def _to_yt_issue(self, issue, project_id):
        result = Issue()
        result.comments = [self._to_yt_comment(comment) for comment in self._get_comments(issue)]
        result.numberInProject = self._get_issue_id(issue)
        for (key, value) in issue.items():
            # we do not need fields with empty values
            if value is None:
            if isinstance(value, list) and not len(value):

            #get yt field name and field type
            field_name = self._get_field_name(key, project_id)
            if field_name is None or field_name == NUMBER_IN_PROJECT:
            field_type = self._get_field_type(field_name)
            if (field_type is None) and (field_name not in youtrack.EXISTING_FIELDS):

            value = self._import_config.get_field_value(field_name, field_type, value)
            if isinstance(value, list):
                for v in value:
                    self._add_value_to_field(project_id, field_name, field_type, v)
                self._add_value_to_field(project_id, field_name, field_type, value)

            if (field_type is not None) and field_type.startswith(u'user'):
                if isinstance(value, list):
                    value = [v.login for v in value]
                    value = value.login
            if not isinstance(value, list):
                value = str(value)
            result[field_name] = value
        return result
Пример #2
def to_yt_issue(target, project_id, story):
    parent = Issue()
    parent.numberInProject = str(story[u'id'])
    parent.summary = story[u'text']
    parent['Size'] = story[u'size']
    parent['Type'] = 'Feature'
    parent.created = get_created_date_for_story(story)
    color = story[u'color']
    add_value_to_custom_field(target, project_id, 'Color', color)
    parent['Color'] = color
    priority = story[u'priority']
    if len(priority):
        add_value_to_custom_field(target, project_id, 'Priority', priority)
        parent['Priority'] = priority
    if u'deadline' in story:
        parent['Deadline'] = str(to_unix_date(story[u'deadline']))
    status = story[u'status']
    add_value_to_custom_field(target, project_id, 'Status', status)
    parent['Status'] = status
    parent['Phase'] = story[u'phase'][u'name']
    creator = story[u'creator']
    import_user(target, creator)
    if u'owner' in story:
        owner = story[u'owner']
        import_user(target, owner)
        parent['Assignee'] = owner[u'userName']

    parent.reporterName = creator[u'userName']
    parent.comments = []
    if u'comments' in story:
        for comment in story[u'comments']:
            parent.comments.append(to_yt_comment(target, comment))
    if u'details' in story:
        parent.description = story[u'details']
    return parent
    def _to_yt_issue(self, issue, project_id):
        result = Issue()
        result.comments = [self._to_yt_comment(comment) for comment in self._get_comments(issue)]
        result.numberInProject = self._get_issue_id(issue)
        for (key, value) in issue.items():
            # we do not need fields with empty values
            if value is None:
            if isinstance(value, list) and not len(value):

            # get yt field name and field type
            field_name = self._get_field_name(key, project_id)
            if field_name is None or field_name == NUMBER_IN_PROJECT:
            field_type = self._get_field_type(field_name)
            if (field_type is None) and (field_name not in youtrack.EXISTING_FIELDS):

            value = self._import_config.get_field_value(field_name, field_type, value)
            if isinstance(value, list):
                for v in value:
                    self._add_value_to_field(project_id, field_name, field_type, v)
                self._add_value_to_field(project_id, field_name, field_type, value)

            if (field_type is not None) and field_type.startswith(u"user"):
                if isinstance(value, list):
                    value = [v.login for v in value]
                    value = value.login
            if not isinstance(value, list):
                value = str(value)
            result[field_name] = value
        return result
def to_yt_issue(target, project_id, g_issue, g_comments):
    issue = Issue()
    issue.numberInProject = issue_id(g_issue)
    issue.summary = g_issue.title.text.encode('utf-8')
    issue.description = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(g_issue.content.text).replace("<b>", "*").replace("</b>", "*").encode('utf-8')
#    issue.description = g_issue.content.text.encode('utf-8')
    issue.created = to_unix_date(g_issue.published.text)
    issue.updated = to_unix_date(g_issue.updated.text)
    reporter =[0].name.text
    create_user(target, reporter)
    issue.reporterName = reporter
    assignee = g_issue.owner.username.text if hasattr(g_issue, "owner") and (g_issue.owner is not None) else None
    assignee_field_name = get_yt_field_name("owner")
    if assignee is not None:
        add_value_to_field(target, project_id, assignee_field_name, googleCode.FIELD_TYPES[assignee_field_name],
        issue[assignee_field_name] = assignee
    status_field_name = get_yt_field_name("status")
    status = g_issue.status.text if hasattr(g_issue, "status") and (g_issue.status is not None) else None
    if status is not None:
        add_value_to_field(target, project_id, status_field_name, googleCode.FIELD_TYPES[status_field_name], status)
        issue[status_field_name] = status

    for field_name, field_value in get_custom_field_values(g_issue).items():
        for value in field_value:
            add_value_to_field(target, project_id, field_name, googleCode.FIELD_TYPES[field_name], value)
        issue[field_name] = field_value

    issue.comments = []
    for comment in g_comments:
        yt_comment = to_yt_comment(target, comment)
        if yt_comment is not None:

    return issue
def _to_yt_issue(fb_issue, value_sets) :
    issue = Issue()
    issue.numberInProject = str(fb_issue.ix_bug)
    issue.summary = fb_issue.title
    issue.created = fb_issue.opened
    issue.reporterName = fb_issue.reporter.replace(' ', "_")

    for field_name in fb_issue.field_values.keys():
        value_set = None
        if field_name in value_sets:
            value_set = value_sets[field_name]
        yt_field_name = get_yt_name_from_fb_field_name(field_name)
        field_value = fb_issue.field_values[field_name]
        if value_set is not None and field_value not in value_set :
            field_value = None
        value = to_yt_field_value(yt_field_name, field_value)
        if value is not None:
            issue[yt_field_name] = value
    issue.comments = []
    is_description = True
    for c in fb_issue.comments :
        if is_description:
            issue.description = c.text
            is_description = False
        else :
    return issue
Пример #6
def _to_yt_issue(fb_issue, value_sets):
    issue = Issue()
    issue.numberInProject = str(fb_issue.ix_bug)
    issue.summary = fb_issue.title
    issue.created = fb_issue.opened
    issue.reporterName = fb_issue.reporter.replace(' ', "_")

    for field_name in fb_issue.field_values.keys():
        value_set = None
        if field_name in value_sets:
            value_set = value_sets[field_name]
        yt_field_name = get_yt_field_name(field_name)
        field_value = fb_issue.field_values[field_name]
        if value_set is not None and field_value not in value_set :
            field_value = None
        value = to_yt_field_value(yt_field_name, field_value)
        if value is not None:
            issue[yt_field_name] = value
    issue.comments = []
    is_description = True
    for c in fb_issue.comments :
        if is_description:
            issue.description = c.text
            is_description = False
        else :
    return issue
def create_yt_issue_from_jira_issue(target, issue, project_id):
    yt_issue = Issue()
    yt_issue['comments'] = []
    yt_issue.numberInProject = issue['key'][(issue['key'].find('-') + 1):]
    for field in issue['fields'].values():
        field_type = get_yt_field_type(field[u'type'])
        field_name = get_yt_field_name(field[u'name'])
        if field_name == 'comment':
            for comment in field['value']:
                yt_comment = Comment()
                yt_comment.text = comment['body']
                comment_author_name = "guest"
                if 'author' in comment:
                    comment_author = comment['author']
                    create_user(target, comment_author)
                    comment_author_name = comment_author['name']
       = comment_author_name.replace(' ', '_')
                yt_comment.created = to_unix_date(comment['created'])
                yt_comment.updated = to_unix_date(comment['updated'])

        elif (field_name is not None) and (field_type is not None):
            if 'value' in field:
                value = field['value']
                if len(value):
                    if isinstance(value, list):
                        yt_issue[field_name] = []
                        for v in value:
                            create_value(target, v, field_name, field_type, project_id)
                            yt_issue[field_name].append(get_value_presentation(field_type, v))
                        create_value(target, value, field_name, field_type, project_id)
                        yt_issue[field_name] = get_value_presentation(field_type, value)
    return yt_issue
def to_yt_issue(target, project_id, story):
    parent = Issue()
    parent.numberInProject = str(story[u"id"])
    parent.summary = story[u"text"]
    parent["Size"] = story[u"size"]
    parent["Type"] = "Feature"
    parent.created = get_created_date_for_story(story)
    color = story[u"color"]
    add_value_to_custom_field(target, project_id, "Color", color)
    parent["Color"] = color
    priority = story[u"priority"]
    if len(priority):
        add_value_to_custom_field(target, project_id, "Priority", priority)
        parent["Priority"] = priority
    if u"deadline" in story:
        parent["Deadline"] = str(to_unix_date(story[u"deadline"]))
    status = story[u"status"]
    add_value_to_custom_field(target, project_id, "Status", status)
    parent["Status"] = status
    parent["State"] = story[u"phase"][u"name"]
    creator = story[u"creator"]
    import_user(target, creator)
    if u"owner" in story:
        owner = story[u"owner"]
        import_user(target, owner)
        parent["Assignee"] = owner[u"userName"]

    parent.reporterName = creator[u"userName"]
    parent.comments = []
    if u"comments" in story:
        for comment in story[u"comments"]:
            parent.comments.append(to_yt_comment(target, comment))
    if u"details" in story:
        parent.description = story[u"details"]
    return parent
def to_yt_issue(target, project_id, g_issue, g_comments):
    issue = Issue()
    issue.numberInProject = issue_id(g_issue)
    issue.summary = g_issue.title.text.encode('utf-8')
    issue.description = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(g_issue.content.text).replace("<b>", "*").replace("</b>", "*").encode('utf-8')
#    issue.description = g_issue.content.text.encode('utf-8')
    issue.created = to_unix_date(g_issue.published.text)
    issue.updated = to_unix_date(g_issue.updated.text)
    reporter =[0].name.text
    create_user(target, reporter)
    issue.reporterName = reporter
    assignee = g_issue.owner.username.text if hasattr(g_issue, "owner") and (g_issue.owner is not None) else None
    assignee_field_name = get_yt_field_name("owner")
    if assignee is not None:
        add_value_to_field(target, project_id, assignee_field_name, googleCode.FIELD_TYPES[assignee_field_name],
        issue[assignee_field_name] = assignee
    status_field_name = get_yt_field_name("status")
    status = g_issue.status.text if hasattr(g_issue, "status") and (g_issue.status is not None) else None
    if status is not None:
        add_value_to_field(target, project_id, status_field_name, googleCode.FIELD_TYPES[status_field_name], status)
        issue[status_field_name] = status

    for field_name, field_value in get_custom_field_values(g_issue).items():
        for value in field_value:
            add_value_to_field(target, project_id, field_name, googleCode.FIELD_TYPES[field_name], value)
        issue[field_name] = field_value

    issue.comments = []
    for comment in g_comments:
        yt_comment = to_yt_comment(target, comment)
        if yt_comment is not None:

    return issue
def to_yt_issue(target, project_id, story):
    parent = Issue()
    parent.numberInProject = str(story[u'id'])
    parent.summary = story[u'text']
    parent['Size'] = story[u'size']
    parent['Type'] = 'Feature'
    parent.created = get_created_date_for_story(story)
    color = story[u'color']
    add_value_to_custom_field(target, project_id, 'Color', color)
    parent['Color'] = color
    priority = story[u'priority']
    if len(priority):
        add_value_to_custom_field(target, project_id, 'Priority', priority)
        parent['Priority'] = priority
    if u'deadline' in story:
        parent['Deadline'] = str(to_unix_date(story[u'deadline']))
    status = story[u'status']
    add_value_to_custom_field(target, project_id, 'Status', status)
    parent['Status'] = status
    parent['State'] = story[u'phase'][u'name']
    creator = story[u'creator']
    import_user(target, creator)
    if u'owner' in story:
        owner = story[u'owner']
        import_user(target, owner)
        parent['Assignee'] = owner[u'userName']

    parent.reporterName = creator[u'userName']
    parent.comments = []
    if u'comments' in story:
        for comment in story[u'comments']:
            parent.comments.append(to_yt_comment(target, comment))
    if u'details' in story:
        parent.description = story[u'details']
    return parent
 def _to_yt_issue(self, issue, project_id):
     result = Issue()
     result.comments = [self._to_yt_comment(comment) for comment in self._get_comments(issue)]
     result.numberInProject = self._get_issue_id(issue)
     for (key, value) in issue.items():
         self.process_field(key, project_id, result, value)
     return result
 def _to_yt_issue(self, issue, project_id):
     result = Issue()
     result.comments = [
         for comment in self._get_comments(issue)
     result.numberInProject = self._get_issue_id(issue)
     for (key, value) in issue.items():
         self.process_field(key, project_id, result, value)
     return result
def to_yt_issue(target, issue, project_id,
                fields_mapping=None, value_mappings=None):
    yt_issue = Issue()
    yt_issue['comments'] = []
    yt_issue.numberInProject = issue['key'][(issue['key'].find('-') + 1):]
    for field, value in issue['fields'].items():
        if value is None:
        if fields_mapping and field.lower() in fields_mapping:
            field_name, field_type = fields_mapping[field.lower()]
            field_name = get_yt_field_name(field)
            field_type = get_yt_field_type(field_name)
        if field_name == 'comment':
            for comment in value['comments']:
                yt_comment = Comment()
                yt_comment.text = comment['body']
                comment_author_name = "guest"
                if 'author' in comment:
                    comment_author = comment['author']
                    create_user(target, comment_author)
                    comment_author_name = comment_author['name']
       = comment_author_name.replace(' ', '_')
                yt_comment.created = to_unix_date(comment['created'])
                yt_comment.updated = to_unix_date(comment['updated'])
        elif (field_name is not None) and (field_type is not None):
            if isinstance(value, list) and len(value):
                yt_issue[field_name] = []
                for v in value:
                    if isinstance(v, dict):
                        v['name'] = get_yt_field_value(field_name, v['name'], value_mappings)
                        v = get_yt_field_value(field_name, v, value_mappings)
                    create_value(target, v, field_name, field_type, project_id)
                    yt_issue[field_name].append(get_value_presentation(field_type, v))
                if field_name.lower() == 'estimation':
                    if field_type == 'period':
                        value = int(int(value) / 60)
                    elif field_type == 'integer':
                        value = int(int(value) / 3600)
                if isinstance(value, int):
                    value = str(value)
                if len(value):
                    if isinstance(value, dict):
                        value['name'] = get_yt_field_value(field_name, value['name'], value_mappings)
                        value = get_yt_field_value(field_name, value, value_mappings)
                    create_value(target, value, field_name, field_type, project_id)
                    yt_issue[field_name] = get_value_presentation(field_type, value)
        elif _debug:
            print 'DEBUG: unclassified field', field_name
    return yt_issue
Пример #14
def to_yt_issue(target, issue, project_id,
                fields_mapping=None, value_mappings=None):
    yt_issue = Issue()
    yt_issue['comments'] = []
    yt_issue.numberInProject = issue['key'][(issue['key'].find('-') + 1):]
    for field, value in issue['fields'].items():
        if value is None:
        if fields_mapping and field.lower() in fields_mapping:
            field_name, field_type = fields_mapping[field.lower()]
            field_name = get_yt_field_name(field)
            field_type = get_yt_field_type(field_name)
        if field_name == 'comment':
            for comment in value['comments']:
                yt_comment = Comment()
                yt_comment.text = comment['body']
                comment_author_name = "guest"
                if 'author' in comment:
                    comment_author = comment['author']
                    create_user(target, comment_author)
                    comment_author_name = comment_author['name']
       = comment_author_name.replace(' ', '_')
                yt_comment.created = to_unix_date(comment['created'])
                yt_comment.updated = to_unix_date(comment['updated'])
        elif (field_name is not None) and (field_type is not None):
            if isinstance(value, list) and len(value):
                yt_issue[field_name] = []
                for v in value:
                    if isinstance(v, dict):
                        v['name'] = get_yt_field_value(field_name, v['name'], value_mappings)
                        v = get_yt_field_value(field_name, v, value_mappings)
                    create_value(target, v, field_name, field_type, project_id)
                    yt_issue[field_name].append(get_value_presentation(field_type, v))
                if field_name.lower() == 'estimation':
                    if field_type == 'period':
                        value = int(int(value) / 60)
                    elif field_type == 'integer':
                        value = int(int(value) / 3600)
                if isinstance(value, int):
                    value = str(value)
                if len(value):
                    if isinstance(value, dict):
                        value['name'] = get_yt_field_value(field_name, value['name'], value_mappings)
                        value = get_yt_field_value(field_name, value, value_mappings)
                    create_value(target, value, field_name, field_type, project_id)
                    yt_issue[field_name] = get_value_presentation(field_type, value)
        elif _debug:
            print 'DEBUG: unclassified field', field_name
    return yt_issue
def to_yt_issue(target, jira_issue):
    issue = Issue()
    issue['comments'] = []

    # process issue id
    issue.numberInProject = jira_issue.key[(jira_issue.key.find('-') + 1):]

    # process issue fields
    for jira_name in [
            "priority", "updated", "description", "created", "type",
            "reporter", "fixVersions", "assignee", "status", "components",
            "affectsVersions", "summary", "resolution", "duedate"
        field_name = get_yt_field_name(jira_name)
        field_type = get_yt_field_type(field_name)

        if field_name is not None:
            value = getattr(jira_issue, jira_name)
            if value is not None:
                if isinstance(value, typedArrayType):
                    if len(value):
                        issue[field_name] = []
                        for v in value:
                            create_value(target, v, field_name, field_type,
                                get_value_presentation(field_type, v))
                    create_value(target, value, field_name, field_type,
                    issue[field_name] = get_value_presentation(
                        field_type, value)

    # process custom fields
    for custom_field in jira_issue.customFieldValues:
        field_name = get_yt_field_name(custom_field.customFieldId)
        field_value = custom_field.values
        field_type = get_yt_field_type(field_name)
        if (field_name is not None) and (field_type is not None):

    return issue
Пример #16
def create_yt_issue_from_jira_issue(target, issue, project_id):
    yt_issue = Issue()
    yt_issue['comments'] = []
    yt_issue.numberInProject = issue['key'][(issue['key'].find('-') + 1):]
    for field, value in issue['fields'].items():
        if value is None:
        field_name = get_yt_field_name(field)
        field_type = get_yt_field_type(field_name)
        if field_name == 'comment':
            for comment in value['comments']:
                yt_comment = Comment()
                yt_comment.text = comment['body']
                comment_author_name = "guest"
                if 'author' in comment:
                    comment_author = comment['author']
                    create_user(target, comment_author)
                    comment_author_name = comment_author['name']
       = comment_author_name.replace(' ', '_')
                yt_comment.created = to_unix_date(comment['created'])
                yt_comment.updated = to_unix_date(comment['updated'])

        elif (field_name is not None) and (field_type is not None):
            if isinstance(value, list) and len(value):
                yt_issue[field_name] = []
                for v in value:
                    create_value(target, v, field_name, field_type, project_id)
                        get_value_presentation(field_type, v))
                if isinstance(value, int):
                    value = str(value)
                if len(value):
                    create_value(target, value, field_name, field_type,
                    yt_issue[field_name] = get_value_presentation(
                        field_type, value)
            print field_name
    return yt_issue
def to_yt_issue(target, jira_issue):
    issue = Issue()
    issue['comments']= []

    # process issue id
    issue.numberInProject = jira_issue.key[(jira_issue.key.find('-') + 1):]

    # process issue fields
    for jira_name in ["priority", "updated", "description", "created", "type", "reporter", "fixVersions",
                       "assignee", "status", "components", "affectsVersions", "summary", "resolution",
        field_name = get_yt_field_name(jira_name)
        field_type = get_yt_field_type(field_name)

        if field_name is not None:
            value = getattr(jira_issue, jira_name)
            if value is not None:
                if isinstance(value, typedArrayType):
                    if len(value):
                        issue[field_name] = []
                        for v in value:
                            create_value(target, v, field_name, field_type, jira_issue.project)
                            issue[field_name].append(get_value_presentation(field_type, v))
                    create_value(target, value, field_name, field_type, jira_issue.project)
                    issue[field_name] = get_value_presentation(field_type, value)

    # process custom fields
    for custom_field in jira_issue.customFieldValues:
        field_name = get_yt_field_name(custom_field.customFieldId)
        field_value = custom_field.values
        field_type = get_yt_field_type(field_name)
        if (field_name is not None) and (field_type is not None):

    return issue
def do_move(source_url, source_login, source_password,
            target_url, target_login, target_password, source_issue_id, target):
    print("source_url       : " + source_url)
    print("source_login     : "******"source_password  : "******"target_url       : " + target_url)
    print("target_login     : "******"target_password  : "******"source_id        : " + source_issue_id)

    if target.find('-') > -1:
        print("target_id        : " + target)
        target_project_id, target_issue_number = target.split('-')
        print("target_project_id: " + target)
        target_project_id = target
        target_issue_number = None

    # connecting
        target = Connection(target_url, target_login, target_password)
        print("Connected to target url [%s]" % target_url)
    except Exception as ex:
        print("Failed to connect to target url [%s] with login/password [%s/%s]"
              % (target_url, target_login, target_password))
        raise ex

        source = Connection(source_url, source_login, source_password)
        print("Connected to source url [%s]" % source_url)
    except Exception as ex:
        print("Failed to connect to source url [%s] with login/password [%s/%s]"
              % (source_url, source_login, source_password))
        raise ex

    except Exception as ex:
        print("Can't connect to target project [%s]" % target_project_id)
        raise ex

    # twin issues
        source_issue = source.getIssue(source_issue_id)
    except Exception as ex:
        print("Failed to get issue [%s]" % source_issue_id)
        raise ex

    target_issue = Issue()

    # import users if needed
    name_fields = ["reporterName", "assigneeName", "updaterName"]
    for field in name_fields:
        if field in source_issue:
            check_user(source_issue[field], source, target)

    if not target_issue_number:
        target_issue_number = str(get_new_issue_id(target_project_id, target))
    target_issue.numberInProject = target_issue_number

    # check subsystem
    target_subsystem = None
        target.getSubsystem(target_project_id, source_issue.subsystem)
        target_subsystem = source_issue.subsystem
    except (YouTrackException, AttributeError):
    target_issue.subsystem = target_subsystem
    for field in PREDEFINED_FIELDS:
        if field in source_issue:
            target_issue[field] = source_issue[field]

    if "Type" in source_issue:
        target_issue.type = source_issue["Type"]
    elif "type" in source_issue:
        target_issue.type = source_issue["type"]
        target_issue.type = "Bug"

    # convert custom field
    target_cfs = target.getProjectCustomFields(target_project_id)
    for cf in target_cfs:
        cf_name =
        if cf_name in source_issue:
            target_issue[cf_name] = source_issue[cf_name]

    # comments
    target_issue.comments = source_issue.getComments()
    for comment in target_issue.comments:
        check_user(, source, target)

    # import issue

    # attachments
    for attachment in source_issue.getAttachments():
        check_user(attachment.authorLogin, source, target)
        attachment.url = attachment.url.replace(source_url, "")
            "%s-%s" % (target_project_id, target_issue.numberInProject),

    # work items
    if get_time_tracking_state(
            source, target, source_issue_id.split('-')[0],
        workitems = source.getWorkItems(source_issue_id)
        if workitems:
            existing_workitems = dict()
            target_workitems = target.getWorkItems(
                target_project_id + '-' + target_issue_number)
            if target_workitems:
                for w in target_workitems:
                    _id = '%s\n%s\n%s' % (, w.authorLogin, w.duration)
                    if hasattr(w, 'description'):
                        _id += '\n%s' % w.description
                    existing_workitems[_id] = w
            new_workitems = []
            for w in workitems:
                _id = '%s\n%s\n%s' % (, w.authorLogin, w.duration)
                if hasattr(w, 'description'):
                    _id += '\n%s' % w.description
                if _id not in existing_workitems:
            if new_workitems:
                print("Process workitems for issue [ " + source_issue_id + "]")
                    for w in new_workitems:
                        check_user(w.authorLogin, source, target)
                        target_project_id + '-' + target_issue_number,
                except YouTrackException as e:
                    print("Failed to import workitems: " + str(e))

    # links
    link_importer = LinkImporter(target)
    links2import = source_issue.getLinks()
    for l in links2import:
Пример #19
def do_move(source_url, source_login, source_password,
            target_url, target_login, target_password, source_issue_id, target):
    print("source_url       : " + source_url)
    print("source_login     : "******"source_password  : "******"target_url       : " + target_url)
    print("target_login     : "******"target_password  : "******"source_id        : " + source_issue_id)

    if target.find('-') > -1:
        print("target_id        : " + target)
        target_project_id, target_issue_number = target.split('-')
        print("target_project_id: " + target)
        target_project_id = target
        target_issue_number = None

    # connecting
        target = Connection(target_url, target_login, target_password)
        print("Connected to target url [%s]" % target_url)
    except Exception as ex:
        print("Failed to connect to target url [%s] with login/password [%s/%s]"
              % (target_url, target_login, target_password))
        raise ex

        source = Connection(source_url, source_login, source_password)
        print("Connected to source url [%s]" % source_url)
    except Exception as ex:
        print("Failed to connect to source url [%s] with login/password [%s/%s]"
              % (source_url, source_login, source_password))
        raise ex

    except Exception as ex:
        print("Can't connect to target project [%s]" % target_project_id)
        raise ex

    # twin issues
        source_issue = source.getIssue(source_issue_id)
    except Exception as ex:
        print("Failed to get issue [%s]" % source_issue_id)
        raise ex

    target_issue = Issue()

    # import users if needed
    name_fields = ["reporterName", "assigneeName", "updaterName"]
    for field in name_fields:
        if field in source_issue:
            check_user(source_issue[field], source, target)

    if not target_issue_number:
        target_issue_number = str(get_new_issue_id(target_project_id, target))
    target_issue.numberInProject = target_issue_number

    # check subsystem
    target_subsystem = None
        target.getSubsystem(target_project_id, source_issue.subsystem)
        target_subsystem = source_issue.subsystem
    except (YouTrackException, AttributeError):
    target_issue.subsystem = target_subsystem
    for field in PREDEFINED_FIELDS:
        if field in source_issue:
            target_issue[field] = source_issue[field]

    if "Type" in source_issue:
        target_issue.type = source_issue["Type"]
    elif "type" in source_issue:
        target_issue.type = source_issue["type"]
        target_issue.type = "Bug"

    # convert custom field
    target_cfs = target.getProjectCustomFields(target_project_id)
    for cf in target_cfs:
        cf_name =
        if cf_name in source_issue:
            target_issue[cf_name] = source_issue[cf_name]

    # comments
    target_issue.comments = source_issue.getComments()
    for comment in target_issue.comments:
        check_user(, source, target)

    # attachments
    for attachment in source_issue.getAttachments():
        check_user(attachment.authorLogin, source, target)
            "%s-%s" % (target_project_id, target_issue.numberInProject),
    #twin issues
    try :
        source_issue = source.getIssue(source_issue_id)
    except Exception, ex :
        print "Failed to get issue [%s]" % source_issue_id
        raise ex

    target_issue = Issue()

    #import users if needed
    name_fields = ["reporeterName", "assigneeName", "updaterName"]
    for field in name_fields :
        if (field in source_issue) :
            check_user(source_issue[field], source, target)

    target_issue.numberInProject = str(get_new_issue_id(target_project_id, target))

    #check subsystem
    target_subsystem = None
    try :
        target.getSubsystem(target_project_id, source_issue.subsystem)
        target_subsystem = source_issue.subsystem
    except :
    target_issue.subsystem = target_subsystem
    for field in PREDEFINED_FIELDS :
        if (field in source_issue) :
            target_issue[field] = source_issue[field]

    if ("Type" in source_issue) :
        target_issue.type = source_issue["Type"]