Пример #1
def channel_details(chanid):
    if chanid == "_all":
        query = Video.select()
        chan = Channel.get(id=chanid)
        query = Video.select().filter(channel=chan)

    query = query.order_by(Video.publishdate.desc())
    search = request.args.get('search', "")

    if len(search) > 0:
        query = query.where(Video.title.contains(search))

    # Query based on status
    status = request.args.get('status', "")
    if len(status) > 0:
        status = status.strip().split(",")
        x = Video.status == status[0]
        for st in status[1:]:
            x = x | (Video.status == st)
        query = query.where(x)

    # 25 videos per page, with no less than 5 per page
    paginator = Paginator(query, per_page=25, orphans=5)

    # Get page parameter
    page_num = request.args.get('page', '1')
    if int(page_num) < 1:
        page_num = 1

        page = paginator.page(page_num)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        page = paginator.page(1)
    except EmptyPage:
        page = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    out_videos = []
    for v in page:
            'id': v.id,
            'title': v.title,
            'imgs': v.img,
            'url': v.url,
            'description': v.description,
            'publishdate': str(v.publishdate),
            'status': v.status,
            # FIXME: Data duplication, only used for "all" channel view
            'channel': _channel_info_dict(v.channel),

    if chanid == '_all':
        channel = None
        channel = _channel_info_dict(chan)

    page_info = {
        'total': paginator.num_pages,
        'current': page.number,
        'has_next': page.has_next(),
        'has_previous': page.has_previous(),

    return json.dumps({
        'channel': channel,
        'videos': out_videos,
        'pagination': page_info
Пример #2
def channel_details(chanid):
    if chanid == "_all":
        query = Video.select()
        chan = Channel.get(id=chanid)
        query = Video.select().filter(channel = chan)

    query = query.order_by(Video.publishdate.desc())

    search = request.args.get('search', "")
    if len(search) > 0:
        query = query.where(Video.title.contains(search))

    # Query based on status
    status = request.args.get('status', "")
    if len(status) > 0:
        status = status.strip().split(",")
        x = Video.status == status[0]
        for st in status[1:]:
            x = x | (Video.status == st)
        query = query.where(x)

    # 25 videos per page, with no less than 5 per page
    paginator = Paginator(query, per_page=25, orphans=5)

    # Get page parameter
    page_num = request.args.get('page', '1')
    if int(page_num) < 1:
        page_num = 1

        page = paginator.page(page_num)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        page = paginator.page(1)
    except EmptyPage:
        page = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    out_videos = []
    for v in page:
            'id': v.id,
            'title': v.title,
            'imgs': v.img,
            'url': v.url,
            'description': v.description,
            'publishdate': str(v.publishdate),
            'status': v.status,
            # FIXME: Data duplication, only used for "all" channel view
            'channel': _channel_info_dict(v.channel),

    if chanid == '_all':
        channel = None
        channel = _channel_info_dict(chan)

    page_info = {
        'total': paginator.num_pages,
        'current': page.number,
        'has_next': page.has_next(),
        'has_previous': page.has_previous(),

    return json.dumps(
        {'channel': channel,
         'videos': out_videos,
         'pagination': page_info})