Пример #1
def _list_diagnosis_categories():
    hooks_raw = hook_list("diagnosis", list_by="priority",
    hooks = []
    for _, some_hooks in sorted(hooks_raw.items(), key=lambda h: int(h[0])):
        for name, info in some_hooks.items():
            hooks.append((name, info["path"]))

    return hooks
Пример #2
def regen_conf(
    Regenerate the configuration file(s)

    Keyword argument:
        names -- Categories to regenerate configuration of
        with_diff -- Show differences in case of configuration changes
        force -- Override all manual modifications in configuration files
        dry_run -- Show what would have been regenerated
        list_pending -- List pending configuration files and exit


    result = {}

    # Return the list of pending conf
    if list_pending:
        pending_conf = _get_pending_conf(names)

        if not with_diff:
            return pending_conf

        for category, conf_files in pending_conf.items():
            for system_path, pending_path in conf_files.items():

                pending_conf[category][system_path] = {
                    "pending_conf": pending_path,
                    "diff": _get_files_diff(system_path, pending_path, True),

        return pending_conf

    if not dry_run:
        operation_logger.related_to = [("configuration", x) for x in names]
        if not names:
            operation_logger.name_parameter_override = "all"
        elif len(names) != 1:
            operation_logger.name_parameter_override = (
                str(len(operation_logger.related_to)) + "_categories"

    # Clean pending conf directory
    if os.path.isdir(PENDING_CONF_DIR):
        if not names:
            shutil.rmtree(PENDING_CONF_DIR, ignore_errors=True)
            for name in names:
                shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(PENDING_CONF_DIR, name), ignore_errors=True)
        filesystem.mkdir(PENDING_CONF_DIR, 0o755, True)

    # Format common hooks arguments
    common_args = [1 if force else 0, 1 if dry_run else 0]

    # Execute hooks for pre-regen
    pre_args = [
    ] + common_args

    def _pre_call(name, priority, path, args):
        # create the pending conf directory for the category
        category_pending_path = os.path.join(PENDING_CONF_DIR, name)
        filesystem.mkdir(category_pending_path, 0o755, True, uid="root")

        # return the arguments to pass to the script
        return pre_args + [

    ssh_explicitly_specified = isinstance(names, list) and "ssh" in names

    # By default, we regen everything
    if not names:
        names = hook_list("conf_regen", list_by="name", show_info=False)["hooks"]

    # Dirty hack for legacy code : avoid attempting to regen the conf for
    # glances because it got removed ...  This is only needed *once*
    # during the upgrade from 3.7 to 3.8 because Yunohost will attempt to
    # regen glance's conf *before* it gets automatically removed from
    # services.yml (which will happens only during the regen-conf of
    # 'yunohost', so at the very end of the regen-conf cycle) Anyway,
    # this can be safely removed once we're in >= 4.0
    if "glances" in names:

    # [Optimization] We compute and feed the domain list to the conf regen
    # hooks to avoid having to call "yunohost domain list" so many times which
    # ends up in wasted time (about 3~5 seconds per call on a RPi2)
    from yunohost.domain import domain_list

    env = {}
    # Well we can only do domain_list() if postinstall is done ...
    # ... but hooks that effectively need the domain list are only
    # called only after the 'installed' flag is set so that's all good,
    # though kinda tight-coupled to the postinstall logic :s
    if os.path.exists("/etc/yunohost/installed"):
        env["YNH_DOMAINS"] = " ".join(domain_list()["domains"])

    pre_result = hook_callback("conf_regen", names, pre_callback=_pre_call, env=env)

    # Keep only the hook names with at least one success
    names = [
        for hook, infos in pre_result.items()
        if any(result["state"] == "succeed" for result in infos.values())

    # FIXME : what do in case of partial success/failure ...
    if not names:
        ret_failed = [
            for hook, infos in pre_result.items()
            if any(result["state"] == "failed" for result in infos.values())
        raise YunohostError("regenconf_failed", categories=", ".join(ret_failed))

    # Set the processing method
    _regen = _process_regen_conf if not dry_run else lambda *a, **k: True

    operation_logger.related_to = []

    # Iterate over categories and process pending conf
    for category, conf_files in _get_pending_conf(names).items():
        if not dry_run:
            operation_logger.related_to.append(("configuration", category))

        if dry_run:
            logger.debug(m18n.n("regenconf_pending_applying", category=category))
            logger.debug(m18n.n("regenconf_dry_pending_applying", category=category))

        conf_hashes = _get_conf_hashes(category)
        succeed_regen = {}
        failed_regen = {}

        # Here we are doing some weird legacy shit
        # The thing is, on some very old or specific setup, the sshd_config file
        # was absolutely not managed by the regenconf ...
        # But we now want to make sure that this file is managed.
        # However, we don't want to overwrite a specific custom sshd_config
        # which may make the admin unhappy ...
        # So : if the hash for this file does not exists, we set the hash as the
        # hash of the pending configuration ...
        # That way, the file will later appear as manually modified.
        sshd_config = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
        if (
            category == "ssh"
            and sshd_config not in conf_hashes
            and sshd_config in conf_files
            conf_hashes[sshd_config] = _calculate_hash(conf_files[sshd_config])
            _update_conf_hashes(category, conf_hashes)

        # Consider the following scenario:
        # - you add a domain foo.bar
        # - the regen-conf creates file /etc/dnsmasq.d/foo.bar
        # - the admin manually *deletes* /etc/dnsmasq.d/foo.bar
        # - the file is now understood as manually deleted because there's the old file hash in regenconf.yml
        # ... so far so good, that's the expected behavior.
        # But then:
        # - the admin remove domain foo.bar entirely
        # - but now the hash for /etc/dnsmasq.d/foo.bar is *still* in
        # regenconf.yml and and the file is still flagged as manually
        # modified/deleted... And the user cannot even do anything about it
        # except removing the hash in regenconf.yml...
        # Expected behavior: it should forget about that
        # hash because dnsmasq's regen-conf doesn't say anything about what's
        # the state of that file so it should assume that it should be deleted.
        # - then the admin tries to *re-add* foo.bar !
        # - ... but because the file is still flagged as manually modified
        # the regen-conf refuses to re-create the file.
        # Excepted behavior : the regen-conf should have forgot about the hash
        # from earlier and this wouldnt happen.
        # ------
        # conf_files contain files explicitly set by the current regen conf run
        # conf_hashes contain all files known from the past runs
        # we compare these to get the list of stale hashes and flag the file as
        # "should be removed"
        stale_files = set(conf_hashes.keys()) - set(conf_files.keys())
        stale_files_with_non_empty_hash = [f for f in stale_files if conf_hashes.get(f)]
        for f in stale_files_with_non_empty_hash:
            conf_files[f] = None
        # </> End discussion about stale file hashes

        force_update_hashes_for_this_category = False

        for system_path, pending_path in conf_files.items():
                "processing pending conf '%s' to system conf '%s'",
            conf_status = None
            regenerated = False

            # Get the diff between files
            conf_diff = (
                _get_files_diff(system_path, pending_path, True) if with_diff else None

            # Check if the conf must be removed
            to_remove = (
                True if pending_path and os.path.getsize(pending_path) == 0 else False

            # Retrieve and calculate hashes
            system_hash = _calculate_hash(system_path)
            saved_hash = conf_hashes.get(system_path, None)
            new_hash = None if to_remove else _calculate_hash(pending_path)

            # -> configuration was previously managed by yunohost but should now
            # be removed / unmanaged
            if system_path in stale_files_with_non_empty_hash:
                # File is already deleted, so let's just silently forget about this hash entirely
                if not system_hash:
                    logger.debug("> forgetting about stale file/hash")
                    conf_hashes[system_path] = None
                    conf_status = "forget-about-it"
                    regenerated = True
                # Otherwise there's still a file on the system but it's not managed by
                # Yunohost anymore... But if user requested --force we shall
                # force-erase it
                elif force:
                    logger.debug("> force-remove stale file")
                    regenerated = _regen(system_path)
                    conf_status = "force-removed"
                # Otherwise, flag the file as manually modified
                        m18n.n("regenconf_file_manually_modified", conf=system_path)
                    conf_status = "modified"

            # -> system conf does not exists
            elif not system_hash:
                if to_remove:
                    logger.debug("> system conf is already removed")
                    conf_hashes[system_path] = None
                    conf_status = "forget-about-it"
                    force_update_hashes_for_this_category = True
                elif not saved_hash or force:
                    if force:
                        logger.debug("> system conf has been manually removed")
                        conf_status = "force-created"
                        logger.debug("> system conf does not exist yet")
                        conf_status = "created"
                    regenerated = _regen(system_path, pending_path, save=False)
                        m18n.n("regenconf_file_manually_removed", conf=system_path)
                    conf_status = "removed"

            # -> system conf is not managed yet
            elif not saved_hash:
                logger.debug("> system conf is not managed yet")
                if system_hash == new_hash:
                    logger.debug("> no changes to system conf has been made")
                    conf_status = "managed"
                    regenerated = True
                elif not to_remove:
                    # If the conf exist but is not managed yet, and is not to be removed,
                    # we assume that it is safe to regen it, since the file is backuped
                    # anyway (by default in _regen), as long as we warn the user
                    # appropriately.
                    regenerated = _regen(system_path, pending_path)
                    conf_status = "new"
                elif force:
                    regenerated = _regen(system_path)
                    conf_status = "force-removed"
                    conf_status = "unmanaged"

            # -> system conf has not been manually modified
            elif system_hash == saved_hash:
                if to_remove:
                    regenerated = _regen(system_path)
                    conf_status = "removed"
                elif system_hash != new_hash:
                    regenerated = _regen(system_path, pending_path)
                    conf_status = "updated"
                    logger.debug("> system conf is already up-to-date")

                logger.debug("> system conf has been manually modified")
                if system_hash == new_hash:
                    logger.debug("> new conf is as current system conf")
                    conf_status = "managed"
                    regenerated = True
                elif (
                    and system_path == sshd_config
                    and not ssh_explicitly_specified
                    conf_status = "modified"
                elif force:
                    regenerated = _regen(system_path, pending_path)
                    conf_status = "force-updated"
                        m18n.n("regenconf_file_manually_modified", conf=system_path)
                    conf_status = "modified"

            # Store the result
            conf_result = {"status": conf_status}
            if conf_diff is not None:
                conf_result["diff"] = conf_diff
            if regenerated:
                succeed_regen[system_path] = conf_result
                conf_hashes[system_path] = new_hash
                if pending_path and os.path.isfile(pending_path):
                failed_regen[system_path] = conf_result

        # Check for category conf changes
        if not succeed_regen and not failed_regen:
            logger.debug(m18n.n("regenconf_up_to_date", category=category))
        elif not failed_regen:
            if not dry_run:
                logger.success(m18n.n("regenconf_updated", category=category))
                logger.success(m18n.n("regenconf_would_be_updated", category=category))

        if (succeed_regen or force_update_hashes_for_this_category) and not dry_run:
            _update_conf_hashes(category, conf_hashes)

        # Append the category results
        result[category] = {"applied": succeed_regen, "pending": failed_regen}

    # Return in case of dry run
    if dry_run:
        return result

    # Execute hooks for post-regen
    post_args = [
    ] + common_args

    def _pre_call(name, priority, path, args):
        # append coma-separated applied changes for the category
        if name in result and result[name]["applied"]:
            regen_conf_files = ",".join(result[name]["applied"].keys())
            regen_conf_files = ""
        return post_args + [

    hook_callback("conf_regen", names, pre_callback=_pre_call, env=env)


    return result