Пример #1
    def get_state(self, raw_res=False):
        '''Get the current state (joint configuration) of this arm.

        raw_res : bool, optional
                If True, will return raw_res namedtuple instead of YuMiState
                Defaults to False

        out :
            YuMiState if raw_res is False

            _RES(raw_res, state) namedtuple if raw_res is True

            If communication times out or socket error.
        if self._debug:
            return YuMiState()

        req = YuMiArm._construct_req('get_joints')
        res = self._request(req, True)

        if res is not None:
            state = message_to_state(res.message)
            if raw_res:
                return _RES(res, state)
                return state
Пример #2
def message_to_state(message):
    tokens = message.split()

        if len(tokens) != YuMiState.NUM_JOINTS:
            raise Exception("Invalid format for states! Got: \n{0}".format(message))
        state_vals = [float(token) for token in tokens]
        state = YuMiState(state_vals)
        return state

    except Exception, e:
Пример #3
    def plan_linear_path(self,
        Plans a linear trajectory between the start and goal pose from the initial joint configuration. The poses should be specified in the frame of reference of the end effector tip. Start state must correspond to the start pose - right now this is up to the user.

        start_state : YuMiState
            initial state of the arm
        start_pose : RigidTransform
            initial pose of end effector tip
        goal_pose : RigidTransform
            goal pose of end effector tip
        traj_len : int
            number of waypoints to use in planning
        eef_delta : float
            distance for interpolation of the final planner path in cartesian space
        jump_thresh : float
            the threshold for jumping between poses

        traj : YuMiTrajectory
            the planned trajectory to execute
        # check valid state types
        if not isinstance(start_state, YuMiState):
            raise ValueError('Start state must be specified')

        # check valid pose types
        if not isinstance(start_pose, RigidTransform) or not isinstance(
                goal_pose, RigidTransform):
            raise ValueError(
                'Start and goal poses must be specified as RigidTransformations'
        # check valid frames
        if start_pose.from_frame != 'gripper' or goal_pose.from_frame != 'gripper' or (
                start_pose.to_frame != 'world'
                and start_pose.to_frame != 'base'
        ) or (goal_pose.to_frame != 'world' and goal_pose.to_frame != 'base'):
            raise ValueError(
                'Start and goal poses must be from frame \'gripper\' to frame \{\'world\', \'base\'\}'

        # set start state of planner
        start_state_msg = moveit_msgs.msg.RobotState()
        start_state_msg.joint_state.name = [
            'yumi_joint_%d_r' % i for i in range(1, 8)
        if self._arm == 'left_arm':
            start_state_msg.joint_state.name = [
                'yumi_joint_%d_l' % i for i in range(1, 8)
        start_state_msg.joint_state.position = start_state.in_radians

        # convert start and end pose to the planner's reference frame
        start_pose_hand = start_pose * ymc.T_GRIPPER_HAND
        goal_pose_hand = goal_pose * ymc.T_GRIPPER_HAND

        # get waypoints
        pose_traj = start_pose_hand.linear_trajectory_to(
            goal_pose_hand, traj_len)
        waypoints = [t.pose_msg for t in pose_traj]

        # plan plath
        plan, fraction = self._planning_group.compute_cartesian_path(
            waypoints, eef_delta, jump_thresh)
        if fraction >= 0.0 and fraction < 1.0:
            logging.warning('Failed to plan full path.')
            return None
        if fraction < 0.0:
            logging.warning('Error while planning path.')
            return None

        # convert from moveit joint traj in radians
        joint_names = plan.joint_trajectory.joint_names
        joint_traj = []
        for t in plan.joint_trajectory.points:
            joints_and_names = zip(joint_names, t.positions)
            joints_and_names.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
                YuMiState([np.rad2deg(x[1]) for x in joints_and_names]))

        return YuMiTrajectory(joint_traj)
Пример #4
    def plan_shortest_path(self,
        Plans the shortest path in joint space between the start and goal pose from the initial joint configuration. The poses should be specified in the frame of reference of the end effector tip. Start state must correspond to the start pose - right now this is up to the user.

        start_state : YuMiState
            initial state of the arm
        start_pose : RigidTransform
            initial pose of end effector tip
        goal_pose : RigidTransform
            goal pose of end effector tip
        timeout : float
            planner timeout (shorthand for setting new planning time then planning)

        traj : YuMiTrajectory
            the planned trajectory to execute
        # check valid state types
        if not isinstance(start_state, YuMiState):
            raise ValueError('Start state must be specified')

        # check valid pose types
        if not isinstance(start_pose, RigidTransform) or not isinstance(
                goal_pose, RigidTransform):
            raise ValueError(
                'Start and goal poses must be specified as RigidTransformations'

        # check valid frames
        if start_pose.from_frame != 'gripper' or goal_pose.from_frame != 'gripper' or (
                start_pose.to_frame != 'world'
                and start_pose.to_frame != 'base'
        ) or (goal_pose.to_frame != 'world' and goal_pose.to_frame != 'base'):
            raise ValueError(
                'Start and goal poses must be from frame \'gripper\' to frame \{\'world\', \'base\'\}'

        # set planning time
        self.planning_time = timeout

        # set start state of planner
        start_state_msg = moveit_msgs.msg.RobotState()
        start_state_msg.joint_state.name = [
            'yumi_joint_%d_r' % i for i in range(1, 8)
        if self._arm == 'left_arm':
            start_state_msg.joint_state.name = [
                'yumi_joint_%d_l' % i for i in range(1, 8)
        start_state_msg.joint_state.position = start_state.in_radians

        # convert start and end pose to the planner's reference frame
        start_pose_hand = start_pose * ymc.T_GRIPPER_HAND
        goal_pose_hand = goal_pose * ymc.T_GRIPPER_HAND

        # plan plath
        plan = self._planning_group.plan()
        if len(plan.joint_trajectory.points) == 0:
            logging.warning('Failed to plan path.')
            return None

        # convert from moveit joint traj in radians
        joint_names = plan.joint_trajectory.joint_names
        joint_traj = []
        for t in plan.joint_trajectory.points:
            joints_and_names = zip(joint_names, t.positions)
            joints_and_names.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
                YuMiState([np.rad2deg(x[1]) for x in joints_and_names]))

        return YuMiTrajectory(joint_traj)
Пример #5
class YuMiConstants:

    IP = ''

    PORTS = {
        "left": {
            "server": 5000,
            "states": 5010,
            "poses": 5012,
            "torques": 5014
        "right": {
            "server": 5001,
            "states": 5011,
            "poses": 5013,
            "torques": 5015

    BUFSIZE = 4096

    GRASP_COUNTER_PATH = '/home/autolab/Public/alan/grasp_counts'

    # used to rate limit real-time YuMi controls (in seconds)
    COMM_PERIOD = 0.04

    DEBUG = False

    # reset mechanism
    RESET_RIGHT_COMM = '/dev/ttyACM0'
    RESET_BAUDRATE = 115200

    CMD_CODES = {
        'ping': 0,
        'goto_pose_linear': 1,
        'goto_joints': 2,
        'get_pose': 3,
        'get_joints': 4,
        'goto_pose': 5,
        'set_tool': 6,
        'set_speed': 8,
        'set_zone': 9,
        'goto_pose_sync': 11,
        'goto_joints_sync': 12,
        'goto_pose_delta': 13,
        'close_gripper': 20,
        'open_gripper': 21,
        'calibrate_gripper': 22,
        'set_gripper_max_speed': 23,
        'set_gripper_force': 24,
        'move_gripper': 25,
        'get_gripper_width': 26,
        'set_circ_point': 35,
        'move_by_circ_point': 36,
        'buffer_add': 30,
        'buffer_clear': 31,
        'buffer_size': 32,
        'buffer_move': 33,
        'is_pose_reachable': 40,
        'is_joints_reachable': 41,
        'close_connection': 99,
        'reset_home': 100,

    RES_CODES = {'failure': 0, 'success': 1}

    SUB_CODES = {'pose': 0, 'state': 1}
        'SBL': 'SBLkConfigDefault',
        'EST': 'ESTkConfigDefault',
        'LBKPIECE': 'LBKPIECEkConfigDefault',
        'BKPIECE': 'BKPIECEkConfigDefault',
        'KPIECE': 'KPIECEkConfigDefault',
        'RRT': 'RRTkConfigDefault',
        'RRTConnect': 'RRTConnectkConfigDefault',
        'RRTstar': 'RRTstarkConfigDefault',
        'TRRT': 'TRRTkConfigDefault',
        'PRM': 'PRMkConfigDefault',
        'PRMstar': 'PRMstarkConfigDefault'

    ROS_TIMEOUT = 10

    T_GRIPPER_HAND = RigidTransform(translation=[0, 0, -0.157],

    TCP_ABB_GRIPPER = RigidTransform(translation=[0, 0, 0.136])
    TCP_ABB_GRASP_GRIPPER = RigidTransform(translation=[0, 0, 0.136 - 0.0065])
    TCP_LONG_GRIPPER = RigidTransform(
        translation=[0, 0, (136 - 56 + 88 - 12) / 1000.])
    TCP_DEFAULT_GRIPPER = RigidTransform(
        translation=[0, 0, (136 - 56 + 88 - 12) / 1000.])

    L_HOME_STATE = YuMiState([0, -130, 30, 0, 40, 0, 135])
    L_HOME_POSE = RigidTransform(
        translation=[0.123, 0.147, 0.124],
        rotation=[0.06551, 0.84892, -0.11147, 0.51246])

    R_HOME_STATE = YuMiState([0, -130, 30, 0, 40, 0, -135])
    R_HOME_POSE = RigidTransform(
        translation=[-0.0101, -0.1816, 0.19775],
        rotation=[-0.52426, 0.06481, -0.84133, -0.11456])

    R_FORWARD_STATE = YuMiState(
        [9.66, -133.36, 34.69, -13.19, 28.85, 28.81, -110.18])
    R_FORWARD_POSE = RigidTransform(
        translation=[0.07058, -0.26519, 0.19775],
        rotation=[-0.52425, 0.0648, -0.84133, -0.11454])

    R_AWAY_POSE = RigidTransform(translation=[0.15, -0.4, 0.22],
                                 rotation=[0.38572, 0.39318, 0.60945, 0.57027])
    L_AWAY_POSE = RigidTransform(
        translation=[0.30, 0.12, 0.16],
        rotation=[0.21353, -0.37697, 0.78321, -0.44596])

        'inwards': {
            'right': YuMiState([75, -90, 0, -30, 90, -10, -45]),
            'left': YuMiState([-75, -90, 0, 30, 90, 10, 45])
        'forwards': {
            YuMiState([36.42, -117.3, 35.59, 50.42, 46.19, 66.02, -100.28]),
            YuMiState([-36.42, -117.3, 35.59, -50.42, 46.19, 113.98, 100.28])
        'downwards': {
            YuMiState([-60.0, -110.0, 35.0, 116.0, 100.0, -90.0, 30.0]),
            YuMiState([60.0, -110.0, 35.0, -116.0, 100.0, -90.0, -30.0])

        RigidTransform(translation=[0.32, 0.12, 0.16],
                       rotation=[0.21353, -0.37697, 0.78321, -0.44596]),
        RigidTransform(translation=[0.30, 0.10, 0.16],
                       rotation=[0.21353, -0.37697, 0.78321, -0.44596]),
        RigidTransform(translation=[0.28, 0.12, 0.16],
                       rotation=[0.21353, -0.37697, 0.78321, -0.44596]),
        RigidTransform(translation=[0.30, 0.14, 0.16],
                       rotation=[0.21353, -0.37697, 0.78321, -0.44596])

    R_READY_STATE = YuMiState(
        [51.16, -99.4, 21.57, -107.19, 84.11, 94.61, -36.00])
    L_READY_STATE = YuMiState(
        [-51.16, -99.4, 21.57, 107.19, 84.11, 94.61, 36.00])

    L_PREGRASP_POSE = RigidTransform(
        translation=[0.30, 0.20, 0.16],
        rotation=[0.21353, -0.37697, 0.78321, -0.44596])

        translation=[0.45, -0.05, 0.15], rotation=[0, 0, 1, 0])

    L_RAISED_STATE = YuMiState(
        [5.5, -99.46, 20.52, -21.03, 67, -22.31, 110.11])
    L_RAISED_POSE = RigidTransform(
        translation=[-0.0073, 0.39902, 0.31828],
        rotation=[0.54882, 0.07398, 0.82585, -0.10630])

    L_FORWARD_STATE = YuMiState(
        [-21.71, -142.45, 43.82, 31.14, 10.43, -40.67, 106.63])
    L_FORWARD_POSE = RigidTransform(
        translation=[0.13885, 0.21543, 0.19774],
        rotation=[0.55491, 0.07064, 0.82274, -0.1009])

    L_PREDROP_POSE = RigidTransform(
        translation=[0.55, 0.0, 0.20],
        rotation=[0.09815, -0.20528, 0.97156, -0.06565])
        RigidTransform(translation=[0.33, 0.42, 0.25],
                       rotation=[0.09078, -0.31101, 0.91820, -0.22790]),
        RigidTransform(translation=[0.33, 0.33, 0.25],
                       rotation=[0.09078, -0.31101, 0.91820, -0.22790]),
        RigidTransform(translation=[0.23, 0.33, 0.25],
                       rotation=[0.09078, -0.31101, 0.91820, -0.22790]),
        RigidTransform(translation=[0.23, 0.42, 0.25],
                       rotation=[0.09078, -0.31101, 0.91820, -0.22790])
        RigidTransform(translation=[0.60, 0.42, 0.23],
                       rotation=[0.09078, -0.31101, 0.91820, -0.22790]),
        RigidTransform(translation=[0.60, 0.35, 0.23],
                       rotation=[0.09078, -0.31101, 0.91820, -0.22790]),
        RigidTransform(translation=[0.54, 0.35, 0.23],
                       rotation=[0.09078, -0.31101, 0.91820, -0.22790]),
        RigidTransform(translation=[0.54, 0.42, 0.23],
                       rotation=[0.09078, -0.31101, 0.91820, -0.22790])

        #('L', RigidTransform(translation=[0.071, 0.385, 0.118], rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604])),
        #('L', RigidTransform(translation=[0.213, 0.385, 0.118], rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604])),
        #('L', RigidTransform(translation=[0.213, 0.385, 0.156], rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604])),
        #('L', RigidTransform(translation=[0.323, 0.385, 0.156], rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604])),
        #('L', RigidTransform(translation=[0.323, 0.385, 0.144], rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604])),
        ('R', [0, 0.300, 0]),
        ('R', [0.100, 0, 0]),
         YuMiState([111.30, -65.37, -29.93, -50.53, 65.41, -94.59, -68.84])),
        ('R', YuMiState([147.13, -76.28, -58.98, -13.85, 54.95, 54.95,
        ('R', [0, 0, 0.070]),
        ('R', [-0.074, 0, 0]),
        ('R', [0, -0.012, 0]),
        ('R', [0, 0, -0.040]),
        ('R', YuMiState([132.32, -56.98, -8.13, -72.42, 36.44, 135.16,
         YuMiState([146.72, -57.09, -9.44, -101.74, 69.26, 155.98, -98.41])),
         YuMiState([168.36, -64.12, -23.60, -118.0, 97.50, 163.97, -102.95])),
         YuMiState([168.37, -59.60, 2.63, -146.15, 95.29, 199.63, -129.70])),
         YuMiState([168.37, -82.24, -10.81, -196.49, 115.92, 199.63,
         RigidTransform(translation=[0.323, 0.385, 0.203],
                        rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604])),
         RigidTransform(translation=[0.203, 0.478, 0.203],
                        rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604])),
         RigidTransform(translation=[0.203, 0.478, 0.092],
                        rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604])),
         RigidTransform(translation=[0.305, 0.478, 0.092],
                        rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604])),
         RigidTransform(translation=[0.305, 0.478, 0.183],
                        rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604])),
         RigidTransform(translation=[0.305, 0.359, 0.183],
                        rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604])),
         RigidTransform(translation=[0.305, 0.359, 0.149],
                        rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604])),
         RigidTransform(translation=[0.425, 0.359, 0.149],
                        rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604])),
         RigidTransform(translation=[0.425, 0.359, 0.245],
                        rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604])),
         RigidTransform(translation=[0.265, 0.445, 0.245],
                        rotation=[0.06744, 0.84050, -0.11086, 0.52604]))