class ITableStyleCommand(interfaces.IRMLDirectiveSignature): start = attr.Sequence( title=u'Start Coordinates', description=u'The start table coordinates for the style instruction', value_type=attr.Combination( value_types=(attr.Integer(), attr.Choice(choices=interfaces.SPLIT_CHOICES)) ), default=[0, 0], min_length=2, max_length=2, required=True) stop = attr.Sequence( title=u'End Coordinates', description=u'The end table coordinates for the style instruction', value_type=attr.Combination( value_types=(attr.Integer(), attr.Choice(choices=interfaces.SPLIT_CHOICES)) ), default=[-1, -1], min_length=2, max_length=2, required=True)
class IStrandLabelBase(ILabelBase): row = attr.Integer(title='Row', description='The row of the strand label', required=False) col = attr.Integer(title='Column', description='The column of the strand label.', required=False) format = attr.Text(title='Format', description='The format string for the label.', required=False)
class IOrderedListItem(IListItem): """An ordered list item.""" value = attr.Integer( title='Bullet Value', description='The counter value.', required=False)
class IPreformatted(IMinimalParagraphBase): """A preformatted text, similar to the <pre> tag in HTML.""" style = attr.Style( title=u'Style', description=(u'The paragraph style that is applied to the paragraph. ' u'See the ``paraStyle`` tag for creating a paragraph ' u'style.'), default=SampleStyleSheet['Code'], required=False) text = attr.RawXMLContent( title=u'Text', description=(u'The text that will be layed out.'), required=True) maxLineLength = attr.Integer( title=u'Max Line Length', description=(u'The maximum number of characters on one line.'), required=False) newLineChars = attr.Text( title=u'New Line Characters', description=u'The characters placed at the beginning of a wrapped line', required=False)
class ITextField(IField): """A text field within the PDF""" width = attr.Measurement( title=u'Width', description=u'The width of the text field.', required=True) height = attr.Measurement( title=u'Height', description=u'The height of the text field.', required=True) value = attr.Text( title=u'Value', description=u'The default text value of the field.', required=False) maxLength = attr.Integer( title=u'Maximum Length', description=u'The maximum amount of characters allowed in the field.', required=False) multiline = attr.Boolean( title=u'Multiline', description=u'A flag when set allows multiple lines within the field.', required=False)
class IBlockTable(interfaces.IRMLDirectiveSignature): """A typical block table.""" occurence.containing( occurence.ZeroOrMore('tr', ITableRow), occurence.ZeroOrOne('bulkData', ITableBulkData), occurence.ZeroOrMore('blockTableStyle', stylesheet.IBlockTableStyle), ) style = attr.Style( title=u'Style', description=(u'The table style that is applied to the table. '), required=False) rowHeights = attr.Sequence( title=u'Row Heights', description=u'A list of row heights in the table.', value_type=attr.Measurement(), required=False) colWidths = attr.Sequence( title=u'Column Widths', description=u'A list of column widths in the table.', value_type=attr.Measurement(allowPercentage=True, allowStar=True), required=False) repeatRows = attr.Integer( title=u'Repeat Rows', description=u'A flag to repeat rows upon table splits.', required=False) alignment = attr.Choice(title=u'Alignment', description=u'The alignment of whole table.', choices=interfaces.ALIGN_TEXT_CHOICES, required=False)
class IValueAxis(IAxis): forceZero = attr.Boolean( title=u'Force Zero', description=u'When set, the range will contain the origin.', required=False) minimumTickSpacing = attr.Measurement( title=u'Minimum Tick Spacing', description=u'The minimum distance between ticks.', required=False) maximumTicks = attr.Integer( title=u'Maximum Ticks', description=u'The maximum number of ticks to be shown.', required=False) labelTextFormat = attr.String( title=u'Label Text Format', description=u'Formatting string for axis labels.', required=False) labelTextPostFormat = attr.Text( title=u'Label Text Post Format', description=u'An additional formatting string.', required=False) labelTextScale = attr.Float( title=u'Label Text Scale', description=u'The sclaing factor for the label tick values.', required=False) valueMin = attr.Float(title=u'Minimum Value', description=u'The smallest value on the axis.', required=False) valueMax = attr.Float(title=u'Maximum Value', description=u'The largest value on the axis.', required=False) valueStep = attr.Float(title=u'Value Step', description=u'The step size between ticks', required=False) valueSteps = attr.Sequence( title=u'Step Sizes', description=u'List of step sizes between ticks.', value_type=attr.Float(), required=False) rangeRound = attr.Choice( title=u'Range Round', description=u'Method to be used to round the range values.', choices=('none', 'both', 'ceiling', 'floor'), required=False) zrangePref = attr.Float(title=u'Zero Range Preference', description=u'Zero range axis limit preference.', required=False)
class IAddMapping(interfaces.IRMLDirectiveSignature): """Map various styles(bold, italic) of a font name to the actual ps fonts used.""" faceName = attr.String(title=u'Name', description=(u'The name of the font to be mapped'), required=True) bold = attr.Integer(title=u'Bold', description=(u'Bold'), required=True) italic = attr.Integer(title=u'Italic', description=(u'Italic'), required=True) psName = attr.String(title=u'psName', description=(u'Actual font name mapped'), required=True)
class IStrandLabelBase(ILabelBase): _text = attr.TextNode(title=u'Text', description=u'The label text of the strand.', required=False) row = attr.Integer(title=u'Row', description=u'The row of the strand label', required=False) col = attr.Integer(title=u'Column', description=u'The column of the strand label.', required=False) format = attr.String(title=u'Format', description=u'The format string for the label.', required=False)
class IBaseListStyle(IMinimalListStyle): start = attr.Combination( title=u'Start Value', description=u'The counter start value.', value_types=(attr.Integer(), attr.Choice(choices=interfaces.UNORDERED_BULLET_VALUES)), required=False)
class ITemplate(interfaces.IRMLDirectiveSignature): """Define a page template.""" occurence.containing(occurence.OneOrMore('pageTemplate', IPageTemplate), ) pagesize = attr.PageSize(title=u'Page Size', description=u'The Page Size.', required=False) rotation = attr.Integer( title=u'Rotation', description=u'The rotation of the page in multiples of 90 degrees.', required=False) leftMargin = attr.Measurement( title=u'Left Margin', description=u'The left margin of the template.', default=0, required=False) rightMargin = attr.Measurement( title=u'Right Margin', description=u'The right margin of the template.', default=0, required=False) topMargin = attr.Measurement( title=u'Top Margin', description=u'The top margin of the template.', default=0, required=False) bottomMargin = attr.Measurement( title=u'Bottom Margin', description=u'The bottom margin of the template.', default=0, required=False) showBoundary = attr.Boolean( title=u'Show Boundary', description=u'A flag to show the boundary of the template.', required=False) allowSplitting = attr.Boolean( title=u'Allow Splitting', description=u'A flag to allow splitting over multiple templates.', required=False) title = attr.Text(title=u'Title', description=u'The title of the PDF document.', required=False) author = attr.Text(title=u'Author', description=u'The author of the PDF document.', required=False)
class IPieChart(IChart): """A pie chart.""" occurence.containing(occurence.One('data', ISingleData1D), occurence.ZeroOrOne('slices', ISlices), occurence.ZeroOrOne('labels', ISimpleLabels), *IChart.queryTaggedValue('directives', ())) startAngle = attr.Integer( title=u'Start Angle', description=u'The start angle in the chart of the first slice ' u'in degrees.', required=False) direction = attr.Choice( title=u'Direction', description=u'The direction in which the pie chart will be built.', choices=('clockwise', 'anticlockwise'), required=False) checkLabelOverlap = attr.Boolean( title=u'Check Label Overlap', description=(u'When true, check and attempt to fix standard ' u'label overlaps'), required=False) pointerLabelMode = attr.Choice( title=u'Pointer Label Mode', description=(u'The location relative to the slace the label should ' u'be placed.'), choices={ 'none': None, 'leftright': 'LeftRight', 'leftandright': 'LeftAndRight' }, required=False) sameRadii = attr.Boolean( title=u'Same Radii', description=u'When true, make x/y radii the same.', required=False) orderMode = attr.Choice(title=u'Order Mode', description=u'', choices=('fixed', 'alternate'), required=False) xradius = attr.Measurement(title=u'X-Radius', description=u'The radius of the X-directions', required=False) yradius = attr.Measurement(title=u'Y-Radius', description=u'The radius of the Y-directions', required=False)
class IMergePage(interfaces.IRMLDirectiveSignature): """Merges an existing PDF Page into the one to be generated.""" filename = attr.File( title=u'File', description=(u'Reference to the PDF file to extract the page from.'), required=True) page = attr.Integer( title=u'Page Number', description=u'The page number of the PDF file that is used to merge..', required=True)
class IBaseListStyle(IMinimalListStyle): start = attr.Combination( title=u'Start Value', description=u'The counter start value.', value_types=( # Numeric start value. attr.Integer(), # Bullet types. attr.Choice(choices=interfaces.UNORDERED_BULLET_VALUES), # Arbitrary text. attr.String(), ), required=False)
class ILineStyle(ITableStyleCommand): """Define the border line style of each cell.""" kind = attr.Choice( title=u'Kind', description=u'The kind of line actions to be taken.', choices=('GRID', 'BOX', 'OUTLINE', 'INNERGRID', 'LINEBELOW', 'LINEABOVE', 'LINEBEFORE', 'LINEAFTER'), required=True) thickness = attr.Measurement( title=u'Thickness', description=u'Line Thickness', default=1, required=True) colorName = attr.Color( title=u'Color', description=u'The color of the border line.', default=None, required=True) cap = attr.Choice( title=u'Cap', description=u'The cap at the end of a border line.', choices=interfaces.CAP_CHOICES, default=1, required=True) dash = attr.Sequence( title=u'Dash-Pattern', description=u'The dash-pattern of a line.', value_type=attr.Measurement(), default=[], required=False) join = attr.Choice( title=u'Join', description=u'The way lines are joined together.', choices=interfaces.JOIN_CHOICES, default=1, required=False) count = attr.Integer( title=u'Count', description=(u'Describes whether the line is a single (1) or ' u'double (2) line.'), default=1, required=False)
class TextAnnotation(CanvasRMLDirective): signature = ITextAnnotation factories = {'param': Param} paramTypes = {'escape': attr.Integer()} def process(self): contents = self.getAttributeValues(valuesOnly=True)[0] self.params = {} self.processSubDirectives() for name, type in self.paramTypes.items(): if name in self.params: bound = type.bind(self) self.params[name] = bound.fromUnicode(self.params[name]) canvas = attr.getManager(self, interfaces.ICanvasManager).canvas canvas.textAnnotation(contents, **self.params)
class IStartIndex(interfaces.IRMLDirectiveSignature): """Start a new index.""" name = attr.Text(title='Name', description='The name of the index.', default='index', required=True) offset = attr.Integer(title='Offset', description='The counting offset.', min=0, required=False) format = attr.Choice(title='Format', description=('The format the index is going to use.'), choices=interfaces.LIST_FORMATS, required=False)
class IPageTemplate(interfaces.IRMLDirectiveSignature): """Define a page template.""" occurence.containing( occurence.OneOrMore('frame', IFrame), occurence.ZeroOrOne('pageGraphics', IPageGraphics), ) id = attr.Text(title=u'Id', description=u'The id of the template.', required=True) pagesize = attr.PageSize(title=u'Page Size', description=u'The Page Size.', required=False) rotation = attr.Integer( title=u'Rotation', description=u'The rotation of the page in multiples of 90 degrees.', required=False)
class IOutlineAdd(interfaces.IRMLDirectiveSignature): """Add a new entry to the outline of the PDF.""" title = attr.TextNode(title=u'Title', description=u'The text displayed for this item.', required=True) key = attr.String(title=u'Key', description=u'The unique key of the item.', required=False) level = attr.Integer(title=u'Level', description=u'The level in the outline tree.', required=False) closed = attr.Boolean( title=u'Closed', description=(u'A flag to determine whether the sub-tree is closed ' u'by default.'), required=False)
class IMinimalParagraphBase(interfaces.IRMLDirectiveSignature): style = attr.Style( title=u'Style', description=(u'The paragraph style that is applied to the paragraph. ' u'See the ``paraStyle`` tag for creating a paragraph ' u'style.'), required=False) bulletText = attr.String( title=u'Bullet Character', description=(u'The bullet character is the ASCII representation of ' u'the symbol making up the bullet in a listing.'), required=False) dedent = attr.Integer( title=u'Dedent', description=(u'Number of characters to be removed in front of every ' u'line of the text.'), required=False)
class ISpiderChart(IChart): """A spider chart.""" occurence.containing(occurence.One('data', IData1D), occurence.ZeroOrOne('strands', IStrands), occurence.ZeroOrOne('strandLabels', IStrandLabels), occurence.ZeroOrOne('spokes', ISpokes), occurence.ZeroOrOne('spokeLabels', ISpokeLabels), occurence.ZeroOrOne('labels', ISimpleLabels), *IChart.queryTaggedValue('directives', ())) startAngle = attr.Integer( title='Start Angle', description='The start angle in the chart of the first strand ' 'in degrees.', required=False) direction = attr.Choice( title='Direction', description='The direction in which the spider chart will be built.', choices=('clockwise', 'anticlockwise'), required=False)
class IBarCodeBase(interfaces.IRMLDirectiveSignature): """Create a bar code.""" code = attr.Choice(title=u'Code', description=u'The name of the type of code to use.',, required=True) value = attr.TextNode(title=u'Value', description=u'The value represented by the code.', required=True) width = attr.Measurement(title=u'Width', description=u'The width of the barcode.', required=False) height = attr.Measurement(title=u'Height', description=u'The height of the barcode.', required=False) barStrokeColor = attr.Color( title=u'Bar Stroke Color', description=(u'The color of the line strokes in the barcode.'), required=False) barStrokeWidth = attr.Measurement( title=u'Bar Stroke Width', description=u'The width of the line strokes in the barcode.', required=False) barFillColor = attr.Color( title=u'Bar Fill Color', description=(u'The color of the filled shapes in the barcode.'), required=False) gap = attr.Measurement( title=u'Gap', description=u'The width of the inter-character gaps.', required=False) # Bar code dependent attributes # I2of5, Code128, Standard93, FIM, POSTNET, Ean13B barWidth = attr.Measurement( title=u'Bar Width', description=u'The width of the smallest bar within the barcode', required=False) # I2of5, Code128, Standard93, FIM, POSTNET barHeight = attr.Measurement(title=u'Bar Height', description=u'The height of the symbol.', required=False) # I2of5 ratio = attr.Float( title=u'Ratio', description=(u'The ratio of wide elements to narrow elements. ' u'Must be between 2.0 and 3.0 (or 2.2 and 3.0 if the ' u'barWidth is greater than 20 mils (.02 inch)).'), min=2.0, max=3.0, required=False) # I2of5 # Should be boolean, but some code want it as int; will still work checksum = attr.Integer( title=u'Ratio', description=(u'A flag that enables the computation and inclusion of ' u'the check digit.'), required=False) # I2of5 bearers = attr.Float( title=u'Bearers', description=(u'Height of bearer bars (horizontal bars along the top ' u'and bottom of the barcode). Default is 3 ' u'x-dimensions. Set to zero for no bearer bars.' u'(Bearer bars help detect misscans, so it is ' u'suggested to leave them on).'), required=False) # I2of5, Code128, Standard93, FIM, Ean13 quiet = attr.Boolean( title=u'Quiet Zone', description=(u'A flag to include quiet zones in the symbol.'), required=False) # I2of5, Code128, Standard93, FIM, Ean13 lquiet = attr.Measurement( title=u'Left Quiet Zone', description=(u"Quiet zone size to the left of code, if quiet is " u"true. Default is the greater of .25 inch or .15 times " u"the symbol's length."), required=False) # I2of5, Code128, Standard93, FIM, Ean13 rquiet = attr.Measurement( title=u'Right Quiet Zone', description=(u"Quiet zone size to the right of code, if quiet is " u"true. Default is the greater of .25 inch or .15 times " u"the symbol's length."), required=False) # I2of5, Code128, Standard93, FIM, POSTNET, Ean13 fontName = attr.String(title=u'Font Name', description=(u'The font used to print the value.'), required=False) # I2of5, Code128, Standard93, FIM, POSTNET, Ean13 fontSize = attr.Measurement(title=u'Font Size', description=(u'The size of the value text.'), required=False) # I2of5, Code128, Standard93, FIM, POSTNET, Ean13 humanReadable = attr.Boolean( title=u'Human Readable', description=(u'A flag when set causes the value to be printed below ' u'the bar code.'), required=False) # I2of5, Standard93 stop = attr.Boolean( title=u'Show Start/Stop', description=(u'A flag to specify whether the start/stop symbols ' u'are to be shown.'), required=False) # FIM, POSTNET spaceWidth = attr.Measurement( title=u'Space Width', description=u'The space of the inter-character gaps.', required=False) # POSTNET shortHeight = attr.Measurement(title=u'Short Height', description=u'The height of the short bar.', required=False) # Ean13 textColor = attr.Color(title=u'Text Color', description=(u'The color of human readable text.'), required=False) # USPS4S routing = attr.String(title=u'Routing', description=u'The routing information string.', required=False) # QR barLevel = attr.Choice( title=u'Bar Level', description=u'The error correction level for QR code', choices=['L', 'M', 'Q', 'H'], required=False) barBorder = attr.Measurement( title=u'Bar Border', description=u'The width of the border around a QR code.', required=False)
class ITableCell(interfaces.IRMLDirectiveSignature): """A table cell within a table.""" content = attr.RawXMLContent( title=u'Content', description=(u'The content of the cell; can be text or any flowable.'), required=True) fontName = attr.String(title=u'Font Name', description=u'The name of the font for the cell.', required=False) fontSize = attr.Measurement( title=u'Font Size', description=u'The font size for the text of the cell.', required=False) leading = attr.Measurement( title=u'Leading', description=(u'The height of a single text line. It includes ' u'character height.'), required=False) fontColor = attr.Color( title=u'Font Color', description=u'The color in which the text will appear.', required=False) leftPadding = attr.Measurement( title=u'Left Padding', description=u'The size of the padding on the left side.', required=False) rightPadding = attr.Measurement( title=u'Right Padding', description=u'The size of the padding on the right side.', required=False) topPadding = attr.Measurement( title=u'Top Padding', description=u'The size of the padding on the top.', required=False) bottomPadding = attr.Measurement( title=u'Bottom Padding', description=u'The size of the padding on the bottom.', required=False) background = attr.Color( title=u'Background Color', description=u'The color to use as the background for the cell.', required=False) align = attr.Choice(title=u'Text Alignment', description=u'The text alignment within the cell.', choices=interfaces.ALIGN_TEXT_CHOICES, required=False) vAlign = attr.Choice( title=u'Vertical Alignment', description=u'The vertical alignment of the text within the cell.', choices=interfaces.VALIGN_TEXT_CHOICES, required=False) lineBelowThickness = attr.Measurement( title=u'Line Below Thickness', description=u'The thickness of the line below the cell.', required=False) lineBelowColor = attr.Color( title=u'Line Below Color', description=u'The color of the line below the cell.', required=False) lineBelowCap = attr.Choice( title=u'Line Below Cap', description=u'The cap at the end of the line below the cell.', choices=interfaces.CAP_CHOICES, required=False) lineBelowCount = attr.Integer( title=u'Line Below Count', description=(u'Describes whether the line below is a single (1) or ' u'double (2) line.'), required=False) lineBelowSpace = attr.Measurement( title=u'Line Below Space', description=u'The space of the line below the cell.', required=False) lineAboveThickness = attr.Measurement( title=u'Line Above Thickness', description=u'The thickness of the line above the cell.', required=False) lineAboveColor = attr.Color( title=u'Line Above Color', description=u'The color of the line above the cell.', required=False) lineAboveCap = attr.Choice( title=u'Line Above Cap', description=u'The cap at the end of the line above the cell.', choices=interfaces.CAP_CHOICES, required=False) lineAboveCount = attr.Integer( title=u'Line Above Count', description=(u'Describes whether the line above is a single (1) or ' u'double (2) line.'), required=False) lineAboveSpace = attr.Measurement( title=u'Line Above Space', description=u'The space of the line above the cell.', required=False) lineLeftThickness = attr.Measurement( title=u'Left Line Thickness', description=u'The thickness of the line left of the cell.', required=False) lineLeftColor = attr.Color( title=u'Left Line Color', description=u'The color of the line left of the cell.', required=False) lineLeftCap = attr.Choice( title=u'Line Left Cap', description=u'The cap at the end of the line left of the cell.', choices=interfaces.CAP_CHOICES, required=False) lineLeftCount = attr.Integer( title=u'Line Left Count', description=(u'Describes whether the left line is a single (1) or ' u'double (2) line.'), required=False) lineLeftSpace = attr.Measurement( title=u'Line Left Space', description=u'The space of the line left of the cell.', required=False) lineRightThickness = attr.Measurement( title=u'Right Line Thickness', description=u'The thickness of the line right of the cell.', required=False) lineRightColor = attr.Color( title=u'Right Line Color', description=u'The color of the line right of the cell.', required=False) lineRightCap = attr.Choice( title=u'Line Right Cap', description=u'The cap at the end of the line right of the cell.', choices=interfaces.CAP_CHOICES, required=False) lineRightCount = attr.Integer( title=u'Line Right Count', description=(u'Describes whether the right line is a single (1) or ' u'double (2) line.'), required=False) lineRightSpace = attr.Measurement( title=u'Line Right Space', description=u'The space of the line right of the cell.', required=False) href = attr.Text( title=u'Link URL', description=u'When specified, the cell becomes a link to that URL.', required=False) destination = attr.Text( title=u'Link Destination', description=(u'When specified, the cell becomes a link to that ' u'destination.'), required=False)
class IBaseParagraphStyle(ISpanStyle): leading = attr.Measurement( title=u'Leading', description=(u'The height of a single paragraph line. It includes ' u'character height.'), required=False) leftIndent = attr.Measurement( title=u'Left Indentation', description=u'General indentation on the left side.', required=False) rightIndent = attr.Measurement( title=u'Right Indentation', description=u'General indentation on the right side.', required=False) firstLineIndent = attr.Measurement( title=u'First Line Indentation', description=u'The indentation of the first line in the paragraph.', required=False) alignment = attr.Choice(title=u'Alignment', description=u'The text alignment.', choices=interfaces.ALIGN_CHOICES, required=False) spaceBefore = attr.Measurement( title=u'Space Before', description=u'The vertical space before the paragraph.', required=False) spaceAfter = attr.Measurement( title=u'Space After', description=u'The vertical space after the paragraph.', required=False) bulletFontName = attr.String( title=u'Bullet Font Name', description=u'The font in which the bullet character will be rendered.', required=False) bulletFontSize = attr.Measurement( title=u'Bullet Font Size', description=u'The font size of the bullet character.', required=False) bulletIndent = attr.Measurement( title=u'Bullet Indentation', description=u'The indentation that is kept for a bullet point.', required=False) bulletColor = attr.Color( title=u'Bullet Color', description=u'The color in which the bullet will appear.', required=False) wordWrap = attr.Choice( title=u'Word Wrap Method', description=( u'When set to "CJK", invoke CJK word wrapping. LTR RTL use ' u'left to right / right to left with support from pyfribi2 if ' u'available'), choices=interfaces.WORD_WRAP_CHOICES, required=False) borderWidth = attr.Measurement( title=u'Paragraph Border Width', description=u'The width of the paragraph border.', required=False) borderPadding = attr.Padding(title=u'Paragraph Border Padding', description=u'Padding of the paragraph.', required=False) borderColor = attr.Color( title=u'Border Color', description=u'The color in which the paragraph border will appear.', required=False) borderRadius = attr.Measurement( title=u'Paragraph Border Radius', description=u'The radius of the paragraph border.', required=False) allowWidows = attr.Boolean(title=u'Allow Widows', description=(u'Allow widows.'), required=False) allowOrphans = attr.Boolean(title=u'Allow Orphans', description=(u'Allow orphans.'), required=False) endDots = attr.String( title=u'End Dots', description=u'Characters/Dots at the end of a paragraph.', required=False) splitLongWords = attr.Boolean( title=u'Split Long Words', description=(u'Try to split long words at the end of a line.'), default=True, required=False) justifyLastLine = attr.Integer( title=u'Justify Last Line', description=( u'Justify last line if there are more then this number of words. ' u'Otherwise, don\'t bother.'), default=0, required=False) justifyBreaks = attr.Boolean( title=u'Justify Breaks', description=( u'A flag, when set indicates that a line with a break should be ' u'justified as well.'), default=False, required=False) spaceShrinkage = attr.Float( title=u'Allowed Whitespace Shrinkage Fraction', description=( u'The fraction of the original whitespace by which the ' u'whitespace is allowed to shrink to fit content on the same ' u'line.'), required=False) bulletAnchor = attr.Choice( title=u'Bullet Anchor', description=u'The place at which the bullet is anchored.', choices=interfaces.BULLET_ANCHOR_CHOICES, default='start', required=False) # Attributes not part of the official style attributes, but are accessed # by the paragraph renderer. keepWithNext = attr.Boolean( title=u'Keep with Next', description=(u'When set, this paragraph will always be in the same ' u'frame as the following flowable.'), required=False) pageBreakBefore = attr.Boolean( title=u'Page Break Before', description=(u'Specifies whether a page break should be inserted ' u'before the directive.'), required=False) frameBreakBefore = attr.Boolean( title=u'Frame Break Before', description=(u'Specifies whether a frame break should be inserted ' u'before the directive.'), required=False)