fitMarkerShortList[icount % len(fitMarkerShortList)]), label="$D=%s, b=%s$" % (str(beta), str(-lf1.b)[0:5]), ms=10, ) plt.plot( [x[0], x[xstart], x[-1]], [lf1.a + lf1.b * x[0], lf1.a + lf1.b * x[xstart], lf1.a + lf1.b * x[-1]], "%s|-" % yp.pycolor(icount), ms=20, lw=2, ) # plt.figure(fignums[1]) # plt.title('$\\beta=2.0$') # plt.plot(x[1:], y2[1:], '%s.-' % yp.pycolor(icount), label='$\\rho = %s, \\epsilon=%s, \\beta_s=%s, b=%s$' % (str(thisrho), str(pim), str(beta), str(-lf2.b)[0:5]), lw=2) # beta=2 approximation plt.plot( x[1:], y2[1:], "%s.-" % yp.pycolor(icount), label="$D=%s, b=%s$" % (str(beta), str(-lf2.b)[0:5]), lw=2, ms=10, ) # beta=2 approximation plt.plot( [x[0], x[xstart], x[-1]], [lf2.a + lf2.b * x[0], lf2.a + lf2.b * x[xstart], lf2.a + lf2.b * x[-1]], "%s|-" % yp.pycolor(icount), ms=15, lw=2, ) icount += 1 # # thisrho+=rhorange[2] # for fignum in fignums: plt.figure(fignum) ax = plt.gca() plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=fsize) plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=fsize) # plt.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1, prop=thisfont2, ncol=1, title='$\\epsilon=4.9$') lgd = plt.legend(loc="best", numpoints=1, prop=thisfont2, ncol=1) lgd.set_title("$\\epsilon=4.9$") plt.setp(lgd.get_title(), fontsize=fsize) # mfi-fractalType-varEps-bc22-D125 if fignum > 0: continue if dosave: plt.savefig( "writeup/mfi-aps/mfi-PRE-letter/figs/mfi-fractalType-eps49-bc%s-varD.png" % str(bclust).replace(".", "") ) plt.savefig( "writeup/mfi-aps/mfi-PRE-letter/figs/mfi-fractalType-eps49-bc%s-varD.eps" % str(bclust).replace(".", "") ) return bofpim