Пример #1
 def expr(self, history, call):
     # Nothing to say if partner hasn't bid more than one suit.
     if len(history.partner.bid_suits) < 2:
         return model.NO_CONSTRAINTS
     suit_expr = expr_for_suit(call.strain)
     # Including hearts >= hearts in this And doesn't hurt, but just reads funny when debugging.
     return z3.And([suit_expr >= expr_for_suit(suit) for suit in history.partner.bid_suits if suit != call.strain])
Пример #2
 def _support_for_suits(self, suits, history):
     if len(suits) == 3:
         three_card_support_expr = z3.And([expr_for_suit(suit) >= 3 for suit in suits])
         four_card_support_expr = z3.Or([self._four_in_almost_every_suit(missing_suit, suits) for missing_suit in suits])
         return z3.And(three_card_support_expr, four_card_support_expr)
     if len(suits) == 2:
         return z3.And([expr_for_suit(suit) >= 4 for suit in suits])
     assert False, "%s only supports 2 or 3 unbid suits, found %d: %s" % (self.__class__, len(suits), history.call_history)
Пример #3
 def expr(self, history, call):
     unbid_suits = history.unbid_suits
     if len(unbid_suits) == 3:
         three_card_support_expr = z3.And([expr_for_suit(suit) >= 3 for suit in unbid_suits])
         four_card_support_expr = z3.Or([self._four_in_almost_every_suit(missing_suit, unbid_suits) for missing_suit in unbid_suits])
         return z3.And(three_card_support_expr, four_card_support_expr)
     if len(unbid_suits) == 2:
         return z3.And([expr_for_suit(suit) >= 4 for suit in unbid_suits])
     assert False, "SupportForUnbidSuits only supports 2 or 3 unbid suits."
Пример #4
 def _solve_for_max_length(self, suit):
     solver = self._solver()
     suit_expr = expr_for_suit(suit)
     for length in range(13, 0, -1):
         if is_possible(solver, suit_expr == length):
             return length
     return 0
Пример #5
 def _solve_for_min_length(self, suit):
     solver = self._solver
     suit_expr = expr_for_suit(suit)
     for length in range(0, 13):
         if is_possible(solver, suit_expr == length):
             return length
     return 0
Пример #6
 def is_unbid_suit(self, suit):
     suit_expr = expr_for_suit(suit)
     for position in positions:
         solver = self._solver_for_position(position)
         if not is_possible(solver, suit_expr < 3):
             return False
     return True
Пример #7
 def is_bid_suit(self, suit, position):
     # Look for the annotation of bidding a suit.
     if did_bid_annotation(suit) in self.annotations_for_position(position):
         return True
     previous_history = self._history_after_last_call_for(position)
     if not previous_history:
         return False
     # Check for the a length of 4 or more.
     return is_certain(previous_history._solver(), expr_for_suit(suit) >= 4)
Пример #8
 def expr(self, history, call):
     suit = call.strain
     if self.use_partners_last_suit:
         # We should assert here, except this is used to pass after a transfer accept (which is artificial)
         # assert annotations.Artificial not in history.partner.annotations_for_last_call
         suit = history.partner.last_call.strain
     partner_promised_length = history.partner.min_length(suit)
     implied_length = max(self.min_count - partner_promised_length, 0)
     return expr_for_suit(suit) >= implied_length
Пример #9
 def expr(self, history, call):
     unbid_suits = sorted(list(history.unbid_suits))[:2]
     return z3.And([expr_for_suit(suit) >= 5 for suit in unbid_suits])
Пример #10
 def _four_in_almost_every_suit(self, missing_suit, suits):
     return z3.And([expr_for_suit(suit) >= 4 for suit in set(suits) - set([missing_suit])])
Пример #11
 def expr(self, history, call):
     partner_suit = history.partner.last_call.strain
     return expr_for_suit(partner_suit) >= self._min_count
Пример #12
 def expr(self, history, call):
     # Written forward: level = partner_min + my_min - 6
     my_count = call.level() + 6 - history.partner.min_length(call.strain)
     return expr_for_suit(call.strain) >= my_count
Пример #13
 def expr(self, history, call):
     return expr_for_suit(call.strain) <= self.max_length
Пример #14
 def expr(self, history, call):
     suit = call.strain
     partner_promised_length = history.partner.min_length(suit)
     implied_length = max(self.min_count - partner_promised_length, 0)
     return expr_for_suit(suit) >= implied_length
Пример #15
 def expr(self, history, call):
     suit_expr = expr_for_suit(call.strain)
     # Including hearts >= hearts in this And doesn't hurt, but just reads funny when debugging.
     return z3.And([suit_expr >= expr_for_suit(suit) for suit in history.them.unbid_suits if suit != call.strain])
Пример #16
 def expr(self, history, call):
     suits = self.suits or [call.strain]
     return z3.And([expr_for_suit(suit) >= self.min_length for suit in suits])
Пример #17
 def expr(self, history, call):
     return z3.And([expr_for_suit(major) <= self.max_length for major in suit.MAJORS if major != call.strain])
Пример #18
 def expr(self, history, call):
     return expr_for_suit(history.last_contract.strain) <= self.max_length