Пример #1
class DataDriver(storage.DataDriverBase):

    BASE_CAPABILITIES = tuple(storage.Capabilities)

    _DRIVER_OPTIONS = options._config_options()

    _COL_SUFIX = "_messages_p"

    def __init__(self, conf, cache, control_driver):
        super(DataDriver, self).__init__(conf, cache, control_driver)

        self.mongodb_conf = self.conf[options.MESSAGE_MONGODB_GROUP]

        conn = self.connection
        server_info = conn.server_info()['version']
        self.server_version = tuple(map(int, server_info.split('.')))

        if self.server_version < (2, 2):
            raise RuntimeError(
                _('The mongodb driver requires mongodb>=2.2, '
                  '%s found') % server_info)

        if not len(conn.nodes) > 1 and not conn.is_mongos:
            if not self.conf.unreliable:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    _('Either a replica set or a mongos is '
                      'required to guarantee message delivery'))

            _mongo_wc = conn.write_concern.document.get('w')
            durable = (_mongo_wc == 'majority' or _mongo_wc >= 2)

            if not self.conf.unreliable and not durable:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    _('Using a write concern other than '
                      '`majority` or > 2 makes the service '
                      'unreliable. Please use a different '
                      'write concern or set `unreliable` '
                      'to True in the config file.'))

        # FIXME(flaper87): Make this dynamic
        self._capabilities = self.BASE_CAPABILITIES

    def capabilities(self):
        return self._capabilities

    def is_alive(self):
            # NOTE(zyuan): Requires admin access to mongodb
            return 'ok' in self.connection.admin.command('ping')

        except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError:
            return False

    def _health(self):
        KPI = {}
        KPI['storage_reachable'] = self.is_alive()
        KPI['operation_status'] = self._get_operation_status()
        message_volume = {'free': 0, 'claimed': 0, 'total': 0}

        for msg_col in [db.messages for db in self.message_databases]:
            msg_count_claimed = msg_col.find({'c.id': {'$ne': None}}).count()
            message_volume['claimed'] += msg_count_claimed

            msg_count_total = msg_col.find().count()
            message_volume['total'] += msg_count_total

        message_volume['free'] = (message_volume['total'] -
        KPI['message_volume'] = message_volume
        return KPI

    def message_databases(self):
        """List of message databases, ordered by partition number."""

        kwargs = {}
        if not self.server_version < (2, 6):
            # NOTE(flaper87): Skip mongodb versions below 2.6 when
            # setting the write concern on the database. pymongo 3.0
            # fails with norepl when creating indexes.
            doc = self.connection.write_concern.document.copy()
            doc.setdefault('w', 'majority')
            doc.setdefault('j', False)
            kwargs['write_concern'] = pymongo.WriteConcern(**doc)

        name = self.mongodb_conf.database
        partitions = self.mongodb_conf.partitions

        databases = []
        for p in range(partitions):
            db_name = name + self._COL_SUFIX + str(p)
            databases.append(self.connection.get_database(db_name, **kwargs))
        return databases

    def subscriptions_database(self):
        """Database dedicated to the "subscription" collection."""
        name = self.mongodb_conf.database + '_subscriptions'
        return self.connection[name]

    def connection(self):
        """MongoDB client connection instance."""
        return _connection(self.mongodb_conf)

    def message_controller(self):
        return controllers.MessageController(self)

    def claim_controller(self):
        return controllers.ClaimController(self)

    def subscription_controller(self):
        return controllers.SubscriptionController(self)
Пример #2
class DataDriver(storage.DataDriverBase):

    BASE_CAPABILITIES = tuple(storage.Capabilities)

    _DRIVER_OPTIONS = options._config_options()

    def __init__(self, conf, cache):
        super(DataDriver, self).__init__(conf, cache)

        self.mongodb_conf = self.conf[options.MESSAGE_MONGODB_GROUP]

        conn = self.connection
        server_version = conn.server_info()['version']

        if tuple(map(int, server_version.split('.'))) < (2, 2):
            raise RuntimeError(
                _('The mongodb driver requires mongodb>=2.2,  '
                  '%s found') % server_version)

        if not len(conn.nodes) > 1 and not conn.is_mongos:
            if not self.conf.unreliable:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    _('Either a replica set or a mongos is '
                      'required to guarantee message delivery'))
            wc = conn.write_concern.get('w')
            majority = (wc == 'majority' or wc >= 2)

            if not wc:
                # NOTE(flaper87): No write concern specified, use majority
                # and don't count journal as a replica. Use `update` to avoid
                # overwriting `wtimeout`
                conn.write_concern.update({'w': 'majority'})
            elif not self.conf.unreliable and not majority:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    _('Using a write concern other than '
                      '`majority` or > 2 makes the service '
                      'unreliable. Please use a different '
                      'write concern or set `unreliable` '
                      'to True in the config file.'))

            conn.write_concern['j'] = False

        # FIXME(flaper87): Make this dynamic
        self._capabilities = self.BASE_CAPABILITIES

    def capabilities(self):
        return self._capabilities

    def is_alive(self):
            # NOTE(zyuan): Requires admin access to mongodb
            return 'ok' in self.connection.admin.command('ping')

        except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError:
            return False

    def _health(self):
        KPI = {}
        KPI['storage_reachable'] = self.is_alive()
        KPI['operation_status'] = self._get_operation_status()
        message_volume = {'free': 0, 'claimed': 0, 'total': 0}

        for msg_col in [db.messages for db in self.message_databases]:
            msg_count_claimed = msg_col.find({'c.id': {'$ne': None}}).count()
            message_volume['claimed'] += msg_count_claimed

            msg_count_total = msg_col.find().count()
            message_volume['total'] += msg_count_total

        message_volume['free'] = (message_volume['total'] -
        KPI['message_volume'] = message_volume
        return KPI

    def queues_database(self):
        """Database dedicated to the "queues" collection.

        The queues collection is separated out into its own database
        to avoid writer lock contention with the messages collections.

        name = self.mongodb_conf.database + '_queues'
        return self.connection[name]

    def message_databases(self):
        """List of message databases, ordered by partition number."""

        name = self.mongodb_conf.database
        partitions = self.mongodb_conf.partitions

        # NOTE(kgriffs): Partition names are zero-based, and
        # the list is ordered by partition, which means that a
        # caller can, e.g., get zaqar_mp0 by simply indexing
        # the first element in the list of databases:
        #     self.driver.message_databases[0]
        return [
            self.connection[name + '_messages_p' + str(p)]
            for p in range(partitions)

    def subscriptions_database(self):
        """Database dedicated to the "subscription" collection."""
        name = self.mongodb_conf.database + '_subscriptions'
        return self.connection[name]

    def connection(self):
        """MongoDB client connection instance."""
        return _connection(self.mongodb_conf)

    def queue_controller(self):
        return controllers.QueueController(self)

    def message_controller(self):
        return controllers.MessageController(self)

    def claim_controller(self):
        return controllers.ClaimController(self)

    def subscription_controller(self):
        return controllers.SubscriptionController(self)