Пример #1
class LogEvents(YomboLibrary):
    Manages all notifications.

    def _init_(self):
        Setups up the basic framework.
        # We only cache the last few events, and only for certain time.
        self.notifications = ExpiringDict(max_len=100, max_age_seconds=600)
        # return self.init_deferred

    def _load_(self):
        self._LocalDB = self._Libraries['localdb']
        self._checkExpiredLoop = LoopingCall(self.check_expired)
        self._checkExpiredLoop.start(self._Configs.get('notifications', 'check_expired', 30, False))

    def _stop_(self):
        if self.init_deferred is not None and self.init_deferred.called is False:
            self.init_deferred.callback(1)  # if we don't check for this, we can't stop!

    def _clear_(self):
        Clear all devices. Should only be called by the loader module
        during a reconfiguration event. B{Do not call this function!}

    def _reload_(self):

    def check_expired(self):
        Called by looping call to periodically purge expired notifications.
        cur_time = int(time())
        for id, notice in self.notifications.iteritems():
            print "cur : expired = %s : %s" % (cur_time, notice.expire)
            if cur_time > notice.expire:
                print "deleting notice: %s" % notice.title
                del self.notifications[id]

    def get(self, notification_requested):
        Performs the actual search.

        .. note::

           Modules shouldn't use this function. Use the built in reference to
           find notification: `self._Notifications['8w3h4sa']`

        :raises YomboWarning: Raised when notifcation cannot be found.
        :param notification_requested: The input type ID or input type label to search for.
        :type notification_requested: string
        :return: A dict containing details about the notification
        :rtype: dict
        if notification_requested in self.notifications:
            return self.notifications[notification_requested]
            raise YomboWarning('Notification not found: %s' % notification_requested)

    def delete(self, notification_requested):
        Deletes a provided notification.

        :param notification_requested:
            del self.notifications[notification_requested]

    def load_notifications(self):
        Load the last few notifications into memory.
        notifications = yield self._LocalDB.get_notifications()
        for notice in notifications:
            notice = notice.__dict__
            if notice['expire'] < int(time()):
            notice['meta'] = json.loads(notice['meta'])
            self.add_notice(notice, from_db=True)
        logger.debug("Done load_notifications: {notifications}", notifications=self.notifications)
        # self.init_deferred.callback(10)

    def add_notice(self, notice, from_db=False, persist=True, create_event=False):
        Add a new notice.

        :param notice: A dictionary containing notification details.
        :type record: dict
        :returns: Pointer to new notice. Only used during unittest
        print "adding notice1: %s" % notice
        if 'id' not in notice:
            notice['id'] = random_string(length=16)
        if 'type' not in notice:
            notice['type'] = 'system'
        if 'priority' not in notice:
            notice['priority'] = 'normal'
        if 'source' not in notice:
            notice['source'] = ''

        if 'expire' not in notice:
            if 'timeout' in notice:
                notice['expire'] = int(time()) + notice['timeout']
                notice['expire'] = int(time()) + 3600
            if notice['expire'] > int(time()):
                YomboWarning("New notification is set to expire before current time.")
        if 'created' not in notice:
            notice['created'] = int(time())

        if 'acknowledged' not in notice:
            notice['acknowledged'] = False
            if notice['acknowledged'] not in (True, False):
                YomboWarning("New notification 'acknowledged' must be either True or False.")

        if 'title' not in notice:
            raise YomboWarning("New notification requires a title.")
        if 'message' not in notice:
            raise YomboWarning("New notification requires a message.")
        if 'meta' not in notice:
            notice['meta'] = {}

        logger.debug("notice: {notice}", notice=notice)
        if from_db is False:
            self.notifications.prepend(notice['id'], Notification(notice))
            self.notifications[notice['id']] = Notification(notice)
            # self.notifications = OrderedDict(sorted(self.notifications.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1]['created']))
        return notice['id']