def test_pipeline(): dataset, dsp = test_yolo_input_task() drawer = utils.DrawBoxes(labels=coco.get_coco_names(), thickness=1) for l, (i, j) in enumerate(dataset): # boxes = box_ops.xcycwh_to_yxyx(j['bbox']) # j["bbox"] = boxes i = drawer(i, j) # tf.image.draw_bounding_boxes(i, boxes, [[1.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) gt = j['grid_form'] obj3 = gt['3'][..., 4] obj4 = gt['4'][..., 4] obj5 = gt['5'][..., 4] fig, axe = plt.subplots(1, 4) axe[0].imshow(i[0]) axe[1].imshow(obj3[0].numpy()) axe[2].imshow(obj4[0].numpy()) axe[3].imshow(obj5[0].numpy()) fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 6.5, forward=True) plt.tight_layout() if l >= 30: break
def TfLiteModelLarge(image, model_base="detect-large-416.tflite", model_filter="detect-filter3-416.tflite"): draw_fn = utils.DrawBoxes( classes=80, labels=None, display_names=False, thickness=2) process = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_path=model_base) filters = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_path=model_filter) process.allocate_tensors() filters.allocate_tensors() input_details = process.get_input_details() inter_out_details = process.get_output_details() inter_in_details = filters.get_input_details() output_details = filters.get_output_details() # print(input_details) # print(inter_in_details) # print(inter_out_details) # print(output_details) input_shape = input_details[0]["shape"] input_data = resize_input_image( image, input_shape, normalize=True, dtype=input_details[0]["dtype"]) process.set_tensor(input_details[0]["index"], input_data) process.invoke() inter1 = process.get_tensor(inter_out_details[0]["index"]) inter2 = process.get_tensor(inter_out_details[1]["index"]) inter3 = process.get_tensor(inter_out_details[2]["index"]) filters.set_tensor(inter_in_details[0]["index"], inter3) filters.set_tensor(inter_in_details[1]["index"], inter2) filters.set_tensor(inter_in_details[2]["index"], inter1) filters.invoke() boxes = filters.get_tensor(output_details[0]["index"]) classes = filters.get_tensor(output_details[1]["index"]) confidences = filters.get_tensor(output_details[2]["index"]) num_dets = filters.get_tensor(output_details[3]["index"]) pred = {"bbox": boxes, "classes": classes, "confidence": confidences} print(num_dets) pimage = draw_fn(image, pred) cv2.imshow("testframe", pimage) k = cv2.waitKey(0) if k == 27: # wait for ESC key to exit cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif k == ord("s"): # wait for 's' key to save and exit cv2.imwrite("messigray.png", pimage) cv2.destroyAllWindows() return
def process_model(model, process_size): drawer = utils.DrawBoxes(classes=80, labels=coco.get_coco_names()) def run(image): image_ = tf.convert_to_tensor(image) image_ = tf.image.resize(image_, (process_size, process_size)) image_ = tf.expand_dims(image_, axis=0) pred = model.predict(image_) image = drawer(image, pred) return image return run
def build_model(version): if version == "v4": config = exp_cfg.YoloTask(model=exp_cfg.Yolo( base="v4", min_level=3, norm_activation=exp_cfg.common.NormActivation(activation="mish"), #_boxes = ['(10, 14)', '(23, 27)', '(37, 58)', '(81, 82)', '(135, 169)', '(344, 319)'], _boxes=[ "(12, 16)", "(19, 36)", "(40, 28)", "(36, 75)", "(76, 55)", "(72, 146)", "(142, 110)", "(192, 243)", "(459, 401)" ], )) elif "tiny" in version: config = exp_cfg.YoloTask(model=exp_cfg.Yolo( base=version, min_level=4, norm_activation=exp_cfg.common.NormActivation(activation="leaky"), _boxes=[ "(10, 14)", "(23, 27)", "(37, 58)", "(81, 82)", "(135, 169)", "(344, 319)" ], #_boxes = ['(12, 16)', '(19, 36)', '(40, 28)', '(36, 75)','(76, 55)', '(72, 146)', '(142, 110)', '(192, 243)','(459, 401)'], )) else: config = exp_cfg.YoloTask(model=exp_cfg.Yolo( base=version, min_level=3, norm_activation=exp_cfg.common.NormActivation(activation="leaky"), #_boxes = ['(10, 14)', '(23, 27)', '(37, 58)', '(81, 82)', '(135, 169)', '(344, 319)'], _boxes=[ "(10, 13)", "(16, 30)", "(33, 23)", "(30, 61)", "(62, 45)", "(59, 119)", "(116, 90)", "(156, 198)", "(373, 326)" ], )) task = YoloTask(config) model = task.build_model() task.initialize(model) pfn = ms.preprocess_fn pofn = utils.DrawBoxes(classes=80, labels=coco.get_coco_names(), display_names=True, thickness=2) server_t = ms.ModelServer(model=model, preprocess_fn=pfn, postprocess_fn=pofn, wait_time=0.00001, max_batch=5) return server_t
def run(model, video, disp_h, wait_time, max_batch, que_size): max_batch = 5 if max_batch is None else max_batch pfn = preprocess_fn pofn = utils.DrawBoxes(classes=80, labels=coco.get_coco_names(), display_names=True, thickness=2) server = ModelServer(model=model, preprocess_fn=pfn, postprocess_fn=pofn, wait_time=wait_time, max_batch=max_batch) video = video_t.VideoServer(video, wait_time=0.00000001, que=que_size, disp_h=disp_h) display = video_t.DisplayThread(server, alpha=0.9, wait_time=0.000001, fix_wt=False) server.start() video.start() display.start() # issue at soem point there is a # bottlenecked by the readeing thread. try: while (video.running and display.running): frame = video.get() if not isinstance(frame, type(None)): while not server.put(frame): time.sleep(server.wait_time) time.sleep(server.wait_time) except Exception as e: print(e) traceback.print_exc() server.close() display.close()
def __init__(self, file_name, model=None, preprocess_function=None, process_width=416, process_height=416, disp_h=720, classes=80, labels=None, print_conf=True, max_batch=None, wait_time=None, preprocess_with_gpu=False, scale_que=1, policy='float16', gpu_device='/GPU:0', preprocess_gpu='/GPU:0'): self._cap = cv2.VideoCapture(file_name) if not self._cap.isOpened(): raise IOError('video file was not found') # support for ANSI cahracters in windows support_windows() self._file = file_name self._fps = 120000000 self._gpu_device = gpu_device if preprocess_with_gpu: self._pre_process_device = preprocess_gpu else: self._pre_process_device = '/CPU:0' # self._cap.set(3, int(960)) # self._cap.set(4, int(720)) # self._cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, int(30)) print(self._cap.get(3), self._cap.get(4)) self._preprocess_function = preprocess_function self._height = int(self._cap.get(4)) if disp_h is None else disp_h self._og_height = int(self._cap.get(4)) self._width = int(self._cap.get(3) * (self._height / self._og_height)) self._classes = classes self._p_width = process_width self._p_height = process_height self._policy = policy self._model = model # fast but as close to one 2 one as possible if max_batch is None: if file_name == 0: self._batch_size = 5 # 40 fps more conistent frame to frame else: # faster but more potential for delay from input to output if tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.global_policy( ).name == 'mixed_float16' or tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.global_policy( ).name == 'float16': # self._batch_size = 9 # 45 fps faster but less frame to frame consistent, it will remain consistant, but there is opertunity for more frames to be loaded than self._batch_size = 5 else: self._batch_size = 3 if process_width > 416 or process_height > 416: self._batch_size = 3 else: self._batch_size = max_batch self._colors = gen_colors(self._classes) if labels is None: self._labels = get_coco_names( path='yolo/dataloaders/dataset_specs/coco.names') else: self._labels = labels self._draw_fn = utils.DrawBoxes( classes=classes, labels=self._labels, display_names=print_conf, thickness=1) #get_draw_fn(self._colors, self._labels, print_conf) self._load_que = Queue(self._batch_size * scale_que) self._display_que = Queue(1 * scale_que) self._running = True self._dynamic_wt = wait_time == 'dynamic' if not self._dynamic_wt: self._wait_time = utils.get_wait_time(wait_time, max_batch) else: self._wait_time = 0.0001 self._read_fps = 1 self._prev_display_fps = 1 self._display_fps = 1 self._latency = -1 self._batch_proc = 1 self._frames = 1 self._obj_detected = -1 return
#name = "saved_models/v4/tflite-regualr-no-nms" #name = "saved_models/v4/tflite-tiny-no-nms" name = "saved_models/v4/tiny" new_name = f"{name}_tensorrt" model = trt.TensorRT( saved_model=new_name, save_new_path=new_name, max_workspace_size_bytes=4000000000, max_batch_size=5) # , precision_mode="INT8", use_calibration=True) model.compile() model.summary() model.set_postprocessor_fn(func) pfn = preprocess_fn pofn = utils.DrawBoxes(classes=80, labels=coco.get_coco_names(), display_names=True, thickness=2) server = ModelServer(model=model, preprocess_fn=pfn, postprocess_fn=pofn, wait_time=0.00001, max_batch=5) video = video_t.VideoServer("videos/nyc.mp4", wait_time=0.00000001, que=1000, disp_h=480) display = video_t.DisplayThread(server, alpha=0.9, wait_time=0.000001, fix_wt=False)