Пример #1
 def to_tensor(s):
     assert len(s) == 4
     assert s[-2:] == (None, None)
     return Tensor(
         [[[[z3.RealVal(1) / z3.RealVal(kx * ky) for i4 in range(ky)]
            for i3 in range(kx)] for i2 in range(s[1])]
          for i1 in range(s[0])])
Пример #2
    def translate(self, term):
        """Translate a Maude term into an SMT formula"""

        symbol = term.symbol()

        # Variable
        if str(symbol) == str(term.getSort()):
            return smt.Const(str(term), self._smt_sort(term.getSort()))
        # Integer constant
        elif symbol == self.intlit_symb:
            return smt.IntVal(int(term))
        # Real constant
        elif symbol == self.reallit_symb:
            return smt.RealVal(float(term))
        # Other symbols
            symb = self.ops_table.get(symbol)

            # If the symbol is not in the table, it may be a
            # polymorph for a custom type...
            if symb is None:
                symb = self._make_polymorph(symbol)

                # ...or an uninterpreted function
                if symb is None:
                    symb = self._make_function(symbol)

            return symb(*[self.translate(arg) for arg in term.arguments()])
Пример #3
def pyval2z3val(val):
    if type(val) is float:
        return z3.RealVal(val)
    elif type(val) is int:
        return z3.IntVal(val)
        raise err.Fatal('unhandled python val type!')
Пример #4
def _py2expr(a, ctx=None):
    if isinstance(a, bool):
        return z3.BoolVal(a, ctx)
    if isinstance(a, int):
        return z3.IntVal(a, ctx)
    if isinstance(a, float):
        return z3.RealVal(a, ctx)
Пример #5
def get_z3_val(valtype, value, name, datatype_name=None, ctx=None):
    val = None
    if isinstance(valtype, z3.z3.DatatypeSortRef):  # discrete values datatype
        val = getattr(valtype, value)
    elif valtype is Types.INT:
            val = z3.BitVecVal(value, 32, ctx=ctx)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Error during INT conversion. Cannot convert value: {value}, type: {type(value)}, name: {name}"
    elif valtype is Types.INTEGER:
            val = z3.IntVal(value, ctx=ctx)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Error during INTEGER conversion. Cannot convert value: {value}, type: {type(value)}, name: {name}"
    elif valtype is Types.FLOAT:
            val = z3.FPVal(value, z3.Float32(), ctx=ctx)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Error during FLOAT conversion. Cannot convert value: {value}, type: {type(value)}, name: {name}"
    elif valtype is Types.REAL:
            val = z3.RealVal(value, ctx=ctx)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Error during REAL conversion. Cannot convert value: {value}, type: {type(value)}, name: {name}"
    elif valtype is Types.BOOL:
            val = z3.BoolVal(value, ctx=ctx)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Error during BOOL conversion of value to INT. value: {value}, type: {type(value)}, name: {name}"
    elif valtype is Types.STRING:
            val = z3.StringVal(value, ctx=ctx)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Error during STRING conversion of value to INT. value: {value}, type: {type(value)}, name: {name}"
    elif isinstance(valtype, list):
        datatype = _get_datatype_from_list(valtype, datatype_name)
        val = getattr(datatype, value)
        valtype = datatype
        raise ValueError(
            f"I do not know how to create a z3-value for type {valtype}")

    assert val is not None, f"Value wasn't converted: valtype: {valtype}, value: {value}, name: {name}"
    val.type = valtype
    return val
Пример #6
    def _link_constant(self, phi):
        assert isinstance(phi, amnet.Constant)

        # *overwrite* the output variable of phi to be a z3 RealVal
        assert self.ctx.is_valid()
        name = self.ctx.name_of(phi)

        assert len(phi.b) == len(self.vars[name])  # pre-overwrite
        self.vars[name] = [z3.RealVal(bi) for bi in phi.b]
        assert self.ctx.is_valid()  # post-overwrite
Пример #7
 def __parse_constant__(self, symbol_node: jcmuta.SymbolNode):
     constant = symbol_node.get_content().get_token_value()
     if isinstance(constant, bool):
         return z3.BoolVal(constant)
     elif isinstance(constant, int):
         if self.bitSwitch:
             return z3.BitVecVal(constant, self.longSize)
             return z3.IntVal(constant)
         return z3.RealVal(constant)
Пример #8
 def trans(self, term):
     sort = type_to_data_sort(term.type)
     if isinstance(sort, z3.ArithSortRef):
         if sort.is_real():
             return z3.RealVal(term.literal)
             return z3.IntVal(term.literal)
     elif isinstance(sort, z3.BoolSortRef):
         return z3.BoolVal(term.literal)
         # TODO: Unsupported literal terms, just create fresh variable
         return self.mkVar(term.type)
Пример #9
def to_z3_obj(arg, typ, ident_t=None, bitlen=32):
    def intern_int(x):
        if len(x) == 3:
            return z3.BitVecVal(int(x[2], 16), bitlen)
        elif len(x) == 2:
            return z3.BitVecVal(int(x[1], 8), bitlen)
            return z3.BitVecVal(int(x[0]), bitlen)

    id_t_2_z3 = {
        ptx.integer_literal: lambda x: z3.BitVec(x, bitlen),
        ptx.float_literal: z3.Real,
        ptx.double_literal: z3.Real,
        ptx.predicate_const: z3.Bool
    return {
        ptx.integer_literal: intern_int,
        ptx.float_literal: lambda x: z3.RealVal(struct.unpack('f', x)[0]),
        ptx.double_literal: lambda x: z3.RealVal(struct.unpack('d', x)[0]),
        ptx.predicate_const: lambda x: z3.BoolVal(bool(x)),
        ptx.identifier: lambda x: id_t_2_z3[ident_t](''.join(x))
Пример #10
def check_e12():

    r120 = z3.IntVal(120)
    r444 = z3.IntVal(444)
    r1_2 = z3.RealVal(1.2)
    r2_1 = z3.RealVal(2.1)

    # segfaults
    e12 = z3.SetSort(z3.IntSort())
    z3.SetAdd(e12, 12)

    constraints = [
        #z3.IsMember(r1_2, e12),
        #z3.IsMember(r2_1, e12),

    s = z3.Solver()
    for c in constraints:

    print('checking', s, s.check())
    satisfied = str(s.check()) == 'sat'
    assert satisfied, s
Пример #11
    def getZ3Object(self, increment=False):
        Returns the z3 object for this variable

        if increment:

        if self.value is None:
            return z3.Real("{0}{1}@{2}".format(self.count, self.varName,

        return z3.RealVal(self.value)
Пример #12
    def __new_constant__(self, constant, code: int):
		:param constant: bool | int | float
		:param code:
        if isinstance(constant, bool):
            return z3.BoolVal(constant)
        elif isinstance(constant, int):
            if code == self.__s_code__:
                return z3.BitVecVal(constant, self.longLength)
                return z3.IntVal(constant)
            return z3.RealVal(constant)
Пример #13
def model2var_realVec(model, outputVarList, var2dim_dict):
    sample_dict = {}
    for output_arr in outputVarList:
        num_elements = var2dim_dict[str(output_arr)]
        x_arr = [model[output_arr[i]] for i in range(num_elements)]
        # TODO: replace all vars which have no models with 0
        # Is this handling correct?
        x_arr = [z3.RealVal(0) if x is None else x for x in x_arr]
        x_arr = [z3val2pyval(x) for x in x_arr]
        sample_dict[str(output_arr)] = x_arr
    return sample_dict
Пример #14
def pool2d_avg_0(kx, ky, sx, sy, pad, A):
    assert pad in [PD_MODE_SAME, PD_MODE_VALID]
    sa = A.shape
    require(len(sa) == 4)
    require(sx > 0 and sy > 0)
    if pad == PD_MODE_SAME:  # same padding
        ox = (sa[2] + sx - 1) / sx
        oy = (sa[3] + sy - 1) / sy
        if sa[2] % sx == 0:
            totalPadH = max(kx - sx, 0)
            totalPadH = max(kx - (sa[2] % sx), 0)
        if sa[3] % sy == 0:
            totalPadW = max(ky - sy, 0)
            totalPadW = max(ky - (sa[3] % sy), 0)
        px = (totalPadH + 1) / 2
        py = (totalPadW + 1) / 2
    elif pad == PD_MODE_VALID:  # valid padding
        ox = (sa[2] - kx) / sx + 1
        oy = (sa[3] - ky) / sy + 1
        px = 0
        py = 0
        assert False

    so = (sa[0], sa[1], ox, oy)
    require(ox > 0 and oy > 0)
    C = Tensor.zeros(so)
    for n in range(so[0]):
        for c in range(so[1]):
            for h in range(so[2]):
                for w in range(so[3]):
                    value = 0
                    for kh in range(kx):
                        for kw in range(ky):
                            posH = h * sx + kh - px
                            posW = w * sy + kw - py
                            assert -px <= posH <= sa[2] + px, posH
                            assert -py <= posW <= sa[3] + py, (posW, h, w, sx,
                                                               sy, kh, kw, py,
                            if posH >= 0 and posH < sa[
                                    2] and posW >= 0 and posW < sa[3]:
                                value += A[n, c, posH, posW]
                    C[n, c, h, w] = value / z3.RealVal(kx * ky)
    C.splits = (A.splits[0], A.splits[1], (), ())
    return C
Пример #15
#    ne.name: (lambda args, context: args[0] != args[1]),
#    Sum.name: (lambda args, context: z3.Sum(args)),
#    Product.name: (lambda args, context: z3.Product(args)),
#    gt.name: (lambda args, context: args[0] > args[1]),
#    ge.name: (lambda args, context: args[0] >= args[1])

_built_in_z3_sorts = {
    Int.name: z3.IntSort,
    Real.name: z3.RealSort,
    Bool.name: z3.BoolSort

_built_in_z3_sort_values = {
    Int.name: (lambda s, ctxt: z3.IntVal(int(s), ctxt)),
    Real.name: (lambda s, ctxt: z3.RealVal(float(s), ctxt)),
    Bool.name: (lambda s, ctxt: z3.BoolVal(bool(s), ctxt))

# Convert Boole expressions to Z3 expressions

def z3_to_fun(z3_expr):
    """Takes a FuncInterp instance, and returns the function which
    takes as input a z3 expression and returns the value of the
    corresponding expression.
Пример #16
def getDecimalValue(v0):
    v = z3.RealVal(str(v0))
    return long(v.numerator_as_long()) / v.denominator_as_long()
Пример #17
 def _from_mc_result_to_z3_ref(self, val):
     #TODO super nasty.
     return z3.RealVal(str(val))
Пример #18
import z3

if __name__ == '__main__':
    x = z3.Real('x')
    const = z3.RealVal(1) / 3
    z3.solve(x + const == 0)
Пример #19
def z3_matchLeftAndRight(left,right,op):
    """Appropriately change the two variables so that they can be used in an
    left,right : pyObjectManager.Int.Int or pyObjectManager.Real.Real or pyObjectManager.BitVec.BitVec or pyObjectManager.Char.Char
        Objects to be matched
    op : ast.*
        Operation that will be performed

        (z3ObjectLeft,z3ObjectRight) tuple of z3 objects that can be used in an expression
    The purpose of this function is to match two pyObjectManager.* variables to
    a given ast operation element. Z3 needs to have matched types, and this
    call will not only match the objects, but also attempt to concretize input
    wherever possible.

    If you want to auto-match BitVector sizes::

        In [1]: import z3, pyState.z3Helpers, ast
        In [2]: from pySym.pyObjectManager.BitVec import BitVec

        In [3]: from pySym.pyState import State

        In [4]: state = State()
        In [5]: x = BitVec("x",0,16,state=state)

        In [6]: y = BitVec("y",0,32,state=state)
        In [7]: l,r = pyState.z3Helpers.z3_matchLeftAndRight(x,y,ast.Add())

        In [8]: s = z3.Solver()

        In [9]: s.add(l + r == 12)

        In [10]: s
        Out[10]: [SignExt(16, 0x@0) + 0y@0 == 12]

        In [11]: s.check()
        Out[11]: sat


    lType = type(left)
    rType = type(right)

    # If it's char, just grab the BitVec object
    if lType is Char:
        left = left.variable
        lType = type(left)
    if rType is Char:
        right = right.variable
        rType = type(right)

    logger.debug("z3_matchLeftAndRight: Called to match {0} and {1}".format(type(left),type(right)))
    needBitVec = True if type(op) in [ast.BitXor, ast.BitAnd, ast.BitOr, ast.LShift, ast.RShift] else False
    # TODO: If the two sizes are different, we'll have problems down the road.
    bitVecSize = max([c.size for c in [b for b in [left,right] if type(b) is BitVec]],default=Z3_DEFAULT_BITVEC_SIZE)

    # Case: Both are already BitVectors #
    # Check length. Extend if needed.
    if type(left) is BitVec and type(right) is BitVec:
        logger.debug("z3_matchLeftAndRight: Matching BitVecLength @ {0} (left={1},right={2})".format(bitVecSize,left.size,right.size))
        if left.size < right.size:
            # Sign extend left's value to match
            left = z3.SignExt(right.size-left.size,left.getZ3Object())
            right = right.getZ3Object()
        elif right.size > left.size:
            right = z3.SignExt(left.size-right.size,right.getZ3Object())
            left = left.getZ3Object()
        # Sync-up the output variables
        left = left.getZ3Object() if type(left) in [Int, Real, BitVec] else left
        right = right.getZ3Object() if type(right) in [Int, Real, BitVec] else right

        logger.debug("z3_matchLeftAndRight: Returning {0} and {1}".format(type(left),type(right)))

        return left,right

    # Case: One is BitVec and one isn't #
    # For now only handling casting of int to BV. Not other way around.
    if (lType is BitVec and rType is Int) or (rType is Int and needBitVec):
        # If we need to convert to BitVec and it is a constant, not variable, do so more directly
        if right.isStatic():
            right = z3.BitVecVal(right.getValue(),bitVecSize)
        # Otherwise cast it. Not optimal, but oh well.
            right = z3_int_to_bv(right.getZ3Object(),size=bitVecSize)

    if (rType is BitVec and lType is Int) or (lType is Int and needBitVec):
        if left.isStatic():
            left = z3.BitVecVal(left.getValue(),bitVecSize)
            left = z3_int_to_bv(left.getZ3Object(),size=bitVecSize)
    # Case: One is Int one is Real #
    # So long as this isn't modular arithmetic, let's change to Real things
    if lType is Real and rType is Int and type(op) is not ast.Mod:
        if right.isStatic():
            right = z3.RealVal(right.getValue())
            # TODO: Z3 is really bad at handling these...
            right = z3.ToReal(right.getZ3Object())

    if rType is Real and lType is Int and type(op) is not ast.Mod:
        if left.isStatic():
            left = z3.RealVal(left.getValue())
            # TODO: Z3 is really bad at handling these...
            left = z3.ToReal(left.getZ3Object())

    # Case: One is Int one is Real for ast.Mod #
    # So long as this isn't modular arithmetic, let's change to Real things
    if lType is Real and rType is Int and type(op) is ast.Mod:
        if left.isStatic():
            leftVal = left.getValue()
            left = z3.IntVal(leftVal)
            if int(leftVal) != leftVal:
                logger.warn("Truncating value for Modular Arithmetic. That may or may not be what was intended!")

        # See if we can swing this the other direction
        elif right.isStatic():
            rightVal = right.getValue()
            right = z3.RealVal(rightVal)

    if rType is Real and lType is Int and type(op) is ast.Mod:
        if right.isStatic():
            rightVal = right.getValue()
            right = z3.IntVal(rightVal)
            if int(rightVal) != rightVal:
                logger.warn("Truncating value for Modular Arithmetic. That may or may not be what was intended!")

        # See if we can swing this the other direction
            left = z3.RealVal(left.getValue())
    # Sync-up the output variables
    left = left.getZ3Object() if type(left) in [Int, Real, BitVec] else left
    right = right.getZ3Object() if type(right) in [Int, Real, BitVec] else right

    logger.debug("z3_matchLeftAndRight: Returning {0} and {1}".format(type(left),type(right)))

    return left,right
Пример #20
def noise_sensor(ram_kb=32,
                 noise_window=1 / 8,

    import z3

    # take into account self-discharge
    battery_mah = battery_mah * (1.0 - battery_selfdischarge)

    battery_uas = battery_mah * 1000 * 3600
    energy_day = battery_uas / battery_days

    transmit_period = transmit_period_hours / 24 * 60 * 60

    assert noiseid_samplerate < 10  # keep unintelligeble
    assert noiseid_samplerate > 1  # keep useful

    noiseid_data = octave_bands_ram(noiseid_window, noiseid_samplerate)
    noiseid_max_samples = noiseid_max_percent * (transmit_period_hours * 60 *
                                                 60 / noiseid_window)

    noiseid_storage = noiseid_data * noiseid_max_samples
    noise_storage = transmit_period_hours * 60 * 60 / noise_window

    data_sizes = [
    storage_needed = sum(data_sizes)
    storage_size = storage_kb * 1000

    transmit_time = radio_time(sum(data_sizes))
    # noise sent as one packet, noiseid as N packets
    transmit_ram = max(noise_storage, noiseid_data)

    print('t time', transmit_time)

    ram_use = [
        z3.IntVal(256 * 8),  # audio buffers
    cpu_ram = z3.Int('cpu_ram')

    cpu_use = [
        (16e-6, 16e-3),  # audio read
        (160e-6, 16e-3),  # noise calc
        (transmit_time, transmit_period),  # transmit
    cpu_use_sum = sum(t / p for t, p in cpu_use)

    assert cpu_use_sum < 1.0, cpu_use
    assert cpu_use_sum > 0.0, cpu_use

    def energy(amp, seconds=1.0, period=1.0):
        ua = amp * 1e6
        dutycycle = seconds / period
        tot = ua * dutycycle
        print('e', tot, dutycycle)
        return tot

    energy_use = [
        z3.RealVal(energy(mic_a)),  # base, microphone
        z3.RealVal(energy(sleep_a)),  # base, sleeping
        z3.RealVal(energy(modem_a, transmit_time,
                          transmit_period)),  # transmit
    energy_use += [z3.RealVal(energy(cpu_run_a, *c)) for c in cpu_use]
    energy_budget = z3.Int('energy_budget')
    energy_spend = z3.Real('energy_use')

    ram_left = z3.Int('ram_left')
    energy_left = z3.Real('energy_left')
    storage_left = z3.Int('storage_left')

    print('b', (energy_day / (1000 * 24)) * battery_days)

    constraints = [
        cpu_ram == ram_kb * 1000,
        energy_budget == energy_day,
        ram_left == cpu_ram - z3.Sum(ram_use),
        energy_spend == z3.Sum(energy_use),
        energy_left == energy_budget - energy_spend,
        storage_left == z3.IntVal(storage_size) - z3.IntVal(storage_needed),
        ram_left > 0,
        energy_left > 0,
        storage_left > 0,

    s = z3.Solver()
    for c in constraints:
    return s
Пример #21
    def _parseSmt1String(self, string):
        stack = list()
        functionSymbols = '&|~<=*+-'
            string = string.replace('\n', '').split('(')
            idx = 0
            for pos, elem in enumerate(string):
                self._logger.writeToLog('{} - reading :{}:'.format(pos, elem))
                if elem == '':

                elemL = elem.split()
                # ALL lines should start with '('
                if elemL[0] in functionSymbols:
                elif elemL[0] == 'var':
                    varName = elemL[2].replace(')', '')
                    if elemL[1] == 'bool':
                        formula = z3.Bool(varName)
                    elif elemL[1] == 'real':
                        formula = z3.Real(varName)
                    elif elemL[1] == 'int':
                        formula = z3.Int(varName)
                        raise Exception(
                            'Unknown Variable format: {}'.format(elemL))
                elif elemL[0] == 'const':
                    const = elemL[2].replace(')', '')
                    if elemL[1] == 'real':
                    elif elemL[1] == 'int':
                        raise Exception(
                            'Unknown Constant format: {}'.format(elemL))
                    raise Exception('Unknown format : {}'.format(elemL))

                closedBrackets = elem.count(')') - 1
                    "{} - new element in stack: {}\t,cB {}".format(
                        pos, stack[-1], closedBrackets))

                if closedBrackets < 1:

                while closedBrackets > 0:
                    self._logger.writeToLog('{} - stack: {},{}'.format(
                        pos, stack, closedBrackets))
                    tmpPredi = []
                    pred = None
                    while True:
                        pred = stack.pop()
                        #if isinstance(pred,Predicate) or isinstance(pred,z3.BoolRef) or str(pred).replace('.','',1).isdigit():
                        #if z3.is_rational_value(pred) or z3.is_int_value(pred) or z3.is_int(pred) or z3.is_real(pred) or z3.is_bool(pred):
                        if isinstance(pred, float) or isinstance(
                                pred, int) or z3.is_int(pred) or z3.is_real(
                                    pred) or z3.is_bool(pred):
                            if len(tmpPredi) == 1:
                                tmpPredi = tmpPredi[0]
                                tmpPredi = tmpPredi[::-1]
                    self._logger.writeToLog('{} - {} is applied to {}'.format(
                        pos, pred, tmpPredi))
                    newElem = self._mapFunctionSymbol(pred)(tmpPredi)
                    # newElemSimplified = z3.simplify(newElem)
                        "{} - new element in stack: {}\t,cB {}".format(
                            pos, stack[-1], closedBrackets))
                    closedBrackets -= 1
                self._logger.writeToLog('{} - finished :{}:'.format(
                    pos, stack))
        except Exception as e:
                "Some Error : {}\n\t Occured parsing formula: {}".format(
                    e, string))
            raise e

        if len(stack) != 1:
            raise Exception("Parsing Error, stack != 1")
        return self._recusiveSimplification(stack[0])
Пример #22
def cfp_to_z3(e,solver=None):
    return z3.RealVal(e.v)
Пример #23
def cfp_to_z3(e, slv=None):
    return z3.RealVal(e.v)
Пример #24
Файл: smt.py Проект: LRGH/amoco
def cfp_to_z3(e, slv=None):
    "translate cfp expression into its z3 RealVal form"
    return z3.RealVal(e.v)
Пример #25
def opamp_components():

    # Components of our system
    components = dict(

    # XXX: capacitors in picofarad, to keep them integer valued

    # The foreign systems we are connecting to
    # for example a piezo element on input,
    # and a line-level amplifier on output
    input_z = 1e6
    output_z = 10e3

    # Actual selected
    f_upper = z3.Real('f_upper')
    f_lower = z3.Real('f_lower')
    gain = z3.Real('gain')

    # Functional requirements for our amplifier
    gain_desired = z3.RealVal(22.0)
    gain_tolerance = z3.RealVal(0.05)  # relative
    functional_requirements = [
        (gain * (1 + gain_tolerance) >= gain_desired),
        (gain * (1 - gain_tolerance) <= gain_desired),
        #f_upper > z3.RealVal(10e3),
        #f_upper < z3.RealVal(20e3),
        f_lower < z3.RealVal(10.0),
        f_lower > z3.RealVal(1.0),

    # How the amplifier circuit works
    # XXX: assumes that the filters are independent (no interactions)
    # reasonable in many practical cases, but not guaranteed
    f_in = z3.Real('f_in')
    f_out = z3.Real('f_out')
    c = components
    circuit_constraints = [
        c['r_f'] == 3300,
        #c['c_f'] > 1,
        c['c_f'] != 0,
        gain == opamp_gain_ni(c['r_in'], c['r_f']),
        #f_in == filter_cutoff(input_z, c['c_in']*z3.RealVal(1e-6)),
        #f_out == filter_cutoff(output_z, c['c_out']*z3.RealVal(1e-6)),
        f_lower < f_in,
        f_lower < f_out,
        f_upper == filter_cutoff(c['r_f'], c['c_f'], z3.RealVal(1e-6)),
    # TODO: constraint

    # all components must be in E12
    component_values = e_values()
    component_constraints = []
    #component_constraints = [ v > 0 for v in components.values() ]
    #component_constraints += [ v < 1000000000 for v in components.values() ]
    #component_constraints = [ component_value_constraint(v, component_values) for v in components.values() ]

    # TODO: match components against others on the board
    # EX: decoupling capacitors

    constraints = functional_requirements + \
        circuit_constraints + \

    zmodels = get_models(constraints, M=100)

    models = []
    for model in zmodels:
        results = {}
        for var in model:
            results[str(var)] = model[var]


    resistors = set([v for v in models[0].keys() if v.startswith('r_')])
    capacitors = set([v for v in models[0].keys() if v.startswith('c_')])
    print(resistors, capacitors)

    def unique_component_values(res):
        r_values = set(v for k, v in res.items() if k in resistors)
        c_values = set(v for k, v in res.items() if k in capacitors)
        #print(r_values, c_values)
        return len(r_values) + len(c_values)

    preferred = sorted(models, key=lambda r: unique_component_values(r))

Пример #26
import re

from typing import Tuple, Dict, Union, Set, List

FP_OPS = ["fmul", "fdiv", "fadd", "fsub"]
IGNORED_OPS = ["ret", "br"]

VAR_REGEX = re.compile(r"%[a-zA-Z0-9]+")
NUM_REGEX = re.compile(r"[0-9]+.[0-9]+e(\+|\-)[0-9]+")
HEX_REGEX = re.compile(r"0x[0-9a-fA-F]+")
ARG_REGEX = re.compile(
    r"(%s)|(%s)|(%s)" %
    (VAR_REGEX.pattern, NUM_REGEX.pattern, HEX_REGEX.pattern))

DBL_MAX = z3.RealVal(
)  # noqa
DBL_MIN = z3.RealVal(
)  # noqa

FloatArith = Union[float, z3.ArithRef]

class Constraint:
    def __init__(self, name: str, instr: str, formula: z3.ArithRef):
        self.name = name
        self.instruction = instr
        self.formula = formula

    def _and(self, other: z3.ArithRef):
Пример #27
 def walk_real_constant(self, formula, **kwargs):
     frac = formula.constant_value()
     n,d = frac.numerator, frac.denominator
     rep = str(n) + "/" + str(d)
     return z3.RealVal(rep)